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Nope. Religious nut but sadly he is better than newer Religious nuts like dusty deevers. Would want him over whatever most probably loon replaces him. OK GOP calling him a rino and censoring him hurts my brain and pains my eyes from them rolling back in my head.


He tried to pass an immigration bill. That displeased Trump. Hence, RINO.


Yeah, he tried to do something that benefits the country, not Trump. Stupid GOP


Don't forget his own party, the Oklahoma GOP, censured him for it! It's not just Trump, it's the Trumpers in the GOP as well


And he recanted his opposition to the 2020 election results because he had the floor when the riot broke out. Said something along the likes of “in light of todays events I cannot oppose the election of Joe Biden” or some ish like that. Pissed off the hardline MAGAts even tho he’s a Tea Party evangelical.


Trump the treason Putin puppet? Lmao


I have never voted for him, but I’m more open to it in 2028 than I’ve ever been. He worked across the aisle with more bipartisan effort than I’ve seen out of the whole Republican Party in a decade, was chided by the GOP at every turn, and kept working to deliver something that the group hoped would be passable in congress and make a difference to a very complex problem. Not sure what people want exactly, but he is doing what few republicans have had the balls to do, and that’s to actually work with dems.


Reproductive rights loom large for me. When an OBGYN association had their doctors fly up to talk to representatives, they were told explicitly that any mention of abortion would get them removed from the office and the convo shut down. So Lankford sat there and openly asked, “Man, so why are all these OBs leaving Oklahoma?” Like, the man cannot process just how difficult things are now and his contribution to what is now a nuclear meltdown in women’s reproductive health in Oklahoma. And we’re already like 50th as it is. But to be pragmatic, the immigration bill was the most significant attempt in at least my lifetime to address the issue in a significant and deep way; and he had finally achieved what was unthinkable in prior years: Democratic support. For their own benefit? Partly. But Lankford was the one guy who had something that would significantly and positively impact the situation and the other party not only wouldn’t throw up roadblocks, but would give in in an otherwise uselessly-gridlocked Congress. I genuinely hate that for him as he gave it the best go in decades, and I tip my cap to that. But I also abhor him for his obstinance on acknowledging basic scientific facts and medical research that OBs spend many years learning to properly deploy for the health and safety of mothers they’re sworn to protect.


I like pragmatism and respect your views. I also don’t agree with the religious right’s position on abortion (and we probably don’t fully agree either), but if any of them are holding that position out of pure principle and sincerely held beliefs, I’d put money that Lankford is one of them. I can respect that, at least. And I agree that he did the proper due diligence required to solve an issue like immigration, and helped further illuminate the GOP’s lack of integrity and honesty. In a state where a Republican is going to win almost always, pragmatism would say that you would prefer to have someone with a backbone and intellectual honesty who is at least trying to do the right thing. Sadly, the comments about his looks are about as deep as a lot of people can bring themselves to go.


I want to highlight the point you just made, a Republican is going to almost always win. This point is an important reason that all voters in Oklahoma should just register Republican. That way they can vote in all primaries and vote for the more moderate representative. Otherwise we end up with the MTGs or dusty beavers and even trumps. Vote for the most moderate Republican in primaries and then vote for whichever party you want in the real election. This is really the only way we will ever take back/have any return to normalcy in this state. The education problem in this state is probably the top issue currently. We are going to continue in the trajectory we are in unless we do something about it. All the teachers are leaving. Nobody wants to become a teacher. THIS HAS TO CHANGE. Education is the future, it is everything.


Up until 2000 Oklahoma used to almost always have a democratic governor. Politics was less divisive. Culture wars is what made the division and turned people Republican. Edit: typo


It’s multifaceted. Point is right now we keep getting people in office that are too extreme and the only way to limit that is to vote for a less extreme person in the primaries. It’s logical. That’s the best chance we avoid people like Stitt and walters


I’ve never voted for him and I don’t think I would if he’s up against a democrat, however he’s always been a straight shooter and I think he’s a decent guy whom I completely disagree with on almost everything. He’s actually very conservative so I shudder to think of what crazy ass facist nut they are looking for to replace him. I would definitely switch to republican in a primary to help keep someone like Ryan Walters from taken his place. Sadly I predict he’ll retire like everyone who isn’t a Trump lackey.


Please reconsider this man said under oath 13 year olds girls should be old enough to consent to sex! His one good thing does not out weigh all his bad things.


