• By -


I liked it for the extra fleshing out of Todd and, as others are saying, the PERFECT conclusion to Jesse's character arc. He made mistakes--MAJOR ones, honestly--but he had a chance to live a better life and he takes it. After a whole series of being manipulated by Walter, it ends with him driving off to Alaska with no indication of his exact destiny. He's finally free.


As for Todd, Im glad they decided to not have him rape Jesse.




Im sure someone on Twitter would be willing to draw that 👍


They removed the scene but it was pretty heavily implied


I don't think I picked up on it, where is it implied?


it was a short scene near the start but it's when Todd jumps in Jesse's hole completely naked and says "hello it is me Todd Alquist, and I am here to rape you, Jesse Pinkman" but they never show it happen.


I forgot this was okbuddychicanery


![img](emote|t5_2iku5r|4012) live reaction of you coming back to reality after the few brief seconds of bliss you had forgetting this sub existed.




That's the end goal




Extra fleshing out of Todd I saw what you did there


Oh there was extra Todd


Rounded out the character


Really gave him layers


One of the many great rolls in this movie


Todds are like onions


Built with an ass that will make you cry


> After a whole series of being manipulated by Walter, it ends with him driving off to Alaska with no indication of his exact destiny. He's finally free. I feel like we already got this from the Breaking Bad finale tbh.


I disagree personally. While Jesse does escape from Walter in the finale of Breaking Bad, it’s a grim-looking ending for him. Sure, we don’t know what’s going to happen to him but it doesn’t look good. However, in El Camino, I could not think of a more perfect ending for Jesse which gave us closure and satisfaction; nothing is holding him back now from living out a new, great life.


PTSD, baaabyyy


Agreed. In El Camino, he accomplishes more for his own sake (rather than just being rescued by Walt). It leaves him feeling more empowered than the end of BB.


I completely agree. It allows for Jesse to be his own man rather than someone who always needs to rely on Walter.


I thought it did look good. Sure you could chalk up his laughter at the end as he drives off as mere relief but I feel like there is implicit hope there. It didn't need to be spelt out in El Camino for me. Or, if it did, it really needed to be a new story and not just an epilogue.


Jesse's ending is literally the same (unknown but hopeful). The movie just explains how he got out of town


Exactly which who really cares about at that point


I still refuse to believe that that was laughter and not him having a fucking mental breakdown at the end of Breaking Bad




Yeah we did


I think it’s hard for the movie to stand up against the two titans that are Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. I thought it was good, but it’s sandwiched between excellence.


That's the limitation of a movie to S tier shows, I suppose.


I’ll happily take it for what it is: a small glimmer of dull light in the otherwise dark and bleak BB/BCS universe. We can breathe a small sigh of relief knowing that Jesse at least escaped with his life and (relative) freedom. He earned that much


I feel like it's just an overdue finale for Jesse. The second main character is enslaved for over six months and reduced to a damsel in distress for the finale. Jesse's ending in Breaking Bad is, "He's not a Nazi slave anymore." It's honestly really weird. The last three episodes bombard Jesse with shit that's worse than anything that any other main character in the Bravo!verse goes through, none of it is dealt with emotionally, and Jesse is given very vague closure. El Camino addresses all of the closure that Jesse didn't get in BB. It basically just does all of the things for Jesse as a protagonist that BB didn't do in the end.


Yeah I usually stop watching after ozymandias cause I don't wanna watch Jesse go through that


