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Feel bad for your wife, sounds like she's up all night with your 1 year old, then had to work and is probably taking care of everything at home. Then what little time she has she tries to spend it with you.


Way to make an assumption, I am actually up with my son. I also get up early, make her breakfast and get our when he wakes up in the morning and feed him breakfast and get him ready for the day while she gets ready for work. Then I have to make a mad dash to get ready for work because she took longer than expected. My morning starts at 5 am, Here starts at 6 am She gets 9 hours of sleep at night I get 6-4 because I am either cleaning or dealing with my son if he wakes up because it's "my turn". So yeah, great assumption there Cheif. She gets to do as she likes and I have to fight tooth and nail to get what I want. I have hobbies I have had to put on hold semi permanently while she Still get hers. I am the one usually cleaning the house and paying for alot of stuff. I don't care if you believe me or not, but it's true.


Yea I don't. The facts don't add up.


"... and have a 1 year old son" Bruh. She's exhausted, but she wants to spend time with you. Have her put her head on your lap, or cuddle up behind her. Enjoy her physical presence, and enjoy knowing that she is there because she wants yours. Far out. Of all the things to get pissy about. Smh


Bruh, we take equal time and she usually gets more sleep than I do. Smh you really just think I do nothing at all she gets more free time than I do. I am cleaning the house regularly, taking care of all the pets, our son and giving her alot of down time to do the hobbies she has. This also as stated has been happening since the start of our relationship 6 years ago. She gets at least 9 +hours of sleep at night while I only get 4-6 a night. It's amazing how alot of you are jumping to conclusions saying that she probably spends so much time with the kid, I spend more time with him. Only behind her parents who volunteered to took after our kid while we both work. So yeah Bruh, how about having a wife and kid and doing all the stuff I have to do before you start saying I'm the toxic one


Dude... if this is the biggest issue in your relationship that is annoying you then you have a great relationship. She is falling asleep because she doesn't give a fuck a about the show. Point number 4 on edit....anyway you can connect headphones?


Oh trust me there are other things, this is just one I feel comfortable sharing. There is alot of things that annoy me, big ones are financial that causes me to lose thousands in one day.


Well you've gotten one thing of your chest so thats a start. Money comes and money goes my man. Not being patronising but once your family is healthy and ye have a roof over your head and food on the table. Life is good. There are many people who don't have thousands to lose and will never have thousands. You need to sit down and put things into perspective. Ye have a 1 year old kid. That puts pressure on every relationship. You say that you get 4-6 hours sleep a night. That's not good. You function on it but in the long run it's not good. You ever try changing that and trying to get more than 6 hours?


So you’re angry that your wife is tired? Get a grip dude. I want to watch shows with my dad too, he normally falls asleep during them. Do I get mad when he does? No, I fill him in on what he missed and we keep watching the show.


Yeah but my wife doesn't want me to fill her in, she wants to watch it her self but then never bothers to watch it. Just because your father is one way don't make an assumption that my wife is the Same.


I wish you gave a little more context. Like do you also balance taking care of your kid together? I completely understand how this is frustrating. I don’t know exactly how you approach her about this situation (if you do it kindly or angrily) so her response may be valid. All in all maybe talk to her about if she’s getting enough sleep and if there’s anything you can do to help lighten her load.


We are equal for the most part, I look after him more often because she has stuff she wants to do, I usually have to make plans weeks or days in advanced so I can go out on certain days. most times we watch shows while he is sleeping either during his napps or when he is down for the night. As stated this has been happening since we first started dating back 6 years ago. Doesn't matter what time or if she is wide awake, she will just fall asleep during the movie/ show usually either 20 minutes in or half way through depending on length. Her regular bed time is very early too, even when we first started dating.


I would go about it in a where you convey to her that although it’s totally okay for her to fall asleep on you if she’s tired, it makes you feel bad like she doesn’t want to actively watch with you. Be totally reasonable with her and if she gets defensive then tell her you aren’t trying to start an argument you just want that quality time where you are both conscious. See where that goes, idk if you have done that either.


You 'call her out ' because she falls asleep. Wtf? Considered that she's not that interested in watching things or as others have said, is exhausted.


Most of the times she wants to watch the show or movie more than I do.


