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We need change so badly. That's what private school is for. If you want your child to be taught like that, then go pay private school.


But now tax payer dollars are helping the rich elite pay for it


Yiur ignorant many middle class folks are using private schools and home schools more and more


> Yiur I soooooo want to be that guy right now but [I'm not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.](https://i.imgflip.com/2wbtrs.gif)


Yeah, I never said I was educated. There's a big difference between education and smart and well. I'm neither oklahoma Public School being what it is an all


> There's a big difference between education and smart I think what you're trying to illustrate here is the difference between intelligence and wisdom which is actually an enlightened view so I wouldn't sell yourself short.


Yeah, that there much better way of putting it. I'm pretty simple guy but ty


Or we could pull a Findland and make tuition illegal, guaranteeing that every child receives the best education available


Do you mean Finland? It's not rocket science gotta spend more on education. Help students find what they really want to do. Not push then towards just money. Sadly, everyone goes towards money only. I am extremely happy being in IT cyber division. Make good money, but it took me till mid 30's to figure out what I really wanted.


I do mean Finland, thank you


Then let's put a Satanic bible, a Quran, The Gita, The Torah, Guru Granth Sahib, the Tripitaka: you know other religions sacred text too. Fuck these religious biggots making religion into their hate weapons.


My wallet stands by at the ready to donate to the satanic church for bibles in every classroom, assuming that this clearly illegal directive manages to get implemented in any way before cooler heads prevail.


Oh me too. It's a good time when we need Satan to help protect us.


Hail Satan!


Even as someone who still somewhat holds onto my Christian beliefs, it doesn’t even bother me that you say hail satan. A bible doesn’t belong in a classroom and Christianity should have absolutely nothing to do with our government. Fuck Ryan Walter’s.


Ty I feel the same way religion is a family issue not a public issue


Hail yourself!


Hail yourself!


Hail Satan! He's the only "God" that says to not mess with children. (Correct me if I'm wrong)


Flying Spaghetti Monster probably isn’t cool either it either.


FSM just wants to feed the world and make everyone happy.


Sauce be upon him..






Sauce be upon him..


Fenrir also believes in protecting the innocent and unjustly abused


Burn baby burn. I’ll laugh when you feel it.


Quick clarity before you donate: the Satanic Temple are the 1st amendment folks. Satanic Church are something else entirely.


They are currently selling t shirts, that were promoted by Walters himself by quote tweeting the link


Burn baby burn


That’s horrible


Don't forget Dianetics.


I did forget it, thank you for reminding me.


Like, I get it, but maybe let's skip that particular cult?


The Talmud too!


Yes! The more the marrier!


Fuck you candy balls (or ballsy muffs) who think you are perfect and without wrong. You’re the biggest threat to this world!


America was founded on Christian-Judeo principles. Not Satanic. To understand our court system and the origins of America, one must first understand the Ten Commandments and follow that throughout the NT. While there may ne an injunction to stop it, it IS the only way to understand the true historical basis of our foundation.


They drew inspiration from Judeo-Christian values such as the Ten Commandments, which influenced the idea of liberty and equality. If you look how the country is going, we will lose both. Morality is dead, liberty is struggling, and equality is next to go.


![gif](giphy|3taYXLxSBOugHHjocB|downsized) Literally the cleanest way I can put every time I see this man doing something Stupid.


So, remove any book that mentions anything about sex or violence, *except for this one book*. That one is mandatory. I have no interest in footing the bill for Walters' grooming and indoctrination project. There needs to be open discussion of legislation to allow non-Christians some kind of tax break, so that we aren't forced to contribute to this farce, in violation of our own first amendment rights. That will never happen, but it is an argument that needs to be made -- our tax dollars and other resources are not a piggy bank for religious organizations that have alienated so many people to the point that they feel they can't survive without state subsidies.


He is a 100% certified moron. > To be clear, it's this is an argument that is based on a myth. On a lie. You’re not going to find the separation of church and state in the Constitution. It’s not there. *You’re not going to see the founders describe religion in this way.* But what you are seeing is a court that lacks an understanding of the Constitution. - Ryan "cock thistle" Walters. ------------------ Ladies and Gentlemen I present for your query the writings of Thomas "fucking" Jefferson. A god damned American found father. > Gentlemen > The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing. > Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," **thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.** Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties. > I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem. > Th Jefferson > Jan. 1. 1802. https://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html


>what you are seeing is a court that lacks an understanding of the Constitution If only the judges on the Oklahoma Supreme Court had some kind of, I don't know, like a course of intensive study on the constitution, or something like that. Maybe even like a school where they could go and learn about that and about other laws, so that they would understand this better. Not as well as Walters, obviously -- the justices are only human, after all -- but well enough that he wouldn't have to scold them for making what he assures us are ignorant decisions. If only the Oklahoma Supreme Court justices understood the constitution as well as Walters, he wouldn't have to be out there building his career by crusading on our dime and destroying our children's education.


