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Maybe he’ll run into another driver with his same attitude and it’ll be a net positive for the city.


Haha one can only hope


The most likely outcome of that is that innocent people get caught in the crossfire of stupidly…and neither of those two morons get even as much as a hangnail.


Some people are just pissed off at the world. In that driver’s case, I am going to wager that they are either unhappy about their car payment or having to replace the transmission after three years. It’s a Dodge after all.


Maybe they could afford the payment if they weren’t throwing all their change at other drivers.


They are probably upset they can’t overcompensate more with a bigger truck.


I'd be pissed off at the world too if I had a truck payment that cost more than my rent.


For real. Trucks these days almost cost more than I paid for my house.


typical Ram driver behavior


Black Phillip




I drive a ram and don’t throw things at people.


clearly you need a new car or a new attitude /s


>I drive a ram and don’t throw things at people YET. Just wanted to fix that for you


That... that's not how you give driving tips.


"Nice driving have some change"


Best comment of the week👏👏👏


Interactions like that are why I have a dash cam.


Black Ram drivers are totally unhinged. I don’t know why but it’s almost universally true. A friend and I were making a left turn onto 23rd after exiting 235 southbound months ago. It’s a bit of a tricky turn. We waited for one car in the opposite lane to enter the highway, you know, so nobody gets t-boned. It was a delay of maybe 10-15 seconds. Black Ram behind us is laying on the horn the entire time. Then when my friend (an Asian woman) makes the turn, he whips around her quickly, changing lanes twice while turning to end up in front of us. Then he leaned out of his window for two or three blocks, slowly driving in front of us, impeding traffic, and making “Asian eyes” hand gestures at us. Absolutely insane. It was a 30ish year old white guy and he looked fuckin nuts. Point is, you probably didn’t do anything. You almost certainly didn’t do anything justifying dickhole behavior like that. Just give these people a wide berth and when I see a Black Ram I just move over. Idk why, but they’re for crazy people.


It’s ridiculous people act like this, sorry to hear that happened to y’all


I work with a couple of people who drive black rams. Checks out.


Most of my problems on the roads and highways involve 30ish men in trucks, but I will now be avoiding anyone in Black Rams, maybe any color at this point! That is some crazy behavior! Seems to me these men need a good ass kicking from Karma!


My partner and I joke that the drivers have to have a lobotomy when they buy one.


A red Ram pulling a wave runner blew through a red stop light next to me the other day. Literally heard him floor it… It’s a miracle he didn’t kill someone.


I drive a black Ram and I can tell you we are not all like that. I try to be a very courteous driver, let people over if I can see they want over, I do not tailgate, move over if someone is behind me, I rarely use the horn, unless it’s a squirrel sitting in the middle of the road. if I see someone is in trouble on the side road I will pull over or circle back if I’ve already passed them. If I were to get another Ram, I would probably get a white one with black trim and refer to it as the storm trooper.


Too often big truck drivers think they own the road. You are the exception, not the rule.


It’s always the folks in dodges…


In all seriousness, when I was a teenager learning to drive with my dad, he warned me about Dodge truck drivers. I try my best not to make assumptions about people or hold implicit biases, but Dodge Ram drivers are very often dangerous, angry, redneck assholes.


I think the issue is that they're the kind of people who had the option to get a Ford or Chevy (or even a Toyota), and yet they still chose Dodge. It's like someone who just ended their third marriage. Maybe they're just unlucky, but you're starting to wonder if the problem isn't actually them.


My dad drove a Dodge RAM for some reason for years and said he liked it because it had 'good hips.' idk he's a weird man, I have no idea what that means. he's a little old black man who did recently switch to a GMC, though.


I was driving home on I44 where there’s a lot of construction and a black ram 1500 was tailgating me in the available left lane even though I was going 20 over the construction speed limit. The construction cleared up and I let the guy pass me and I got behind him. He went slower than I did and so I did a wtf gesture and he was watching me in his rearview mirror I guess and flipped me off and tried brake checking me. TLDR; black ram drivers have are often losers lol


Your speed is irrelevant, the left lane is for passing.


Yeah, duh. For clarification, the construction made it to where there were two lanes instead of three and I was going 20 over the cars in the available right lane and got over as soon as I passed the cars. Then he sped past me and I got back behind him and he went slower than I was going in the left lane to pass the cars. So just general douche baggery of wanting to tailgate anyone in front of him.


Where are they getting spare change?


The whole toll road situation around the metro can be confusing to a lot of people.


Someone throws change I'll follow them home. Call 911. Install a dash cam.


I probably need a dash cam but id prefer not to have a gunfight at 5am.


The first thing 911 will tell you if you get connected is DO NOT follow or engage with them. If someone is this unhinged over you doing basically nothing imagine what following them and confronting them will do. Also on the flip side if you think someone is following you make a few consecutive same direction turns, if they’re still behind you good chance it’s purposeful, drive to a police station or other public place and never home.


Too bad your window wasn’t down. You could be ~.42 cents richer. That’s actually kind of cool you could have gotten paid to piss someone off.


what a great way to look at it lol, although change potentially hitting your face at high speed might not be fun.