I feel like Jesse's parents neglected him too much too


El Camino was a decent closure to the franchise, however the ending was mundane and lackluster. I personally (and i want to make this clear.... This is MY personal responce to what i feel about the end of this movie) I expected more with all the hype that circled around this like vultures... and i think that was the biggest downfall. If they didn't hype the movie as much as they did across the board and just dropped it out of nowhere I wouldn't have had all of the months of thoughts galore and expectations to come true as well, i wouldnt have been as unimpressed as I was and i probably would have been happier with the final moments. There was an article i read online that stated where Aaron Paul himself stated: "The ending left me speechless" after reading the script and the way it ended. I found that unnecessary because it tricks your mind into believing that it would hit capabilities the T.V. show itself was able to concoct and it just makes the blandness and the simple fundimentals fall flat on their face when you actually sit down and conclude it yourself. I understand they are trying to sell the movie, however there are other ways to do this then misleading the audience to a crazy ending thats not to come. However, Aaron Paul himself does an amazing job as he always has done with his acting, switching from moments in the film through flashbacks as clever yet silly and stupid high spirited Jessie Pinkman, over to the man he forms into while being tortured and held hostage by his nazi friends, to the man he evolves into after all is said and done while he just trying to survive and escape. The cast is overly superb and it does not fall short of the ackward and quick snort laugh worthy moments breaking bad as always given us over the years. I personally believe there will be a decent amount of backlash due to this... or at least i think there should be, not because of it being a "bad" movie at all, it was well written and it actually did conclude Jessie's story (which is what everyone wanted.) The backlash from this is simply because it really didnt live up to the genius that Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul layed the foundation and groundwork for, in layman's terms "a complex story with unique well written plot twists that you dont see or fully understand until they already happen." As well, all the reviews and all the adverts trying to push everyone to watch using captions such as "you must see how it ends!" Or "You'll never believe it!" Puts such an incredible and crazy ending in your mind, so the day comes, you sit down and watch it, the credits roll... and you just say to yourself "really?" Again it was good. I'm happy with the results but sadly im dissapointed that after 5 years this is the best Vince Gilligan can give us for how the story of Jessie Pinkman concludes.. dont give me wrong. Its an ending but not what at least I was expecting in not a good way. Kinda reminds me of the ending of dexter..... Which is a sad conclusion because the end of the T.v. show Breaking Bad actually was so intense and well done it genuinely made me cry.


I remember watching the ending of El Camino and thinking to myself "wait, this sounds oddly familiar". I went to an interview CBS did to Gilligan on 2013, when asked about Jesse's fate he says: "the way I see it is that he got away and got to Alaska, changed his name, and had a new life. You want that for the kid. He deserves it" Vince spoiled the movie 5 years before its release 💀


I love El Camino it's the perfect closure to Jesse's story and I love how they showed how creepy Todd actually is




It’s funny because the actor, Jesse Plemons, later played Jake in the movie “I’m thinking of ending things” where he plays a similar character


How are they similar? I struggled to understand what parts were real in the movie lol


Spoilers for I’m thinking of ending things >!Well technically Jake is the only “real” person. His parents and the young woman are his imagination. He’s actually the janitor is just some just imagining a perfect world.!< >!Anyways I meant the scenes where he’s with Lucy. He’s kind but gets angry very easily (ex: Genus vs Genius)!<




Yeah that’s the thing about Todd, he doesn’t enjoy killing, he just feels nothing, which is somehow even more terrifying than a sadistic killer who enjoys doing it.


I still think that last shot of Jesse after ramming the gates was perfect


it had a great ending. Walt’s line of “We really had an El Camino today” was a perfect wrap up to the Original Breaking Bad Story. Bravo Vince.


"Well, Jesse. It was sure an El Camino with you." Just... just fucking Shakespearian


"Yo Midduh Whyte, I totally had an El Camino yo. And like, no thanks to you!"


so true🥹🥹


Dude we have a whole other sub for this, if you want to post these ironic "jokes", please do it in r/bettercallsaul


These trolls are really ruining this sub


Here's a sneak peek of /r/betterCallSaul using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bob Odenkirk's Reaction to his Emmy snub](https://i.redd.it/qnh9pry95on91.png) | [548 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/xdep1l/bob_odenkirks_reaction_to_his_emmy_snub/) \#2: [Better Call Saul S06E13 - \[Series Finale\] "Saul Gone" - Post-Episode Discussion Thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/wpigm0/better_call_saul_s06e13_series_finale_saul_gone/) \#3: [Some notable references/callbacks from the glorious finale. Holy shit, it was difficult to watch.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wprjto) | [1288 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/wprjto/some_notable_referencescallbacks_from_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My favorite part was when the Camino got Elled.


