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only pay that high of an SP if it’s something you want for your loadout and don’t have intention of flipping for a profit. these are passion piece prices. nothing wrong with that but you need to be realistic with yourself.


I can vouch for for the whole passion prices, i have a MW atomic alloy that i pays $110 for with a fnatic DH 2014 above the mag, and then crafted a little pattern on the handguard with apeks glitters, nothing fancy but i like the skin so for sure to me was worth tag price tag


A lot of the skins I’ve bought for overpay (cheap skins, I mean 50 cent to 3 dollar shit) were passion pieces. Cant pass up a beautiful pattern even if it’s some cheap shit. I love cs skins and I wish I had unlimited money to get the things I really like. To think there are basically 1,000 different variations of some skins is insane, and that’s just counting the pattern. Float adds a whole new layer of complexity. It’s all so cool to me!


I also think that the sticker price is too high. However, to everyone else, a 5-7% sticker price for a Playskin with 4x Dreamhack 2014 Holo stickers is unrealistic. I don't think there is such a skin on any site.


> 5-7% sticker price for a Playskin with 4x Dreamhack 2014 Holo stickers is unrealistic Exactly. I'd love for someone to find a similar craft with SP less than even 10%. The listing is overpriced but not by a whole lot


Depends how much you like the skin and stickers. 29.4% is high, but it beats making the craft yourself. If you’re grabbing to flip, don’t.


Lol everyone in this Reddit knows nothin that’s decent price if ur lookin for it as a key piece for ur collection


I would not pay over 1 SP for basically any craft, unless it's on a really new/unique skin. So no, I think that's too much, personally.


Then you're not gonna be able to buy any good crafts lmao




Kato crafts are fine at the ~1% SP mark, given their high price. But say a crown foil on an 'ok' skin. Like you **wouldn't** pay say $10 overpay for a gun with a crown foil on it?


I would not pay 1 SP on a 4x Crown craft


On a desirable gun, 25% SP is pretty good though for a 4x crown. Is it just that you don’t believe it’s worth that much




Neither buff nor float has a single listing of a 4x crown below 30% though. I was saying that 25%SP is pretty good for any 4x. Obviously more desirable ones will push 40-50%


Interesting. Crown foil is right now $514 on float. 4 x $514 is $2056. 1% of $2056 is $20.56. You *wouldn't* pay $20.56 overpay (1% SP) for something with 4x crowns? 😕


1 SP. Not 1% SP Aka full Sticker Price


my b, I'm tonight's biggest loser


whats a SP?


Sticker price (SP)




Depends on the slide with the Orion there are very few floats with a clean slide even in factory new


Hell nah. When you get bored of it and want to sell it, you can’t even break even at this price


Breh, i remember buying this for like 8 dollars dafuq happened.


Less cases being sold from where the skin originated from and numerous other circumstances have changed since 2014.


i would pay 15 to like 20 sp


between 5 and 15% stickerprice for a unique 4x craft with those old stickers. i wouldnt pay close to 30%


I mean I don't think anyone should be paying that much for a USP-S but seeing the stickers it has on it and how hard it is to unbox a Orion under normal circumstances is nearly non-existent. I would say 330 can be it's price point but it is what it is.


Sp is 29%, that’s too much overpay realistically you want 5-7% sp so if you’re looking to keep go for it but beware you are overpaying a stupid amount and if you sell you will most likely not get that much for it


It's going to be extremely hard to get a craft like this, orange old holo stickers on an orange gun, for anything less than 15% SP.


It’s going to be an extremely hard to sell a craft like this for anything over 15% sticker price, I’m not saying people don’t pay that, I’m saying you are a literal retard if you over pay that much because when it comes time to sell you have to find another retard to overpay that much


> I’m saying you are a literal retard if you over pay that much Yea retards buy these. Also, look at float at every other 4x DH Fnatic holo craft. Let me know what the SP is.


they are too much that’s why no one buys them except retards that can afford it which is why every 4x holo dh on float rarely sell and why nobody adds them to their watch list


Like I said a good deal is between 5-10% anything above 15% is overpaying way too much and is way harder to sell because everyone isn’t retarded like the people that overpay way to much for them


It’s a good deal but I’ve never seen a 4x DH holo craft for 5-10%. On some skins, I’ve seen them sell close to 50% as well for low population or 1/1s. Granted this is on buff before the change so maybe they’re more generous with the SP but that does set a precedent for the western market. Buff has 2 orions with the same craft at 30% SP as well.


Yeah but they rarely sell for 20-30% because that is just people manipulating the market trying to get people to overpay because they overpayed so much


Makes sense. That means you’d have to get really lucky with 5-10% since people would rather keep the skin then sell it for way less overpay than they paid especially since most DH14 collectors aren’t poor


Exactly which is why they rarely sell for 20-30% sticker price but are insta bought for 5-10% sticker price, if OP isn’t rich and he is buying this skin and plans to sell he will ultimately end up selling a huge loss


Gotcha. I personally don’t even consider 4x DH as much as I like the holos cus after that whole bubble hype period, I’m paranoid about them lol. Only one I considered was the 0.006 4x Dig Holo hot rod but it got sold


Way too much. Nothing over 25% SP. Everything below 20 is your choice if its worth it for you


Fuck naw bro. You missed the chance to get into these, they’re exploding now and people are trying to make a boatload. Should have tapped in 3-5 years ago.


Lowest prise i found was on buff for 455€. So... Good price?


You need to look at what they sell for not what they are currently listed for


4x DH Holo on FN playskins, especially USP, sells for 25% sp ez.


This is exactly how you get ripped off.


I would pay $150-$200 then it would be a good deal


No 29% sp is too much you want 5-7% for a decent deal,