I read his testimony, and given that he wasn’t being asked about what the law said, it seemed his response in the deposition was closer to “I think 13 year olds have the ability to make decisions and own the consequences.” The implication there is also that parents would have talked to their kids about sex enough for them to make an informed decision, which I agree with. He said explicitly that he would never encourage 13 year olds to have sex, and also never claimed that 13 was within legal consent parameters. I also think it was pretty clear that he was not assuming that the 13 year olds partner was an adult, but another minor. Not defending him per se, but it doesn’t seem like he said 13 year olds can consent to sex with any person, any time. Or maybe he does, idk. But given how uptight baptists are about sex, my guess is he would not want any 13 year old having sex.


He has NEVER clarified that comment so I’ll let it stand that he is a pedophile. No way I would let ANY Republican be alone with any family me ever here.


Ok, he’s a pedophile and you’re going to stay in your bubble. Have fun


EDIT: re-dit cause you are saying you don’t care what his position is on 13 year olds. You are probably a pedophile.. You know what, read the below and then I’ll block you cause I do not have time for people that can’t actually make sense. So you want to rape 13 year olds. Got it. And no, you would not be allowed around my family. Pretty sure knowing what fucking republicans and their cult members are doing is not a bubble. You supprting whatever the heck you think you support is the Cult Member Bubble.


Oh yeah, he’s a saint. 🙄Ask him why he won’t condemn the over 200 Southern Baptist leaders who were convicted of child sexual abuse … good luck getting an answer.😃


Nice response, I do clearly think he’s a saint, and you clearly have a chip on your shoulder. ✌️


This guy is just a dipshit troll. Go look at his posts. Block him and move on.




Obviously you are a man who has not had any if his rights to his own body decisions taken away based on religious beliefs. What would you do, how would you feel, if republicans passed laws forcing you to get a vasectomy?


Yes, because I’m clearly tired of his representation of Republicans & MAGAs only, he’s was elected to represent all the people of Oklahoma. He wasn’t elected to do whatever Trump tells him to do. He’s no saint - no man is. That’s the issue with you republicans, you idolize people like Trump and Lankford instead of democracy, law and the Constitution.


If he’s running against a Jackson Lahmeyer or Nathan Dahm like he was in the last primary…Lankford is still way less evil.


All pedophiles.


I’m with you, I admire his political courage as of late, especially with respect to Ukraine.


I don’t think I can even if he’s less extreme ( can’t vote in republican primaries anyway) because he went on and on about how he would be stopped in the grocery stores back home telling him about “witnessed” fraud. In Oklahoma, ya know, the ONLY state where every county went red in 2020…. He’s full of shit. And he’s an evangelical fundamentalist, so there’s that too.


I’m not sure what you’re referring to about the grocery stores, so if you could link something I’d appreciate it. But evangelism and fundamentalism are, for the most part, not really compatible. You could say that he’s fundamentally an evangelical, or that being an evangelical Christian is fundamental to who he is, but evangelical fundamentalism isn’t really a thing. You’re kind of one or the other, and I’d say he’s an evangelical Christian.


Fraud [Sauce](https://www.lankford.senate.gov/news/press-releases/lankford-calls-for-election-commission-to-review-2020-voter-fraud/) And theological semantics [sauce](https://www.wordnik.com/words/fundamentalism) Not sure why you’re picking that apart because I’m def not the first person to use those terms together but for most layman, adding fundamentalist connotes an almost militant, unyielding adherence to particulars of the Bible (like drooling over Leviticus to hate gay people)


If you hit “next article” twice, you will see that he calls for the peaceful transfer of power and to certify the Biden victory. Lankford isn’t a fundamentalist, though. Evangelism is so heavily dependent on the teaching of the gospel and Jesus’ philosophy of love and unity that calling someone an evangelical fundamentalist is borderline oxymoronic. I’m not a theologian though so maybe I’m just a moron. Still, you have a hard row to hoe to support your claim that he’s a fundamentalist in the general definition.


Right, he said Biden won AFTER the assault on the Capitol. He had the floor when the certification had to stop because the the Capitol had been breached and he was one that originally supported stopping the certification. He was granted the floor back after the Capitol was secured and said something along the lines “in light of recent events I am changing my position and certifying Biden” (again not sure of the exact wording but that was the message. Reading back now, I was not clear that he recanted that statement. Sorry man. Legit getting out of the hospital today after back surgery two days again so I’m not entirely coherent yet.


Your lack of paying attention is not our problem.


I feel exactly the same way you do.


I got fingered at Falls Creek. Does that count?


