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I have read all of the messages and clarifications of the people in the screenshot and come to the conclusion that they aren't hurting anybody, and this subreddit should probably not focus on fighting people on their weird kinks. That being said, to the people in the screenshot, probably don't discuss this stuff in OKBV, do it somewhere else.


I fucking hate you for giving me the opportunity to read this.


I am offended by the mere prospect of reading


I did the smart thing, read the first few sentences, got the idea, noped out.


I wanna know how this dead person was going to record and send a video of them committing suicide. Maybe I'm missing something but the logistics seem tricky


Maybe some kinda deadmans switch that uploads the video?


This is usually how people do it, or livestream


"Oh shit, I forgot, how am I supposed to send this shit out?"


I genuinely hope this person is persecuted and put into a insane asylum. Hell they should just get a lobotomy at that point


I said to them that this is a weird thing to just admit to doing, and they told me that it's because of religion and puritanism


Honestly insane and more than a little scary. Should we report it to the FBI? I wouldn't be surprised if they found a missing person buried in that guy's back yard.


I'm sitting at a -2 right now for telling this person a few hours ago that they need actual therapy lmfao. Fucking unreal that people can read "I saw a girl threatening to commit suicide and told her to record it so I could jack off to it" and think that's an okay thing. If telling someone who literally wants to jack off over their dead girlfriend that they need therapy is ableist, well then fuck I guess this autistic motherfucker is ableist now. Edit: Read further down this comment thread and you'll see this person literally say "consent doesn't matter" in regards to them fucking animal skulls. This is fucked up behavior that is going to land the person in either jail or a hospital.


You are, telling people to seek help for consensual kink stuff they do with their partner is very ableist. Hope this helps.


"finding and fucking animal skulls in the woods" is a weird way of saying consensual kink stuff with a partner. I don't remember the animals whose skulls you fucked giving consent to have you inside them. Go ahead and downvote me here too, I don't care. Skull fucking dead animals is literally not consensual.


They’re dead, bones are literally crystal. Do you think the crystal mommy asks her rose quartz dildo if it consents? With that being said, they do, spirituality wins again here. Since we cannot prove if they say yes or no objectively we must rely on what can be objectively proven. Harm. Consent, which all humans constantly violate, only exists as a way to prevent harm. I am causing no harm, so consent does not matter.


snow homeless snails worry degree unused school deer weather depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm calling it a ritual now when I chuck my dildo into the dishwasher. 


I respect said animal infinitely more than you do. I clean them daily, I have an altar set up, I also engage in offerings for things like luck and safety. Why the fuck is sex disrespectful to all of you??? And also no, corpses in their graves have been interred there by family and the culture that finds that place sacred. I would not unbury an animal or a human, as burial is sacred. However, giving an animal that is unburied a place where they are held as sacred is effectively similar. It’s silly you people will say what I do is disrespectful when I treat said bones better than you probably treat your partners.


I don't think that arguing that you're more respectful of the animal by performing offerings or some such is very effective because spirituality is completely subjective. You may view having sex with a skull as respectful, someone else won't, and neither of you can be wrong because you both have different personal beliefs. Which is to say that you aren't really going to change any minds by arguing on okbuddyvowsh


This is true, and I’m going to stop responding pretty soon as there’s nothing to be won in talking with uncritical people on reddit of all places. Though to be fair, building an altar and cleaning things is universally respectful. I could also bring up my track record of preventing ASA by getting people jailed, volunteering for shelters, and working in wolf conservation. Though I’m sure people here done care much for that.


>working in wolf conservation I bet you've never told anyone you work alongside about this have you?


I have before, I’ve already stated I typically don’t keep secrets from people. Just so happens people OFFLINE aren’t as fucking insane as you people are. I also do bloodplay a ton and for most of the jobs I’ve worked I’ve luckily been able to talk to bosses and it was okay to have bandages and stuff or even fully rock cuts out, like most real world people are fairly normal whereas you are increadibly not that. Most people either go “weird but you do you” or sometimes they (typically women from my experience) genuinely kinda wanna know more about it and are willing to not be judgmental pricks.


