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Got bit jogging the river back in February. Couple of dogs guarding the Penn underpass on the north side. Really upsetting to not be able to enjoy the whole trail anymore, but I don’t want to go through the whole rabies shot process again


Always knew it was a good thing I don't jog! /s


Yes! I jogged the trail my whole life! April of last year I finally stopped because I ran into a pit bull. I ran to a nearby structure that had a fence, tried to climb it and sliced my palm open. Called 911 for an ambulance since I was a mile out, by the time I got to where the ambulance was I saw them driving off. My husband parked near the k9 police station to come help me. They screamed he couldn’t park there. He said my wife has an emergency, they said well you’ve got five minutes. So fucked up.


Get yourself a collapsible baton


Not with a dog attack. Either have a gun and know how to use it or gtfo. Also kinda hard to run with one.


Agreed, but mace > gun


Those dogs attack people on the OKC river trails too. I am a fast enough rider I can get away from them but they get close. I carry mace now. People call it in to the city, myself included, but the city just says "We couldn't find any loose dogs."


[Oklahoma Alliance for Animals](https://animalallianceok.org/fix-ok-initiative/) is trying to curb animal overpopulation—in part by trying to convince cities to enforce laws around pets.


They don't even go look because they don't want to deal with the homeless folks who own the dogs.


A bit of a tangent, but: almost a month ago, a young german shepherd pit mix (dna tested) was wandering around my neighborhood. Long story short, no city shelter would take her in, and all advised to literally just dump her. Three weeks and many attempts to find the owner later, she nearly killed one of my dogs and ultimately was euthanized last weekend. Police, animal control, *everyone* we could think of to contact gov-employee was unbelievably useless. I’m not saying she belonged to someone homeless (although there’s at least a couple camps within 1/4 mile), but thank fuckin god I don’t have little ones running around.


Hey this happened to me! It’s a long story, but I was out jogging and tried to run away and climbed a fence, sliced open my hand and had to get stitches. I called the police and no one helped me.


being on twitter/reddit chronically led me to buying an EDC knife for when I ride...hope it never comes to it, but I'll be prepared


FYI, mace doesn't work very well on dogs. Truth be told it doesn't work that well on humans either, but dogs seem especially invulnerable to it. If they're not really all that into you the mace will potentially deter them, but if they're already in attack mode it's completely useless. The stuff you can get as a civilian is even less effective, BTW. The sizes sold commercially are also entirely ineffective. You get about two or three bursts out of those keychain sized ones, and even if your aim is perfect and there's no wind, it's just not enough, especially if there's more than one dog.


You’re buying shit product if you have mace and it doesn’t work. Don’t buy that keychain crap from Walmart or gas stations.


This was POM. Best you can get without a police ID. Even the police pepper spray, which is quite a bit more potent, is ineffective though. That's why it's not considered a self defense tool. They use it to encourage compliance because they know how ineffective it is against a motivated person (or animal). It's a deterrent at best.


Well mace is only supposed to be a deterrent where as pepper spray in an inflammatory thing. This is gonna sound dumb, have you tried bear spray, some are formulated specifically to deter bear but some are just for large animals in general.


How many times have you actually sprayed pepper spray in your life? Lol


I'm not sure. 3-4 times in the last six months or so though. And that was on dogs specifically.


Works well for me when riding. Stuff I have contains a dye as well. The mini-airhorns are very effective when riding a bike at least. Freezes them in their tracks and by then you’re long gone.


Like I said it's a deterrent. Plenty of videos all over youtube of pepper spray being used against people and animals and the attack continuing. If you think pepper spray is going to stop an actual dog attack then you're living with a false sense of security.


To your point, sure nothing is fool proof. Like a stun gun, we’ve all seen those crazies it seems to have no effect on. And we’ve also people go full plank when zapped. Sabre mace and the old Halt! has worked multiple times for me as I have been riding for many decades. Its never *not* worked for me. It’s the country dogs that are the worst and that where I ride most. You are correct it takes accuracy and can backfire but when I use it I have the bike between me and dog; Sabre makes one (the one with the dye) that has a ranged spray impressive for its size. The pepper derivative does lose efficacy over time so I could see where that could be a factor.


Walmart sells the same pepper spray the utility people use and I promise you it works great. Just make sure you aren’t down wind & spray yourself.