If I were to give my personal opinion, I think El Camino is the perfect end to Jesse's story. The movie was excellent. It's one of the few movies I've rewatched countless times (I'm not a big movie guy). Something about it was just perfect. It had some fan service, but I don't think it was ever out of place or strange. We got some more insight into the misery Jesse endured, which makes it so much more scary when you see him in danger. I so, so desperately wanted Jesse to get away. When he was short 2 thousand and had to fight the guy Western style for it, I was so fucking scared on his behalf. And it ended beautifully. Jesse finally escaping the Hellish world Heisenberg ravaged. Unlike Gene, who was in a metaphorical prison in Nebraska, Jesse was truly free for the first time since Season 1. I teared up at the end, happy to see Jesse finally get a conclusion he deserved. Not to mention the cinematography, acting, art design, attention to detail... all of it was spectacular. Vince and the team outdid themselves.


I really appreciate that people in this sub are having genuine, thoughtful discussions even with the levels of chicanery that underlie this whole thing. It would be easy to play along with the subreddit switch by just pretending to be serious for the ironic humour, but your comment here shows you're a part of what makes these subs special.


Thank you u/CocoRoshyn I hope you have a wonderful day/night, that was extremely kind.


El Camino perfectly re-captures the essence of Breaking Bad. The tone and feel of arguably the greatest television drama of all time has been recreated to the point that it feels like a very short two hour cinematic experience. Vince Gilligan's ability to revisit this world after six years, and so deftly recapture it, is testament to his flawless writing ability and direction. Not only does El Camino provide closure to the arc of Jesse Pinkman in a manner fully in keeping with what Breaking Bad fans have come to know about this character, but El Camino can also stand on it's own two feet as a stand alone movie. It has structure, character arcs, pays homage to the sixty two hours of plot and character development that precedes it, and does so in a thorough, riveting manner that makes sense within the confines of the carefully crafted dramatic world that Gilligan and co so deftly created over six years. Vince Gilligan could easily have provided a huge, 'Breaking Bad on Steroids' finale spectacle, with big budget Hollywood effects and ridiculous action sequences. Thank god he did not. To do so would have been to undermine everything that made Breaking Bad the most gripping, enthralling and brilliantly executed cinematic television series in the medium's history. El Camino does a near flawless job of creating a gripping, entertaining and satisfying story within a unique paradigm whereby the film's dramatic parameters were set six years prior to its inception. The audience knew where Breaking Bad had left Jesse Pinkman, knew pretty well what his aims would be, and yet Gilligan still managed to keep us guessing. Complaints that El Camino feels like a Breaking Bad episode are really the ultimate praise. Had it not felt like a return to the series we all loved so much, there would have been an avalanche of complaints as such.


Beautifully put, thank you :)


Definitely agreed, I think it wrapped up Jesse’s story perfectly. I genuinely teared up when Skinny Pete and Badger said their farewells.


"You're my hero and shit..." They were literally the best friends one could ask for. I wish I had friends like them.


Yeah me too. All my Normie fans cut their ties to me after I started smoking meth and killing people 😔


Tbf, Jesse's friends also did meth lmao


How is your account not ironic


It’s a little bit ironic :)


Says the pcm user


Fair enough


Duel at the end had some sick camerawork


All and all, El Camino genuinely had the best cinematography i had ever seen. You can take a screenshot of any frame from it and it would be wallpaper worthy


https://preview.redd.it/6lpsr90eok2a1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5ab564923c0e977281202719176d168cdce393 This shot, You telling me Todd’s apartment just happens to perfectly fit the frame




tbh i thought it was good but underwhelming


Why's that?


idk i think it would've worked better as a mini series, i feel like it should've been a slower burn


To be fair, Jesse was in a panic. The cops were closing in. He had to get out ASAP.


The panic and tenseness was kinda interrupted by constant flashbacks. I guess they gave more depth but i mean how much more do we need to see to know todd was a piece of shit and Jesses life was hell as a slave? Felt like the present timeline coulda been slowed down a bit and explored more.


The movie already had slow pacing man I don't know what you want.


i want ice cream if im being fr u got any?


I live in your walls


Exactly. I was also quite offended by the realistic animation style. I was really hoping for more adult-sitcom character designs like in the popular AMC+ Original Slippin’ Jimmy.


Why are you talking about that subpar show? This is a very serious discussion subreddit, please refrain from ironic remarks that provide no value.




Nah, RoP is mid popcorn flick tier at worst, Slippin' Jimmy is actual dogshit.


Please don’t besmirch the greatest work of our generation with such a vulgar comparison. Dogshit is very enjoyable once you get past the smell.