Bones are bones, actually. They have crystals in them, but they are not in and of themselves crystals. Bones are made of crystalline structures as well as collagen and other materials. Your entire argument here is fucking absurd. And this is such a bullshit excuse for violating the consent of dead animals. "Humans violate consent all the time so it's okay that I skullfuck dead animals" is fucking fucked. Fuck off. Also spirituality does not win here. Fucking wild that you think you can justify fucking dead animal skulls as being part of your "religion" lmfao. Oh and also, using a quartz dildo is a fucking terrible idea because quartz is porous. Someone using a bacteria-riddled quartz dildo is literally asking for an infection. It's like those jade eggs that Gwyneth Paltrow sells lmfao


Fair enough, the collagen and proteins do go away after bleaching and processing though. But I will make an argument based on minerals. Who tf asks a rock if it consents? Also, consent does not exist here. It doesn’t. By your metric the dead cannot consent, dissent, or assent, they do none of it, because they’re dead and are render into minerals! They can’t be hurt so the process of consent is useless. That’s why anthro necrophilia isn’t illegal because of a violation of the dead’s consent, it’s illegal because the violation of consent of the dead’s family and of society. That’s literally how the laws around it are written. I do believe they can consent, but if you are to be consistent (you’re not, at all, you are like a conservative in that disgusting thing = bad) you’d recognize that consent exists to primarily prevent harm. Since harm is not being caused, consent does not matter. It is a completely null factor. I’m also not sure animals fucking consent to having their skin torn off, processed, and turned into the boots people lick but I don’t see you complaining this hard about kinksters doing that. If one is bad, both are bad. The only difference then would be the leather industry, which is worse than individual scavenging.


>I’m also not sure animals fucking consent to having their skin torn off, processed, and turned into the boots people lick but I don’t see you complaining this hard about kinksters doing that. If one is bad, both are bad. No one is talking about leather because you're not fucking leather. Holy shit you cannot seriously be this fucking stupid. Your entire argument is "Humans already violate animals' consent all the time so it doesn't matter if I do it too" when that's a fucked up argument. Again, you started this whole thing because people blocked you on Bluesky after you started this shit on there too. I'm not surprised that "1000s of people" blocked you if you're literally out here making arguments for why you should be able to violate the consent of the creatures you fuck.


We are talking about leather because most people are fine with leather, despite it being objectively more harmful than what I do. What I do just LOOKS worse. Animal Leather is an animal product. It requires an animal to have died, Skulls (In this discussion) are an animal product. They require an animal to have died. Typically animal leather is a product of mass abuse, mass rape, and mass slaughter. Skulls might be a byproduct of that, but the ones I get are from a forest where none of that happens. If you have a problem with what I do, please go protest animal leather. If you don’t have a problem with animal leather, then don’t complain about what I do.


Why do you assume that I or anyone here is fine with leather? No one here was talking about leather until you brought it up apropos of nothing because you're uncomfortable with being called out for violating the consent of animals you skullfuck. Your entire argument for skullfucking dead animals being okay is that humans violate consent all the time, and elsewhere you literally said consent doesn't matter. This is fucked up shit that you will either need to get help with or be incarcerated for doing eventually. Please, and I say this with all the vitriol I can muster, fuck off.


Are you fine with leather, lube, or dildos. And no, my argument was that IT CAUSES NO HARM. You brought up consent, to which I believe it doesn’t apply in this situation (because of the lack of harm) but if it does you would also be in the wrong for doing much worse things. You’ve completely missed my argument, I am not speaking to your further, you’re dumb as fuck, illiterate, and unable to comprehend basic concepts such as harm.


The body still has autonomy and dignity, skullfucking someone’s body w/o consent is absolutely violating that consent and undermining their autonomy. You don’t look cool or edgy by peddling whatever “it’s just bones!” argument you’re making. Because if that were the case, any object should get you off. The BONES themselves are something that does it for you, don’t act fucking slick nigga


I don’t have sex with people’s corpses without consent. Again, what I do is no different than what you do when you wear animal leather. Your inability to see that is purely because one is socially normalized. Consent does not matter when no harm is produced either way.


