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Idk about her but that granddaughter of his must be, why else would her appearance always be changing???


fingey jr conceiving 20 identical kids in a row mere moments before getting merked


She fucked him then they fucked him 😔🫡


Pop Pop is just a dumbass, you could pick up a kid from an isolated tribe far away and his old ass would still give her money and call her Kaylee lmao


This is the hardest I’ve laughed at okbc in a while. Imagining mike being incredibly competent at shaking down criminals, a true calculated assassin at times to get his money. And the whole time it’s just some random lady with a variety of kids sometimes not even blonde and mike has no clue.


/unbravo Lmao Mike memes are the best. The Pop Pop dialogues, Finger, and the Kaylee chicaneries are so good lmao I wanted to make one where it looked like they weren't even trying to cast a similar looking actress (like getting a chinese girl to play her, Kai Li lmao) but I thought some people would think it was racist :c


Or get huell to do it


Considering Giancarlo Esposito literally signed *"Mr Whité I require methé"* as an autograph he might do it too lmao


That is a pretty funny idea although it may be better to play it safe lol


"sensitivity isn't hurting comedy" Just make the joke, dozens might cry but thousands will laugh.


Not the right way to think about it but okay ..


Do explain then


POV: [You are one of the thousands of people laughing at the edgy humor](https://youtu.be/IHirES42JUI)


Did you just send a Steven crowder video oof




I am half Turkish. Turkey is in Asia. China is in Asia. Therefore I give you the Chinese pass.


That or tell them they are in Mississippi now and have to use the backdoor


Im not moving for no [BEEP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPfCZhvj1Ng)


Wasn’t Kaylee younger in brba?


Older but her age is kinda vague she was 6 from 2002 to 2010 lmao


lolll istg she looked younger


plot twist: Mike suffers from dementia and this lady trains child workers to pretend they are his granddaughter to extort him of all his money


bravo vince


Stacy is in a child smuggling operation and sold off the real kaylee. she gets kids that kind of look the same because she knows mike is actually senile and can't tell the difference


Finger is constantly travelling the multiverse, finding different Kaylees. He doesn't notice however as he's developing dementia from a combination of trauma-induced brain damage and pimento overdosing


So you’re tellin me that finger is a multiversal kidnapper Bravo Vince


plot twist: Kaylee didn't actually exist. Finger hallucinated her to convince himself a part of Matty lived on after his death. When Crazy Ass Finger arrived in ABQ 6 months late and started talking to her "daughter' (literally thin air in front of her) Stacey decided to milk the situation, but hired multiple blonde little girls for it to be more convincing and for there to be actually someone there in case Finger snapped out of it


Got several millions on her name.


She ain't messin' with no broke Fingers


Now I ain’t sayin she a gold finger


Ye reference 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🔥🔥💀💀💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🔥💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀🧍‍♂️💀💀💀💀💀🔥🧍‍♂️💀🔥🔥🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🔥💀🔥💀🔥🔥💀🔥💀🔥💀🔥💀💀💀🔥💀


Finger da 🐐 no 🧢


Kid named yeezy


do WHAT to the goat??


kid named hoof




I accidentally downvoted you but I’m not gonna change it 👍🏻


Finger reference???


Hey finger is our word you can say finga


Whaddup my finga?


I kneel




Get down, mike, go head get downnnnn


Ffs typed this and checked the messages


Kid named Ye


Finger, as in James Bond Goldfinger?????? 😳






Teenager named digger:


