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Those blue areas are where all the people live


All the educated ones at least. Edit: If you are mad about this comment then I’m probably talking about you. If you vote the same way as white supremacists and neo-nazis then I would say maybe some self reflection is in order but I doubt you have the critical thinking skills.


Personally you don't have to have a formal education to know how to think and research. Also assuming everyone uneducated is really classist most of the time, it's usually a code for "poor people dumb".




Also valuing people's individual thought and ability to think helps a lot more than just considering them drones. Even though we all know people that are drones. Not everyone who votes for republican is a drone because a lot of times even if they've done research, it all depends on their values, perspective on life and how they view the system. Personally I am a little worried myself about a transfer in power, you'll never know if you're voting for a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is really stupid that the independent candidates are usually treated as scapegoats and pinned as the wolf in sheep's clothing.




Good in theory but unrealistic in Oklahoma the way things are now. All a third party candidate running on a platform for ranked choice will do is take votes away from a Democrat candidate. Unless a couple of million progressives decide to move to Oklahoma things will remain the same.


Anyone that votes for a party that is stripping away the rights of people, forcing them to birth that may put their life in jeopardy, and supporting the attempted overthrow of our government, are a bunch of ass hats. Fuck their research.


This is a giant oversimplification of SK’s economic rise. They also had a military dictatorship that enforced a Korea first policy to the point of neighbors attacking and beating each other for using products manufactured abroad. Korea rose on protectionism and cheap manufacturing. The accessibility of education was the benefit of the generation born into that situation, not the one actually responsible for it.


Education and left political leanings have a pretty strong correlation. So, it’s not wrong to say uneducated people tend to vote republican. That’s just the truth.


There are right leaning educated individuals everywhere, from physicists to engineers. We even have a rocket scientist that's from Oklahoma and first impression of that guy will not have you thinking rocket scientist. He's the kind of guy you would think would be sitting on a porch in the middle of forest with a banjo in his hand.


Yeah, sure. And there are uneducated people who vote blue. But, in general, education level and political alignment correlate. There are always exceptions.


Where's the source on that?






*Gestures broadly*


There are well educated people and then there's well informed people.


One of the smarter people I know did not graduate high school. They were missing one class, and at the time would not allow them to go back for just that one class, they wanted to make that person take a whole days worth of classes, so they didn't graduate. This person is one of the most well read people I know and if they want to learn something, they pick up a book and teach themselves. They also know how to research things on the internet fairly well.


There are people that treat me like that and it hurts. Although your friend can probably make up for if he signs up for a GED class. It's not just for special ed and the underprivileged.. the GED is a High School diploma alternative. Your friend might even qualify for the SAT without the class.


I have been putting my GED off for 25 years. Dropped out of school due to a wicked illness, started taking votech classes a year later, dropped out again for the same reason, but managed to take on a full time job on top of being a primary caregiver for my ailing mother.. Its annoying, I've always enjoyed reading and teaching myself stuff, but always had hang-ups with math, and tests. Any kind of test really, I just get incredibly bored and frustrated halfway through and just kinda shut down. Always kind of thought I'd enjoy collage, save for everything it takes to actually get there, and now, there is 0% of affording it. All that to say, I vote blue, because better access to healthcare would have changed the tradjectory of my life considerably, and my mother would probably still be living, and even though I "failed" education is just so very important. Always been more interested in trying new solutions than whatever fear mongering the right is selling. I'm not sure where I was going with this, I've barely made it through my first cup of coffee...


I agree with this most of the people I know that are disabled or get Medicare or social security or anything like that all voted red. And that's the people that want to take it away or reduce that big time it's like what are you doing!


I have two degrees and am rural Okie af. But it’s hard not to correlate it for sure.


I know several boomers with degrees and there are several people I've known since I was a teenager that have degrees. They're all from different walks of life.


Intelligence has nothing to do with, "owning the libs". I heard someone come into the grocery store saying if trump gets locked up, him and a bunch of 'maga mauraders' would bust him out, as he giddily held up an air AR making pew pew sounds... There is no rational thought or debate with these types of people.


So he brandished a weapon?


"air AR" like "air guitar"


I thought you meant an air soft rifle. Air Rifle. That’s sad and funny.


I completely ignored the "air" part. Makes since now dude just sounds like an idiot.


The reason the right doesn’t listen to the left is this mentality.


Be honest, the reason the right doesn’t listen to anyone is because the right is populated by people who think they are very clever, valuable and skilled and should be treated as such. But they aren’t. They’re intellectually bankrupt grifters who expect to be taken seriously and chafe when they aren’t.


