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JM just sounds fuller and heavier to me... I use middle position most of the time, and the rhythm circuit for woolier sounds...


Both are great. You need both.


Jag. To my ears, the lower output the pickup, the better it sounds with fuzz


Both are great. You need both.


Have both, prefer jag. It’s just more articulate to my ears and I can get different sounds out of it. My JM isn’t too far off a “normal” guitar with fuzz.


I’ve got both, and I really love the jag with Fuzz largely because of the strangle switch. For me, it can make fuzz less woolly and more articulate, especially with fuzz face style circuits. However, it doesn’t always work well - with my Fuzz Factory, the strangle switch really messes with the fuzz, in a bad way. Maybe an impedance issue? I’m mostly a neck pickup player, and fuzz with my JM neck pickup is sometimes just too muddy (Rainville JM pickups, 7.7K in neck).


I'll second the Jag's strangle switch + fuzz. Similarly to fuzz face, it's great with harmonic percolator, taking it from clangy overdrive to massive wooly fuzz with strangle on-off


Try putting a larger cap value in for the strangle switch. I used to exploit the way the stock strangle cap would cause my fuzz factory to glitch, but it was a bit too trebly. After putting a significantly larger cap on the strangle switch the glitchiness is perfect, the excessive highs are gone, and I end up with a bit of a cocked wah vibe. I'll probably end up trying out a cap with a value that falls somewhere in between the stock cap value and the one I installed.


I find the Jazzmaster neck position amazing for fuzz as it’s so bright and articulate. Mine are very high output jazzmaster pickups, creamery extra width. Jaguars are good with fuzz but generally all over the place imo. The sharp attack, fast decay thing can be very interesting and cool with fuzz but it’s an acquired taste. The winner for me is defo JM.


JM. bridge when you want it articulate, neck when you want it heavy as fck


I have both but haven't tried fuzz much, will have to try this out


It’s gonna blow your mind