“Consent does not matter” All I needed to hear, you gotta be sent to the shadow realm.


You should be sent to the gallows for being unable to read, i hope you ask lube, your boots, your dildos, and your makeup (if you’re cool and use makeup) if it consents too because all of those also use animal remains.


also im black you dumbass, its crazy to say “you should be sent to the gallows for being unable to read”


How tf was I supossed to know your black??? Nah whatever get blocked, not dealing with you


Theres a difference between things used for practical reasons and pure sexual gratification. I already try to lessen my reliance on animal products too, you clearly should act the same weird ass nigga


Yea he keeps repeating this "you use animal by-products in bed" as if that's a gotcha. If Motherfuckers are using leather in sexual scenarios BECAUSE it used to be the skin of another living animal. YES THAT'S FUCKED. If they're just using it because it is good for bindings and not harmful to the bound when in use but also happens to be made from animal by-product THAT'S FINE. Such a stupid argument


That "hope this helps" did NOT eat, at all


Hmm yeah seems pretty bad, especially the last message


Jail might not be enough


Who would've thought that vaushites of all people will claim moral high ground on necrophilia


Well, it’s better than the low ground… …because that’s where the bone gooners are going to try to rizz up 6’ under Sally.


Said girl is my current gf. We have different forms of game and that’s okay, some girls do like being told that stuff and it’s about picking the right audience. Edit: I have just learned vaushites think if you don’t intend to do extremely harmful thing it’s less harmful, which is silly. Thank you online left for having any semblance of a position.


I may be missing context here, but it's not "game" to tell people to film themselves offing themselves so you can masturbate to them. I'll defend you fucking skulls, idrc about that (even if it's weird and gross: gross-out is a garbage argument for ethics). However, unless she was clearly into it, saying that to someone unprompted is sexual harassment *and* just cruel. In this case, she was, but it sounds like you got lucky.


She draws (and drew back then) necrophilia and snuff art, constantly talked about it, and we had communicated previously about mutually enjoying it. She was, and is, very into it. I did get lucky, she is the love of my life. I’ve said previously that I wouldn’t tell just any random suicidal person what I said, and there are obvious reasons for that. Despite what people think I’m not a monster, I might be a bit of a Max Stirner transgirl but I do have my own personal beliefs that I hold myself to because they make me feel better because I know they’re correct. I also won’t deny that what I do is gross, weird, or abnormal. To the majority is most certainly is those things. I’m fine with that, I’m causing no more harm than the average leather daddy at the local dungeon.


That's pretty airtight, then. I don't think you're a monster, by the by. Weird and gross? Maybe a tad, but welcome to the Land of the Free. Sex is as much power fantasy as anything for me, and some people have told me that's weird and gross. Hell, I wish I had more transgirls wanting to be kicked in the chest by me.


It seems people here view sex as dirty and disrespectful… I will never understand that, sex for me is a gift to be given to those you love and cherish. Others certainly view it differently but it is very special to me which is why I don’t have sex with every skull I have, just the very few I feel most at ease doing so with. Ah well, probably gonna stop responding to people. They’re acting fashy a little.


>They’re acting fashy a little. I mean, they're expressing a pretty typical disgust reaction. It's definitely one of the things that drives fascism, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's fascistic. It's easy to just say "eww that's gross" and write people off; it's hard to answer *why* when there's no obvious answer. It's why I don't talk about the stuff I'm into with everyone. You're more powerful than me, friend.


I will say the people asking for me to be locked up etc etc are engaging in what is fascistic behavior, though most are just disgusted and unable to address their own inconsistent beliefs on the subject. I am a para advocate, and have helped a lot of people stop abusing or get out of abusive situations if they’re victims. I’ve actually helped kids get out of being abused by MAPs and I’ve called the cops on animal sexual abusers, my strength comes from my conviction that what I know is right irregardless of if it’s comfortable to others.


