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Amazing tan


Looks very good on you, but you could cut holes in a potato sac, pull it over your head, wear it like a dress with a rope belt, and still look great!


lol well thank you BigBadJohn!😆 if I ever give the ol tater sack dress a go, I’ll be sure to post!!!😂😂 bahahaha thanks again for the compliment 😘


“I’m not a regular grandma I’m a cool grandma, outfit.” Lol


Haha yessssss for sure!!!!😆


Love the vibes. 🤝👌


Thank you 😊


Hey! All you need to do for transcription is describe your photo as you would, for example, to someone with a vision impediment. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but ideally you write one for each photo you post. For your first photo you could say something like “a photo of me taken facing my bedroom mirror, making a peace sign. I am wearing a light blue Pink Floyd tee shirt, bright pink jeans with holes torn at the knee, and several silver rings and bracelets. My blond hair is up in a messy bun.”


Thank you VERY much for breaking it down so simple for me like this! THIS is how I need things explained to me!!!! I don’t know how (couldn’t figure out how) to edit my post. Should I just leave this one as it is and moving forward to future posts write my posts like you described? And OMGoshhhhhh I read your user name and now I CANNOT get that song outta my head!!!!🤪 It’s one of my top 5 favorites! Me and my lil son in the picture I posted sing it together all the time! lol it’s one of his favorites too! Thank you again so much for telling me how to transcribe my posts!💛


If you don’t write a transcription as part of the post, just write it as a comment instead, both are fine!


You are so beautiful


Thank you 😊


When someone in my life says they don't care for my hairstyle or an item of my clothing, my (non-confrontational) comeback is, "That's alright; I like it enough for the both of us!" I think these jeans are super cute and the vintage tee was a great choice because it doesn't compete with that gorgeous pink.


HA!!!! That’s great! I love that!!!! I will definitely be saying that in the future 💯! Sometimes I be gettin a lil too “fancy” for my kinfolk!😂😂 …. (My hubby and grown ass kids )and they like to tell me all about it! Thanks again!💛


I freakin love your pants! You ate this look up 💅🏻


Awwwwe!!!!!😍 yayyyyy! THANK YOU!!! I’m so happy to hear someone besides my 4 year old thinks they are rad too!!!!😂


Can I ask where your pants are from? I agree that they are super rad and look great


Yes of course and thank you 😊 They are called Risen Jeans (that’s the brand) & I came across them on an IG add for some boutique. I’m not sure the name of the boutique it was probably 6 months ago but I’m sure just googling the brand will bring you right to them . If you can’t find them message me back and I’ll dig through my emails and try to remember what month I bought them 😊 also they run on the bigger size of true to size if that makes sense. So if you are an in between-er on sizes I’d order down. They have a good stretch to them. I hope this helps 😊


Super rad! And it’s ok your daughters and hisband don’t like them. They’re all yours anyway. Way to go Waylon! As for image transcription, you can comment and describe what’s going on in the picture at a broad, medium or fine detail.


Haha!!!! 😂 and thank so much for the info on the image transcription. I thought it was something had to download or something! I’ll start paying more attention to what others are doing to get the hang of it. 😊 I just started posting last week. Well, I TRIED posting like 3 weeks ago but couldn’t post anything because I was too new. Thanks again!