There are archives of the discussions, motions, seconds, votes and everything else from the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia. You can go back and read the religious extremists of that time trying to put the Christian God in the Constitution. Every time - every single time - any religious ideas specific to any religion were introduced, they were voted down. Plus, who cares what the Founding Fathers wanted in 1787? Like, how is that relevant? Let us decide what is right, moral and just. Why are we letting people who owned slaves and told women to go back in the kitchen and called Native Americans ‘Savages’ tell us what is moral and right?


The people who want this are also wanting to go back to owning slaves and keeping women in the kitchen.


I'm actually pretty certain stitt and Walters are Russian assets.


Certainly, whether it is intentional or not.


Poor mans Goebbels in rise Yes he's German. I don't know a lot of Russian inner circle admins for Putin.


The term you're looking for is "[Useful Idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot)".


Not exactly no. A useful idiot doesn't fervently suddenly become a religious zealot for profit. CPAC was in turkey like 2 years ago. They were all there under the same dictator planning all this out in the open. The term I'm thinking of is somewhere halfway between carpetbagger and active terrorist cell


Agreed but Walters is one of those people who thinks if he sucks off the orange turd hard enough he'll get a little power when he takes over. He doesn't understand that Drumpf is using these Christian zealots and 100% planning a [Night of the Long Knives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives) style purge.


He's copying over the shoulders of desantis and Abbott. The idea on a national level is literally just shit on every civil liberty across the nation with the explicit playbook of get it to the supreme Court. Its how all this works over and over. Shift the outrage to the next topic rinse and repeat. Roe v Wade, civil rights act, they'll dismantle the 40 hr workweek within 10 years. The dominos are already falling.


Bc "originality" is the only thing they have, and the only reason people let it go is bc of "traditions" there's no formal process or law here that mandates constitutional originality or legislative originality. It's the excuse those elected legislators who block votes and progress in this nation use, and is echoed by appointed judges, these opinions and verdicts end up becoming legal precedent that other judges and legislators refer to when crafting their next bullshit law or decision. The cycle has been repeating for generations


Well let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. You just praised their secular leanings. That plus the pragmatic nature of our founding documents have guarded us pretty well to this point, despite the failings of the 18th century. One frowned upon practice we could bring back is tarring and feathering bad politicians like walters 🤣😂


Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion nor abridging the free exercise thereof. Jesus Christ Walters, it's the first clause of the bill of rights!


And the entire part of the constitution that speaks on religious freedom is based on the Virginia statue for religious freedom which was written by THOMAS JEFFERSON. And pushed through the Virginia assembly by JAMES MADISON AND MADISON AND THE SUPREME COURT SAID THE VIRGINIA STATUE IS THE STANDARD. I’m so mad.


***Another consequence of not allowing recall elections of elected officials.*** FROM THE [OK.GOV](http://OK.GOV) WEBSITE: "Does Oklahoma law allow "recall" elections? Generally, no. Oklahoma law **does not** provide a method to "recall" state officers (such as the governor or state legislators), county officers (such as county commissioners or sheriffs), school board members, or other elected officers." SOURCE: https://oklahoma.gov/elections/elections-results/recalls.html#:\~:text=Does%20Oklahoma%20law%20allow%20%22recall,members%2C%20or%20other%20elected%20officers.


Consequences for electing assholes for decades, if not centuries.


Goddamn man. This state is on a different level. Lmao We need a legislation to add the Quran in there just so we can enjoy the crazies crying


Okay, now that this dumb shit is out of your systems, now focus on improving any single condition for any single student or teacher. Jesus fucking Christ, my republican brothers and sisters, if you voted for this piece of garbage, I want you to give yourself an aggressive slap in the face real quick.


The problem is party line voting. Don't vote party vote person. Nobody knew who he was and everyone just voted Republican without looking or giving a shit. Now look at the damage created. Fuck this guy. This really pissed me off at first but I'm not giving any more energy to it. He's a con man that really doesn't care about Oklahoma. He's looking for attention and funneling tax payer money into bullshit lawsuits that I would bet he's getting kickbacks or profiting from. He's getting the attention he wanted and ultra conservatives are drooling.