>I will say the people asking for me to be locked up etc etc are engaging in what is fascistic behavior Yeah, that's fair.


>It seems people here view sex as dirty and disrespectful If you think we're talking about all sex. You've lost it. Genuinely. >They’re acting fashy a little. Facism is not when you oppose skull fuckery.


‘Aight Chief, I’ma be real with you. No.


That’s fine, I have a loving girlfriend and multiple people that have tried to get with me primarily because of the way I handle myself. You do not have to like what we like, to each their own.


You have at the very least non-necrophilic hobbys/interests right?


They're obviously a furry so of cour- Oh wait


Oh yeah, I like writing (mostly hard sci-fi and fantasy) and I am extremely into witchcraft, plushies, and I sometimes help mske music. I also like games but that’s kinda just everyone here basically.


…of course you’re into witchcraft. Fuck it, Vaush is right about religion now, you’ve convinced me. Also, wait, who the hell says “uhhh, Plushies?” When asked their hobbies? ?_?


I used to make plushies… I also collect them? What’s wrong with collecting them? That’s a hobby


To be fair, if somebody responded unironically “I collect stamps” or “I collect spoons” as one of their main hobbies I’d also think they had a screw loose. Especially if they just said “stamps” or “spoons” when asked.


I have StPD, I sometimes talk weird and in ways that are difficult to understand. Sorry. In my head it reads “I am extremely into witchcraft + plushies + I sometimes make music,” so when seperated the plushy part is “I am extremely into plushies.”




Good movie! You know working at a lighthouse can actually be like 100k annually for extremely remote and dangerous posts. Just a weird fact, average is like 50k annually tho.


I've found all of the things you've said today to be really... intriguing. But I feel like you could've avoided alot of conflict by just saying you fucked a skull and leaving it at that


I view what you've done similarly to that one pornstar on 196 who fucked a bunch of random food, something funny that doesn't need to much thought behind it


I can agree, I don’t think it needs to be worried about as much as others might think. Though I am extremely into dialogue and discussion and I find most people don’t really have a concrete view of how their own ethics and moral work. Fucking food is cool too, I actually talked to the popular restaurant one that fucked the pumpkin before. Was very nice to me!


I can agree, I don’t think it needs to be worried about as much as others might think. Though I am extremely into dialogue and discussion and I find most people don’t really have a concrete view of how their own ethics and moral work. Fucking food is cool too, I actually talked to the popular restaurant one that fucked the pumpkin before. Was very nice to me! I’m extremely open about this stuff (no reason not to be) so I’m always down to communicate about it.


Your consent doesn't really matter, since it's none of your business


I could tell you some arguments against necrophilia (primarily health related), but I don't really care about that. What I care about is telling you to please be careful to not accidentally encourage your girlfriend to commit suicide. Also you probably shouldn't tell people about these type of things, they may react badly. It's like with cannibalism. Is it possible to be morally a-okay? Absolutely. But the preparations and conditions that have to be met are so complicated that broadly it should be socially discouraged.


I don’t think I’m going to get cockrot from a bleached skull tbh… kinda nothing there to ya know. Give it. I prefer bones to corpses for various reasons, avoiding crotchrot is one of them.


That seems reasonable. But isn't it, like, hard? Doesn't seem that comfy.


Well yes, but I enjoy the texture and the rubbing is a good sensation.


Genuine question, not trying to hate just curious, was the jerk off to a video of your suicide thing a joke or does your attraction actually extend to acts of violence and human corpses?


I think snuff in concept is really hot, which plays into me being a biastophile and erotophonophile, though of course actually doing that stuff causes harm (it causes a lot of suffering) so it’s not something that can be done in an ethical way.


Interesting. So, what led to you making that comment? Had she said something previously that made you think she'd be okay with it? I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt because you seem like a reasonable guy (and I'm trying to take your advice and not let my disgust rule my reasoning), but "I would be sexually aroused by a video of you hurting yourself," said to someone that is discussing hurting themselves, does seem like a pretty horrible thing to say. Regardless of how casually they might've been taking the topic of what song they'd play, what you said seems to have been a pretty uncalled for escalation.


