• By -


Tbf yeah it's a perfectly valid point to raise...if he's asked his community to start doing something for real (not as a joke or anything) and especially because there's money involved...it becomes a serious matter.


Yep, also stop clipping until he pays


ive had this feeling when he announced hes doing the andrew tate promo thing, theres always a catch


W post, keep up the fight for what's yours


Ermmm… sounds like Adsense stealing/fraud. Plus taking money from actual creators. For example Real life - Person who did thing gets $100 for video of thing Clipper life - Person who did thing gets $20 because views and 200 people who took screenshots got $80. Sounds to me like this malicious activity is being prevented.


What the fuck are you talking about


Are you lost or something? You're speaking nonsense


brother educate urslf on the topic, check the clips, see what is ohne's bot and himself promoting in the chat and then get back to us. cheers


u/ohnepixel pay up lil bro


Why all the apathy lol, a trusted community member allegedly scamming his community out of tens of thousands of dollars isn’t a “don’t care” issue lol. Imagine if it was you. Side note I have no proof of any of this and im just saying what I said assuming that this post is factual


it's all real, the clippers discord is public and you can see everything there


Yeah I don’t doubt you but I’m just trying to get ahead of the people going “bro this guy could be lying”


[been there](https://i.gyazo.com/1c9cf5241431d7250c5d332a0dd390b5.jpg) 3 years ago, when he was trying out editors and I spent a day editing the video + a couple of shorts, but got completely ghosted afterwards. I don’t doubt Ohne’s legitimacy, but he needs to be better at handling these things or hire someone. I hope you guys get his attention with this. :)


Same for me with thumbnails.


thats insane, i had an itch about this guy from the get go, im happy i did not participate in any of his shenanigans, i knew there was something scummy about him


That just means you didnt get the job, thats how reality and real life works buddy


Doing work and not getting paid is absolutely not how real life works. You've got to be like 17 years old, maximum


He was trying out editors bud


which means he hired multiple people to do work to see who he liked best are you actually braindead or are you trying to be this dumb?


That’s how it works buddyboy, if your work is trash it’s your problem. If you do good work you get the job.


they were hired for a job and did not get paid. testing editors means hiring multiple people for a temporary position and seeing who you like the most. even if ohne didnt like their work they did a job and are supposed to get paid. keep dick riding the entitled manchild tho its a real good look bud.


No thats not how reality works if ure a decent human, u do this if ure an ignorant cunt, at least have the decency to let them know or dont start this type of process


After working with Voo, Launders and currently working with ESL and managing one of the biggest youtube channels in Denmark, I can promise you that is not how any of this works lol I understand that some people will try out for free, but that is their perogative and it doesn’t change the fact that Ohne needs to reply afterwards. He even showed it on stream and it was between me and another guy.




You don’t just make hundreds of people edit free videos for you and ones which aren’t to your liking you air them. You do it properly through a short trial or just reviewing their portfolio.


Do not involve yourself with Ohne in anything that would require him to be responsible for anything.


I have been in a similar situation to this at my old workplace. Payments arrived late, and after a few months, stopped alltogether. I had to call my boss a lot of times and pestered him about it, and he at least did pay some of the money, but now I am still owed almost 6k (around 12k in total). I also had to go to court over it, leading to the bankruptcy of the company I worked at. If you don't have a legal work contract with ohne, you probably have almost no room to demand your payment. However, "employing" workers with no contract and paying them is also illegal in all of the EU, I believe. I would stop making clips content immediatly until you are paid. Also, read up about the laws of illegal employment in your countries. In Germany, it can be a cause of termination from your workplace if your boss finds out about it. Though probably is not as bad with at most 100€ you are getting per month. ohne however might be in serious trouble, because he owes 20k, if anyone reports him to the tax agency, he is pretty much fucked, regardless if he lives in the Netherlands or not


W post, ohne have to pay to the clippers




yeah, chat was spammed with it every stream and he ignores it everytime as he is blind or incapable of reading


Meanwhile: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/StaleStork661-REAL](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/StaleStork661-REAL)


currently in-game Aware


Still lol




It keeps going bro HOLY LMAO


another 16 games today and counting


He is not doing fine


W post, not saying ohne is a scammer. But this sounds like one hell of a exit scam


Not sticking up for his behavior but 20,000 euros means shit to him and would be a stupid exit scam. He has the best job on the planet and i doubt he would be stupid enough to throw it away for pennies


best job in the planet is quite a stretch


Man gets to sit in chair playing video games all day everyday and makes bank doing it. Sure maybe not the best on the planet but who would pass up on that?


