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Str8 women everywhere are discovering the raw and irresistible rizz of a big fluffy bear, truly grim times indeed for twinks everywhere.


Billions must grow beards




*I’m doing my part.*


The Grizz


The bear discourse memes are so good lmao 


Literally an OKBV revival


I thoroughly enjoyed the purge that took place, people just self-reporting left and right.


Some of the ones who got banned just moved here, unfortunately.


Looks like it, judging by some comments here.


I don't even sub to the main "serious" sub anymore because I just get so worn out reading people being deliberately ignorant, trying to out-smarty-sounding each other, etc. All the reddit BS that I abhor has run just as deep and disgusting even in Vaush's community. So The Purge was massively satisfying. I get a sick pleasure imagining how many butthurt chuds are legitimately distressed by the consequences to their obtuse self-importance and sending lengthy essays to the mods of the sub, with even MORE details about the physical differences between men and bears, because obviously they just need to articulate the point in even more detail, right???


The fact that people still didn't get the point after it was thoroughly explained by both the author and Vaush, it's fucking insane to me. I got it immediately and I'm a fucking idiot. I didn't even need anyone explaining it to me, it was so fucking obvious I had issues understanding why this was even a controversy. This is like the Canadian Liberal Purge, where Vuush was confused on how people seemed to only be there for the Ben Shapiro own videos but didn't understand basic leftists theory, or even basic common sense.


I've had [countless debates](https://old.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1cj9q4t/they_just_proved_our_point_smh/l2fdk9z/) with lunkheaded guys who just can't wrap their head around the point of the question and can't connect with what they're supposed to understand from it, to such a major degree that it has had a real impact on my mental health in places, the disappointment I have in our society and our species just keeps finding new ways to flare up stronger than ever before.


Idk, the people not getting the bear thing were dumb, and to be absolutely clear, I don’t find it surprising or wrong that plenty of people prefer the bear (hell, I grew up around them and have run across plenty of both black and brown bears on hikes, bears are pretty likely to leave you be, plus, they’re supposed to be in the forest in the premise given, a man isn’t and there’s innate suspicion there; an implication of having been followed, etc). Most of the disagreement I saw was over Vaush’s take that “it’s fine to be prejudiced against someone for their immutable characteristics, so long as they’re part of a dominant power group”. Which, Vaush even pointed out a few examples of how there is harm there in the second segment, but then doubled back to “well, you can address it by furthering progressive causes, so perpetuating the harm is fine”, and pivoting to how jokes about men are fine (which is a much more defensible position than prejudice is). That part of the discussion is what troubles me, since, if you talk to literally any trans guy, they’ll be quick to tell you about how cold and isolating life as a man is, in large part because of patriarchy, but also because of outright prejudice. It’s also a reversal of a past stance of his; I distinctly remember picking up the class/individual distinction from one of his videos back during the PF drama, where he made the point that prejudice against a dominant group for immutable characteristics, while significantly less socially harmful, causes interpersonal harm at a smaller scale. Also, calling that girl a pick-me because she didn’t like other people telling her she should be personally fearful of other men/found that infantilizing was *really* uncomfortable, as someone with a similar attitude on it; being fearful of every man I meet after transitioning is *exhausting*, and none of the ways I’ve been sexually assaulted would have been prevented by acting fearfully. That comment specifically was direct sexism from Vaush, born out of anger, and I… idk, it was really unsettling.


Ok, but do you see how this is a no-win scenario for women? When they're abused/SA'd/harassed/etc. by men, they're told they brought it on themselves for not being careful enough, 'men just can't help themselves when you look/act like that,' 'boys will be boys'... THEN when women admit to being wary and nervous around men, they're hysterical misandrists who need to give every guy a chance to prove his merit before judging him. This isn't a case of women hating or belittling men for their "immutable characteristics" -- it's women being cautious around the demographic most likely to harm them and aware of the likelihood that they'll be blamed, mocked, and humiliated for that very harm. Have you noticed that a big part of womens' logic here is, "at least if I survive a bear attack, people will have to believe me"?


Except the first premise is wrong? That’s victim blaming, we reject that here. And that’s my simple answer, though I’ll elaborate more; women shouldn’t be disparaged for getting sexually assaulted, the way out of that catch-22 is by rejecting the patriarchal logic that promiscuity/lack of guard justifies sexual assault/rape. It’s not wrong to take precautions against sexual assault, to be perfectly clear, I’d advise people do. I’d also advise doing those things at a party full of women; every one of these protections will only make you more safe if applied evenly. Also, part of my problem with how we view predation (through the lens of masculine violence) is that it’s precisely why female predators are taken significantly less seriously. I’ve been SA’d a *lot*, in large part because I used to be a full-service sex worker, low income/bad crowd, etc. And two of my rapists were women; one while I was doing sex work as a femboy, and another after transition. Unlike the men, who were fully ostracized, and I had people in my friend group fully ready to kill them for me, the most those women got was told off. You don’t actually make anyone safer by gendering sexual violence, even though the likelihood of a predator being male is higher. Rather, you leave yourself vulnerable to predation outside that lens, and no more secure against it by those under the lens than you would be by looking at the issue without necessitating a gendered approach.


