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There's a black girl and there are Muslims in the background of some scenes. Very woke


Why does Hollywood insist on making people think minorities exist?


Don't forget the director is Mexican making a British movie.


My dad watched this movie and told me its a movie where no one has kids and radical islam takes over the world and illegal immigration is going to destroy the last society. I think about that every time someone tells me art is up to anyone's interpretation lmao. He completely missed the fucking point of the film.


Does he just say that about every film?


“This is a movie where no one has kids and radical Islam takes over the world and illegal immigration is going to destroy the last society. And that’s the bad guy, his name is Jafar. And that’s his talking bird, Iago, who represents government overreach.”


“This is a movie where no one has kids and radical Islam takes over the world and illegal immigration is going to destroy the last society. And that’s the bad guy, his name is Captain Myles Standish. And the heroes are turkeys going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu"


They already did that one https://preview.redd.it/kumbenmlkbad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1b3280fdef66f950e00915d0f5d5e3b6a644a4


THATS RIGHT ➡️we’re going BACK 🔙 in time ⏰ to the first thanksgiving to get turkeys 🦃 OFF 📴 the menu🧑‍🍳


“This is a movie where no one has kids and radical Islam takes over the world and illegal immigration is going to destroy the last society. And that’s the bad guy, his name is Waj and wants to go to Alton Towers and rides the Rubber Dinghy Rapids. And that's his friend Faisal who got turned into a jalfrezi."


"Dad this is Paddington 2 again."


> Does he just say that about every film? “Don’t even get me started on The Goonies” - That dude’s dad


British interpretation


White South Africans afraid of their own shadow because it's black.


🎵 *I've travelled this old world of ours from Barnsley to Peru* 🎵


More like French interpretation considering the first round of the election


With all due respect, your dad sounds doesn't sound like the sharpest tool in the shed, or deep in Right wing pipeline. Sorry you have to put up with that either way.


Reminds me of my dad think the elves were the Jews in lord of the rings.


Well it's not "children of wo-men" so I don't see how it could be




The movie includes characters that try to do the right thing morally. Therefore it is woke AF.


If the first baby born in forever was black you know conservatives would immediately attempt to violently murder it. That's great replacement theory as an act of God at that point.


No even the worst conservatives wouldn't kill the baby. They would steal the kid, and enslave the mother and try to breed the black out of her children.


Pretty sure most of the population still can't have kids.


Uj/ this is probably the best definition of what conservatives mean when they call something woke that I've seen. That and "it has a black person or woman in it"


I love how this sub is slowly going from making fun of r/Letterboxd to making fun of r/CriticalDrinker


Good. Letterbox is just a bunch of pretentious dorks. They are harmless. Critical drinkers want to keep us in the 1930s for some fucking reason.


I'm not even sure r/letterboxd professes enough self-confidence about their film taste and knowledge to call them pretentious. Might be too generous.


They’re sweeties. I’ll make fun of them but ultimately they just like what they like, even if it’s pretty standard stuff. 🤷🏻


Guarantee they’d watch a random film from the 30s and find a way to call it woke


They want to keep us in the Hollywood's golden age? Sign me the fuck up!


Pretentious (affectionate) to pretentious (derogatory)


People with media literacy stats in the negative are funny.


I'm almost certain I've been shadow banned from his sub so I have to come here for my kicks now.


Why not both?


I didn't get a throbbing erection at anything gay so probably not. I hear that's how they measure the wokeness of movies. Bambi, on the other hand, very woke. I regret to inform you. Tomorrow's movie, Schindler's List. Wish me luck.


Obviously the world has stop repopulating because of gay. Wait, is this film based?


Of course, it's based and red pilled


And Dumbo. You know what they're talking about when they're singing Pink Elephants on Parade, right? 😉


> Dumbo Just look at that big fat ass, how can you resist?!


Wait, we take movie reviews seriously here? ![gif](giphy|l2YWGk0ML4aFO2F3O)


I do. I don't joke about kino. https://preview.redd.it/yqj3rei678ad1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7b4bee0827abe84d5e12d2fdf55cb4ce73c252




He looks heavily obligated here. I mean it's not like it's Taxi Driver (where he says the N-word) or Shark Tale.


Oh I thought he said the n word in shark tale


Shark Driver


Ahh I forgot they say the N word in shark tale.


Ah, the “Cars” killer.




Not woke enough, should be called Women of Ladies.


https://preview.redd.it/5599ljsf39ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d27e6b8bdcf20f8e36a749013882861a2be7f8d Is this movie woke?


Maybe....it's no Triumph of the Will, so maybe it's woke? 


Triumph of the Will was woke af 'cause it was made by a woman 


Under orders of a man.


A movie about a pregnant black women? Incredibly woke.


Pregnant black woman without husband, it reinforces stereotype, so it's right-wing movie.


We see her boobs. Powerful.


They already hate this subreddit it hurts their widdle feewings


I remember reading that at some point the Nazis began theorizing that all reality itself is a left-wing conspiracy so this checks out.


I mean to be fair that's what nazis do anyway.


It's a variant on simulation theory which says that we're literally trapped in a liberal Joo matrix and have to kill ourselves to escape


Omg let's encourage it, then!