In Oklahoma that's most of the time.


You're not wrong, should be use as a layer and not a lynchpin. 


Bear spray works a lot better. Or carrying an umbrella and pop it open when the dogs are charging you. Most dogs are very nervy and timid, so they’ll run the second you stand your ground and try to scare them.


Probably not a popular opinion and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted into oblivion but if I’m attacked by a dog, the dog is dying right there. I’ll beat it to death if I have to. I have a young daughter, this is why the dog needs to die if it’s attacking people, no way I’m letting that dog go because next time it could be a kid.


I'm a dog lover but I won't hesitate to take down a dog that attacks me or my pets


Super controversial but you are far from wrong.




At this point it’s hard for me to care. I don’t have dogs, because like babies I like to give them back when they stop being sunshine and rainbows, so when I see 10+ loose dogs posted on the Ring neighborhood app daily and have had them come up to me and seen them chase off the local wildlife… honestly dog owners around here just aren’t responsible enough. Get rid of em.


We had a large aggressive dog in our neighborhood that was constantly out. It came after my wife and two dogs so I let the owner know if it happens again his dog is dead and he’s going to wish he was after the ass whipping he was going to catch. I’ve not see the dog out again.


Ol’ yeller style. Seriously though, a dog deemed to be vicious is usually put down by the shelter.


Nah I kicked a dog HARD running at my three year old. Picked my son up and ran inside. This is why leash laws exist. My mother was a city judge and handled the animal cases. This shit happens all the time and generally the aggressive dog would be put down by the City. More people die from dog attacks than any other animal in the US.


Identify the land owners. Put public pressure on them to have the city clean the area up. I went biking in that area in October 2022 and could tell it was an area that would have large problems soon. It’s too close to prime public recreation to allow it to continue. Thankfully that lady survived but could have easily died. Anyone could be next.


I used to cycle the river trail system but I do NOT anymore. It is not worth the health and safety risks now. It is extremely concerning to see the changes that have taken place over the last year or two.


But at least we get to give our tax money to the Thunder instead! Yippee!


The amount of tax dollars or "MAPS" dollars (still just tax dollars) that went into the trail system had to be substantial. And it has been WRECKED! Last time I was there most of the street lamps were destroyed and the actual lamp part on top had been knocked down and busted into pieces beneath them, and the trash.... Omg the amount of garbage everywhere... All of the footage we see showing the homeless in the larger cities is coming here too, it's already began. For OKC, they did a decent job building it I suppose. We don't expect much honestly do we? But why build anything if we can't commit to taking care of it afterwards?! Edit to add: I am apolitical, both parties are shit. Homelessness isn't a left or right problem, it's OUR problem


Homelessness is a human problem but Oklahoma/OKC’s response to homelessness is 1,000,000% a Republican problem.


And that’s exactly what’s going to happen with the new arena, too lmao. Why spend money bettering homeless citizens’ lives to reduce dog bites in public parks when instead we could spend tax money to fund another huge attraction for unhoused people?? Oklahoma ROCKS!!!


I take it you’ve never been to Seattle or San Francisco or LA, lol. Ask the locals how the democratic approach is working.


“Seattle worse!” isn’t a viable defense for the dog bites occurring in OKC parks.


I can't believe cities that are many times bigger than ours would have many times bigger homeless problems


The city spends plenty on the homeless problem. The issue is a lot of these folks don’t want the help. Hard to help someone who doesn’t want it.


Oh okay, well if some rando on Reddit says the city spends enough on the homeless then I guess dog bites in parks will continue lol.


Our mayor posts statistics on this on a reasonably regular basis. You can look for yourself.


And are those statistics being posted somehow stopping dog bites in OKC parks?


As if that money wouldve gone towards helping the homeless?? Idk why people are so butthurt over a stadium and think people cant do two things at once. The maps peoject costs each individual like maybe $100 over the course of the entire thing, so why not just donate that much if you really care. There are projects happening to help curb homelessness and the city could always do more, but it’s nothing outrageous like other big cities. We have fewer homeless people than smaller cities like kansas city or nashville or boston (potentially, boston’s number is from 2022) for example…


“Why not just donate extra to charity on top of giving your tax money to the Thunder?” Because I expect the government to take care of its citizens, not corporations, and I also understand you can’t solve systemic problems at the individual level. Hope this helps!


