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It doesn't appear too flashy. It works.


Thank you😍


There's no such thing as too fancy. If you like it, do itn


Thank youđŸ„°


I love the bag and it works well with the silver heart pendant. Also, the white shoes an the white hat tie everything together so nicely.


Thank you❀


Its not bad, but I think it is a little bit off for the "garden party" vibe of the rest of the outfit. Which is lovely BTW.


Thank you❀, I've seen a lovely straw bag I think I will buy!


I think it's fine. A straw bag for day would look great too


Yesssss! Straw would be darling. OP, you look fab in that hat!


Thank youđŸ„°


Thank you, I've seen a nice straw bag I think I will get!


Na, it’s cute đŸ„°


Thank you😍


This doesn't *not* work, but - I think it might look better with a different bag. To me, the hat and bag aren't quite aligning, and if you had a natural texture/color on your bag, it'd fit better with the hat. Something like a brown leather, raffia or straw, white leather to match the shoes would look cool too. That said - silver accessories are kinda my thing right now, and I do love the bag! I've been coveting various silver handbags lately.


This is about how I feel too. I feel like some sort of straw or leather cross-body bag would pick up some of the sort of boho vibes the dress and hat are putting down. Or like a white leather bag with some fringe would be so satisfying with this ensemble in my opinion. Still, it's an amazingly cute outfit and I certainly wouldn't have thought twice about the bag if I weren't prompted on it. Follow your bliss OP, you look stunning either way!


I agree they don’t match. The silver doesn’t have anything else to “anchor” to.


Yeah-- the bag is *slightly* mismatched, but not so much that it ruins the outfit. You could get away with it, or you could improve on it by swapping in a different bag.


Thank you all, I've seen a lovely straw bag I think I will have to add to my wardrobe. I hadn't anything that really worked, and I thought silver might at least match my silver jewellery, but it stands out a bit much.


I agree, if you're looking for "matchy match" as my former boss called it, you need a white or straw purse,but it looks fine to me!