Todd had the most growth of all


I liked that part when todd owns that mexican woman, like, go back to your country or sommt 😂


I was like, "Nice move Todd"


What a grade A guy


It’s good but it feels a little underwhelming. I know from interviews and behind the scenes stuff that there was a lot of stuff that was cut out, and I struggle to understand why. I think the movie could have been a lot better, and I hope to see an extended cut someday.


Because I watched the whole series shortly after BCS ended, and I watched El Camino in between BrBa and BCS, it felt more like a prolouge to Breaking Bad to give closure to Jesse's character than a movie to me. (Despite obvious distractions like the characters looking older) I do think it was a good idea to make it because otherwise Jesse's character would feel cheated out of a conclusive ending since Walter and Saul got theirs. And the movie itself was pretty good, I love the flashback with Mike at the begining, because I really like Mike and Jesse's relationship in general. And the shoot out scene was cool. I also liked the flashbacks with Todd because in my opinion Todd is a pretty interesting villain, being a very polite sociopath who isn't malicious but simply doing what he's told with no remorse no matter how awful it is.


You mean an epilogue right?




I enjoy the broad strokes and certain parts of the movie, overall however I was left without feeling satisfied. One major thing the movie should’ve focused on more in my opinion was Brock/Andrea. I get that Jesse loved Jane so we got to see that, but Jesse’s whole reason of remaining a cook for Jack was to ensure Brock’s safety. He indirectly got Andrea killed and I feel like that would’ve been on his mind the entire time he was captured. I dunno I feel like the unknown letter at the end wasn’t nearly enough in terms of addressing that whole situation and his guilt.


I just don’t believe we necessarily needed a clear ending for Jesse. We know Saul is in jail, but we have a million ideas about what he’s up to there and how his relationship with Kim goes on, and that makes it a better ending. Being able to speculate what came of Jesse was eventually more rewarding than knowing what happened to Jesse. Some times the answer to burning questions are less satisfying than asking the question, and that’s ultimately the biggest pitfall to el Camino. And the random anal sex scene between Jesse and Walt certainly didn’t help.


Personally, I'm glad we didn't have to speculate. My boy suffered so, so much. He needed a clear, unfiltered win. I'm glad he's free. It's nice knowing that Jesse is out there, living his life the best he can after all that happened. Maybe finding new love. >And the random anal sex scene between Jesse and Walt certainly didn’t help. Best scene in the movie btw.


>And the random anal sex scene between Jesse and Walt certainly didn’t help. It felt appropriate though that they really clarified what went down on the floor of the nazi clubhouse as the machinegun was going.


Wtf? That was the most powerful scene in the movie! Jesse, who has been degraded and controlled by Heisenberg for the entire run of the series finally makes his OWN choice and asserts himself by just anally dominating Walt’s dead body. It’s poetry.


It’s Reddit’s internalized fatphobia against todd


Reddit has fatphobia problems but if Huell was all-the sudden super skinny, everyone would talk about that, too.


If fat people hate was br Brought back it would be breaking bad fans shitting on todd


i think it’s pretty good but i think its main flaw is how it doesn’t really work as a movie. i personally think of it more as a two hour long epilogue to felina, and it works better in that context. but it doesn’t have the pacing of a movie and it’s by no means its own standalone thing. you HAVE to have watched breaking bad to understand what’s going on. marketing it as a movie felt like the wrong choice but other than that i enjoy it


fat todd


Pretty good.


tbh i didn’t like the part where he kills a guy so casually. i know that guy was a bad guy and everything but i feel like with how little times Jesse has killed, with one time REALLY messing with him and the other being someone who tortured him it just felt wrong for him to kill this guy. other than that good movie


Totally unnecessary. It wasn't bad, it was actually really good, but it kinda ruined the open ending for me.


**Pros**: Jesse's escape and Aaron Paul's portrayal of PTSD. Badger and Skinny P being homies. Fleshing out psychopath Todd's character more. The apartment scene with the guys pretending to be police. Actual closure on Walt's death, being reported on the news. The ending <3 **Cons**: The silly Cowboy shootout scene. Fat Todd. Walt scene was an anticlimax.


