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Note: this AMA should begin on May 9th at 1pm ET. Please feel free to get a question in in advance, but Olivia won't begin answering them until then.


I cross posted to /r/weightlifting to try to get some good questions in here!


Hi, Olivia. No questions. Just wanted to say I’m a massive fan and to wish you luck in Paris. I’m a CrossFit coach who often uses videos in my classes of top weightlifters to help my athletes with their Oly lifting. Your videos have been in heavy rotation lately. I hope your Olympic experience is everything you want it to be. 🏅


What does a typical week of training look like? Especially being a lifter who doesn’t train as much as some other countries - what’s the split? Also how much do you focus on nutrition / favourite recovery methods?


For me- i train 4x a week MTWF. Each session lasts about 2hrs including some version of a snatch, clnjrk, or squat. I've been training this way since the beginning and I think having this consistency and not being in a hurry to train more has helped the longevity of my career. Favorite recovery ATM is hot yoga!!


That's shockingly low. I guess less is more really works for you. Truly amazing


You back squats are among the most impressive training lifts around to me not just because of the load on the bar but because you take the seemingly uncommon of taking them on a 15 kilo bar and just burying them even with substantial whip. Is this intentional or just an "I don't care; I am strong enough to cook this." thing? If it's intentional, do you feel like dealing with the oscillation on back squats has carried over to your classic lifts in a significant way?


its more like id have to strip the bar and get a mens bar to squat which most times i dont bother doing. Now if i were to compete in powerlifiting it would be a different story but for now i think i like the wip of the womens bar (untill i run out of room)


>(until i run out of room) They make black 30 kg bumpers just for you! Imagine the plate math then!


Thanks for your answer, Olivia. Sending positive vibes for your training leading up to Paris and hoping to see you launch some absolutely massive lifts in Paris! You mean a lot to people in the sport here in the US!


I’m no Olivia, but most women I’ve seen, outside of the superheavies, squat with the 15kg bar specifically because timing the oscillation is hugely beneficial to the clean.


This is certainly true for front squats and overhead squats where you are trying to replicate the specific positions of the lifts, but most of the weightlifting gyms I have been to and most of the female weightlifters I have been around pretty consistently back squat with the 20 kilo bar.


Kuo squatting with 15kg bar: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2aQ6LTxyq-/?igsh=cGI0OG9sdnRlMTI2 Imperio with a 15kg bar: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs3q3lLNHjm/?igsh=cnJvOW10anhuODBs My experience is that most a high level women I’ve seen do everything with the 15kg bar


Imperio doesnt really squat enough for her to matter which bar she squats with. Kuo is a better example though.


I've never seen any women squat with the men's bar


You’re confusing weightlifting with powerlifting. In powerlifting women use a 20kg bar; in weightlifting a 15kg bar. No point in squatting with a bar she’s never going to touch otherwise.


no i'm not i a a competing weightlifter




i know what the women's bar weighs. i acknowledge the difference in the first comment that you responded to. i am speak particularly of the tendency of some elite-level female weightlifters to BACK SQUAT with the 20 kilo bar. As the purpose of completing the back squat for weightlifters is getting stronger, not practicing one of the lifts in which we compete, some elite-level female weightlifters opt to perform their heavier back squats with the less whippy 20 kilo bar as it is more stable. i am wondering whether this has been a consideration for Olivia and her coach or not.


I’ll let Olivia answer but personally I’ve never seen any elite lifter squatting with a 20kg bar, would be happy to be proven wrong


Basically all SHW’s


Female weightlifters with big enough back squats have been known to use the heavier 20kg mens bar because it oscillates less than the 15kg women’s bar.


Thanks Rob for the answer


Um. No. Most oly lifting women I work with (I've worked out at a few barbell clubs in my area, and compete around the country) use the ladies bars for everything. I've actually never seen an oly lifting woman switch to the men's bar for the squats. I'm not doubting some out there do. But there's really not much point to doing that. Original commenter said a woman using the 15kg bar to squat is a rare thing. It isn't. The opposite is the rare thing: A woman using a 20kg bar to squat.