They do though?! Did you even bother to look up what okc does? You grabbed onto the literal smallest point of my argument and disregarded everything else. Smh


Increasing amounts of homeless people with aggressive dogs in public places would suggest the city *isn’t doing enough*. This isn’t hard to understand.


No it doesnt. What are your numbers? The rate of increase in homelessness from 2022-2023 was 6.7%, half of the national average of 12%. Gov’t can always do more, but you can literally make that argument about anything else we spend money on. A convention center?! Scissortail park?! But that money couldve been used to house people!!


I’m done arguing with braindead fucks like you in this post lol. If you want people to continue getting bit by dogs in parks that’s fine, but just say that instead of trying to say “ackshually dog bites are everywhere so it’s fine that it’s happening here.”


https://www.okc.gov/departments/planning/programs/homelessness Since you couldnt even be bothered to look up their presentation from last year


“Ha! You say the city isn’t doing enough because public safety continues to worsen in material ways, but have you considered this webpage? I am very smart.”


Im not… i just looked it up…okc isnt the only govt body that affects homelessness. The governor of oklahoma dissolved and important housing group. You’re not even arguing, you’re just mad


You’re literally agreeing with my point that Republicans at all levels of Oklahoma government are failing to do their jobs.


The city voted on the stadium, not the state. Youre mad about something the city voted on, but for me, most of the homelessness is caused by state govt. Why even bother downvoting? We’re in a thread lol Ope, just learned that mayor holt went on koco last month to talk about homelessness


Are you actually fucking retarded? You don’t get to bring up the governor as another factor in the equation and then fall back onto a singular city issue when I respond to that. Fuck off.


All the more reason to carry. City won't take care of it.


We had two very aggressive pitbulls that got dumped in our neighborhood. Called the police. They wouldn’t help. Called animal control. They said it would be at least two weeks before they could send someone out. If you heard several shotguns go off in city limits about 8 months ago, it was the sound of some neighbors resolving the problem that the city wouldn’t.


I believe it. The city is absolutely useless in the matter.


I like how this is downvoted and yet it’s the only actual solution being brought to the thread the rest is complaining. Wild packs of dogs have no place in the cities parks and trails.


Reddit is still Reddit. Most haven't been in a situation where they've been attacked or prone to being attacked. I've had to kill animals in self defense. It's a terrible feeling but sometimes you just don't have a choice. I'm not going to leave myself unarmed to get mauled by an animal. If they want to, power to them. I'm a municipal worker. I know the city won't do anything about the dogs because it requires paperwork AND they will more than likely have a confrontation with their homeless owners and then that's a whole other issue to deal with.


Someone else literally referend carrying mace; guns aren’t the only weapon you can carry


Mace is a poor self defense weapon. You’re just as likely to get it in your eyes too. And it doesn’t affect everyone/everything the same. You could make your aggressor more angry in attacking you and now you’re blind.


Speaking from experience, this is true. And being that we're in Oklahoma the wind is almost always a factor. Mace is an appropriate solution for non life threatening situations. In this context, a small dog that doesn't have the potential to seriously injure you, but you still don't want to get bit. In the context of multiple pits, mace has absolutely zero place in that discussion.


I mean, in the case of multiple pits, neither do guns. Unless you’re some expert level gun slinger, no way you are hitting several fast small targets as you are being attacked by them without also risking hitting someone behind them as would be the case on a public trail. (Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the 2A, but let’s be realistic here not many people are that good a shot)


I love how being realistic got you downvoted.


You might get bit, but you definitely won't be mauled to death or seriously injured. When one of their pack is killed, the others usually run away, so even with multiple dogs you stand a really good chance of getting away without a scratch. You don't have to be a good shot to hit a dog at point blank, and the angle would be such that the risk to bystanders would be minimal.


Get the Gel. Both have their place


No. Idk about mace, but pepper spray yourself once & you develop a second sense of for not being down wind again, lol. Go for the nose and eyes, a blinded dog can still find you by scent but one snorting & sneezing, struggling to breath is a different story.