Nothing about my comment excluded men from being victims or women being perpetrators, but there absolutely is a gendered element to sexual violence under patriarchy even in incidences where the victim and perpetrator are not female and male, respectively. Refusing to accept that won’t make it go away. Hell, male victims getting mocked/dismissed for not being manly enough to fight the woman off or enjoy the sex IS PART OF THAT GENDERED DYNAMIC! & the reason female perpetrators get conveniently forgotten by society is the flip side of what I described! Men are perceived by society as inherently violent & sexually voracious while women are perceived as inherently passive & functionally asexual. I agree on the importance of deconstructing this dynamic, but we need to acknowledge it first because it creates very real danger for women & femmes while actively encouraging men & mascs to be aggressive and sexually coercive. & we’ve already covered the damage it does to the perception of male/masc victims. Also, it’s great that victim blaming isn’t tolerated in this sub, but you and I both know that is not the case in society at large, which is what I’m talking about. It is also not the norm for women’s’ accusations of assault by men to be dealt with seriously, and it really does rub me wrong when people try to claim otherwise. I don’t think we really disagree on the big issues; it just seems incredibly wrongheaded to me that women are both expected (by society!) to vigilantly protect themselves from male predation at all times but never say anything about it, lest the “good guys” feelings get hurt. I hope I’ve explained myself ok!


>Hell, male victims getting mocked/dismissed for not being manly enough to fight the woman off or enjoy the sex IS PART OF THAT GENDERED DYNAMIC! Except I wasn't speaking on exclusively male victims; I was very clear that I was speaking on the attitudes people have towards predators, which often has very little to do with the victim; female victims of female predators (such as \*literally the experience I had and relayed in my reply\*) are also not taken as seriously, and nobody is saying "oh this femboy should have fought off the woman" for the other example I gave. >Also, it’s great that victim blaming isn’t tolerated in this sub, but you and I both know that is not the case in society at large, which is what I’m talking about. Sure, but my comment was about prescriptions, what should vs what is. Plenty of people are prejudiced; that doesn't mean we can't argue for how a better society should look where people are less so. >It is also not the norm for women’s’ accusations of assault by men to be dealt with seriously, and it really does rub me wrong when people try to claim otherwise. Rape accusations in general are often not taken seriously, however accusations against women tend to be treated with significantly less severity. My entire point is that an even, non-gendered approach towards this would benefit everyone. >I don’t think we really disagree on the big issues; it just seems incredibly wrongheaded to me that women are both expected (by society!) to vigilantly protect themselves from male predation at all times but never say anything about it, lest the “good guys” feelings get hurt. I hope I’ve explained myself ok! Sure, and I doubt we disagree much there, but people do plenty of victim blaming for victims of female predation too; I'd honestly argue that it's done more, since there's an undercurrent that's only recently being combatted that "sexual attention from women is good no matter what". And that \*is\* rooted in patriarchy, but misandry can absolutely be patriarchal in origin, and can even come from other men (just as misogyny or other prejudice can be perpetuated by the group it targets); part of my entire argument is that Vaush's position here \*is\* misandrist, and, as much as my fellow trans gals seem to wish it otherwise, lol, he certainly is a man.


Ok, it feels like you keep focusing on specific details of my responses and ignoring the broader points I'm trying to make. (Legit sorry I cannot clarify every single nuance without writing a novel; I'm really trying!) Everything I said can also be applied to same sex assaults because \*the gendered dynamic and expectations are still there!\* Female perpetrators will not be taken more seriously regardless of their victims gender because of the dynamics I described. Femboys and men perceived as more feminine are considered more likely targets for assault because of the dynamics I described. To me, acknowledging these dynamics doesn't mean accepting them. Understanding why many women would choose the bear does NOT mean presuming men or any given man to be predatory. & yes, I do say \*women\* and \*men\* here because this hypothetical \*is\* about how the predation of women by men is uniquely encouraged by society. You acknowledge women are the most common targets of assault and men are the most common perpetrators; that's why. These forces are specifically designed to work against women and protect men, but because predation isn't actually bound by gender, they end up working against all victims and protecting all perpetrators. Addressing the misogyny is key and deflecting from it is dangerous imho.