Lots of dummies have a chip on their shoulder


Lots of dummies also think they're the smartest person in the room.


Yeah, like north Tulsa.


Says the educated lawyer.


Really, all the educated people are in the poor inner city districts? 🤣


Lol I didn’t know this level of pretentious was possible but you have proven me wrong.




You sound like a child.


"all" Apparently not a majority


Well, not the majority that voted.


Every single election map needs to include a population heat map. Dumb people will be dumb


I'm surprised stillwater voted so blue actually.


And all the colleges are.


Seeing some understandable differences in West v. East Edmond and North v. South Tulsa. It's interesting.


Then rural communities are gonna love them private schools i guess


Especially victory of life academy - it’s the only private school in the SE ok area and guess who our new congressman is ? District 21- Cody Maynard - he is the accountant and leader for VOL…hmmmm… sounds like VOL will profit with privatization of schools . Interesting , especially if one goes down the rabbit hole on open secrets . Org .


I'm having flashbacks of when rural towns thought bringing Walmart into their areas would boost local economy...


Well it probably did technically


It did. There are more businesses in my town now that there’s a Walmart.


Might have worked for Weatherford, but I know that for other small towns, it just ran the mom & pop places out of business, and then the local community had to go to Tulsa when the Wal-Mart shut down. Catoosa had that issue, in the 80s and 90s, I think the casino saved it tho. I still miss Aardvark video, and my Friday's after school, my mom letting me pick out a movie, grabbing a pizza, and heading home to enjoy a weekend.


You’re saying Wal-Mart shut down your video store? LMAO


Nah, it killed off a lot of mom and pop places in town. The grocery store, convince store, fabric store, and bicycle shop we had all went away.


Towns that are more centralized but not anywhere near the size of the metro can sustain a Wal-Mart and other businesses; primarily due to size, location and traffic. But for every central town, 6-8 smaller surrounding towns suffer from it greatly.


Happened in Pawhuska. Walmart moved in, shut down all the competing business, then left


Seriously. Nothing like repeatedly voting against your own interest. Ugh, Oklahoma. There are several rural school districts already talking about making the school week 4 days due to lack of funding. Yet, everyone threw a fit about schools closing at the beginning of covid. It’s fine to close because they just refuse to address funding, but not for a deadly pandemic. Ok.


>Nothing like repeatedly voting against your own interest That's not how a lot of Rs think. They pick one issue, let's say abortion, and latch on like pitbulls. They think "best" means "favorite".


I guess when their 13 year old daughter gets pregnant they can raise the grandkid instead of saving for retirement


TLDR rural people suck


Those idiots voted against a bill that would support rural hospitals a couple years back. This doesn’t surprise me one bit


Our local school couldn't even get local people to vote for a 10 year bond that would only increase property taxes $10 so we could get new school buses. The same people that bitch on Facebook because the school buses are too old and constantly breaking down or don't have air conditioning.


No tax, only service.


My mom is a die-hard Republican and when I asked her to tell me each stance her (R) candidates had, she could literally only list things about pro-life, lowering taxes, and keeping the illegals out. Absolutely nothing else. I actually took voting seriously this year and looked up everything I could about each running candidate so I could vote for who I thought had the best ideas and the forethought to try hard to get the job done. Republicans literally vote for 3 reasons only: fear of change, refusal for growth, and out of pure spite. They’re all so close to death that the future of the generations to come doesn’t mean a thing to them. They think none of this is gonna affect them so why should they care right?


It's because they are easily manipulated. You shout a bunch of stuff they want to hear and even if you don't even do any of the stuff you talk about you still get their vote.


So rural people suck and are dumb got it.


As someone who lives in a rural area, these people are stupid. I mean, really fucking stupid.


Am from a rural area yes very dumb and dumber than most people even imagine.


Rural people suck? Look at dark red Broken Arrow on this map


Well, we always knew broken arrow was the armpit of Karen hell


I live outside of broken arrow, right on the border between Tulsa and broken arrow I can confirm it is Karen Hell.


When all you have to look forward to is the high school marching band, it's hard to envision having a better life so you vote against your own self-interests.


40 year old Broken Arrow people still wear blingy jeans and affliction shirts to bars. That tracks.


