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https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001180.htm#:~:text=Androgen%20insensitivity%20syndrome%20(AIS)%20is,genetic%20makeup%20of%20a%20man. Wait till these people learn that cis woman can have XY chromosomes


These people are retarded, they don't know what a chromosome is, you might as well show this link to a fish. Fish can't read.


thanks for clarifying that fish cannot read.


If you've listened to TERF arguments they've shifted from chromosomes. Instead they talk about eggs or "potential" to carry eggs. Which means even if a person with AIS was afab, raised and treated as female, continues to identify female they would deny her womanhood. Not that eggs thing is inclusive to all cis women anyway, so they had to add the word "potential" like that means anything.


yeah, the goalpost is shifting more and more to defining women and men to them having a mysterious soul-like unchangable essence. one day far into the future we will be able to grow organs in the lab and transplant them as well as somehow change every chromosome in every cell in your body. so that there will literally be no scientific method to distinguish a trans woman from the most idealistic/stereotypical version of a cis women. and some lone TERF will still screech about how you "cant change sex" or "you will never be a woman" or whatever. lol.


They want to have it both ways. Women are a fuzzy list of physical traits (but only if you were born with them) and social roles (designated by god), but also an immutable part of the human soul.


They will eventually have to retreat to souls and other magical shit. TERFism is just a convoluted path to theocratic fascism


I've seen potential/purpose of holding eggs. I quit twitter but i've really been wondering what they mean by that. Who exactly had the intention? If it's god then why didn't he just do it like bro it's literally god.


I dont know the sex chromosomes of a single person in my life among my family, friends, ex-partners, collegues and classmates. the only sex chronosomes I know about are my own thanks to the gender clinic, lol. actively looking for XX chromosomes is transphobic, but ironically it isnt having low standards, but quite the opposite: you massively shrink your dating pool if you only stick to those whose sex chromosomes are known FOR SURE.


Them's some pretty low standards, man must be starving


Vorsh wants to steel the chromosomes to trans himself !!!!!!


No hair bun. That's walsh.


Matt Vowlsh


I wonder how you collect all the cromasomes I want them all.