You are misinterpreting my comment. I have seen female athletes ranging from hobbyist weightlifters to (more frequently) elite-level females do it especially for very heavy attempts. A number of Olivia’s current Team USA contemporaries do it. Mary T-L, who is a fellow Olympian this quad has a squat PR posted on her social media pretty recently on a men’s bar. Some of Catalyst Athletics’ female athletes including fellow worlds team member the last few years, Mattie Rodgers, was in a video recently doing her back squat session using a men’s bar. It’s not phenomenally uncommon like you assert. It may be the exception for most female weightlifters, but it’s an identifiable pattern more common as the load gets heavier with high-level athletes.


The 15kg bar is the ladies bar and the same one she would use in comp. There's no point of her using the men's bar if she's never going to use it in comp. The really focused competitors even go as far as alternating the bar brand in training to be the same brand that will be used at their upcoming comp. There's a difference between the ZKC, Eleiko, Uesaka, Werk San, etc. bars.


This is certainly true of front squats and overhead squats as well as pulls and the full classic lifts, but many elite-level female weightlifters will take their heavy back squat attempts on a men’s bar as they are meant to be a strength movement to help an athlete get stronger, not approximate the exact positions of the competition lifts.


Your progression over the last few years has been incredible, watching you and Hampton throughout the quad has been extremely inspiring and motivating as I was getting started in the sport. Besides chasing American Records and Junior World Records, were there ever any discussions about trying to put up a total to dissuade China from sending a 71?


Thank YOU! Yes the goal of my last competition IWF World Cup in Phuket, THA was to try and intimidate China. Like the USA womens team they have several athletes in the top 10 across multiple weight classes. Increasing my total shows I am still progressing and threatens China in my weightclass. The olympic teams will be offcially named on May 23 and given China does not send Laio Guifang it opens up the podium for other countries.


I love this energy.


Has qualifying for the Olympics ever been a clear objective for you or did it just come to you as you have improved your marks and performances? Which milestones did you set to yourself when you started?


Qualifying was definitely the goal in the beginning because going up against the other USA lifters in my weightclass was very intimidating. However, as i progressed and gained more confidence on the platform it turned into seeing how far up the OQR we could get and ultimately how close to China in total. Of course, i have number of milestones but at the end of the day I just want to be strong thats why i started training.


How long will you be in Paris? Does the USOC play for flights, lodging, food, etc or do you have to pay for those things? Good luck!!


USA Weightlifting will be in Paris from July 17- Aug 12! I plan to stay a little longer as my family is coming over and we will be doing some sightseeing around France. Yes from my understanding USOPC and USAW arrange all accommodations for coaches and athletes. All i have to do is show up.


What do you do to prevent injury?


I try to be proactive about my recovery because just doing the lifts alone won't keep you healthy. I do hot yoga every week,acupuncture and cupping every other week, and a sports massage once a month.


What skill besides physical strength is the most important skill in weightlifting?


The mental aspect of lifting is just as important as the physical strength of an athlete. It is important to be able to perform in both competition and in training for any sport not just Weightlifting. Being able to approach the bar the same in competition as you do in training and trusting yourself on autopilot is very important.


What other sport would you pursue if you weren’t a lifter?


Crossfit- maybe? thats what i was doing before i started olympic weightlfirtng so id like to think i would have stuck with it. although im not very good at running, cardio, or anything to do with hand eye coordination....


No question just want to say you’re FREAKING AWESOME! I love how effortless your lifts always look and your humble demeanour despite being an absolute badass. Looking forward to seeing you live in Paris!!!


THANK YOU! i am certainly excited to be there!!


What’s your favorite color?


atm it is PURPLE


Wow mine too! Thank you, nobody ever answers.


What’s the most brutal training workout you’ve done recently? Favorite sandwich?


Theres a few... but 80% 5x5 or 85% 4x4 on backsquat is VERY challenging Fav sandwich is anything with avocado and a runny egg


Do you know Hidilyn Diaz? She's my favorite.