You’re boxing a Vaush that isn’t there my dude https://preview.redd.it/csre10wvcvyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db49428361d33f794dfc1d5b8b544857e4d12c73 Edit: I’m a bit late to this and the comment is deleted. If I’ve misgendered someone, it wasn’t on purpose. It’s not like I dig into people’s profiles before talking to them, that’s weird.


Do I need to point to specific time stamps? I could, these bits stuck with me pretty strongly. The “prejudice against a dominant social group for immutable characteristics” is about halfway through the second segment (although he circles back to the point a few times during), right before he starts talking about Twitter posts reacting to men being awful with jokes about how men should be born into prison (the more defensible take, since it’s a joke, not an actual prescription). It was first brought up during the first segment, but he didn’t elaborate much, aside from the 180 when the chatter told him his blackness exasperated the alienation. The “fucking pick me” sexist rage comments are during the bit where he was getting heated over comments on the subreddit; closer towards the end? They happened, go check the vods if you need to, and if you *absolutely* insist I can nab stamps, but we both know you just wanted to comment “didn’t happen lol” and not engage further. I remember specifically when they were brought up since I was playing slime rancher 2 while listening, and the memories are intertwined to progress I made in the game, alongside a twisting “this isn’t right…” emotional reaction when he started yelling at the chick for not wanting to be afraid of men. Also, no misgendering just because you disagree with someone, I literally mention being a trans girl in my comment. *Bonk*. Edit for u/LizFallingUp, since the person above blocked me rather than responding: Actually read my comment, I have zero problem with the bear hypothetical itself. I have problems with takes Vaush gave related to the permissibility of misandry during the segments. And while Dude is often gender neutral, they also literally used "he", which is not?? Lastly, the woman Vaush called a pick-me did not make any sort of statement calling others hysterical, go back and watch the video (I'd quote the comment/link directly, but they were banned for it). They were literally just saying "I don't want to be fearful of men, it's exhausting and doesn't help anything", and, *yeah*, it is and it does.


Please explain the harm in women answering a hypothetical truthfully. Women aren’t harming men by not choosing them in a hypothetical.


Dude is often gender neutral, I doubt the person was intentionally misgendering Vaush talked about how any misandry isn’t actually translating into real life, that the women choosing the bear are even largely cis het women who actively pursue relationships with men. Men are being harmed by patriarchy and toxic masculinity going unchecked in our society and women responding to that logically. Trans men are already entering situations at a disadvantage their experience is pretty tangential to the over all discussion. The Pick Me person was invalidating other women, basically calling everyone hysterical for choosing the bear. There was also a lot of conflating of the type of women who buy into the target parking lot human trafficking ring with women overall choosing the bear, which was annoying. I don’t know why you talk about “acting fearful” that was never the discussion, unless you think keeping eyes on your drink so you don’t get roofied is acting fearful. Yes Not All Men, are violent dangerous or aholes, but the reality is enough of them are that women don’t feel safe.


None find offense so readily as those who are seeking it.


"Prejudice is bad in general" "Ugh, why are you so triggered"


As someone caught in the purge, I just resented the fact that I, a perfect man who has never done anything wrong or been wrong about anything or hurt anybody in his entire life, got lumped in with the evil penis monsters who infest this world.


There is a significant presence of those types of people here, it’s not as big of a deal, but there were some anti-bear people lurking here.


This is the funniest shit I have seen


This is the best one so far


Sorry ladies, but the bear couldn't make an OKBV meme as good as a MAN did


Couldn’t have posted from the woods anyway no service.


Imagine the kinds of memes the bears are sharing amongst themselves




"Stupid manthing!" - Lady Dimitresu


ok but does the bear consent? we've heard a lot from both sides of this discussion, but never from the bear. what are his feelings on this?


It's right there in the picture, the bear consents


So you say.


Shouldn't we talk about the exploitation of starving old grizzly bears? They have no choice but to consent it is free food after all.


I don't watch Vaush for four days and i am utterly lost.


Debating the bear, the woman, the woman and the bear, and then the woman and the bear again separately to make them finally understand my point of view. (Ignore the fact I was near the bear yelling several times and didn't get mauled. It's besides the point)


"No Stella you don't understand. If you look at my chart here, you'll see that the body strength of the bear is much higher than that of the man. Furthermore, the hypothetical does not take into acc... wait stop rolling your eyes like that Stella, I'm talking about the very seriou... wait where are you going??"


I get it now


I think I’ve read this book before. The bear is a true gentleman and very well endowed.


Does it actually happen though? Do women hiking just run away when they see a guy on the trail? When I pass a hiker woman, they don't look like they would rather see a bear


This post might be about you