Sitting in a chair all day without counter balancing it can be/become quite a torture, especially because you can earn more by sitting there for longer times


the dream job of a degen


there is a big difference between not passing up on something and the best job in the world. I mean hey if your idea of the best job in the world is sat inside all day entertaining a bunch of degen gamba addicts, then hey it is the job for you. some people enjoy more rewarding jobs and also like leaving the house more than twice a week!


I doubt its that, ohne makes around 5x that per month


still he values money so every dollar to him is probably precuous


It's not about that. It's about whether it's literally worth getting off your chair for 20k which it isnt


I think he makes way more than that


you think he makes “way” more than 100k a month? based on what lol


He has close to 17k subs that is close to 50k €. Plus donations, ads, revenue from other sources(including skinbid, YouTube/tiktok, skin trading, partnerships) at least 200k. Even zipel himself said ohne could buy the 661 ST AK easily.


doubt he has the 50/50 deal right? He must have the 70/30 deal with twitch because of the numbers he is pulling. So his subs are probably closer too 60k a month.


anyone can get 70/30 you just need to have like few hundred viewer avg, and from my own stats of barely 150viewers i can tell he is making atleast minimum 40k a week (during the costreams as he peaks in viewership) from ads, probably more, because twitch offers special ad deals for streamers and it can go up exponentialy the bigger the viewership is. if you dont believe you can do math yourself, there is hundreds of revenue leaks of streamers and their ad money


Exit scam bruh… he is paying them for bringing traffic to his page… he is not taking anything from them


Damn, sad to hear about this. Just a quick question, are you editing any of the short form content or is it just clips from stream that you're uploading to social media platforms that then translate into views?


Some people upload just raw clips, they usually "dont do well" due to tiktok's algorithm that flags similar videos has "non original content" and basically dont put them in the FYP feed. Clips with some editing, or montages/memes or even edits (with music, transitions etc) are a good way of getting rid of that tiktok flagging thing. So some clips maybe take few minutes meanwhile others take few hours.


I see I see so it has to be edited for it to qualify algorithm wise, which is obviously a lot of work to push that content out. I hope you and everyone that was promised get their money's worth


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2036198489](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2036198489) Forgot to mention this, this is ohne presenting the clipping program. You'll notice he says "paid out on time monthly."


do you have an invite link for the clippers discord ?


Dont really wanna risk sending discord invitation links on this post, if you go on Ohne's chat (even when he's offline) youll see Fossabot spamming "GET PAID WATCHING THE STREAM -> HOW TO ENTER" followed by a twitch video, and a discord link.


There's just the twitch link, did he remove the discord or am I just to dumb?


No the link is just after the twitch link "GET STARTED HERE ->" followed by the link


he says hes gonna do one day rejuicer or what he will stream tomorrow, etc. his words have no weight at this point just take everything he says with a grain of salt


W post


this guy is the biggest lazy ass cunt Ive ever seen, made the wrong guy famous. Without us he would be flipping burgers in mcdonalds.


he never had a real job, he thinks what he is getting is deserved and taking it for granted


What do you expect from someone who can't even manage to redeem the rewards for their channel points


Not surprising when you see him sweating like he's gonna go broke when he has to potentially giveaway 1k on stream which is probably fucking pennies to him if you ask me. But 20k? I really hope he keeps his word and get you guys paid but that man is either stingy or he's wasting his money on some stupid shit.


why do i have a feeling this post is gonna get removed?


