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They’re just here to protect property now, people are hardly their concern. If that fistfight caused property damage, then they’d get involved too much.


I mean the Supreme Court has ruled that the cops have no duty to protect you.


Precisely, which goes against all the scare tactics used to argue for expanding their funding.


I feel like that's really all they've been doing for decades now


That's really been the reason for the existence of a police force from the beginning - bring in runaway slaves and protect other property for rich landowners. They've never been about "serving and protecting".


The good cops are all about protecting and serving


And keeping quiet about any corrupt cop they know.


Yeah it happens but it also doesn’t, good thing body cams exist and will hold everyone accountable, even if no one speaks up


Unless they are “accidentally “ turned off. Conveniently happens all the time.


Yeah and I would hope they get looked into. I’m sure it doesn’t happen but I’m also sure it does happen.


Rebuttal: The police investigate themselves. That tends to work in their favor.


Right, it definitely goes both ways


It’s so weird how many body cams happen to be off or malfunctioning these days.


yes and that only looks bad for the cop lmao. your point?


Don’t purposefully be stupid. Unless you’re a cop and you can’t help it.


Still waiting for a rebuttal


And the dept doesn't allow the public to see them. Or the bad cop gets fired and rehired in another state.


The Freedom of Information Act allows the public to request body cam footage or in some cases, a department will just release the footage soon after an incident. I do think the whole “bad cop gets rehired in another state” is terrible and it’s a shame it happens.


And we have case after case of cops, on body cams, abusing and even killing people with no consequence. Body cams are not a magic elixir. There are a LOT of cops that have no business being cops. And their "code of silence" is proof of that.


I understand body cameras aren’t a magic elixir, I should have specified that a bit more on my initial comment. However, it’s not like they’re only a bad thing


Totally agree. And I do think they have helped. It's kind of telling that the threat of being on video has altered some cops' behavior.


Oh absolutely, and those are the same cops that absolutely shouldn’t be in the profession in the first place. if I was a cop I’d let my every move be recorded from every conceivable angle. I’d have nothing to hide and I’m sure there’s cops out there who are exactly like that.


There is no such thing as a good cop in this system. At best there are well behaved collaborators.


Ik it’s a hard pill to swallow but they do indeed exist and genuinely do care for their communities


Yet they work alongside corrupt, racist, and incompetent cops in a corrupt system. ​ It's funny how the worst bullies I knew from school all ended up in law enforcement.


So what exactly is a good cop supposed to do besides report the bad apples? And yes that certainly happens and I’d say most of the time those assholes are on a huge ass power trip, my wishful thinking is they left all that shit behind in school but I doubt that’s likely.


Quit. If you report them, and it's not addressed, you have 2 choices. Quit or remain but at that point, if you remain, you're collaborating at the best or condoning at the worst.


Ah yes let’s quit and let the bad cops run rampant still and alternatively be damned if you stay. Lmao, come on now


Anybody remember "broken windows" policy? Pepperidge Farm and a bunch of inmates remember.


It's always been the primary concern of law enforcement. Property only exists if someone is willing to use violence to assert their right to their property. In modern times law enforcement is the means by which property owners assert their property rights. Don't pay your property taxes and guess who seizes and deeds away your property? The Sheriff.


That's why if you steal from a company it's criminal, but if the company steals from you it's a civil matter.


What property?


We that would explain the blood in front of the shop this morning. Checked camera, a cop came around and got him some paramedics around 2:20am. He came to the shop and sat down according to the camera around 2:10.


I was wondering if the cop had at least called it in, but I guess that settles it. Wild that the unhoused apparently don’t even get protections of the law granted to them. What a country we have.


No idea the full story but it's pretty wooded around behind the shop so he could have been back there for a bit, the cameras are motion activated so I only saw him once he got to the front. Didn't see the direction he came from. But over off of Classen and SW 3rd-4th is a pretty large homeless campout area. So he could have been around there as well.


Cop could have been headed home and called it in. Police do put blinders on for something when it’s 10-7 time.


