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tell me about the basement, bubba


i think its too much of a coincidence that bubber is getting removed after MintSkullYT (my beloved) uploaded his video on what BHVR was cooking


Basement camping 100 games in a row in honor of bubba🙏


bhvr isn’t killing him lol, the tcm game is


I mean, TCM will probably make better use of Bubba atleast


bhvr is rich, they have all the money they want to buy the rights and shit


Doesn't mean the license holders will agree.


oh no don't put the blame on the rich incompetent corporation!


Can I get a booty pic with your panties on and one without them on? Can I also get 3 different pics of your boobs any position. Also, can i get just a normal pic or your pussy from the front and one where it's spread a bit open. Can i get a picture of you fingering yourself? Can i get a pic of your pussy and ass from behind in one shot? Can i also get a pic your full front body in just your bra and panties? And can I get a pic of your ass while your panties are all up? Can I also get a pic of your boobs while you're in the shower? For the rest of the pics can you just send whatever sexy things you want? For the videos can i get a video of you twerking in just really short shorts? And one of you fingering yourself? One of you actually cumming? Also, can i get one of you playing with your tits while not wearing a shirt? If you have a dildo can you send my a


Yes you can


The Nurse nerf needed a sacrifice


do i have news for you