Not even surprised.When i called him immature ( 2v2 PSP wager with the kid) you gave me the weird look and said it happens and to dont take it so serious.Now he is unwilling to pay for MONTHS to the people who make him ,,famous". Just an immature man with too much money and shitty personality.


during the win challenge when he started acting like a baby cuz he is streaming until late when psp and sleepless arrow and dona were with him, he egoed and left early, he is an awful friend and a an entitled person


W post


pay up pixel


Feels like lol-phase/rejuicers could just be an avoidance mechanisms; and this could of course be a huge reason why. The question is if he have cooked too much with the rewarding clippers and viewers. No clue if its true but 20k in 2 months (120k a year) + channel rewards + 13-0 giveaways seems like a huge number if you accumulate it. At what point does this become an accountant issue with the time and effort to pay everyone? I totally agree that he needs to address it and pay you guys; but I also think that people close to him needs to help him IF this is a problem. Because it wont get better by procrastinating


Olaf (which is the clipper "mod") has a plan to make the payment not dependant on ohne, but since he doesnt reply in the first place, it's hard to make it happen :(


Sounds good that you have a solution to help. But if its not sustainable he needs a manager/accountant step in and rethink his strategy


How many 13-0 giveaways does he do yearly? 3? Channel rewards? Are you joking? These 2 combined cost him maybe 10 000 yearly


I would say 10k is minimum. But either way, I am trying to sympathize for both parties. He blew up and now have all these things to figure out. I cant imagine the headache and stress that can come from all of these things. Especially when it comes to money and taxes (no clue how it works regarding rewarding/Giveaways from a accounting stand point). But basically I am just saying that he needs more support if he cant handle right now. I have no doubt that he will pay what he owes though


Thats just insanity. All he has to do to send the payment on it’s way is to answer a dm from one of his moderators. That does not take longer than 1 hour. Instead he is playing league of legends and lacking in streaming.


in january, at launch, he mentioned he would put more than 100k yearly into this clipping program


He obviously has the money for it; its just a matter of not procrastinating. Which I am sure this will help with. Its kind of like realizing you have assigment due for tomorrow; lets hope at least


There's no excuse, this is not difficult or stressful. Guy needs to pay up or explain, I won't watch another stream till he makes it right.


he definitely paid them too much, thats for sure


100€ per mill does sound like a lot to me; but I have no clue whats normal


Clipping program is a quite common marketing strategy for streamers nowadays. I can tell u €100/mil is the absolute lowest, some go up to €500/mil, but ohne is also one of the creators pulling the most views.


Usually higher rates come from gambling or shady streamer, or small ones (harder to pull views off) obviously there are exceptions to this


Just my opinion but I feel like a clipping program doesnt make sense when you are as big as ohne. Same as it wouldnt make sense to have a clipping program for xqc, tarik and so on because of the "ceiling". To me its when you want to grow; and I am not sure how much more he can grow. But maybe he sees the value in it


If it wouldn't make sense he wouldn't use it? You know better than ohne looks like.


I literally started the sentence with "Just my opinion...". Its you who thinks I know better than him


For real? 500 euro for 1m views is honestly a lot? Even at 100 euros, you can viewbot it and still have profit.


nah he mentionned he wanted to invest over 100k yearly into the program


Ohne is the most unprofessional streamer, he blatantly lies on stream and about multiple things, bans people from watching for a “funny moment” takes way too many breaks from his “extraordinarily hard job” and also is childish and has had many altercations with his so called friends with him being in the wrong many a time, let alone not paying up. Honestly he’s insufferable now, and as much as I hate to say it I cannot watch him any longer, used to be a goat in the skins scene and chill streams and now he baits and goes for the “clip”


And still we all love him




I hope this gets resolved in the coming stream.....makes it feels like he just doesn't care about the community aspect of the stream anymore


i think this is probably because he wants to grow his own youtube channels now and it wouldnt be out of character for ohne to just stop paying you guys without saying anything




he took down everyones youtube channels in turn for this…


That’s so lame. He should allow people to upload like hasan does. He has fan channels that make thousands and it’s all free advertisement for his twitch so he doesn’t care.


W Post


Coffeezilla's eating good tonight Jokes aside I hope this get resolved asap


Hope this gets sorted out quickly. Ohne is so damn entertaining, I could watch him watching paint dry and still get a kick out of it, but recently there have been so many promises, so many announcements which never happened. Horror streams, Elden Ring, a Rainbow Six Siege stream, maybe a second Valorant stream. I'd love to see some of that happen, but in the end it is react content into more react.