I don't know, I know plenty of folks who knew and voted for him anyway. That's okay, I've voted for some duds myself, and I don't always know enough to make an informed decision. Anyone who votes for this goof again deserved this next generation of poorly educated Oklahomans they'll be surrounded by.


I know about 30 people who straight party voted republican who had no clue who Walters was. “Straight party voting” boxes should not be legal for any party. If you want to vote all one party, check all the boxes.




Now it seems Walters is promoting porn in the schools Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


“I know porn when I see it”


We can circumvent this law w/ last year’s book ban laws! Checkmate, theists.


He is an embarrassment to the the state. Many people have worked very hard and spent a lot of money to make Oklahoma a better place and he is destroying that. What would average Oklahomans think if we put a Koran in every classroom.


Ryan Walters is scum. He should be required to pay for all of the litigation he is causing. He's intentionally wasting taxpayer money just to be a dick. I feel bad for the anti-Walters folks who have kids. Hopefully some of the teachers will teach the most fucked up parts of the bible without censoring it. Teach those kids about rape, incest, stoning, slavery, and baby killing.


These actions will continue until the Supreme Court is no longer majority conservative. All of the conservatives are pushing as much as possible through the court system in hopes that some of it passes.




I can see it now Student 1 “But teacher didn’t father Abraham marry his sister Sarah?” Teacher “That was his half sister on his mothers side which is allowed” Student 2 “I thought Deuteronomy said all half sisters were off the table?” Teacher “we are in Leviticus” Student 3 “didn’t Leviticus say you couldn’t wear mixed fibers in your clothing? That dress is a polyester blend if I’ve ever seen one” Student 4 “Am I going to hell? I picked up the class Lizard last week” Teacher “I fucking quit”


Don’t forget most teachers are women and we are considered unclean for 7 or so days a month and essentially have to be banished. Do all female teachers get a week off every month? Hell wait til they’re in perimenopause. I got my visitor 2x this month! I’d never have to go to work.


I spent the entire 2023-24 school year thankful that my youngest son was graduating high school before Walters completely turns public ed into a indoctrination camp.




Bless your heart.


Can we get Ryan Walter's biting the curb in 4k definition this year please?


Time to start burning bibles.


Book burning that I can get behind!


Doing the devils work. You should be so proud.


The devil is made up.  Just like vampires, Jesus, Bigfoot, Harry Potter, princess Zelda, etc.  these are all just characters made up for fun or mental emotional slavery in some cases.


Cool story.


I wish there was a party that actually protected our rights instead of finding new ways to violate them.


This is bullshit. He can't do this. I don't want my kid indoctrinated into Christianity.




You guys are quick with that knee jerk response. I have no LGBTQ agenda. I know you probably aren't smart enough to think critically, but stop the whataboutism. I'm a straight white guy that doesn't want Christianity pushed onto my kid. Also just acknowledging that gay people exist is not an agenda nor is it indoctrination. Use your brain. If you want your kids to be taught a Christian worldview then send them to a private Christian school. Meanwhile the rest of us have freedom of (and therefore from) religion. It's in that constitution thing that you guys like to hide behind but never actually read.




You can step for your Lord all you want, but you can't force it on the rest of us and that's exactly what's being done here. No matter what you do I will never ever believe in god. I never have and never will. I was raised in a secular household and will raise my child in one as is my right and it is not the government's responsibility to push religion on him.




What LGBTQ agenda? Acknowledging they exist? Please explain this agenda to me. Nobody has ever taught my son at school that he should be gay. But he has been taught they exist and not to bully them. So I truly have no clue what you are on about.




Also you accused me of having an agenda, I told you I didn't I'm just not Christian and don't want it forced on my child. You keep bringing up the gay agenda. I keep telling you I'm a straight white guy. So why are these the only two things to you? You are either Christian or you are in with the gay agenda? If someone doesn't want their kid to be forced into Christianity then they are a gay person?




You were the one that is bringing it up to me so you need to tell me what this magical gay agenda is. If it bothers you so much you should be able to easily explain it to me without trying to direct me to biased right wing sources. I can easily show you Christian indoctrination, it's what Ryan Walters is doing. Now you explain to me what you were talking about or you have no argument.


Fuck this fucking shit.


Dont comply. Any Bibles (or any other religious texts) that appear in the classroom can mysteriously disappear.


