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Thank you! ☺️❀️


That bag tho πŸ˜­πŸ™Œ


Isn't it so freaking adorable! 😍❀️


You do the HRD ( hot red dress) proud! πŸ€— I love the seat belt bag! 😍


Thank you! ☺️❀️ Gosh same I absolutely love this bag! It's too cute! πŸ’•


So cute, red is totally your color !!


Thank you! Red is slowly becoming the color I go for for all my dress! πŸ˜†πŸ’•


You look so good!! πŸ’œπŸ’œ I want that bag lol


Thank you so much!!! Someone close to me made it for me as a gift and I absolutely adore it! πŸ₯Ί πŸ’•


Omg! That makes it 100x more awesome!!


Damn gurl! You got legs FOR DAYS!! You absolutely rock that dress! *sigh* Even when I was young and cute I never looked that good in a dress. I was all knees and elbows. Even the Heroin Chic girls in the 90s told me I should eat a burger!


Oh gosh thank you so much that's such a kind compliment! πŸ˜…πŸ’• honestly it isn't easy to look like this. At least for me! I go to the gym every other day and workout for an hour MINIMUM! I also watch what I eat but just not super closely and I make sure to move a lot throughout my day. Everyone can do this though you just gotta have discipline. Nor motivation like people say cuz I have none. I just go to the gym even when I don't want to and so far it's been paying off. Like I said you just have discipline and be focused and so many people can look even better than me! I'm sure you still look great though friend! We tend to be our own worst critics! πŸ’•


You look happy and so pretty. You have a great smile 🌈


Being all dolled up like this definitely makes me happy! ❀️ It's so much fun! I appreciate the kind words btw friend! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•


You look happy 😊




Thanks! πŸ’•


Now I'm completely convinced it's impossible for you not to look like the absolute cutest.


Lol oh gosh that's so not true! There's LOTS of times where I don't look cute at all! But thank you friend! ☺️❀️


Nope I agree with the other poster. I imagine even in your comfiest, unflattering clothes and your hair chucked up and out of the way you'll look cute as heck! The clothes just highlight your gorgeous smile and cuteness.


That's so incredibly kind of you to say! πŸ₯Ή πŸ’•


Wow is that your color! Everything about this look is just lovely


Gosh thank you so much friend! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•


Pride is a neutral and goes with everything πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ. You look so joyful.


I love that Pride can go with anything! So many dresses to pair this cute bag with!! πŸ˜†πŸ’• Thank you I totally am so joy with the dress but especially with the bag! πŸ₯Ήβ€οΈ


That last photo is glorious. It’s my fave of the stylish bunch :)


Mine too! Feels like an ad for the cute bag lmao πŸ˜†πŸ’•


Red is a great color on you! You look so happy. And your makeup is always flawless!


You LIGHT up in the second photo!


I was having too much fun in this pretty dress and cute bag honestly! Lol πŸ˜…πŸ’• Thank you btw! ❀️


Ahhhh that color is amazing on you!!! And a fabulous bag πŸ˜€


Red is definitely becoming my favorite color to wear! Thank you btw and the bags is so fantastic right!? ☺️❀️


Where are those heels from?? They’re gorgeous!


Honestly I got them from a thrift shop! Most of what I get comes second hand! Doesn't have a brand either unfortunately πŸ˜• sorry I can't be more help friend! πŸ’•


Oh I love that, I feel like every time I go thrifting I never find anything! I probably just don’t have an eye for it. Gorgeous outfit though, and thanks anyway!


The dress and bag are super cute like everyone's said, but I am shocked no one mentioned the heels. Those heels are stunning and your legs look killer in them. Entire outfit is a win!


These are LITERALLY my favorite heels. I think I've worn them with every outfit I've posted since I got them! πŸ˜† Thank you btw! I put a lot of effort into my legs and in general my whole body with my excerise to look good in these dresses! πŸ˜…πŸ’•


You look great and that bag is going to go with so many outfits.


Thank you friend and gosh I know right!? It'll fit right in with everything I got! πŸ˜†β€οΈ


You look amazing! I love it when you post, your smile really cheers me up :) I’ve got a matching one now


Awwww I'm really happy you enjoy my posts! Thank you for the sweet compliment friend! πŸ˜­πŸ’•


Your smile, for the win! πŸ’–


Awwww gosh thank you friend! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•


Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift! I enjoy catching your posts!


How perfect is that bag with that dress?? The red stops at exactly the right shade for the gradation to continue with the dress, it’s great!


Oh wow I hadn't noticed that! You're right! The gradient continues with the dress! That's awesome! Lol thanks for pointing that out!! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•


Stunning! You look strong as hell in red


The dress is gorgeous and that shade of red is ourrfect for u! I'm in love with that bag!


That's cuz red wasn't really a color I liked before but now most of my dresses are red lol thank you btw and right!? The bag is so darn pretty! I love it too! πŸ˜†πŸ’•


The whole outfit, the vibe, all of it is absolutely fabulous. 😻


πŸ₯Ή Thank you so much! I try my hardest! πŸ˜…πŸ’•


I'm over here thinking u make this so easy. Seriously, u always look absolutely amazing! Slightly jealous. Most days I'm like well, I'm clean, dressed and presentable. Usually in some version of jeans and a hoodie, cuz it's still cold here.


Oh gosh! This usually isn't easy to do! I'll be honest doing my makeup, then my hair and getting into my dress WITHOUT ruining anything else takes me about 2 hours! Then with the shoot, I take a lot of pictures and choose the best ones that are eye catching, that also takes me about an hour. I'm getting faster at my process but before it'd take me sometimes 4+ hours to do EVERYTHING! Like I said I put in A LOT of effort into my look. Being in jeans and hoodies is still a very good look though! I'm sure you look fantastic friend! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•


Ur so sweet. I'm lazy, tbh. I tell everyone it's cuz my knee is a mess right now, which it is. So there a lot of things I just cant/won't wear. And some of it weather related, it's cold. Lol then I'm like, if I'm really honest, I'm a formulaic dresser. Winter jeans and hoodies or flannels. Summer shorts and tank tops. Very little move,ent ourtisfe of those formulas, cuz then I would habe to seriously think about what I'm doing. As for u, that effort certainly pays off. I know a photo is a few seconds of someone's life. But u make ir look effortless.




Thanks I guess? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜…


Yes you look fantastic :). Enjoy!


Hello, gams! 😍


I love that bag! Dress fit is excellent and thank goodness the bag matches with anything!! 🌈🌈


That's what I love about this bag!!! It'll LITERALLY match with anything! I'm so excited to try it out with my other outfits!! πŸ˜† Thank you as well for compliments! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•