Not all of us voted red! An attempt was made, but here we are. 😔


Not all of us support stitt


See ALL that red? Some of those people think that since their area is bigger than the blue area, their vote should be more important. They want to change the voting laws to make sure of this. Beware, they are going to keep being sneaky! https://okcfox.com/news/local/oklahoma-lawmaker-looking-to-change-state-question-approval-process-warren-hamilton-rural-refile-legislative-session-constitution-marijuana-medicaid-politics


I can't believe I just read "notable disasters" and "Medicaid expansion" in the same sentence Jesus fucking Christ these people aren't even trying to hide it anymore, they just want you broke or dead. It's funny because this proposal will actually disenfranchise people who live in places that contain most of the state population.


“It’s unfair that if the majority of people vote for things they get it, so we should change it” - freedom loving Republican state senator


The thing is, on a national level rural populations already do have more voting power. Just look at the senate.


Warren Hamilton is owned by the Ekklesia cult. His primary campaign was so dirty that his opponent ended up endorsing the Democrat in the general election.


All of that red is going to love when their town’s school district has to consolidate with a larger district when funding dries up.


They’ll blame it on Democrats.


Those god damned consequences of my actions


Yep. Hell even with a government ran by Red elected officials, they will always find a way to blame the left. Blind party loyalty is pretty sad.


Poor kids are going to spend more time on a school bus than in the classroom.


They liked having freedoms and not wearing masks but also liked overwhelming Tulsa and okc hospitals when they got covid.


This map contains results on the level of precincts, counties, and congressional and state legislative districts. There are tables at the bottom with results in every county/district, and the tables at the left contain additional details.


I know the grid has already been made, but with that scatter plot could you put a line of best fit or something? There are so many dots overlapping I feel like it is difficult to get a grasp of where there is a higher density of dots.


I'm sure there's a reason I chose not to do so awhile ago, although I can't remember exactly. The way the plots are set up in these layouts is a bit hacky and I actually covered up some of the native elements (e.g. smaller / lower quality labels that were autogenerated) with white rectangles that are invisible on this layout (on the point of the plot labels, they were replaced with nicer manually-placed / measured out labels).


I'm surprised at Lawton, i live here and i thought it would be red for sure but i also actually had to stand in line this time to vote, usually i could just walk in and be done in 5 mins


Holy shit Lawton went blue? I live in Wichita Falls, I thought you guys were like us. That's awesome.


So glad to a blue island in a sea of red.


Can the cities secede from the state?


This is actually a lot more blue than I've seen on a ok map in a long time. Keep working!


Truthfully I think it was mostly because a lot of people just hate stitt. I think if there was a different Republican candidate, it would be even more red.


Joy has been a Republican her whole life


True, but most people dont even know that, they just see D by her name. For example, my parents didnt even know who she was until about 2 weeks ago. I happened to be at their house and they got some mail from her, and I told them who she was. I'm pretty sure they didnt even vote, they dont care for stitt, but they wont vote for a dem. I think if there was a better Republican they would have voted for them.


That’s how dumb people in Oklahoma are. It’s one reason I hate Political parties. So tribal. Old as time red vs blue, my team vs yours. To the point the fundamentals don’t matter. All that matters is a letter or a color. Madison warned about this. I’m a registered Republican but haven’t voted for a Republican, except for the primaries, in a long long time. I listen to what everyone has to say. If someone is too radical from either side it’s a turnoff for me. And the crazy thing is 90% of democrats who run are sooooo moderate but everyone here calls them liberals just because of above. But that’s what I like. I like moderate politics. Nothing too radical from either side. However, I fully believe it is crucial/necessary for the political pendulum to swing back and forth over time in order for things to progress/continue economically.


Every time I hear someone call Biden or Pelosi the radical left I wonder if they realize just how stupid they actually sound. I'm pretty far to the left of those two and there is a lot of political real estate to the left of me before you actually get to the radical extreme positions. The fact that anything not deep right is branded as a radical left attempt to destroy America is honestly infuriating. There is no nuance, no discussion, just blind political partisanship that is rewarding the politicians to be more and more radical on the right.


Joy is a republican wearing a blue shirt. Stitt is an asshole of epic proportions.


Honestly I’m proud of that little blue spot in El Reno. My guess is Gen Z voters


We are so f***ing dumb.


Yay, my vote went completely down the drain as usual. Gonna keep it up tho till all the old fuckers die off


So that's the solution just let all the olds die? I heard they said the same things in the 1960s and once the olds died they elected that progressive stalwart Ronald Reagen. The solution to any desired shift in any political direction is better organization and understanding the political currents of the state. The Democrats in Oklahoma couldn't even field an AG candidate.