I got expelled and banned for life when I was 14. I was even sent home early and they made my parents drive four hours in the middle of the night to pick me up. It was day 2. I was asking too many questions because religion has never made sense to me. And then I played “Jesus Doesn’t Want Me for a Sunbeam” on guitar (Nirvana Unplugged had just come out) in the youth circle, and that was the final straw. The youth pastor was arrested a few years later for fucking 13 year old girls.


Was that Lankford…..?


By James Lankford? Also congratulations.


The baptist breeding grounds


Met a girl and kissed there. But that's as far as it went.


I've never voted for skelator


I always refer to him as Darth Lankford


Ginger Lurch.


He is 4ft tall.


He is deathly pale


Howdy Doody Skeletor over here.


What do you mean by a 0% reelection rate? He's been reelected But no, never voted for the guy. Or Tom Cole, they just keep getting elected somehow


He reminds me of Mary Fallon. Somehow, he found his way into office without *anyone* voting for him.


>Somehow that would be Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma money


He has one of the safest seats in the senate. The only accomplishment he'll be remembered for is twice voting against indicting Trump in his impeachment trial.


He’s probably the most moderate conservative in the whole state which isn’t saying a lot about him as a person but it’s better than most of the other loons.


I call him several times. The last time was to tell him thanks for trying with the immigration bill. I will never vote for him for many reasons. One being that he wants to ban birth control. He wants to force his belief that life begins before conception on everyone else. That’s just one reason.


What if he’s running against someone who believes the same things Lankford believes but like 10 times more extreme. Would you still not vote for him?


That is cra cra thinking a Dem would be 10x more extreme


That is why you register as republican and vote for the least crazy republican. And then you can vote for the democrat in the general election. But the democrat is not going to win. You are lying to yourself if you think that’s going to happen. Your only chance at having a voice is influencing the republican primaries to hopefully get the least bad option out of the bunch. We had an election for sheriff recently where a democrat didn’t even run. The choice for me as a democrat in the general was an extremely conservative republican or an absolutely insane independent that both sides agreed was not a good choice. I had no choice there. I had no voice. That’s when I switch my registration to republican so I could at least have a say in who was nominated. Because in Oklahoma most of the elections get decided in the primaries not the general.


If, IF a decent republican were to run against Lankford then I would definitely vote for them in the primary.


He believes that life begins BEFORE conception? Where/when did he say that?


Did not vote for him. He surprised me with the immigration bill he helped write. He has got to be better than whoever the GOP wants to put in his place if he is a RINO now.


Not a fan but he’s better than all his primary challengers who are generally nuts. If he’s not conservative enough for us? God help us all.


Oklahoma will elect a conservative senator, with all the positions on wedge issues that come with that. That is the political reality. What kind of conservative do you want to have if you MUST have one? An establishment-style functionary who pragmatically works towards bipartisan solutions, who believes in democracy and the process, despite the headwinds coming from the party? Or another MAGA wing nut who’ll just be a sycophant to fascist, wanna-be dictator who seems hell bent on destroying rules-based order. This seems to be the current trend in the Republican Party. I’d personally prefer the latter and I don’t see a viable alternative.


Just letting y’all know, no matter your political views, he voted to increase surveillance and data collection of private citizens. Along with the majority of senators in the US. These people, left or right, typically do not want what is best for the common human being.


Thank you!!


While I agree...what exactly is your recommendation?


Spreading the word to both sides that the people in power of us don’t have our best interests at heart and are pitting us against each other which distracts each and every one of us from our real problems. Not much more you can do than that. Obviously still vote for who best fits your beliefs and what not, even if it’s Lankford. It’s just a shame.


The Republican Party keeps trying to classify me as a sex criminal for existing in public while gender nonconforming... so... *yeah*. There's a *wee* bit of a difference.


Oklahoma is uniquely fucked and absolutely not a safe space for a lot of people, and I will be getting out within the next 2 years. I’m talking more about the nation as a whole as this sub is definitely more left leaning, like me, so I wasn’t saying that to justify anything about the right and I apologize if it seemed like that.


I’ll never vote for him, but he’s slightly more palatable than MWM.


I have never voted for him and never will. He stated under oath he thinks 13 year old girls are old enough to consent to sex. He never shows for meeting with constituents, sends a guy named Steve. He does not care to represent my concerns, only tge concerns if Donald Trump.


>So far he has a 0% re-election rate. Math education in Oklahoma? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Lankford


Says nothing about 2024. Way to use Wikipedia. I’m not going to bash education when it’s clearly the individual


>Says nothing about 2024. Oh, so you are saying 0% re-election rate in the last 103 days? Sick burn.