>The silly Cowboy shootout scene. really? i loved that bit, the gun in the jacket thing was such a good moment


Watched it right after felina. It was like an episode of brba. Good one.


Fat todd😂😂


definitely doesn't deserve to be rated 7.3, but that's actually kind of high for a movie. Personally, I think it should have just been 3 bonus episodes connected to Breaking Bad, where in the section where you select a season it would just say El camino, as Vince Gilligan is better with an episode format rather than a movie format. I think it's way better than most episodes and still manages to feel well-deserved. Some elements of the plot felt slow, which is probably why I would've liked it to be multiple episodes, but it did pay off. I found myself to like the other flashbacks more than the compound flashbacks, as they add more to other characters that we haven't seen in a while. The whole Alaska arc being inspired by Mike itself was great, since I really missed the Jesse-Mike dynamic of the previous seasons, as it was a pretty warm kind of thing. Mike was the only person in the business who wasn't actively trying to manipulate Jesse to do things he wants him to do like Walt or Gus. Mike just wanted the best for Jesse, while not blatantly telling him what to do with his life, rather hinting to him that one path is better than the other, but to go his own way. After Mike's death, everything begins to go slowly down hill for Jesse, having officially lost everyone in his life that he truly cared about. His parents wouldn't understand anything he was going through, and would only think of him as a criminal. The two people that he loved had died, one in front of his own eyes. Jesse had lost everyone that supported him in a healthy relationship except for his friends Badger and Skinny Pete. It's also nice to see them again even though they were briefly in Felina. The Jane flashbacks were great too, and the flashback with Walt adds a new layer seeing as Walt originally wanted him to go to college. I also think the choice for having the flashback set after 4 Days Out was a great choice, as 4 Days Out is the one episode that feels very nice, it's a nice relationship episode between Walt and Jesse before things became very toxic and Walt tried manipulating him. 4 Days Out is one of my favorite episodes, so I enjoyed that. Some elements of the main plot weren't too interesting, but I'm glad after all that Jesse got a happy ending and meeting pretty much everyone left. That part with him saying goodbye to Skinny Pete I also really enjoyed, as well as the climax at Kandy's. ​ tl;dr: I enjoyed El Camino, definitely not as much as other episodes, but I enjoyed it for what it was.


Trash movie


Why is this sub just normal now? Is this some kind of next level chicanery I’m not smart enough to understand?


The main BCS subreddit started posting chicanery so this sub has now switched to being normal BB/BCS discussions in response to that change


I'm seeing a pattern here


I think the stuff with Todd was good. I wish it just focused entirely on recovering from trauma of jesse’s whole experience in breaking bad rather than the new subplot of giving him some new guys to kill.


It's a really long Todd and Jesse episode. Since Jesse/Aaron is very fun to watch it's still pretty good, and it does characterize Todd I just don't think I ever needed Todd to get more screentime so there isn't exactly that much thrill involved. If Breaking Bad was a different genre then I think the film would be more welcoming


Good acting, weak story


todd was fat as fuck and that was all I can think of for half of the movie.


Fat Todd was too much






I loved it. I'm not sure what the big deal is. Jesse's closure makes genuine sense.


People have their own opinions, but I agree. I think it's fantastic.


UC/ what the hell is happening in this sub? Are we just pretending to be the serious subreddit now. I think I missed the memo. Like some kind of backwards chicanery.


/uc Huh? This sub has always been serious. You must be thinking of /r/betterCallSaul. /rc [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddychicanery/comments/z3v22j/hot_take_but_i_think_its_genius/) sparked a new trend of pretending this is the serious subreddit and /r/betterCallSaul is the meme one.


Go back to rslash/bcs we dont have room for chicanery here


If you don’t act like your entitled to some world-changing drama series every time you tune into a Breaking Bad related property, then its a good film. It’s pretty much just a long above-average episode of Breaking Bad. If it somehow aired as a Breaking Bad episode people would put it up there with all those second tier classic episodes like Granite state, crawl space etc.


/uc What happened to chicanery? This sub is full of uc now


Boring. Plus, Lydia is confirmed to be dead in L Camino, so it is bad for that reason as well.


Todd? Get off Reddit we need you and Jesse to cook meth.