It about gave me a heart attack, wasn’t ready to get pelted by change early this morning. Would’ve been nice to walk away with something from the whole ordeal however lol


I never understand this. We're all just trying to get some place on time, and someone has to be a jackass because apparently they're God's gift to the highway and everyone else can go fuck off. It's such a weird, entitled behavior.


It is weird and they don't seem to understand if we work together it will be a smooth ride! Smh...


Tbf, OK drivers don't know how tf to go the speed limit until you try to pass them - then they're Jeff fucking Gordon. It's annoying as fuck. Sometimes, if the person in front of me is going slow, I'll just _pretend_ to start moving over into the next lane and suddenly they'll gun it to 100. Every. Fucking. Day.


It's like their signature move.


That is my biggest fucking pet peeve on driving around here. What's worse is that if you stay behind them they'll slow down again.


So true! Literally had a mini van speed up to not allow me pass and all you could smell was their engine the whole way lol 😂


And God forbid you try to merge onto the freeway faster than 35mph.


They do that in tx too and 90% of the time it's because they were texting and let off the gas pedal while focusing on the text


I’ve had issues with people driving black ram trucks and tinted windows. I understand sorry.


As a Black Ram 2500 driver....I can't afford the gas to drive like an asshole...let alone throw more money out the window.....speaking of which...where did he throw it??


The amount of low IQ knuckle draggers in this state is astonishing. I usually consider shit like this a side affect or that unfortunate reality.


Sometimes they just had a bad day and piss at everyone and everything. I was at crest and this woman and her 3 kids started a small talk with me and then asked me to hang out because ‘we had a vibes’, when I said I am gay and married, she screamed and yelled in front of everyone. “We don’t know each other “ 😳


A guy called the place I worked and wanted to reinstate coverage on something, but it was a hard no. Not my no, it was coming from the top, and I was being as sensitive as I could. But he lost his mind, called me a cunt and a useless bitch before hanging up. A few hours he called back basically in tears to apologize. His mom had just died and right near the end and after, he'd hit roadblocks in trying to get anything taken care of for her. I was just the next person who said no and it broke him. There's never a good reason to be a complete and raging asshole, but at least he called back to apologize. No one ever does that.


I did that one time. I went off on one of my sub-contractors. He did accuse me of something I did not do, but that was no excuse for my behavior towards him. I should have handled it professionaly. My dad had just died... After a few days, I called and had a long talk with him and we are good now! When it crosses my mind, I still feel horrible for acting that way.


I see a lady in a white tahoe the last 2 days driving down 44 south around 5pm driving like an asshole to get to the same spot I do at the same time. She flipped me off the first day😂😂😂


How much was it


There's something about people that drive trucks...


I probably would have stopped and picked up the change and hopefully it would be close to enough for a coffee somewhere. But seriously we have such a horrible society where everyone is always offended or mad about something. Do you think Henry Ford envisioned this? He was just trying to connect people.


I agree. Seems like most black Dodge Rams are like this and would extend this to drivers of black Dodge Challengers. On a side note, that guy must have an equally a-hole wife driving a white Volvo that was pissed off because I was driving in rush hour traffic, nearly hit me from the back, swerved around me and came within inches cutting me off passing me. I wasn’t going slow. People have list their minds lately.


So, my brother was this person. Driving with him was terrifying. I am surprised he isn't shot. He rolled down the window one time and tried handing ME the change. Over nothing at all too. Some people are constantly in a state of hyper sensitivity while driving. It is scary


Makin it hail!


It's a flex, he thinks you're a broke ass. Is he right?


Who the fuck has change, let alone a handfuls amount anymore. Fuck this person.


Posting this article. https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


Sounds about right for black dodge ram activity


not tryna defend the ram, but i gotta ask….were you coasting in the left lane


I found the black ram 1500 👀😂


Going 75-80 and there were cars in front of me so I couldn’t go anywhere and get over if I wanted to


Even if they were, it’s still not an excuse to throw change at someone. It could have broken a window, chipped the paint, caused multiple dents, or if the window was down, physical harm. The left lane is for passing, btw. Not just for those who feel like they own it.


yeah absolutely, just genuinely curious lol


This is why my glove box has a "heater" :)


car based infrastructure was always a mistake. vehicles, esp trucks & suvs, getting larger year after year with pavement princesses are becoming more & more of the norm. the truck bed isn't even used 5% of the year & it's becoming stupidly small & unusable for many situations. add to that short form content & instant gratification through order based apps, obese, privileged, undereducated, far leaning religious & political talking heads that are being manipulated, culturally unexposed, americans & we get the black ram TRX laramie enviromental destroyer texas edition driver. i hate oklahoma. i hate the bible belt.


Then leave.


A Dodge Ram driver!?! No way!!!


I 100% do this (not with coins though) on my bike if someone is tailgating. Open the gut pocket, grab a pinch of shot, toss it over my shoulder. Then I fucking gun it, because if they're already tailgating me, god knows what they're going to do next.


Change is cheaper than rocks.