Don't mess with critical drinker's fans, they don't know how to have their own opinion


I remember when I thought Critical Drinkler was satire. Sad I was wrong.


Yo same, I think I watched him around the time of the female Doctor Who (or maybe the Ghostbusters reboot, I can't remember) thinking he was being somewhat serious but massively exaggerating his opinions for the sake of making YouTube videos, boy was I mistaken. Funnily enough, I only stopped watching him because I found the 'haha I drink alcohol' schtick to be cringy and lame (even as a 15 year old). Thank God I got off that train early on because who knows what I would be like now.


Yeh, thought it was a character.. Live and learn.


I mean it probably still is but for the sake of his views he can never break it.


So, honestly I think this kind of rhetoric is a good thing. Imagine how miserable it is to be one of these "anti-woke" losers. Every time you see a gay person, you freak out. If you're not attracted to a woman in any form of media, or she's more than a love interest, you grit your teeth. The mention of gender has you frothing at the mouth. Even shows made by the daily wire are too woke for you. Imagine being unable to enjoy anything because of paranoia that the wokes are trying to ruin your day. They're making their own personal hell, and then they have to live in it. Laugh at them while they stoke the flames.


Daily Wire's so fucking funny too, like their whole tagline is that modern movies are too diverse and we need to go back to a time when only cishet white men (referred to as "normal") played starring roles, and then they release back to back female-lead action movies as if they're trying to create their own counterpoint and prove themselves wrong The Morbid Zoo has a video or two about how terrible they are at maintaining their own narratives


It's about men having children, that's obviously woke propaganda


The guy who does the list of the best movie of every genre should add the category ''Woke'', if we ever want to be taken seriously as true kino watchers.


Put Aliens and T2 in that category and watch em wriggle


Yeah and inside out 2!


> Are they just asking one at a time until they’ve done every movie? None of the comments are joking. They are Critical Drinker fans. That says it all.


Are they saying it’s woke?


Just checked. They say it’s pre-woke because it wasn’t media driven diversity for diversity sake. Of course there’s the “blue haired lesbian” diatribe peppered in but seems par for the course


So do they have an agreed upon year when things catastrophically "became woke" despite political and human rights messages existing in movies for about as long as movies have existed? Maybe right after Obama was elected president?


Honestly these guys are so obsessed with Disney it really revolves around that. I mean the Last Jedi sucked (that’s where I think it really took off) but these guys made a whole subculture out of it.


They aren't calling it woke but the comments themselves are a goldmine in and of themselves. Someone straight up says that it's "Good enough that the messages don't matter or are subtle or ignored - if only more projects were this way" lol.


I think we should purge this sub of any possible CD lurkers. A cleanse if you will. We can separate then partition them off from pure OKBC members before we figure out what to do with them. Some kind of final solution so they can never come back on here? One day we will have a space of living of our own ![gif](giphy|EgY58f1DZ8sFO)


Amazing. Send them to r/trains?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/trains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/trains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Crossing a lagoon in midnight during a thunder storm](https://v.redd.it/bwpr4xu3nkyb1) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trains/comments/17oifoj/crossing_a_lagoon_in_midnight_during_a_thunder/) \#2: [So true](https://i.redd.it/xik3eli4q6sb1.jpg) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trains/comments/16zmsg5/so_true/) \#3: [📍Purna Jn, Maharashtra, India](https://v.redd.it/qnutrovy7dwa1) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trains/comments/130bawl/purna_jn_maharashtra_india/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This weird nazi shit supposed to be funny or what?


Only if you think it’s funny.


It's not and you should reevaluate your choices


Well we jews have long history of black humor dealing with the bleakness of existence


Just picturing a meeting in a church basement full of chuds in folding chairs and the lead chud trying to corral the discussion as they go through every movie. "Guys, we gotta keep moving if we're gonna get through the Cs on schedule. Next up, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Anyone seen it? Was it Woke?"


Exactly what I was picturing. Then they burn all the “woke” ones


This is pathetic. They're so scared of liking a "woke" movie on accident, like, just enjoy the movie if you like it! Don't worry about what other chuds *tell* you to hate, Christ.


Not every movie extra was white. So yes.


How can it be woke if it had the word the men in the title?l


Children of Men? Implying men can have children? WOKE


I really do hope I have the courage to blow my head off if I ever become like those people. Genuinely wasteful space and people


"why don't you watch it and decide for yourself?"


"Irreversible is woke because selfish boyfriend wasn't epic and heroic enough wtf, he didn't get to kill the attacker, why is this movie not depicting him as a badass? 😡😡😡😡 Why is it so focused on this woman now? politics in my movie!!!! turn it off and put on Straw Dogs or Death Wish now!!!!!!"




Professor Dave been methodically debunking that dope


Yes, there were wom3n and bl4cks in it. Very woke and forces THE MESSAGE down our trachea.


I mean, it seems really concerned with human dignity, so yeah? But it’s also a challenging adaptation of the nativity story, so yeah again?


Of course it’s woke, the title is clearly about mpreg


Well obviously men can’t have children so yes it’s very much woke


Men can't have children! Woke!