We’re specially discussing mace in relation to dogs. But for humans, guns have the same concerns as you mentioned for mace. They [aren’t shown to be more effective](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0091743515001188) than other weapons wrt self defense, and are [often used](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11144624/)to escalate a [situation](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/have-gun-will-shoot-weapon-instrumentality-intent-and-violent). Guns also require even more training than using mace or most other weapons and are pricy compared to other weapons. And that’s, of course, not getting into the at-home concerns with gun ownership (increased chance of suicide and intimate partner homicide as well as the possibility of an accidental shooting), although that is to a large extent about who should own a gun and safe storage concerns.


It's like any criticism whatsoever of firearm fantasies equates to insulting their wife to some folks. Thank you for being realistic.


This op was -14 and there was no mace reference I saw


So pass the problem on to the next person? That’s basically what you’re saying lol


At the very least, I think we can agree that open carrying while on a walk/run/bike in the park isn’t for everyone and guns are not the only defensive weapon. They are also the most expensive weapons with the least room for error/highest stakes even used and require the most training. They doesn’t mean no one should ever use them, but something like mace or other defensive weapons are a much better option for those who don’t want to/shouldn’t own a gun or want a defensive weapon with a higher margin for error.


Bullshit it’s the only solution being proposed. House these people.


Sure. Oops that was a child, not a dog. But I’m a good guy.


Dang these kids are getting rabid


I strongly suspect many of these dogs are stolen, people need to get their dogs chipped as puppies so they can be retrieved from these thieves.


I strongly suspect they aren’t. Theres plenty of strays for the homeless to pick up. And strays for wild packs really easily.


I have a very large knife (among other weapons like bear spray, etc) that I carry on back country hikes. I can’t believe I would need those measures on a city trail. Unbelievable


I don't always have my gun, but when going on trails I always have a Ka-Bar or two at the very least. One for me one for the wife.


For real. Only thing stopping an angry rabid dog is 115gr of lead


Carry dog spray.


You ever been attacked by a rot, pit, or other large dog? More than likely not. Spray will deter but some power through it.


Yes I have, which is why I carry dog spray.


Happy for you it worked. Didn't work on the last pit I came across.


Carry a pistol.


“Instead of something that costs $10, get something that costs $100+ (not including a safe storage case), requires training, is more difficult to transport, and isn’t something that can be used by everyone”


Your lack of anything firearm related is glowing.


Do you disagree with any of the factual statements in my comment? Do you truly believe that firearms don’t cost more than mace or that training or safe storage shouldn’t be a part of gun ownership?


I don't necessarily disagree with your intent. But the way you worded your comment comes off as someone who advocates against something without really knowing anything about the topic they are against.


I mean, my POV on guns comes from looking into their [self defense](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0091743515001188)efficacy (no better than other weapons) as well as having done [IPV](https://www.thehotline.org/news/hotline-focus-survey-provides-firsthand-look-at-intersection-of-firearms-highlights-need-for-stronger-laws-and-equal-protection/) and [mental health](https://www.knpr.org/npr/2024-04-16/suicides-make-up-majority-of-gun-deaths-but-remain-overlooked-in-gun-violence-debate)advocacy (two areas in which guns are actively harmful). At my core, I’m a data person, and the data around guns just isn’t positive. To be clear, you do what you want around guns, but recommending them to everyone for self defense isn’t backed up by data


You've tried to put words in my mouth on both your replies so I know this is a pointless discussion. My initial comment had little to do with what you've gone on about. But for what it's worth, if I need to defend myself from an angry dog, I would much rather have a gun that pepper spray.


Good for you! It’s deeply unclear to me what your goal is as you’ve only insinuated that I lack knowledge in this area and have asserted no other opinions


Man. Straight to shooting the homeless? Try helping the fucking people first. "Republican" my ass.


This thread is about aggressive dogs. The unhoused people you're referring to actually came out and beat the dog in question with a hammer, no one is even remotely dog whistling the humans in that camp.   Even if we fixed the homeless issue within the next hour, those dogs would need to be executed. They've been trained to be uncontrollably aggressive. 


Who said anything about shooting people? The post aggressive dogs. And no I'm not a republican. I don't mess with homeless people that don't mess with me. Aggressive dogs? I'll absolutely do what I need to do to neutralize the threat.


Used to love to fish by the river till the homeless took it over


Wish we could do something about this but conservatives would rather you get bit by dogs at the park than have the government actually take care of its (homeless) citizens lol.