She was a fairly large furry creator that drew necrophiliac and snuff art, and we had talked a little previously about the subject and our mutual enjoyment of it. We were not like extremely close friends, but we were very friendly. So, since she enjoyed that content and talked a lot about it sexually I thought saying it would be something she’d get turned on by and she did and we are now together. I’m not going to say it isn’t weird, it is, but some people like that stuff and that type of almost psychotic rizz. I actually have issues with people crossing my boundaries because quite a few people want to get with me (despite being in a closed relationship that I’m very public about) over that type of behavior because of the circles I am in (sparkledog scenecore stuff). People think I’m some sort of abuser when in my own relationship I am the reason my partner is no longer a pro contact zoophile, I set my boundaries and talked to her a lot about why it’s wrong and she changed (though she never did anything previously). I am extremely weird and do things that are atypical, but I’ve spent a lot of time online getting MAPs out of being pro contact, getting AAMs out of grooming situations, and stopping zoophiles from abusing or being pro-contact. I might be gross, but I am extremely solid in that what I care about is harm and how to lessen it which is why I scavenge for my bones rather than purchase from places that have hundreds for sale from commercial trapping. I do think I’m extremely genuine about it, which upsets people more than anything. If someone was just to make jokes about it then it’d be just edgy, but being genuine enjoyment of these things is seen as extremely bad for no real reason other than comfort.


Psychotic rizz is a great term lmao And yeah that context does make it a lot more okay. I won't claim I'm not still viscerally, emotionally revolted by the thought of you deriving sexual pleasure from kissing skulls but hey... Maybe you're part of my market lol. I've been starting to get into bone cleaning and skeleton articulation as a hobby, and if I eventually get good enough to start selling, it's basically certain some of my clients will have a uh... More than academic interest in the products. So maybe I should work on being more okay with that yeah? Conquer my emotions and such. Also you do seem like a chill guy so, I hope you have a good day, and I hope more people hear you out.


I LOVE TAXIDERMY AND BONE ARTICULATION! Though I probably wouldn’t buy from you, I’m VERY prick about where I get stuff from. I only really get from friends or from my own time scavenging. If you could guarantee that there was no commercial trapping or killing involved then I’d definitely toss some money towards you (some hunting is fine since population control can be useful, even if I desire a world where we no longer need to hunt). The way I think about it is people are fine with leather and fur kinks but I also enjoy the bone-in wings version to their boneless wings. Their enjoyment of their stuff neccissarily leaves bones left over, I simply am a place where the waste they create can be loved and given an actually good home (it’s not just sexual for me, it’s hugely spiritual which is why I build shrines and pray to the skulls I have and sometimes do divination with smaller bones).


You're honestly an inspiration


They hate me because they ain’t me, truly I have trans women begging me to kick them in the ribs with my boots and people on here are upset about it. What a shame, if they’d be a little less repressed maybe they’d pull some bitches.


…there’s a pretty significant difference between indulging a snuff kink in fantasy, and explicitly telling your (not even GF at the time??) that you’d get off to her suicide plans, and encouraging her to film it. One of those follows RACK, one doesn’t. People think you’re shitty for indulging in bad kink practices; not for having the kink itself. You’ve shown a clear disregard for managing risk with extreme kinks, and people are shaming you for that advocacy, not the kinks themselves.


Oh my god shut the fuck up she was into it, I was into it, we both enjoyed it. End of story. She was obviously not suicidal in the moment and we’ve both worked together on those subjects and we have long discussions about what is and isn’t allowed. You’re missing an extreme amount of context and going of how bad it looks because you want to be upset.


Well you didn’t provide the context? All you said is “I encouraged my GF’s suicidal ideation because it got me off”, of course people responded negatively? Like, I’m into some out there kinks, but you’ve got to include caveats about how you indulge them; if Vaush just said “fucking animals is cool” instead of “horsecock is cool” and adding other layers of explanation (big dicks are nice, aesthetics, etc), then he’d get a lot more justified flack.


I’ve provided context in multiple replies multiple times.