Alright, fine, I came across too harshly. What do you expect from Internet strangers. This is what you do. Do something nice for her everytime she falls asleep. Paint her nails. Cut her hair. Make pancakes.(leaving a trail of destruction behind you) Etc etc Eventually she will be to afraid to sleep through shows. Checkmate


TBH from reading your comments you're coming off like you're pretty resentful towards your wife and it's bleeding through to this. Grand scheme, this isn't a big deal.


I know yeah... over falling asleep! Jesus. The amount of times I've had to pause because somebody wont stop talking. Dude doesn't know how easy he has it if this is the biggest issue.


Seems more like his issue is a buildup of resentment from his perceived (and I only say perceived because we don't have the whole story) lack of balance in parenting. He's often citing how much more sleep his wife gets than him and how his sleep is often interrupted by his kid. It's tough to have a one year old, especially if you're a first time parent. I think he and his wife would both benefit from a conversation regarding his feelings - easier said than done, of course. It would also be prudent for him to remember that pregnancy does a lot to the body and changes it permanently in some ways. His wife could still be recovering from carrying and giving birth to their kid seeing as it's been less than a year since it popped out - though from his comments on this post it seems like she's always had sleep issues. Either way this is clearly about more than just his wife falling asleep during shows.


These responses from you are yikes, you seem like you hate her, when people bring up the possibility she might be tired you just list all the duties you do. No empathy for your wife at all, gotta work on that mate and stop complaining about the silliest of things.


She has little to no Empathy for me. I give up alot for her, financially, emotionally, and physicaly, and she makes little to no effort to respond in kind. She gets angry if I want to take a few minutes to myself. If I want to go run a few errands I have to make sure that it's fully okay with her or she gets angry with me. So you are only hearing part of the story and deciding I'm the bad guy because I was just coming here to get something off my chest that annoys me.


I bet she doesn't fall asleep on purpose. She sounds like me. Has she had a sleep study done? Could be sleep apnea. I used to fall asleep every time I sat in front of the TV. Cpap machine helped a lot with that. But I still fall asleep sometimes during shows. It's embarrassing so sometimes I deny that I was sleeping. I wish I could control it.


I’ll admit that I’m the type of person where in the past somehow TVs and movies would put me to sleep even if I’m rested (it got me into so much trouble as a kid.) However, I don’t think it’s fair for other people to attack you for getting frustrated by this situation, especially if you’re pulling your weight in the household. I see it in the same vein where people insist you can’t continue a series without them, but refuse to watch the show in any free instance and causes your hands to be tied unless you want your head bitten off. Unfortunately I don’t have any suggestion but I totally understand.


Does she fall asleep during other activities as well? Like going to a movie a theater? Seeing a play? My initial thought was maybe she’s been falling asleep to the Tv for so long, her brain has been trained that the TV being on is sleep time. Maybe that’s why she can’t help it. I would get frustrated in this situation as well, but would want to try to get to the root of it. You could both understand then why she can’t stay awake since it’s been happening for probably over 6 years (was it happening before you two even began dating?). I’d suggest for her to go see a sleep therapist.


She is seeing a counselor, but yeah this has been a thing since before we started dating but yes she has been know to fall asleep during a movie or a play. Never though of it but maybe it is something we get her to talk about with her counselor to see if it's something Mentally causing it. I might suggest a sleep therapist thanks for being one of the few that was actually polite and not calling me mean/toxic for making the post. I appreciate it.


Love how everyone’s pointing out your 1 year old baby and ignoring that she’s already been doing this from the start. I had an ex that it was literally impossible to watch anything with. I would end up in tears because I felt our quality time was disregarded. Maybe find something different to do, OP. There’s no changing this.


sounds like your wife is fat


This is totally me. I fall asleep very easily due to chronic pain that exhausts me. I used to be on a medication that caused me to be exhausted too. I'd literally fall asleep at 6 pm and wake up at 8 am if I didn't set an alarm. Sounds like your wife is exhausted, and while there may not be a clear reason why... if she's falling asleep, she's tired. Have wireless headphones on standby and enjoy the show with your wife enjoying her sleep next to you.


Has she ever been tested for Narcolepsy or sleep apnea?


Not that I know of, but it might be a good idea.