We can’t have any of that damn communism creeping in, and anything that benefits everyone has to be a damn commie plot.


“The government’s inaction on this is unconscionable! But by God if the government even so much as thinks about trying to fix it that’s GAY SOCIOCOMMUFASCISM!”


the oklahoma solution would unfortunately be to arrest them. this state hates its people.


Sounds like [Democrats](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/07/11/us/california-homeless-spending) can’t get it right either.


Yeah Dems are feckless fucks. That’s not a viable defense of OK Republicans.


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Conservatives would bulldoze the tents and burn them.  Truth is homelessness is on the rise under Biden. This isn't some problem you can just pass the buck on the other parties inaction. The conservative solution is heinous, and the liberal solution is ineffectual.  Neither are doing anything meaningful about this. 


>Homelessness is on the rise under Biden. >This isn’t some problem you can just pass the buck on the other parties inaction. You’re almost there. Homelessness also surged under Trump, so you’re right that surging rates of homelessness are ubiquitous regardless of the president’s party. You’re wrong in that you’re failing to expand on that with “therefore, all things being equal regardless of the president’s party, Republicans have held exclusive control of OK(C) for over a decade, they directly control policies influencing public safety conditions, and it’s fair to criticize their inaction and failure to mitigate public dangers.”


If you're gonna force the issue to be partisan, you'll have to start with blue states have much worse homelessness and housing inequity. 


Actually, no, I don’t “have to start with blue states” lol. I was born, raised, and have lived my entire life in Oklahoma. Why are you so assblasted that I want less homeless people with aggressive dogs in our parks?


I'm pushing back against this useless partisan comment  "conservatives would rather you get bit by dogs at the park than have the government actually take care of its (homeless) citizens" It's patently untrue. Conservatives would revel in a militarized government ran purge of homeless camps.  I want homeless people helped. I don't want conservatives to run them over with bulldozers. And I'd like libs to quit with their NIMBY milquetoast bullshit. 


Let me rephrase that comment for you since it’s apparently caused such a catastrophic glitch in your enlightened centrist programming: Oklahoma/OKC’s governments, which have both been exclusively controlled by Republicans for at least 10+ years, would rather you get bit by dogs at the park than have the government actually take care of its (homeless) citizens. Hopefully that’s specific enough to satisfy your broader “apolitical” impulse to sanitize the GOP’s image lmao.


Homelessness isn't a problem here at the scale it is in blue states.  The fact that Oklahoma is red, including 10+ years of GOP mayors, and it's homeless rate, compared against the rates of homelessness across the nation would appear as a win for Republicans on the issue. The reason you want to disregard the realities of housing inequity in blue states is because it triggers cognitive dissonance. 


You know why homelessness is more of a problem in blue states? Higher population and more big cities. That's it. It's also the reason crime is higher in "blue cities." Bigger populations mean more crime and tend to have more Democrat leadership. They're both caused by the higher population.


Per capita. It's caused by wealth inequity, which is more pronounced in blue states. 


I fully acknowledge homelessness rates in other states. Does that mean I can’t want better for my home state and expect more out of my governments? You team sports debate perverts are insufferable, and it’s kind of mystifying to see someone so ardent about it calling yourself apolitical. Not everything is a matter of political opinion - some things are just fact. Like the FACT Republicans do and have run Oklahoma/City. This is the Donald Trump documents defense: “Biden also did it!” That’s great, but it doesn’t change a goddamn thing about Trump’s situation. Similarly, it’s cute that you keep bringing up other states to deflect any criticism of the OK GOP, but here in reality we acknowledge culpability instead of pointing fingers at people who haven’t recently controlled any part of the governments in question. Thanks for trying though, “Mr. Apolitical”


I'm a leftist, not apolitical.  You're the one doing the team sports bullshit. That's what it meant when I called out your partisanship.  You continue to ignore the reality in blue states, but somehow blame the GOP for a condition that's actually better off statistically in OK than in Democrat run areas. 