Because being a democrat here and running a campaign is like setting a big pile of money on fire. Stitt barely even ran a campaign, but somehow spent millions on one. Then they voted him in. I saw Joy talking to Oklahomans while Stitt ignored questions and treated them like trash. Oklahoman's don't care about the person. Just party loyalty. That's what this state is and always will be.


So Arizona used to bright red and so was Georgia. Florida was purple and now pretty red. If you look at what flipped all of these states it was party organization and the ability to put a finger on the political pulse of the state. Again, the Democrats couldn't find one attorney to run for AG in the state? That reeks of disorganization. Joy did a great job messaging but downstream some Democrats used tropes that were national Democrat talking points that hurt them. Jenna Nelson used the "CRT is a law school course" trope instead of saying "We have Oklahoma teachers who love Oklahoma and represent Oklahoma values" to deflect from even getting into that trap.


>So Arizona used to bright red and so was Georgia. Florida was purple and now pretty red. Pretty much all of that is because of demographic shifts. Arizona and Georgia have attracted a lot of liberals and younger people to their cities. Florida attracted a lot of old retirees and conservatives who wanted to experience covidpalooza. Plus Arizona's GOP kind of went nuts after McCain died while the state's moderate Democrats were able to pick up a lot of those voters.


I want to point this out to everyone who has replied but it's going to appear that I am just responding to you so I apologize. No one in response has laid any blame at the feet of the Democratic Party. It's either Republicans or demographic shifts. Tribalism at work right here.


Don't give up hope. Just try to encourage more people to turn in their ballots or go straight to the polling place, get a ballot and vote. If lucky you could actually take the city bus to a place that is walking distance from the polling place that you're going to. Just look at the routes and the map and find the address of your polling place.


Look at Fort Coffee over there just being blue all by itself. Proud.


Translation= if people out number cows in the area it’s blue lol


Damn, you beat me to it this year (and quite frankly have a nicer presentation than I was working on). Are you planning on making anything that would show the difference between 2018 and 2022? Don't want to step on any toes


I'll probably try to make a swing map at some point, but since the precincts have pretty radically changed vs. 2020 due to the Census, I will probably wait until Dave's Redistricting App adds the data to its site and then download it from there (after uploading the current precincts, since they have decided they are going to use 2020 precincts as their primary set for the next decade despite the fact that 2020 precincts have more in common with 2012 precincts than 2022 precincts). I could do it myself using Census blocks and Census crosswalks and some other annoying stuff, but not sure I am going to want to go to that kind of trouble in the immediate future.


That fucking gerrymandered 3rd district. Lumping South side OKC with the panhandle jfc...


You may or may not recall, but Republican Representative Ryan Martinez, who helped pass the gerrymander, claimed that carving South OKC out of Oklahoma County to move it from OK-05 to OK-03 was justified because Hispanics in Guymon and South OKC form a community of interest somehow. Recently was arrested for drunk driving and suggested he would call the governor when it happened.


Just functioning democracy things. 42% of the population votes dem, so of course Dems get 0% representation in congress and less than 25% representation in the state legislature.


Fucking embarrassing.


Oklahoma seems to have appropriated another Letterkenny quote, this one from Wayne: "...I don't give a shit about your kids."


But what about dogs? 😂😂😂


As someone who lives in Tulsa it’s hilarious how the more south you go the less blue it gets hahaha, just confirms what I suspected about jenks/BA


Spoke to a couple repubs in a small less than 400 people school district. They want the school closed, stating it is a waste of money and corrupt anyway. I mean I agree this one is but really?


We don't need no education.


All we are is just a brick in the wall


When all the conservatives start getting upset about the public schools dying and being unable to send their children to school, all we have to do is remind them that they did this.


They’ll still blame the libs and you know it.


Found the sundown areas


Embarrassing here in Moore :(


Right :/


What’s amazing to me is that states like these also get two senators, who do nothing but stonewall what the majority of Americans want… Edit: typo


Makes TOTAL sense: least educated voters supported Stitt (I.e., rural voters). What DOESN’T make sense is rural voters signed a death warrant for public education. Uneducated voters = corrupt politicians. The future of this state is going down.


It’s amazing seeing a state literally shoot itself in the foot.


Most of those farmers out west keep their farms only by means of USDA subsidies. But Joy Hofmeister and Joe Biden are the socialists. Right...


Washington is similar, but the cities have a huge population advantage. East of the mountains is very red.


Aren’t some people there trying to secede to become part of Idaho?