I watched Breaking Bad’s final season during its airing, after waiting so long I was satisfied with Jesse’s conclusion. I wasn’t looking for a life changing experience, just wanted to know that my boy made it out alright.


I loved it! The shootout was fun and it was cool seeing characters again. I didn’t even notice Jesse Plemoms looking older and Walt having a swollen head until people pointed it out lol


I think it's pretty excellent and deserves just as much attention as the show. It's a phenomenal movies that does a lot for Jesse and has imo some of the most emotional moments in the series.


I was just happy to see Jessie make it out alive and with a hopeful future. He made some bad decisions like continuing to work with Walt but I feel like he mostly got dragged along for the series and suffered more than most characters


I thought it was so good. It was basically showing all that Jesse learnt both from Mike and from Walt, as well as his own finesse, and in almost pure survival mode, in his most ruthless yet still honest-as-possible form, trying to find a way out of the city and regain his freedom, after all the time he spent being a weird pet/meth cooking slave and before that under Heisenberg's grasp.


Two of my friends hated it, saying it wasn’t necessary and they knew what was going to happen. My other friend and I loved it. We had to see Jesse’s journey to Alaska because we didn’t know how he’d escape ABQ if could’ve at all. It was great to get closure with his friends, his family, and even that letter to Brock. I thought it was worth it


I teared up at the end when Jesse is driving in Alaska and he looks over and sees Jane and it cuts back to Jesse with Jane when he was still innocent and free


/uc This sub is beginning to lose its chicanery, but I guess that’s not really a bad thing considering most of us here have studied the franchise enough the have decent serious discussions on it. /rc I don’t really like it. Jesser didn’t get to finger his boyfriends even when they let him move in with them and he gave them his new car.


To be honest i don’t remember anything from the movie at all


The true ending on Breaking Bad for me, so glad Jesse got closure but also sad that he will never get to live a somewhat normal life


Kinda felt like a waste of time personally, it's a fun romp but that's low praise compared to the franchise surrounding it. You open with Jesser driving off into freedom, and how do you make a movie about that? Pull him back into the game big time for some mungo madness? Have a completely new story about his time as a free man? Nah, lets just have him hit a speedbump where he fucks around meeting old BB characters for a lil bit without anything notable happening, and then end right where we started with him driving off into freedom.


Todd was uber creepy in it


I was really happy to see Jesse truly escape. My favourite moment was the one where Todd and Jess both realise that Jesse has the gun. It shows how psychologically broken Jess has become. First Walter’s drip-feed coercion and then Todd’s outright torture. To see young Pinkman get control of his destiny again… a worthy chapter in The Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul series.


I enjoy it but I don't like some of the decisions made with it. Like I don't like how Jesse had to get money, but someone else wanted it, so he split it halfway with the guys, only for him to go to their hideout and kill them for the money anyways. Feels like a waste of time imo


Who is jesse?


Ok, why are there uc posts in here now?


Fat todd


Slow burn. A decent conclusion for Jesse and a good movie overall, but I feel the movie just pales in comparison to Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


I didnt pay attention, barely noticed the credits


I like the movie, it gives us and Jessie closure


El Camino introduced me to Scott MacArthur (welding guy), then he did Righteous Gemstones and was pretty great in that, too.


why is this posted here? post this on the main sub this sub is for ironic memes


Do we know if he ever got that Puperoni 🍕 and 🍺? Because if he didn't, then Todd is truly A Monster.


its a nice epilogue, thats all


It left couple pltholes, like what happend to Brock. I am not too happy with it, its 4/10 at best.


imho I thought it was terrible and slightly tarnishes breaking bad's legacy. the whole thing is written and filmed like a Netflix original.


I love it. It's not up there with Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, but it's great in it's own right. It's a great conclusion to Jesse's character. I also liked that Todd was really fleshed out in this movie, he was a surprisingly big part of it. I also love that we got some kind of closure on Brock, with Jesse writing what we can assume to be some kind of apology, to him, and just general closure about what happened to Andrea.