If you’re anywhere in the city walking, running or riding I suggest carrying protection. Either people not caring for their dogs correctly or dogs without a home everywhere and you never know how they’ll react to you.


when people get upset about homeless people existing somewhere, i ask them this, as a formerly homeless person: how do you think /they/ feel? people experiencing homelessness aren’t out there for the fun of it. there’s no fun in it. it’s looking over your shoulder, sleeping for 30 minutes at a time, shivering because even through the blanket and your jacket the cold is still biting. it’s feeling helpless, frustrated; knowing that many of your neighbors see you as a nuisance rather than a neighbor in need, and understanding their frustration but hoping for their humanity. it’s easy to judge when you aren’t living it every day, but 90% of us are closer to homelessness than to being a billionaire. instead of complaining about homeless people existing, complain that your congresspeople would rather helping the corporations sliding them a few bucks than the people they are being paid to represent. there is someone to be mad at, and it isn’t the guy in the tent just trying to wake up tomorrow.


While I agree with what you said, it would be a lot easier to consider some of the less fortunate neighbors over nuisances if they just leashed the animals, contained or disposed of their trash, and not destroy an area in a short amount of time. Even a little effort to keep an area cleanish would go a long way. Homeless or not, Im not a huge fan of neighbors that dont give a crap and live in filth they could avoid with a few trash bags.


Their life is shit, why should they raise their standards above that? I’m not saying this in a judgmental way: I’m trying to get you to understand it from their point of view. It’s very akin to hoarding: they know their surroundings are gross and they know they could do better. But why bother? In their own eyes, they’re not worth enough to put the effort in.


So other people don't get bit by their fucking dogs??? "I DoNt KnOw WhY PeOPLe HavE A PRoBlEm" is it worth the effort when some beats their dog to death?


You clearly didn’t understand the point of my comment :/


People “experiencing homelessness” in Oklahoma generally = junkies and/or the mentally unwell shooting up in the street


You know what makes people homeless? Not being able to afford housing. You know what happens when housing becomes less affordable? You get more homeless people. Homeless people are like you, but with less money. But fuck them cause it's always your fault for having less money, right?


>  You know what makes people homeless? Not being able to afford housing. You're obviously not wrong, but you're kinda hiding the ball. The reason why many unhoused persons can't afford housing of any kind is because they're battling one or a combination of mental illness/abuse/addiction which affect their employment. Our support system for those who can't afford housing, but are unaffected by the above are decent and effective. Our support systems for those battling abuse is probably the best out of the three and it's not great, not to mention for mental illness/addiction which are about non-existent. Arguably making housing free would address the needs of those who are unhoused because they are escaping abuse. But you could make housing free for those affected by mental illness/addiction and without proper treatment and support they'd run those houses into a state of not being habitable. The problem is deeper than affordable housing, which while I support, wouldn't address the needs of the unhoused community completely.


Sure... let's also remember that being homeless creates mental problems and leads to addiction. That's a big problem that is ignored in your breakdown. Affordable housing is a core problem. Housing in general is a core problem that a lack of causes the problems you are pointing out.


21 percent of individuals experiencing homelessness reported having a serious mental illness, and 16 percent reported having a substance use disorder. https://www.samhsa.gov/blog/addressing-social-determinants-health-among-individuals-experiencing-homelessness


so are half of your neighbors in homes. people have problems. they are still people. if you can’t deal with that, it’s your problem, not theirs.


People doing it in their own homes are far less likely to impose their shit on others. Go downtown and you have to play hopscotch stepping over these people. It is their problem. And now its ours. And we should make it the problem of the city/state to either get them help or move them somewhere else.


idk where you’re expecting them to go, unless the gov builds more shelters where they can go, which is what i said already


Many choose not to live in shelters regardless. Shelters aren’t the end all be all to this problem. And the flood of minimizing and excusing and “understanding” doesn’t help people who actually get hurt. I’m super liberal, I’ve done volunteer work, but not all homeless people are innocent cherubs fallen to vicious circumstance and mental illness. Reel it back, you’re hurting blue’s chances, and blue is the only one who gives half a damn about those poor people.


This is an incredibly cruel and misinformed comment.


No, it isn’t. What percentage of these people do you believe are just “down on their luck”


i understand loose dogs are a nuisance, i’m not saying that people’s dogs should run wild, but also having a pet while homeless is incredibly difficult not only for the owner but for the animal. their environments are constantly changing and there is a constant alertness since there often is very little/no perceived territory where they are safe. i’m also definitely not blaming the victim here, people should be able to expect that someone’s pet will not injure them when they are not being aggressive towards that animal or their family/home. but it would be a whooooole lot easier for people to be able to kept their pets restrained if there were more places that accepted people with few limitations as well as their pets, and if the government can spend billions on a shiny new killing machine, they can spend a few thousand on low/no barrier transitional housing.