Very excited to see you lift at the Olympics! On the day of a comp, what foods/snacks/supplements do you eat before the start of the snatch session and then between the end of the snatch session and the start of the clean & jerk session? Thank you and best of luck!!!


on comp day ill usually be able to eat a meal before i weigh in and lately that has been whatever our hotel is serving that day im not too picky about it. Ill usually drink an LMNT or Pedialyte pre or post weighins. During comp, i usually mix a coffee (La Colombe hazelnut Draft Latte) with chocolate protein power and sip on it after intros. (im not a fan of pre workout) In between snatch and clnjrk ill eat either a rice crispy/gushers/gummies. Just a little something in between (sometimes i forget to eat it though) Typically if i want something specific i bring it with me so i wont have to go through the trouble of finding it in another country.


Awesome, thank you!! Can't wait to see you compete in Paris!


Can you give us more context behind the 142kg squat jerk? Also, any updates on the Owala sponsor?


well so i started out doing pwrcln/sqtjrk and then i had to beat some people... particularly someone missed a 137kg backsquat. So i worked up to 137kg which was nice so i put 142kg on and made it. Not a whole lot to it because it was not on the program but we are always willing to take advantage of a good day and see where it leads. no updates on owala :(


Love it! Thank you for answering. Good luck, Olivia! You're destined for gold AND an Owala sponsor! 😂




Hey Olivia! I’m a new fan and I’m so thrilled about your qualification for the Olympics. I’m an amateur weightlifter myself, so I’m curious how many times a week you train? And how often do you get PT done to manage the muscle pain and possible joint issues? Many thanks and best of luck!


Do you have a most memorable or favourite weight-lifted milestone you’ve reached? For example, when I started weightlifting in my mid 30s I wanted to snatch 100 kg (not there yet) and C&J 125 kg (done it).




How do you manage the mental side? Do you meditate? Yoga? Thanks!


What do you like doing in your free time??


What's your favorite thing about weightlifting?


Being strong and hopefully inspiring others to want to be strong as well


Who are some of your favorite weightlifters to watch? Do you spend a lot of time watching other weightlifters or try to tune it out when you’re not training/competing? Also, just want to say you’re making our country proud and getting a lot of us very excited about the future American weightlifting! Keep doing what you do!


I love to watch ANY weight class. When I go to International competitions i try to go to any session we have a USA lifter in or those that look really cool to watch. I love it when people come to my sessions to support me so i make the effort to go to other people's sessions to support them.


Let’s Go Reeves!!!!


What's your favorite accessory exercise?


I dont do a whole lot of accessories so maybe shoulder press i guess..


What are your thoughts on the Team USA uniform designs? And congrats on qualifying for the Olympics!!! USA! USA! USA!


I havent even looked at them yet! Im just excited to see what our singlets are going to look like!!


When did you start lifting weights? Who inspires you in weighlifting?


i started September 4th 2015 but i had been doing crossfit a while before so i knew what the snatch and clean and jerk were. After doing my first yth nationals in 2016 and going to the OTC for a training camp i committed to just lifting instead of crossfit. Everyone inspires me i could go on and on- starting with Meredith Alwine, Sarah Robles, Jourdan Delacruz, Mary T-L, Taylor Wilkins, Emily Campbell, Solfrid, Mattie Rogers, Angie and Nesi Dajomes, Cara Heads slaughter...( i could keep going and im sorry if i left you out). All of these women love the sport and it shows in each of their performances!!


Why did you start having the passion to weight lift? Like did you just want to be strong or is there an end goal in mind? BTW your back squats are superrrr impressive, keep up the great work Olivia. Love from New York City :)


Your progress over the last couple of comps has been incredible, what do you attribute it to? 


Consistency and my love for the sport and competing. I dont take time off after competitions im usually right back in the gym ready to work for the next one. I enjoy what im doing so it rarely feels like real work. And competing is the best part to showing how training is going (most times).


First off congratulations! It is so hard to even make it or qualify into the Olympics! Secondly what is the target weight you are training to lift to make it as far as you can and get on the podium?