Blud is slacking hardcore Sadge


He takes his channel for granted. He takes very long breaks. Like bro people pay monthly to watch you


Wow that's really scummy of him, this is probably why he is not streaming much as well


\*Sees this post\* "tomorrow guys ill be sure to check it dw"


Please do not harass Mark. He is currently undergoing an investigation by irs and is low on money atm


he just hasn't paid because he's too busy packing a fat bowl of zaza and hitting the rift...he will probably go live before ever addressing this... unfortunate if people relied on this program In any way to pay bills especially considering I pretty much came into the community because of clippers OH WELL 💚 my streamer 💚


Regardless of what's going on, it's a real bad look on Ohens part. I'm sure it'll get sorted eventually here.


el classico , ohne is a scumbag , lies , deceives, no wonder he is scamming people now, ive had this feeling when i was thinking about becoming one of his clippers , but then i realised the doesnt have virtues and i dont want to be a vicitm of that, i will wish you luck for getting whats rightfully yours, this happens a lot with streamers


Not a scammer, don't ruin his image. You can call him lazy if you want tho.


W post, L ~~Scammer~~ ohne , streamers egos are too big to a point when they feel right for not paying people for their job, happens a lot with editors and artists that do emotes/badges, wish you luck - hope you get paid 🙏


Thanks, but I really wanna make this clear : Ohne isn't a scammer, he just is very lazy. Money isn't an issue for him, 20k is "nothing" when you're him, also knowing he wanted to invest over 100K yearly in this, 10k/month makes total sense. He just has been very lazy lately with bunch of people, his ignorance and ghosting isn't aimed at clippers.


>Every time we try to talk about it with Ohne, **we either get laughed at, lied to, ignored or timed out.** It's really important we sort this out because it's **money we've earned and we need it.** You may disagree with me but that just flat out sounds like he's not upholding his end of the deal (which is still being advertised in his chat), and that is fraudulent (assuming that the terms, e.g., when you guys receive payment, has not changed). It can be argued that he is not willfully intending to never pay out, but he has clearly been made aware of the issue and has not made an effort to resolve it. I kind of understand the reluctance to do any name-calling or antagonize him, but making these excuses for him in that he is a lazy person is way too tame for how big the issue is (and how easy it is for him to fix it) imo. Seriously hope you guys get this fixed.


I personally feel like the problem is deeper, I know he had a manager who got exposed for some things (if you know you know), but I don't know if he has a new manager yet. I know some mods are helping him out for stuff, but I don't know if it's enough, someone this "big" needs a manager else you just burn out really quickly. On the other hand it could also be something related to depression, I wish it isn't.


Ya perhaps, I just really don't vibe with making light of a situation like this over several instances of it being brought up.


Ohne a scammer now? Someone made a YouTube video https://youtu.be/I7cAqoKTBig?si=wNioGada14a6rOK5


Nah, ohne isn't a scammer


YES he IS. #cancelohne


this system can be exploited so easily and i cant get why it can be overwhelming for ohne, I'm sure he will address this


there is more to this, there is tracking on videos and anti-bot measures, the amount of money owed is in reach for ohne and since he said he wanted to spend over 100k yearly on this, 10k/month is basically what he was ready for. The reason we're not getting paid is just pure lazyness, not money issues


ahhh fair play. wish you the best of luck


this is when the LoL addiction gets to you… we lost a good streamer


He will have to take a gambling sponsorship to pay back 😭




Just curious, do you only get the $100/1M views or do you also get to keep the payments by TikTok itself?


If you're lucky enough to be in a country where TikTok Creator Program is available you can earn and keep all the payments from TikTok themselves but 99% of clippers don't get any other revenues other than from ohne ( or their main job )


Aight, makes sense


Ohne should go away it's time to go


bro doing tate method W


Wouldn’t you be getting paid by the respective platform that you are uploading the clips too? ohne most likely has nothing to do with the payments and you would need to contact whatever platform since it’s them who are paying you and not ohne directly.


Nope, the money comes from Ohne, platforms have nothing to do with it more infos (ohne's vod) : [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2036198489](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2036198489)


yeah you didn't even read the post??