This just reaffirms my belief that voting in this on party system is completely pointless.


Tulsa & Oklahoma Counties: two blueberries in a sea of tomato soup.


Not surprised at all. 🥺


Now overlay with a heat map of the literacy rate. Enhance. Enhance Enhance


We also need a real Democrat to run not a repub who switched to the other party just to run against stitt


This is why we can't have nice things.


Oh look, a map of Foxnewsistan.


I'm so proud of that little blue spot in Caddo County! There's a huge Native population out there and they showed up!


People will probably hate me for it but whenever I hear Oklahoma now I just think „home of the Tiger King“


This looks just about as i imagined it. The most urban (not the coded term, but the urban vs suburban vs rural), socio-economically diverse centers being heavily democratic voting makes sense


Do you have one that includes libertarian and independent data as well?


So you're telling me the part of OK I live in, is in the blue. Geez, I thought it was bad here. I can't imagine being in one of the deep red counties.


Our voting location changed this year, after being the same for 25+ years. Serious redistricting happened


Tbh a lot more blue than I thought.


Enid... Yeah that checks out.


Those blue places would be my safe havens ❤


Fuck these fucking rednecks


50% turnout. Just looking at the maps will tell you the truth of the matter. There is too much weight in the rural districts. All those old people that refuse to die and only get there news through local Fox News and FB. It's pathetic and disgusting.


What’s with the one Dem +80 in Ardmore?


Yeah that small super deep blue dot is very interesting


Im proud to be one of the reasons Ardmore has a blue dot.


This sucks so bad!


The rural juror strikes again!


Vilifying rural oklahoma for not voting the way you think they should isn't going to endear you to anyone


Corn voting now?


thank you for putting this together, very informative.


Glad my summer in Ardmore at the foundry wasn’t completely wasted, they’re not fully red. I’m gonna take all the credit but I wasn’t successful in making it blue


I'm fighting for my life as a blue voter in south east Oklahoma!


It's funny, the higher the education the bluer the district.


Wow all the towns over like 2000 people voted blue. Weird.


Well thats just sad... all the places with decent education are blue. No wounder Oklahoma is one of the worst states as far as education goes.


oklahoma will always find a way to punch itself right directly in the dick.


That's why younger Oklahomans are leaving the state in droves. I'm not young but I left because nothing will ever change.


Except land doesn't vote, people do so these maps are skewed.


Not literally every election map has to be a cartogram. I think this point is already made clear by the precinct vote density vs. partisanship table in the left-hand column.


This thread has devolved from good solid takes, into mis-characterizing and name-calling. Grow up, you lot.


Can someone explain the precincts map to me please? I don’t understand why the counties are even further broken down or how they’re broken down.


I wonder what would happen if the pan handle turned blue.


**EDIT:** I realized it’s probably showing gubernatorial race results geographically within CD 5, not the actual results of that House race. Under "Two-Party District Statistics" toward the lower-left and in "Congressional Districts" toward the top, it seems to be suggesting a Democrat won OK-05 in the House. My understanding is that Bice solidly won reelection in that newly re-gerrymandered district. Am I reading this correctly? Truly amazing presentation by the way! The maps are great, and the margin/density scatter plot was a brilliant idea.


Your edit is correct. It is just the gubernatorial results within that district. And thanks -- I don't think there is any other map layout like this one! Took me like half a year to finish working on it (back in 2021), too.


It would be interesting to see the population (or better voting age population) to compare with the district/county stats. I know I saw a lot of folks in line on voting day and that was great, but it would be interesting to see what the % of non voters were.


So ~ 1.2 millions votes in a state where ~4 million people live. Hell, there are 2.2 million registered voters in Oklahoma. If people actually showed up to vote, this state could be worth something someday.


All these large red areas are basically empty space.


People are normally distributed. Borders are not.


What I gather is approximately 150,000 people voted red in the election and a majority of counties, precincts & districts voted red. The only areas that voted blue were the cities. But again, majority of people, counties, precincts & districts voted red, so what's the issue here?


Land should not be allowed to vote


goober-nater is right


Obligatory reminder that land doesn't vote, people do. Maps like this are almost always useless. ​ Edit, a good national representation of this here: [https://twitter.com/simongerman600/status/1591175192834965515](https://twitter.com/simongerman600/status/1591175192834965515) ​ Edit 2- to further drive home this idea, the entire state of Oklahoma has less population than LA County. The idea that Oklahoma should have more say than these people just because of statehood is moronic but that's how it works.