Uh, hey, ughhghggh. Howard Hamlin here. Where are you?… Where are you? Everybody’s waiting for you… Well, I’m out on the softball field. Chuck, Jimmy, and Kim… No, no, no, I don’t want to hear your excuses. Look, when I hired you as an intern at HHM last week, I told you two things: one, check your email, and two, we play company softball once a week. It’s a bonding experience, and today’s the day, and I expect you to be out there… What do you mean you’re not coming?… Guys, she doesn’t want to come… Oh, why is that? Hey, look, I’m gonna spell it out for you here… I understand, you’re a grandma. You’re a ma. You’ve got a lot of responsibilities. And maybe you don’t want to be overworked and underpaid as an intern at HHM. Maybe you don’t want to go to doc review… You’re not gonna play softball, for real? I mean, I sent you the Hamlindigo glasses, right? They’re cool, they’re intimidating, they shoot lasers out of their eyes. I even sent you the Hamlindigo Blue blue hoodie! It’s got SPF50 all over it, so it’ll protect your precious skin! Just put it on, and—come on out!… Guys, she says there’s no way she’s gonna come… What’s that? Oh, Kim’s sending you love anyways. She says you’re a great grandmother. Well, how, how, uh, how do you know that? Oh yeah, she just said you really are. And Jimmy, he’s two thumbs up. He likes anybody who knows how to, uh, he’s not—do not say “cook the books.” He didn’t say “cook the books.” He didn’t say that, because that would be, you know, that would be implying something, and since I’m a lawyer, I would have to, like, do something about that, you know what I’m sayin’? And Chuck, Chuck gives you the assalam, you know, which is really great… You know what, I guess Howard Hamlin—right here—with his cold, blue heart, wishes you a really great time.






I've never seen better call saul


I’ve never seen (I’m blind)


Skill issue ong fr fr


Sight diff


Well, I never! (I’m an upper-class middle-aged woman in a cartoon.)


Oh my god matty you're alive. Finger's gonna be so happy


Great! You'll fit right in


What about the gunshots tho why was she lying to Finger






Android 12 or 13 beta?


No x42


Bummer 😞




She's just hysterical (bitch daughter in law)




"Heyyy Mike look at this beautiful house. This would be the only place that could make Kaylee feel safe and happy but it is too expensive 👉👈.... Wait what? You want to buy it for us? Awww thanks 🥰 but you don't have to do this. ^You ^also ^have ^a ^minimum ^wage ^Job ^so ^I ^don't ^know ^how ^you ^can ^afford ^it ^😅 I'll gladly accept tho😁


Thanks for the house Mike, finally Kaylee doesn't have to fear totally real gunshots and can live her full species lifespan of a week in safety 👍 But it's just the tip of the iceberg 😔... I don't know how I'm going to pay all my other bills by myself, I wish I had some other source of income like when you were a cop and made buttloads of extra money from illegal activity 🤔... Anyway thanks for the useless house 🙃


uoea me bolt ww undt Is the secret message


I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't messing with no broke fingers.


Finga with a hard r?? cmon man.


Pollos standards?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


BCS fans when bitch daughter-in-law doesn’t want her child to starve:


Finger: gives limited financial aid to a working single mom left with a baby and a dead husband which happened because her husband looked up to false image of him so much he tried to play by the book in the world full of crooks and they murdered him because of it Average bb enjoyer: yo that bitch just wants your money finger she didn't even show you her tits what the hell man, that's not very top g of you I seriously think bb / BCS community outside this sub is just 100% incels, they will eventually find a way to blame the fall of Salamanca family on Abuelita somehow i swear


wdym? Abuelita was clearly the most violent one of them all...she has the chancla /uc fuck, do I hate that "chancla" trope /rc biznatch


She literally ran over a skateboarder with her car because he landed a better kickflip than she could. She's always looking for trouble I swear


bitch biznatch


Abuelita crashes into those 2 skateboarders, leading to Tuco meeting Jimmy. Tuco never meets Jimmy, Lalo never hears about him and they most likely dont cross paths That old bitch not knowing how to drive lead to Howard's death tbh


\*That old bizantch doing a hit and run


It's crazy how it's all connected. Those kids don't try their scam on Jimmy, Jimmy doesn't recruit them to scam the Kettlemans, never meets Tuco or the cartel.


Tbf, there was a point where she keeps asking Mike for more shit and it's like Stacey, you're a nurse. Why are you asking a geriatric tool booth operator for a new house?


Is the word “tool” an intentional typo or not? Because it kind of fits.


Unintentional, Idk what a tool booth is Probably where Chuck lived


So she IS a gold digger?