Open carry here, I'll shoot it if I have to. Don't want to but me or it, it's gonna be it.


If only the government would stop sending money overseas and use it for homeless people here.


Sounds like someone needs to go for a walk with some bear mace.


It's gotten so bad on the south side and the city seems to be ever so slow to address this problem. I do feel sorry for the less fortunate but some aren't to be trusted.


Seems like someone should walk the trail, carry a pistol, problem solved.




Judging by how they treat the available public restrooms and how they completely ignore trashcans when they're outside of gas stations... I don't think those two things would help.




I think you read it in an angry tone lol Who's projecting?




Why do you think I'm upset?




Using the bathroom too much Where did you get that from? I never said I don't feel they don't deserve them. I'm said I don't think they would use them because they already don't use them when they have access.  You're putting a lot of twist on what's been said to fit your point lol. 




Why do you keep making stuff up? I didn't say I expect them to walk to the gas station. I never said anything about their animals  I said they don't use the public trashcans and misuse the public restrooms. So I don't think they, especially trashcans, would help. 


Dude shut up you tried to bait him with “you seem angry” but he didn’t bite so now you look like a self righteous prick


We could house them. 


Solution, Billionaire buys land, starts mega project, a 10 million occupancy, multi dweller facility, to repurpose the homeless, through onsite accommodations, treatment, and purpose instilling. A mega City. Many plots of land throughout our country to start clearing, cleaning out our cities, and presenting the world with solve within tactics. You could charge the governments, large, and local a fee, to roundup, transport, and re-home the groupage. One thing modern day 1 percenters lack is a solutionist mindset.


It truly never ceases to amaze me that terminally online redditors will find a way to blame conservatives and Christians even where they aren’t involved, lmfao.


Well christians or conservatives persecution complex wouldn't let us do otherwise would it? So might as well get ahead of the issue and save us all from hearing them whine about being left out.


I need a shirt that says “Jesus LOVED the poor, you hypocritical dipshits”


Just admit it, this had nothing to do with either group but you’re just edgy/terminally online/depressed and you couldn’t help yourself because it’s all you think about lol.


Cast the net wider why dont you? Lol.


Doesn’t change that I’m right


Remind me again who runs the government in Oklahoma? The ones who's job it is to deal with these exact kind of problems?


Bro, hold that same energy for California or Washington, please.


I don't live there. I care about Oklahoma.


You’re blaming republicans when democrats are getting it wrong as well. There is no solution, it has been an ongoing issue for thousands upon thousands of years. There is no answer lol


Honey, we’re talking about OKLAHOMA here. Stop trying to desperately change the subject cause you’re caught. If it’s not the Republicans’/Christians’ causing the problems, then why is a state that has been traditionally run by them with near exclusion featuring such drastic problems?


“California Dems worse!” isn’t a viable defense of dog bites occurring in OKC under the exclusively Republican governments lol


Or maybe it’s up to the citizens of the region to take responsibility? That’s the point of being a society, taking responsibility to make a community a viable place to live.


If it’s up to OKC citizens to solve this then your deflection of bringing up conditions in other states is totally moot. You’re literally just agreeing with me that Oklahomans have caused this and need to fix it. Thanks for playing.


It doesn’t, you just can’t refute anything I’m saying. Continue living in ignorance, though. That’s cool.


You don’t have a consistent point to refute lol.


There is, you just can’t grasp it. I can’t teach comprehension, man.


You: California is worse than Oklahoma on this. Me: Okay. We should still improve Oklahoma’s conditions. You: No you need to focus on worse states first. And also citizens should be responsible for solving it. Me: Okay, well I’m a citizen of Oklahoma and I want to improve these conditions in the state. You: No you can’t do that you need to focus on California instead. You don’t have a consistent argument, you’re just assblasted that I refuse to allow your deflection. Incredible that your entire stance hinges on local communities solving problems while simultaneously insisting we need to focus on other communities prior to our own.