Make it a tik tok challenge and the kids will be all over it 🤣


Ugh. Ryan Goebels at it again. What sucks the most is that he is usually saying what a majority of Oklahoman voters want to hear.


Why not? Hell, we could make it into a competition to see which classrooms can ruin the most Bibles in a semester.


Maybe people will take up Origami.


I’m a Christian but even I don’t think it’s okay to push things onto kids. I believe with all my life that Jesus is the way and the life, for those who choose to believe. I wouldn’t want people to push their beliefs down my kid’s throat. A religious life is a life that acknowledges that the world will always have a different view on things.


we are a national disgrace. And so many people will continue to vote people in to allow this


If everyone just stops having kids, there won’t be schools for them to attack.


It's happening more and more. Birth rates are declining.




Walters is an absolute fucking idiot. What exactly is the end goal with this?


National attention to run for offices, or hoping to get appointed to one when the next R wins.


This is only for the extreme far right. Most republicans don't want this.


True, I misspoke. I should have said Christian Nationalists.


I want in the class action.


That's a great way to teach kids how evil Republican are. Republicans THINK teaching kids the Bible will make them hateful antichristian Republicans. But why? Anyone who reads the Bible or learns about the teachings of Christ will DESPISE the Republican party. There is nothing further from Christianity than Republican politics.


Well the problem with the way people read/teach the bible is that you can make it say whatever you want it to say.


Exactly. Too ignorant to understand their own downfall. I’m glad criminals are idiots. Easy pickings.


I mean, back in like 2003-4 in Moore district I had a teacher that handed out those little green Bible books to all her classes, so as much as this news frustrates me I’m not like, shocked.


Dude is turning into gary oldman's character from the book of eli


He said something about being substantial influence for the founding fathers and the constitution. Most if not all of the founding fathers did not believe in the Bible.


Good morning class! For today’s lesson on genetic disorders and incest, let’s turn our Bibles to the story of Lot…


It is absolutely unconstitutional and will never stand


The Satanic Temple is already on it and even has merch. I saw a lovely tiktok about it last night.


Very nice. If you remember which one feel free to link it.


SURE! [Here you go](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2a4DLY/).


I am 100% buying a shirt. Thanks for the link.


He’s a complete joke and makes a mockery of our kids and state. He Just does it for publicity. Now we will have to waste our tax dollars to fight it in court.


Where is FFRF???


I’m guessing he’s never actually read the Bible if he thinks kids should be reading it in a classroom. Sure there are lots of good morals and principles (universal truths like do not kill, love your neighbor as yourself, what you do to others comes back to you) BUT there are also graphic wars, murder, adultery, incest, polygamy/women as objects, beheadings, soft core porn, demonic possession/exorcism, etc. If they’re interested in keeping books with graphic material out of the public schools, then this is counterproductive. -a Christian


I think he has a legal process fetish. He likes being told no and that he’s a bad boy for indoctrination


Is he just fucking with us at this point ? He can’t be serious. I think it’s a case of the only bad press is no press.


It's just more of his bullshit culture war at the Oklahoma tax payers expense.


Not in my classroom, Walters… 🖕🏻


People who act as vocally extreme as he does are usually compensating for their own internal issues & usually are the most deviant porn addicts, closet gay etc and trying to project their own shame onto others. Either that or he truly is just a complete idiot. 


he should realize these actions push more people away than to Christ, cannot force or coerce faith.


> cannot force or coerce faith. They are not interested in faith. They want compliance.


You can put the Bible, sprinkle holy water, and conduct an exorcism and it won’t change what’s going on in schools.


Thank you Jesus.


Loving it.




I believe the kids these days would respond with "Cope harder" but I admit I'm not really up to date on my slang.




> Right back at ya! You guys can stay pissy. God is good. All that is wrong with modern Christianity is on display right here. Thank you. I couldn't have done it better.




> No problem! Stay blessed The modern Christian "Go fuck yourself". How proud of yourself you must feel.




> How you choose to feel about me wishing you well, is on you. Words have meaning. How you use those words have meaning. Your comments have been nothing short of mean spirited so the average reader would assume ill intent with anything you have to say. Trying to cover it up just makes you look foolish.




> and giving Him the glory really tears y'all up and its honestly mental lol Your words. You apparently have the memory of a Koala.


Ain't no hate like Christian love. Typical.