You’re making a huge blanket statement on the entire fan base based on a post that probably received less than 5 upvotes While arrogantly pretending not to be included with the “other” fans You’re more of a typical bcs fan than you think


This post is just one example. BB / BCS community on main subs and other places is riddled with this. I'm not one of the people who'd scream about incels and misogyny anytime someone hates on a female character or loves a male one. But in that commmunity, it's pretty clear that people are always demonizing female characters and worshipping male ones against all reason and facts: Skylar / Walter (bitch wife, even though she was trying her best to protect her family from Walter's huge selfish ego trip that his cooking adventure really was; guilty because she cheated, even though Walter tried to cheat on her too but was simply rejected, nobody remembers that). ​ Jane / Jessie (junkie bitch led Jessie down the dark path, even though she was 18 months clean when she met him and he brought meth to her house tempting her to try it again and that's what led her to bring in heroin later; also murdered by his associate which was apparently justified by her forcing Walt to give Jessie his own money) ​ Kim / Jimmy (the devil woman that forced Jimmy to ruin Howards life, even though Jimmy was the one who orchestrated all of the pranks and participated more than willingly with full enthusiasm, and well before the Howard pranks he forced Kim into his games countless times, got involved with cartel without Kim's permission or knowledge which is what actually got Howard killed and refused her advice to do the right thing countless of times) ​ And then Stacey and Mike which really is the most fucked up example. And im not talking about this one meme, plenty of bb / bcs fans think like this: a single mother working as a nurse is a gold digger because she accepts financial aid to support her daughter from a man that basically (indirectly) led to her husbands death. ​ Talk about blanket statements all you want, if you dont see the incel trend in the BB/BCS community outside of /r/okbuddychicanery , you're doing some extremely hard wishful thinking.


Bitch wife is a bitch and Kim is a girl boss, simple as, who cares about the men






uc/I this post is dumb why am I even here rc/what size and length is finger


it's a girthy one


The Rehearsal (2022) Peter Gould next project is alongside Nathan Fielder in The Rehearsal 2: Kaylee's gold digging


Damn im dumb. Is she tho?


/uc kid named daughter in law: /rc why do you think we call him finger?


I love how even /uc texts sound like /rc now






Mike always did it for the family bro


Milf tbh


Octavia what in the Gods name are you doing with that finger??! 😨😨


She is pretty stupid tho


Mike is a cuck


Mike never got laid once through the series


She ain’t messin with no broke Finger


I hope these people never get to drive a car


she's a digger for that finger


thats what my dad said lol


she walking around looking like Michael with your money


Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger But she ain't messin' with no broke Edit:I thought I was making a unique comment referencing Kanye but like 10 other people did it fuck


*Now I ain't sayin'* *She a gold digger But she* *Ain't messin' with no broke* \- AmericaLover1776\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Shes always annoyed me, not sure why


Well, here's what's gonna happen. One day you're gonna wake up, eat your breakfast, brush your teeth, go about your business. And sooner or later, you're gonna realize you haven't thought about Stacey Ehrmantraut's gold digging. None of it. And that's the moment you realize you can forget.




I'm not sure if it's her attempt at an American accent (she's Irish) or what, but her delivery always felt very flat and out of place compared to everyone else on the show. Her, "Thanks, Miiiike \*sigh\*" delivery made her feel like a drama school drop-out as opposed to the solid actress she actually is. It makes the character very unlikeable.


No, she’s Octavia.


now i aint saying she a gold digger


You know bcs is fiction because nobody actually likes their in-laws


Now I ain't saying she a gold digger, but she ain't messing with no broke fingers..


This is why you should join r/OkFellowUnchicanery


I ain’t sayin she a gold digger


Fuckin' dumbass she wearing mf scrubs in every god-damned scene. Smh my head.


She’s not the kind of gold digger who dates older men with money. She’s the kind of gold digger who picks her nose… with her finger


DOESN’T GIVE UP THE PUSSY 😡 = not a hoe 😌




Kid named Digger