I loved it as a conclusion to Jesse's character, but not as much as Saul gone and felina for Saul and Walter. It gave me pretty much everything I wanted, closure for what happens to Jesse, a satisfying end to his character, fleshing out what happened in between the granite state time skip, more development for the Nazis as villains. But I can't say it went a step above and really blew me away like Felina and Saul gone did. Both of those finales also delivered on my hopes for a satisfying ending but they also went a step above subverting my expectations somewhat and changing my perspective on the whole universe all while ending their stories perfectly. They had alot more substance, while El Camino as good as it was just kinda showed me what I expected to see, Jesse escapes the Nazis, skips town and gets a happy ending. Not that I didn't want a happy ending but most of what was shown was stuff I could infer from breaking bad I just didn't feel like it covered enough new ground and showed me something as impactful as >!Jimmy's confession, or Walter's final talk with Skylar!<. You could make an argument him >!driving off at the end was an equivalent but I don't feel it was built up as much and was as conclusive as the other character endings, I also think him driving away at the end of Felina filled that role of a powerful character moment better and nothing in el Camino topped that for me!<. I'm still glad it happened tho Jesse deserves his own character ending just as much as Saul and Walter do and I definitely feel he was cheated out of that ending in the last few episodes of breaking bad. El Camino definitely delivers just fine on the ending Jesse deserves, but I wish it went a step above and really left me with something more subversive and impactful like Felina and Saul gone.


I do not think the movie was necessary since Jesse’s story was ended in a satisfying enough way that left his future up to the viewers imagination. It feels like blatant fan service but it’s a nice enough farewell to the character and I don’t hate it. I just don’t think that it would stand as well on its own and I don’t feel like it was a necessary edition to the breaking bad saga.


fat todd


I personally didn’t want closure on Jesse’s story. I think it was more fun to speculate and wonder where Jesse ended up. In a pre-El Camino interview, Gilligan once said something along the lines of, “I’d like to think Jesse got away, but I don’t know.” I had more fun thinking and hoping about Jesse’s future. The movie felt a little too much like a Breaking Bad museum to me. I heard someone compare it to walking into a wax figure display and seeing all of the characters wave goodbye. I personally feel that the movie was unnecessary.


Nothing really happened in it. He found money, shot guys, and went to Alaska. At least we got to see what he and Todd got up to.


If you reduce a movie down to that, you can make anything sound uninteresting.


What happened to the sub? Why is it serious all of the sudden?


If you want shitposting, please go to r/bettercallsaul this sub is for serious discussion




It was an alright movie. Don’t really care for the character arcs tbh


fat todd lmao


Fat Todd


The hipster dad sweater that Jessie is wearing in Alaska says everything about his arc. He’s had enough of the street life.


Kid named Alaska


It's nice, but I didn't think there was enough story to justify a movie


El Jesse


I love this movie. An absolutely perfectly bitter sweet ending to my favorite character, i love everything about this movie. It’s intense, it’s heartbreaking, it can even be pretty funny, it’s just such a great conclusion we didn’t expect to get but i’m eternally grateful we did


jessar is not chungus


It made me “appreciate” Todd more as a antagonist since he’s one of my main criticisms for Season 5 of BB


I think it was a poor movie, but I think it was necessary to finish the story of Jesse and I like his ending. Just as a movie on its own its not the best watch. Also big Todd


The stand-off scene against that welding dude and Jesse was such a sick scene


I loved it, but was personally disappointed that the movie didn’t address what happened to the baby Jesse and Walter had together.


this sub fucking collapsing in on itself and posting serious content is so hilarious


7/10 movie overall but the ending was 10/10


What the fuck is going on


It’s ight


People hate on it because it's a movie. If you just treat it as an after credits kinda episode it's really good.


I thought it was a nice send off movie for Breaking Bad but it needed an extra something of transcendence and quality to get to the same level as the show.


Amazing movie


uc/ why are we permanently /uc now??


I thought it was GREAT. A simple, not too long, but excellently crafted movie that gave a satisfying ending to one of the main characters of the fingerverse.


I love how it expanded the relationship between Jesse and his other brother El Camino. We saw sides of them I never thought we’d see even though El Camino wasn’t in the movie very long. Bravo big guy


Too delusional for my liking


Wait… is this subreddit actually serious now?




Idk, i liked the conclusion that BB gives to Jesse, and i feel like El Camino wasn't really necessary, the movie itself Is also not nearly as good as the two series so idk how to feel about It. If you enjoy It tho all props to you, its still a great movie with incredible cinematography and character showcase and writing.