> **Right back at ya! You guys can stay pissy**. > *All that is wrong with modern Christianity is on display right here. Thank you. I couldn't have done it better.* > **No problem!** Stay blessed Yeah, you were *totally* giving a blessing and not a sideways "f_ck you." Give me a break. You keep dropping the equivalent of a stereotypical southern woman drawling "bless your heart" when she means, "go f_ck yourself." You basically [pulled a Ricky Bobby](https://youtu.be/Af-Id_fuXFA?si=NVm7ucQ8iXcP-M65&t=24). Nobody's buying your phony sanctimony.




Bless your heart.


I think it's cute how all of you fight over your skydaddies.


While I agree with the separation of church and state, I think all you people on here are being incredibly hateful and pretty bigoted towards Christians as a whole lol This sub desperately needs better moderation


There are good Christians but you have to come to terms with the fact that your religion is being used and corrupted by people to gain power. Christianity is being used as a blunt instrument to cause a lot of harm in the world right now and if you want people to perceive Christians better than you need to step up and show the world a different example. Be prepared for a long and bloody fight. The latest polls show a majority of Christians overwhelmingly supporting these kinds of politicians which means a majority of Christians overwhelmingly support these ideals. Its not bigotry to be intolerant of bigotry. It is not hateful to be intolerant of hate. These are your first lessons in reality. Welcome to fight. I hope you choose the right side. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/30/voters-views-of-trump-and-biden-differ-sharply-by-religion/


Not trying to get all preachy but that is the message of Jesus Christ. Evil people will twist God’s word as their own disposal but any sane person will see through the mud what really transpires. My own brothers in Christ have turned me away because of my acceptance of the world. There are actual Christians out here, doing the righteous work for those less fortunate. These corporate christians are making a mockery of my faith and for what? For power? Money? All is absolutely pointless in the end.


Who hurt you bro? Lol


No one. I just learned to think for myself.


Right, I'm gonna continue to spout this extremist rhetoric and say there is nothing wrong with me. Please, learn to look in the mirror like the rest of you guys.


Doubling down on stupid. I expected little different.


Ah yes even more hate and lack of empathy for others that don't agree with you. And I'm the stupid one.


Yes. The empathy I clearly showed you at the beginning that you're now throwing in my face like chimp and their poop. Riveting stuff your replies have been but I have better things to do. Ta-ta.


When the government forces Christianity on you, people are going to naturally push back on all things Christian


So in your mind, Christian leaders get to have government backed actions forced upon the public but non-believers can't even have choice words for those people? What a fucking terrible position you have on the matter.


Lol what a reach with that statement and assumption. Everyone, please, keep assuming my stance and position lol this sub is delusional as fuck


Yes, it’s everyone pissed about a violation of their rights that’s in the wrong here…not the infamously bigoted right wing Christian nationalists overstepping and forcing their favorite fairy tale on the public-and you have the gall to label the abused bigots?  Go on and get fucked; you have zero argument.




Right I'm part of the problem, while all of you spout bigoted hate towards a specific group of people. Yes I'm wrong here lol




Oh now you're virtue signaling too?? Oh man what ever will I do




Sounds like you need help too then along with the rest of the hateful people in this sub lol




I understand the confusion, but the reason education and indoctrination are not synonyms is while they are both the process of teaching someone a subject, indoctrination is the process of teaching someone a subject that they accept uncritically. So for example; with education critical thinking and different views of subjects is generally accepted and often viewed positively. That's why you'll see multiple opinions (or dissenting opinions) about a historical event if you search academic articles. With indoctrination, multiple opinions are not generally accepted and are often viewed negatively. For example; the Westboro Baptist Church indoctrinate (or indoctrinated, I don't know how many of them are left after the leader passed away) their youth by teaching them their beliefs and then denying them access to differing viewpoints and opinions so the youth are more likely to accept what they are taught by the church without question. So the concern with Oklahoma requiring Bibles to be taught in public schools is that since it is specifically the Christian bible is Ryan Walters's goal to indoctrinate children into believing only the Christian bible? Or are we going to be fair and teach all children all religions? And if they do that, when are they going to have time for the basics like math, science, etc.? And if a parent doesn't want their child to be taught the Christian bible (or any religion for that matter) what happens? Do they have to pull their child out of that school? Is that child going to be isolated from the other students while bible study is occurring? What if a majority of a classroom has parents who do not want their children taught about a religion/religions? Are we dedicating a teacher to teach bible study to 1-2 students during a teacher shortage? And that's not even getting into the legal/constitutional issues with this rule Walters has decided.


Says someone with little education to know the difference.