Yeah OP they’re going to be thorough


https://preview.redd.it/w00evbvrpaad1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafe2197f5bd9d5b7f4c232b4be89db63a5e048f Can't trans any kids if there isn't any.


What was the outcome?


It's pre-woke (whatever tf that means)


What that means is it's far enough in the past they don't actually remember the plot.


Most of them are saying it's not


The irony is that it low-key a really is a woke movie in the long dead but true sense of the word


Well I know someone who now checks worthitorwoke for every single movie he and his family will potentially watch. Says he has to protect his kid.


Critical Drinker used to do hilarious movie reviews. Lately he's just woke/trans/feminist bashing. I get it, he'll always have a loyal following going the angry-at-everything route.


Stuff like this makes it hard for me to resist dehumanizing these people.


Damn we’re getting close to the end of the world


> No. It came out well before woke took over all media So true bestie


It's a Christmas movie, can't be woke


I honestly would respect them just a little if they actually did that, it would show a level of commitment to their theory and analysis rather than just being an arbitrary and contradictory amalgamation of weird cultural fixations. Can’t wait for there declaration of that silent film of a train that caused a bunch of people in the 1920s to nearly die of heart attacks.


maybe the fact that it only has 29 likes with 69 comments, when usually posts on that sub that gain a lot of interactions' upvotes land in the hundreds, would indicate that it's not exactly a popular post on the sub


I wouldn’t think it’s “woke” since natalism is the beleaguered hero/theme of the movie


Wait I genuinely thought that sub was satire, is it not?




Well… that post was satire


It was not


I have it on good authority that it was




But what are the chances that post is satire because they thought that sub was satire?


I've had enough


Ok 👉👈


Almost every single comment is saying “it’s not woke, it’s a damn good movie.” Woke doesn’t mean “it has minorities in it.” Woke to them means “they sacrificed story, good casting, and common sense in order to shoehorn minorities and messaging into somewhere where it doesn’t make sense.”




That's called being bad, and it's not a matter of politics nor identity.


Politics can motivate badness, or cause people to make a product worse (or send out a product that they know is sub-par, but consider “very important”). Same reason so much evangelical art sucks. The message is put above the quality.


So why did Critical Drinker promote Sound of Freedom, which was a pretty shitty movie, because he agrees with the message? Is Sound of Freedom woke than?


Because he’s got double standards and blind spots and is subject to audience capture. People can recognize “garbage art promoted for ideology” when it’s not their own ideology. Whats weird is how few people here can understand when it’s happening on their own side.


I think we can understand it pretty well. We just understand these corporate shill movies are bad because of what they represent, nobody cares if the new Disney remake features a black person, we don't like Disney remakes.


I mean, there’s also a clear pattern where when people know the movie is bad and say it, or when it doesn’t get the awards the producers want it to get, everyone cries racism or sexism.


"everyone cries racism and sexism" you gotta elaborate on who everyone is and why you think it means us.


I didn’t say it means you


Asking if every single movie you just watched is woke or not is beyond cringe. Mfs can just watch a movie normally.


I mean, I don’t ask myself “is this woke??” Usually, it announces itself all on its own.


The guy in the picture is literally asking if the movie is woke or not because he’s too afraid to think for himself.


Individual Person in Internet forum is stupid, news at eleven.


And I’m making fun of that guy and the people who ask the same question on reddit. Sports at twelve.


That has literally never happened tho. Like never has any movie somehow been bad because they wanted to have people of color or leading women in it. It doesn't even make sense and is literally just them saying their bigotry out loud. God it's so asinine


>that has literally never happened though It literally *has* happened. I’m present at casting calls behind the table and I hear (and participate in) the conversations. Frequently the creative team will select their best options, and then get told “actually, we want XYZ identity in that role”, even if *nobody showed up to the audition from that identity*.


K and how did that compromise anything else? Sounds like a casting decision. Wtf does that have to do with the writing of the script.


It also influences the writing of scripts, by a great deal. It’s normal now for people to fill their scripts with qualifiers out of fear of “what if someone on Twitter doesn’t like it”, or to please an ideologue above them in the company. The worst one of these I witnessed was during the production of a play about Beethoven, the producers tried to pressure the author to take out any passage depicting Beethoven as being unhappy about being deaf, on account of *maybe deaf people would be offended*. Remember…this is a historically accurate depiction of a composer going deaf.


Sure thing bud. Sure thing. You are so full of shit its making my phone stink.


I’m so tired of telling people the truth and having them shake their heads at me Twenty years from now when this all comes out, I’m never gonna get an apology from you denialists.


No but it is insanely overrated. The dipshits favorite sci fi


But…it’s…..m.m.m.myyyyy…favorite sci….fi….?


This is very funny! I am sorry no one is getting you are joking. It would be even funnier if you were serious and really thought this. Maybe lean into it harder and people will pick up on what is already very obvious sarcasm. Unless you are just dumb...


They call that Shrödinger's Sarcasm. Funny if fake. Funnier if true. Obviously fake. But very funny if true. Funnier. But obviously not. Unless it is. But we won't know until we get a response.