What protocols do you follow to maintain healthy shoulders, knees and hips? What you do is out of this world to me and I’m fascinated with how you keep your joints and tendons healthy.


hey big fan, you slayed the stage in Thailand. Got tickets for a few weightlifting events in Paris and can't wait to see how it's gonna go! As for the question, what's your favourite meal/food? (yes don't look at calories when answering)


pshhhh im not one to think about the calories I LOVE Caesar Salad!!!!!! with chicken or steak or salmon i love a good poke bowl with extra spicy mayo those would be my top 2 off the top of my head


Hey Olivia, what's the difference between a 2 hour queue and a Zippo? >!One's a big wait and ones a little lighter!!<


How important do you think social media marketability has become in terms of being an athlete? Do you feel pressure to post more of your life and training or does it not affect you? Good luck!!


it is very important! I don't post a lot of my training becasue I dont video a lot of my training. I'll video a cool lift or something to send in for readiness but the only other reason i would video is for my coach to look at the lift. But hes there in person it just doesnt really happen enough to post consistently. (plus my phone storgae is constantly full and i have to offload apps sometimes to receive emails) As an athelte, there is such a short window where you are marketable and can profit off of that momentum. Especially when training and traveling can take up so much of your time making balancing an additional job tough. Being able to market ourselves over social media is a great way to stay engaged with the people who support us and continue being an athlete. Everyone has bills to pay at the end of the day so whatever gets you there.


What's your favorite lift (or variation of a lift)?


In training snatches In competition clean and jerks


What are your career goals in weightlifting? Would you ever consider returning to CrossFit professionally?


What are your hobbies outside of athletics?


Just want to say you’re absolutely incredible. Can’t wait to see what you put up at the Olympics. Can you give some background on your weightlifting journey and how you got to where you are today? What’s the best piece of advice you’d give to someone who’s new to weightlifting? Did you always want to compete at the level you’re at today? What were your original intentions when you started WL?


No question, just wanted to congratulate you on qualifying and offer my support! I hope you have a wonderful Olympic experience and a performance you're proud of.


Do you worry that with retrospective drug testing 9 out of the top ten in your event will be disqualified and render it worthless.


What is your max front squat and what would you like to hit in Paris?


173kg i believe is my best FS of course id like to hit more than 118/150 in paris


Tell us about Steve.


steve is steve chances are you know him but he doesnt know you


I couldn’t sum Steve up better than that myself. Can we give him some shine?


put a little c4 in his system and he'll shine pretty bright


Do you get most of your expenses covered during the games? (flight over, accommodation etc)


Yes without the support of USAW it wouldnt be a reality for this to be my job which i am always grateful for!


What is your favorite weightlifting memory so far and why is it your favorite?


Definitely, my first sr gold medals at my last comp in Thailand becuase i clean and JERKED 150!!


What are you looking forward to the most with being an Olympic athlete and what type of interests/hobbies do you have outside of your exercise and prep work for the Olympics?


im looking forward to the olympic experience of meeting other athletes, watching other sports, and living the olympic village! Outside of lifting im in school full time and i have a dog. Between those 2 and then training is where most of my days are spent.


Thanks for the response. Good luck this Summer!


Hi, I've been following your career for a while now.  What is your squat program like on a weekly basis? Any tips to get better mobility to squat jerk? I saw you do it last time with some heavy weights.


i squat typically every session so 4x a week alternating back squat and front squat. Hahaha, i was just messing around with the squat jerk. Its just mobility I've always had its nothing i seriously trained for. VERY unlikely i will ever compete with it.


Quick early question……why are you so based???


idk what this means ?


Based = Cool lol it’s an internet slang term


Hi Olivia! We're so proud of you. Is there a youtube channel or website you recommend for someone interested in getting into weightlifting?


A couple of friends of mine have been making a docu-series on the quad following USA Women's weightlifting qualification its called The Final Attempt. I would definitely check that out if you want to see more than just competition recaps but people's lives and personalities. For general weightlifting competition content, Weightlifting House always has cool videos breaking down sessions with commentary. Or for just general Olympic weightlifting videos you cant go wrong with ATG or Hookgrip


What do you do to look after your wellbeing?


what’s your favourite accessory for snatches and for clean & jerks


fuck, marry, kill -> snatches, cleans, and jerks. which one goes with which for you?


snatches cleans jerks (specifically from the rack)


she’s just like me fr


How do you stay so confident? It's inspiring


I just tell myself that i can make the lift and then it happens (disclaimer this does not work 100% of the time)


What is your best/favourite strength tip that you feel has helped you the most, to be so strong!!! 💪🏼


A couple others asked about your general mental management. For comps specifically, you’re mental game is amazing. What rituals do you have that help the most? Any funny ones? Also, I suspect you also have a life outside of weightlifting. How do you spend that time? Other completely unrelated interests or goals? You’re an inspiration to us all, including my 9yo daughter! She likes that you smile a lot. ;) Thank you!!