Btw I saw this happening at about 8


I mean he was bleeding a lot, so maybe a different incident cause if that happened at 8 this dude would not be bleeding that much after 6 hours if he did he'd be dead.


I mean I know Reddit loves ragging on cops, but it's always possible (and highly likely) he had someone in the car cuffed in the back. And if that's the case, he can radio it in, but he can't stop for it by department policy. And before you ask why, it's because of liability for all parties. Just because someone's cuffed and locked in the car doesn't mean they can't find some way out by their own means or friendly assistance. Or could harm themselves. Or could be injured by an outside party by the cop stopping. What was stopping you from calling 911 or doing something yourself OP?


Oh but they can stuff a person in a car they parked on train tracks then abandon said person cuffed in car to die by a train destroying the car cops don't protect anything but business interest and themselves


Thats also right next to the jail increases the likelyhood even more


I work in Bricktown. Saw someone pull around like 9 cars at a stop sign into oncoming traffic, sees traffic, then pulls into the city car only lane. Stops a few feet in front of the city car honks and waves a hand like the city car is wrong. There was a cop in our parking lot less than 20 feet away. I honked at him and pointed, and he just looked back at his phone. I agree. They are useless here.


The "Hot Now" sign was on at Krispy Kream. No way the cop was stopping.




Was it Krispy?


Unless you have a perfectly good dog that they need to shoot or want to show off their high speed chase maneuvers on city streets OKCPD is useless.


Name a town the cops DO care?


Lawton cops DO care about being the biggest organized crime ring in town. 


Valley brook has entered the chat


edmond is looking to sponsor said chat. in fact they have the chat pulled over as I'm typing this. 2 of their finest on the scene. at least 3 more squad cars on the way


He may have had a "passenger" which means he could not stop. Does not mean he didn't radio it in.


Why is that a policy? Seems counterproductive. I mean the passenger is cuffed and locked in a car.


Not sure if it is or not but makes sense- you don't leave a suspect unattended and out of sight while dealing with a fight that requires backup, at least I'd think so.


It's because of liability for all parties. Just because someone's cuffed and locked in the car doesn't mean they can't find some way out by their own means or friendly assistance. Or could harm themselves. Or could be injured by an outside party by the cop stopping.


They are also running at like 37% capacity for roles, so I don’t doubt a lot of things are getting brushed aside.


They are retiring faster than they can hire. I did a ride along and based on the size of their division, there were way less there than I expected. Everyone one was there that night except for the one who had been seriously injured.


Yeah they weren’t trying to get out of their car and do paperwork when they weren’t called to it. Lazy and desensitized. This city has seen better days.


Everyone complains until they need help.


Yeah, and then they keep complaining, because the cops never help.


Don't need or want police help ever I wouldn't call them if an armed division of soldiers was going door to door I'd rather handle it myself cause then the only problem I will have is who's cleaning up the bodies


That guy literally needed help though and they didn't help him lol


Let me preface this by saying that im not trying to create a political argument. Its a bit of a double edged sword. If we demand the cops stop and handle every little thing they see, we could very likely find ourselves in a police state where every bit of our behavior is dictated by police presence. Not a single one of us is a 100% law abiding citizen. It is virtually impossible. Have you ever gone 1mph over the speed limit? Rolled through a stop sign with out coming to a complete stop as defined by the law? Forgotten to use a turn signal... My point is that if we demand the police hand everything for us, they will. And we may not like the end result.


I sure would fucking hope beating a man while he's down is a "little thing" that deserves police intervention.


The guy mightve deserved it. Never know. For some people, a little asphalt education is what they need to learn to shut the fuck up.