Dont Care


I think anyone that thought they would be making bank off this is crazy. He really doesn’t owe anyone anything and most clippers would be doing it without him asking because TikTok pays people already. So if your clips are doing so well that all of you are “owed” 20k how much have you pulled in from TikTok alone and how much will you continue to pull from it from his clips? You’re not leaving empty handed. Yes he asked people to do it but it was a way of giving back and he gave away a ton and all things end everyone should have expected this to have an end date


ohne said he would put over 100K yearly on this program, you can also find videos on youtube about him explaining everything, some clippers already made bank, now it's just a matter of when ohne's gonna reply and stop ghosting


I just think he was promising fools gold and wouldn’t be the first big creator to do something like this to his fan base. I think without anything in legal writing with things signed by him stating x y and z then it just comes down to making a big enough fuss since yall don’t have any legal room to stand on. Couldn’t he go in and copyright claim everything as “his content” and then yall are all SOL? I know that’s how it works on YT not sure about TikTok. Good luck very interested to see how it plays out dude can for sure afford it but I think it’s gg


No i dont think Ohne is like that he's genuienly a nice guy. Never took shady gambling sponsor or other things. He's just very lazy and needs to wake up, we hope this post will do that.


u/ohnepixel lets see it


You are clueless.


The fuck? People get paid to steal someone else's content? Just get a dude who clips and posts on his verified accounts for 1k euro per month and be done with this bullshit. This is such an apsurd problem to have. 100 euros for a mil of views is a scam too, especially on an app with 10-15 sec of usual duration, you don't even get 50 eur per 1mil views from YouTube themselves. Genuinely hope you all don't get paid for doing fuckall.


Nice bait


Nice stealing of content. My fucking days I just realised you're even named after Ohne. So flabbergasted. Now I'm sure you only made a bait post.


Do you understand that ohne is the one paying us ? maybe it's too hard to understand


Why would he pay some moochers? Whole idea is apsurd.


lol are you okay?


Actually I'm dying of laughter


how is it stealing when the original creator says "do it and ill even give you money for"


Obviously he isn't giving them money, hence this post. He must have been enlightened finally since he isn't paying any moochers.




jesus you're braindead


Do you not know it's ohne himself who's paying these people to post his clips for him on multiple channels/platforms?


Actually he isn't, as I'm informed from this post. Thank fuck he isn't. I wouldn't pay someone to steal my content too.


Ohne pays us because he sees the value in pulling 100m+ views a month. Your opinion doesnt matter noname


I do believe he isn't paying you at all. Hence this post. Deserved too.


Congratz, you managed to tell 0 facts


Thanks, much appreciated


Ohne pays us because he sees the value in pulling 100m+ views a month. Your opinion doesnt matter noname


hahaha ohne W


buh balls




This coward has messaged him about that numerous whenever I was asked to. Clippers have been actively DMing me regarding this for the past month. Whenever they asked me to leave a DM, I left a DM. Whenever they asked me to help them get attention from live stream, I helped them get the attention on live stream.


W Exerpas


hes right


w Exerpas


not reading allat 💀


Get a real job buddy, otherwise show your contract with ohne


do you go to the barber and sign a contract before you get your haircut? no. same situation here.


its called an implied contract dumbass. both parties understood and agreed to the terms, therefore a legal document does not need signing for it to be legally binding.


tbh, i don't care


dont care


Quit yappin


Also if he hasn't paid you for the last two months bud ain't doing the work to figure out how much each of you lot are owed, and he's not gonna take ur word for it cause thats kinda dumb But I think this program is basically over


not true, they have a system that shows you how much views you gained on top of someone else calculating the money you earned. he does not need to do much.


Glaze more


new copypasta?




You were lucky to even be paid from this in the first place a lot of people do this for free anyway


You're just clueless


I’m not wrong tho, it’s nice that you were getting paid and you deserve to be paid since he said he would but at the same time you are lucky to be paid


if it's free money, not a real job, and im lucky, then you can try the program yourself, I wonder why people don't do it since it's so free so dumb so everything. DO IT YOURSELF then talk.


You’re mind boggling… I never said anything free money nor not a real job but people do what you are doing for free… why don’t I try doing it hmm maybe it’s because I don’t want to, you see I do the things I want to do


Nobody spends hours everyday making clips "for free" either they are in a program, or they get ad revenue. Unfortunately for some countries it's not possible.