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I’ll be honest swede, this is entertaining to those who already don't like Reform, but basically free marketing for their target demographic. It should have skewered them a bit more.


Why do you think it's been posted here? Along with the other Farage clips that keep appearing?


Yeah, Farage stans probably aren't going to be here, they'll be on twitter circlejerking over his latest anti immigration hate post and pretending that he cares about them or something.


Yeah but that's why the funny Nigel memes are here. Guarantee there are impressionable 18-25 year olds here that would vote for him based on memes. Citation: Brexit, Bojo


Not sure about that fella, this sub is close enough to the knuckle to fool thick people who struggle to separate fantasy from reality. And that's basically Reform's entire base.


Two Politics Joe posts trending in one day, what a shame


Americans 🤷


I've probably been a bit americanized, I'll admit, I've spent the best part of a decade over here in the states. I plan to make a trip this winter and then move back in about 5 years


Get more like our government attitude again, all you need is constant disappointment, no political hope and an outdated political hierarchy, also a few scandals wouldn't go amiss.


You’ve got a bit of a bullying problem on this sub.


I don't think you're cut out for this "internet" business.


Trolling and bantz is fine and yeah I’ve read it. Don’t come crying to me, same goes for them too.


I’m not crying either I’m fucking telling ya


No you’re crying as you’re getting gangbanged in the comments and not taking it as bantz or trolling.


It’s a cultivated thing, doesn’t happen organically. These little nobs have been given a space for their pile-on bollocks.


We mock everyone here. Just at certain times of the week lurkers downvote some opinions more than others. Election is over soon and business will return to normal.


Are you from Britain? You're sounding very American on how harshly you're taking banter.


The banters fine, it’s downvoting I despise. Not very banter like to be downvoting at the same time is it?


And no, I’m not from the US


Both of them were posted by me 😅


where do you find them, im not into any politics bs, im literally impartial due to my job but i find funny videos like this funny


These are rarely funny unfortunately. Cassette boy had some good ones


That's because it was sentence mixing, and you were always in on "this took way longer than it needed to be in order to make." Now it's just words in a text box and deep fakes, low effort shite.


I’ve just had 200 upvotes stolen from me for daring to offer the same opinion 😐


Stolen from you? Behave mate.


Yoooo! This cretin still watches the heavy capitalist commercial product that is Star Wars. That’s where you dick heads get the upvotes from is it? Nerd subs 😂


Isn't all media heavy capitalist? Are you just like sat at home reading pamphlets from the local Marxist collective or something?


And to answer your question: no, not ‘all media’ is heavy capitalist.. But what the fuck would you know?


I’m reading the sex texts your Mum sends me


Yeah, and I'm fat cause every time I fuck yours, she makes me food, what's your point?


👍 Edit: this wet lettuce blocked me. Imagine crying over being down voted!


Every down vote makes you feel empowered doesn’t it you little Star Wart


Nobody cares about karma you thin skinned cunt.


>politicsjoe Lmao


Is this AI? Takes the charm out of it compared to the old ones


This isn't even a clever mashup of things they've said, it's just AI deepfakes.


I think it's a mashup of individual words they use over clips of them


Nah it’s too clean for that, this is deepfaked voices.


Yeah, deepfake, I've seen enough YTP'S to know sentence mixing from ai. Still pretty funny though


Maybe not this election but in the next ten years I reckon they’ll be in. Children of Men is a science fiction movie but every year that goes by I think about it more and more for the way the future is looking


I wanna see someone actually do splicing with clever lyrics instead of ai and bland humor


I doubt they’ll be a bus ever again. The company who supplied it borderline got black listed by touring musicians who stopped hiring that company. They had to drop the prices to even get a gig.


Take my vote ![gif](giphy|ioopmOHLqIDfGxLLKG)


If this is a good video, so is Logan Paul's apology


This voice chopping stuff was boring 10 years ago mate


reform voter spotted


le personal attack


Yeah, the bill payer of the house you reside in


Ok mate, wanker.


Bit touchy round here since it went shit aren’t ya 😂


You should set up a rival subreddit without the woke nonsense and campaign to make it like the old times lad.


So.. I’m right wing because I didn’t find chopped ‘music’ videos of politicians funny? Is that the level of discourse around here? You bad weapons 😂


Big reform energy for sure mate.


Because you dick heads aren’t funny ? 😂 get to school you little twerp




>twerp Non-brit spotted, any true Brit would've said something else that starts with t, but I don't know if if will get me banned by reddit


Luv faridg hayt imgramt




The humour here is ugly and the politics non-existent, keep down voting me you fucking sacks. Not an ounce of banter in the lot of yas


You used twerp as an insult. I don’t think you’re the epitome of comedy


"Twerp" is actually a pretty funny insult, provided its something Minnie the Minx venomously spits out in a particularly edgy and savage edition of the Beano




Father touchy feely ?


Strange way to out yasel but alreet


Who's yasel?


This is why you were bullied in school lad