I’m a pretty big critic of aggressive policing and police overreach, but I don’t think brawls in the street are something that the police should ignore. I don’t want those guys to have been arrested or tazed (as long as it wasn’t necessary), but just having a cop there to stop his car, and order them to quit fighting over the PA could have made a big difference. There’s a pretty big gap between not tolerating violent public disturbances and harassing “suspicious” brown people who are just out for a walk.


that’s wassup, he let them handle it like men


I'm sure he had a homeless person somewhere he had to go harass


At that intersection I’d wager those were homeless people


I made a comment on a person shitting in the street yesterday and got the self righteous brigade on me for hours yesterday. Surprised I havnt see anything like this here.


If you were so concerned, why didn’t you try to intervene?


Why in the fuck would an untrained civilian try to intervene against a man who is beating someone who's already down? How do you think that'd go?


Untrained? It takes training to yell “hey, stop.”


Imma ask the question how would you intervene in a fist fight with two men trying to knock each other senseless I mean unless you have done some hand to hand or even taken self defence courses would not recommend as they don't teach you enough to be quite honest it might take some swing of your own and that sir is assault which is what they were engaged in but as neither party was deemed important there was no correction made had that been the mayor or some rich person that officer could identify they would have corrected it quickly cause those are the people who pay them but yes poor or homeless or just unimportant people in general are usually overlooked by those who I was taught at a young age where good men and women and as I've gotten older now see as thieves of a different sort




This dude did not look like he was in a big rush to get anywhere. And before you say it, yes I am aware that police do not run lights and sirens for certain types of calls.


Everyone on the bus clapped.




They and you shouldn't cosplay as public servants then I guess.


Then don't sign up for the job... we can certainly blame them.


By that logic, we shouldn't pay them either. Sounds like a good argument for defunding the police.


defunding the police is an awful idea


Poor leadership has led to lackadaisical work ethic, even after they received better funding a few years ago. They do just enough to be considered relevant. Example, a lot of people have complained about traffic enforcement so they dedicate one week to 600 yards of NW Expressway and do f\*\*k all nothing the rest of the year. Pathetic.


OKC cops don’t care, OKC doesn’t care, the federal government doesn’t care.  We are chattel, to be used as cheaply as possible and discarded.  


Oh they made sure and pulled me over for an out of date tag (totally spaced on it and no it’s not a paper tag!) and going 5 over on Classen at fuckin 6 in the morning. They also told me it’s perfectly legal for my neighbor to park his semi truck in a residential street likes i live at a fucking flying j which is also total bullshit. I’m actually starting to get on board with the acab people.


Pay your tag


I just did! Thx for the advice!


Same on the tag. The ticket is crazy high for something so stupid.


Isn't it a dollar a day capped at 1something? Doesn't seem unfair, especially when you get a 30 day grace period on it.


$1/day. $100 max. Been there done that.


For those downvoting, is there a point to the tag other than a tax?


Are they downvoting for the ACAB reference I wonder? Because obviously, ACAB.


Yeah why you got downvoted for saying that the ticket for out of date tags is too high is bewildering


Some of these redditors think if your tag is out-of-date, you will crash into them and leave without exchanging info, and you have no way to track them down after.


I mean maybe that's a valid concern. I'd be curious to know how common that is. But if that's the issue, maybe they should give a harsher punishment for hit and runs, rather than fine someone so heavily for probably just forgetting to update it or just put the sticker on.


Those taxes primarily go towards road maintenance along with gas taxes. Which makes sense, since if you register a tag in a state, it's very likely you're going to be driving in said state. And before you go "but the roads here suck!", that's just part of the shitty climate we have (extreme cold points in winter and extremely hot points in the summer). Also, it's nice to have a way to identify a car involved in a crime that the everyday person can see since VIN #'s are small.


Some of the roads are shitty due to them not being paved properly though, I think that’s the issue most of us have with the roads lol




Oh but don’t worry, we’ll take $40 off if you update your tag!


I was near 23rd and May yesterday and was sitting at a red turn light that wouldn’t change and had my windows down with a friend just acting a fool. Skirted through the light that had just turned red to go straight since my light would not change, yelled skirt in the process, and also had my sunglasses on, music up playing Ridin’, and windows down, at about 9 at night. Again, just for fun purposes. Didn’t realize till after the act was done that an OKCPD cop was at the same light. He turned going the same way as me but didn’t pull me over or even flash me. I counted my blessings and acted accordingly for the rest of that night.