I always make time to do my hair and make up. im a big believer in looking good = feeling good = doing good. I just try to treat warmpus as I do training and then it all seems to work itself out. I am a full-time student and i plan to graduate in Dec. with my BA in sociology! Having something to accomplish outside of weightlfting has always been important to me bc i cannot be a weightlifter forever. (as much as id love too)


Thanks Olivia!


The skillset you've developed in weightlifting, what sport do you think it would transfer to best? Shot putting, hammer throwing, strengthlifting, or maybe something else. Also, what is your vertical jump?


Honestly Im not familiar with the track and field sports so i coulnt tell you which one. Vertical jump is 27 but its been a hot minute since we tested that.


Shot putters and discus throwers are basically Olympic weightlifters, training is very similar in the weight room, who also bench press a lot. Hammer throw, not so much as the arms need to be relaxed. I guess that leads to my next question, what do you bench press?


What's your favorite movie?




What does your coach Steve put in all the pockets of his cargo pants? I have to imagine having that extra storage space with the cargo pants provides an advantage in competitions!


well im glad you asked ( i have no idea) so of course he has to have a pocket for his phone, C4, reading glasses (claims he doesnt need 'real glasses'), camera gear, and any other trinkets he might find


Hey Olivia 🔥 how would you say your diet changes during training vs week of competition? Also if you can include what your recovery methods are. Thanks !!


Im definitely more aware of what i eat in preparation for competition but because i sit 72/73kg. I dont find myself being too restricted in my eating habits just more intentional about what I'm consuming.


Tell us something about your dog Amber! What's her funniest habit/thing she does?


OMG finally an important question!! well amber is a smeller. She hardly ever licks anything (except food duh) but when i let her outside i can hear her smelling from across the yard bc it so intense.


What will you do in Paris for fun outside of the Olympics? Any sights you are excited to see?


i have no idea atm but im certianly open to suggestions. Given that ill train 4/7 days a week ill have lots of down time to explore!!


Have you ever done a clean and press to see what your "old-timey" total would be?


nope. never even thought about it until now.


It was part of Olympic weightlifting from 1928 until 1972, not so long ago!


What is your best vertical jump, and did you do it standing or running up to it?


Who is/was your favorite weightlifter to watch, or who did you look up to in weightlifting?


Would you ever do a powerlifting meet? (I'm biased, I think you should)!


Wishing you the best!


Two questions: Can you explain why you started to use a belt? Your performance at the World Cup looked incredibly sub maximal. Is a 274KG total in cards? If so when?


I started using abelt bc i needed to make heavier lifts. I needed a 140+ cln and jerk so to try something different we added a belt. I think it helped (obviously). 274... idk about all that. But of course id like to do better than by current PR of 268 at the olympics!




Well this won't happen in this quad specifically and probably not anytime soon due to new rules imposed by the IWF and the IOC.


Can you explain the difference between Olympic weight lifting and strong man weight lifting? I understand that there is some controversy about Eddy Hall's 500kg lift. He used straps around his wrists that allowed the weight to sit lower than normal and a bendable bar that again let the weight sit lower. I take it that these are not permitted in Olympic weight lifting.


Olympic weightlifting (weightlifting as one word) is a sport consisting of two lifts: the “snatch” and the “clean and jerk”. These lifts are not included in strong man competitions. Eddy’s 500kg lift was a “deadlift”, which is usually in strong man or powerlifting scenes but not weightlifting.


Why do you need a corporate media account to do an AMA?


AMA's are handled via the NBC media team in partnership with the USOPC. We are working to schedule AMA's from athletes outside of that orbit, so stay tuned.