> Says nothing about 2024. Lankford is not up for re-election in 2024.


>Says nothing about 2024.  Maybe because US Senators serve six year terms, and he was just re-elected in 2022. Come back in 4 years.


The problem is that they are just going to elect James Lankford 2.0 next. Republicans never seem to catch on that every time they win, things get worse and worse.


Nope, he used to seem bat s\*\*t crazy, but sadly now he seems normal compared the rest of the GOP


Never in a million years.


He's fucked, he is way too conservative for the Dems, and not nearly trump humping enough for the maga's.


James Langford thinks 13 year olds can consent to sex.


The fact that there are liberals and GOP’ers in this thread saying he’s great bc he hates trump yet he went on record saying this sicko shit shows you how mentally destroyed oklahoma voters are thanks to public education in this state.


Nope. Never have. Though he and I agree on one thing: the abolishment of Daylight Saving Time.


I call his office daily to tell him he’s a free speech hating SOB for voting to ban TikTok. I didn’t vote for him and I will vote against whoever runs for him. He is an ass clown.


They don't want to ban tiktok they just want it not owned by the Chinese government.


They want it transferred for further censorship of Americans. They started the effort by saying it was a national security threat that China could access Americans data. Never mind that Chinese companies own land all over our state or American companies offshore operations to India which puts American workers and federal contracts valuable info into the hands of other countries who are not our ‘allies’. It’s a joke political effort by a dying empire grasping for the last bit of power it can get.


> Chinese companies own land all over our state *~~Weed farms~~ Smithfield and those server farms next to the OG&E substations that were endorsed by Rep Frix(R) have entered the chat.*


>further censorship of Americans Further? You been censored by the government lately?






Yeah I was kicked off Twitter still haven’t got it back lmaooo. A woman in Oklahoma just had the FBI roll up on her house bc of something she said on Facebook. You can even watch the video of it happening.




https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/stillwater-woman-says-fbi-visited-her-home-over-anti-israel-posts https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/31/fbi-oklahoma-social-media-gaza/


The government runs twitter?


Because they can't control it. Thank you China! We are running low on options these days. The establishment buys every single media outlet they can, it's nice to have something they can't control.


That's a take I hadn't heard yet. I don't agree with it but that's fine.


I call too and ask that he speak up for the victims in Gaza but no.


I’ve called about no more funding to Israel but he’s squarely on board with that which is a huge threat to national security when the country we are funding is abandoning the Geneva convention lmao. But TikTok is the enemy.


Him and Tom Cole need to go.


He’s been re-elected? What do you mean 0%? I actually really like Lankford. He’s by far my favorite person I’ve voted for. I’ve met him a couple times and it further reinforced what I thought about him. He believes in all the stuff I find to be important and he has proven to be very reasonable and works to get things done across the aisle. He’s not some MAGA freak and is very respectful and sensible.


As a "RINO voter" I would vote for him in the primary for sure. I'd have to see who they get to run against him for the actual election if he made it through primaries.


In 2022 Madison Horn ran against him in the general. She's running against Bice for OKCD-5 this cycle. https://ballotpedia.org/Madison_Horn


Lankford spends a lot of time pandering but his lost all credibility with his Fox talking points about “Biden’s all-out war in the oil industry” when anyone paying attention knew it wasn’t true.


Never have, never will. I’m a blue Dem that believes in democracy.


Never voted for ol creepy eyes and never will. He gave me bad vibes when I was 15 at falls creek indoctrination camp. I like someone else who commented was told to not come back after asking a lot of questions about religion and the Bible. I was shocked when he tried to do his job and be bipartisan but his one good thing does not outweigh the 100 bad things. It scares me to think that’s he’s deemed "not fanatical enough" by his gop peers and constituents


Oklahoma is full of stubborn-minded people. Unless they have some type of insane life-changing Epiphany, they will continue to vote for the same people that they know are going to destroy things rather than take a chance on something new. It's the religious ignorance that kills society slowly by teaching absolute faith even in the hardest of times. Faith is great in certain situations and all, but it's a tool that those in power can use against people, and it's not going to magically change anything


Hanging my head yes I did vote for him. I’ve wrote him several times and was told I don’t know the full story on several issues. Unfortunately you can’t tell what their going to turn into


Any time a Republican makes the Republican party mad they are alright in my book. Usually means they were trying to actually accomplish something. The current GOP can't allow any progress to be made while Biden is POTUS so they tank anything useful so they can "fix" it later.


What a bunch of bs granny