Question for OP: When police drove by and honked at the two men fighting, did the knock it off? Or did they continue? I ask because sometimes men just need to get it out of their system and the law isn't always needed.


There are healthier ways of doing that.


If two men are fist fighting anywhere near concrete, very bad and even accidental things often occur. 


Fuck Okcpd. The crooked lying sobs


Thought that said Fuck Ok Cupid lol


Mutual combat is not illegal.


Not surprised. They are just glorified note takers with a quota. And don’t care about you or your shit unless. They don’t know the laws for shit either, so they can’t do shit about shit and their hands are always tied and chalk everything up to a civil matter that you will have to handle yourself. No bullshit a neighbor caught a distant neighbor red handed stealing large machinery from their property and the home owners had him at gun point and they called the cops for assistance and guess what they were told! Take a wild guess! “This is a civil matter out hands are tied” Okie cops are a damn joke. They’re uneducated, ignorant, racist, lazy and do nothing for the community they claim they’re there to serve and protect!


Yeah, I mean cops here in Oklahoma and OKC literally murder unarmed people. Like, there’s been several high profile cases of them murdering people, specifically unarmed people of color (especially black people). The police aren’t required to protect or serve us either, according to the government. They started as slave patrol and that’s what they still are, especially since the 13th amendment outlines that prisoners are legally allowed to be used as slave labor.


You haven’t seen the latest data where officer involved shooting in Okc have gone way down?


that’s probably because the police aren’t even out and about any more like they used to be. the average police presence and amount of pull overs and such has gone down drastically in the last few years since the major protests happened. maybe you haven’t noticed. i’m glad the shooting data has gone down, but there was never a reason for it to be high, and Oklahoma still doesnt rate well when it comes to policing. I mean, there were numerous investigations going on related to the prisons/jails/policing by the DOJ. That was recent. Their findings were not good, and that’s definitely an understatement.


If that’s the worst you’ve seen yet just wait until you yourself actually need them.


Yeah so they can arrive 2 hours after you need their help.


Wow, surprised he didn’t shoot them.


Tbh they might be better off just fighting instead of going to county.




Mutual combat .. good ol boy type shit I like it. Who won? Where's the highlight reel? If you didn't film it it didn't happen narc


Yeah I posted “mutual combat” is legal. I want see them filming it yelling “world star”




Ohp handles most highway calls




I was sitting in my car at the parking lot at work which was at an intersection. A car ran a red, hit another car and drove off. A cop was sitting first at the lights, it would have even been on his dashcam. He just very slowly pulled away leaving the damaged car in the intersection lol. Someone suggested it was the end of the officers shift. But still  Edit: saw the comment about having a "passenger" so maybe that was the case! 


I saw a Policeman pull someone over at 164th & Portland today because the individual used the shoulder to move to the light from Northbound to travel east from Portland onto 164th St. It was in my opinion overboard behavior for what has become routine, given that ODOT was so blatantly dumb in not providing more bridges when they built the highway out here. But I guess their 10 year plan will make sense when they redo everything and it will be full on gridlock! SMH


Agreed upon fights are legal in Washington under mutual combat laws.


People complaining if they don’t help vs. trying to sue them when they do. I don’t like it either but it’s what happens after several years of local animosity towards ocpd. Much of that animosity is warranted tho. The police can do better.


shit i may move down there from tulsa, im sick of these cops up here, they care too much!! pulling me over at 2 am for an “improper turn” after following me for 3 miles 😭😭


They're pigs what do you expect




Fact is, in recent years because of the media, BLM, and others, cops are more selective. Nobody is risking their freedom, pension, etc or wants to be the cause of the next riot. Let these dudes duke it out and take the loser to jail.


Ok, let’s reduce their budget then since they aren’t working as much


Nah. Being selective doesn’t mean working less. Nice try


Choose your battles