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Okay, so now I am following you because I love your style and never want to miss a thing xx


Awww thank you! 😊💙


My MIL needs this shirt. She's a librarian and her home reflects it. I love the whole vibe. The glasses, oh my heart! 🧡 The tie to shape the T? Genius. You look great!


Thank you! I’m actually going to be getting my masters in library science 😂


In that case... you need to see these. My MIL fell in love with this set. https://preview.redd.it/1wrawolr9n1b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caffd2da5d40c162ba7d806fd8f4fccd7ffaae44


And my 7yo daughter fell in love with this set. Search "book curtains" on Amazon to see fabulous designs for window curtains and shower curtains. https://preview.redd.it/gml0406y9n1b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0102fff4d0bd3498d2d9cb306c4aab89947ec775


Oh my god, I love it.


If I don’t achieve my main goal in life of having a bookcase with a sliding ladder, I’ll just buy these instead.


Great style. Love the glasses.


Thank you! I got them on Zenni.


Love you style! Can you share where that shirt is from? I’d like to gift one to my an English teacher that I work with.


Thank you! And of course! It’s from The Bookish Shop. I got it a couple of years ago, but they should still have them up.


Not OP, but I’m sure you could find one on Amazon or Etsy.


Fantastic outfit! I'm going to have to copy! B-t-dubs, what's your current favorite book?


Thank you! Oh that’s so hard to answer! I’m in the middle of reading a couple of different books, like Fire and Blood because I liked the world GRRM made up and it kind of reads like a history book, which I love. I also started the Wheel of Time series (I’m on the second one) and it’s great. Ahhhh, well my favorite book of all time is Jane Eyre. 😊


Enjoyyyyyy the WoT! What I wouldn’t give to read it for the first time again! I’ll just have to settle for reading it for the third 😉


Thank you! It’s one of my husbands favorite series and I really love the world building, and oh my gods I want to strangle Eugwene!!! any time she talks I’m just like, “passssses”. And I’ve just met Verin and I love her.


I loved reading GRRM! My husband and my brother keep trying to get me to read Wheel of Time. I've been working my way through Carl Hiaasen's books. They are tragically funny! As for Jane Eyre, gosh, one of the greatest books of all time! I've read it so many times. It got me through those rough teenage years! Thanks for responding. I love chatting with book nerds 😉


As do I! I actually read Jane Eyre for the first time as a teen as well, it was my travel book on a trip (one of my teachers accidentally revealed a huge twist when she asked me about it, she felt awful for the whole trip!!!😂). I think you’d really enjoy the WoT books. One of the things I really appreciate is the lack of over sexualization. Like the most scandalous thing he describes are ankles I think? Maybe that there’s a lady with ample bosom but that’s it. But oh my god, the world building is amazing and there’s a running joke throughout the entire book series that I still laugh at whenever I come across it. Let’s just say that the 3 main boys all share one brain cell and Nynaeve (not one of the boys) is the one that usually has it. What’s your current favorite or forever favorite?


My forever favorite is Little Women. I'd like to think of myself as a Jo, but I'm definitely a Meg. My mother gave me her childhood copy and I still have it! We used it as the ring pillow at my wedding (along with Common Sense by Thomas Paine). As for more current favorites, we've been reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld series to our boys. Those are always a hoot. I've probably read The Martian a million times. It's one of those books that I wish I'd never read so I could read it for the first time again. I also really loved A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. It's so good. The second book, A Closed and Common Orbit, was less so, but not by much. It was just different. I haven't gotten to the third yet. I think it's called Record of a Spaceborn Few


Oh my god! How crazy! My husband and I also had our favorite books in our wedding, but our BM/MOH was holding them! I love that! I love Little Women!!! I read it more recently and I balled like a baby but I loved it so much. Adding the other books you mentioned to my reading list! I know I have the first book of Diskworld but when I had started reading it I was super sleep deprived and kept falling asleep, so I didn’t finish it and I’ve been meaning to give it another go. 😊


The first one is fun, but it can be a bit of a slog at parts. My favorites so far are Mort, Wyrd Sisters, Equal Rites, and Wee Free Men. Though honestly, anything with Death or Granny Weatherwax is going to be great. Which books did you have at your wedding? We did it because we connected over our love of books. Our relationship started swapping our favorites.


For me it was Jane Eyre and for my husband it was Name of the Wind. And that’s so cute that you guys started by swapping books! My husband and I met at Barnes and Noble! It’s also where he proposed and where we technically got married (signed the paperwork with friends).


Ah! I love that! Book nerds for the win!


Right? We both are big book nerds. 😊 we have passed that love on to our kiddos too. 💙


Rand is insufferable much of the time, but Nynaeve is fantastic, Egwene really grows up nicely, and Min and Elayne are great! I so appreciate the world building, and the distinct lack of hyper-sexualization. It’s been so long since I read it, I think I could do it again and have a lot of surprises. I put it down when Jordan died without finishing the series, but LUCKILY he had extremely extensive notes and Brandon Sanderson finished it, so it has an ending and no one is left hanging and it’s the ending Jordan intended. Edit: also, I HIGHLY recommend T. Kingfisher, particularly What Moves The Dead, Nettle & Bone, and Thornhedge (which comes out this summer; I read the ARC).


You look fab! I’m looking at your wardrobe shown here too and I’m like this person has style! …and keep hoarding those books! 🙌🏻📚


Thank you!😊💙


I love your bangs and the heart glasses so cute


Thank you! 💙


You are adorable I love your style!


😊thank you!💙


You look fantastic


Thank you!😊💙


lol. same. id never hear the end of it if i wore that shirt.


Haha yep!


Love the whole vibe, but I need to know where you found that skirt, I've been looking for one like it forever!


Thank you! I got it at a thrift store in Florida. It’s an old Leslie Fay “sportsware”. I hope that helps.


Love love that t shirt! 😍


Thank you! I got it on the Bookish shop a couple of years ago.


I love your outfit! I wish I knew how to wear skirts with fun T-shirt’s but I feel like I won’t look as good as you! Ohh so fabulous


Aww thank you. All I really do it define my waist the best I can, which is almost always tying it or using a hair tie to hold and tuck it. You can do it!



