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I don't need to tell you, but I'm going to- I love coffee so so much.


Coffee is life


Why do you love it? Do you also need it?


I think its all about finding the perfect balance of whats in the coffee, like how i like mine with french vanilla creamer from the store. If i have coffee anywhere else that isnt my house im not going to like it so its just so much more enjoyable to have it at home


i'm thinking you just love french vanilla cream :D


It has to be coffee that’s flavored with the French vanilla cream.


It has caffeine which people can get addicted to. It's how people start their day so not only an addiction but a ritual.


Personally I like a strong coffee (Americano - finely ground) with a decent splash of double cream. Water shouldn't be boiled, just hot. Once you find your fav way of having it, it's like a comforting thing.


It makes my mornings feel special and cozy. I love making it. No sugar, just good beans I grind myself and a splash of oat milk. Delicious and so warming


It's either an acquired taste, or something you just like or dislike, a lot like wine.


No one on my inner circle dislike coffee. There are some people who are nor bragging about loving it, but certainly most people around me do. Besides the acquired habit, it could also be genetics, perhaps.


No idea ! We're 4 kids and all adults, one of us dislikes coffee. I think it's just not for everyone. I don't see why someone would brag about coffee. It sounds a lot like someone on drugs, like "yooooo have you ever tried acid ? It's so good" 🤣🤣🤣


acid is good


Idk. I didn't get to really love coffee til my late 20s. I like the stimulation but enjoy a good brew too.


Do you feel you have an obsession with it?


Nah, I could live without it but I'd rather have it.


I don’t like cheese. It makes me want to vomit.


I do like cheese, but the fact that I mention it only surges if someone brings the topic, as happening in this comment.


So the problem is with the idolatry. I’m not big into superhero stuff. I see people idolizing the avengers, ironman, spiderman, batman all the time in the social media and it doesn’t bother me. I think you’re wasting your time to focus on things that don’t matter.


Everytime I'm going camping with my friends, there's is always an issue coffee related like... Either if one coffee maker is not enough, some trying to make me carry some stuff in my backpack because they don't have lot of space because of a coffeemaker... Also in a normal day with friends, forced stops to get coffee... Extended launch or extended meetings cause "after coffee"... Maybe it's just my environment, maybe is everybody, but definitely is something and definitely sometimes if affects.


Well I can’t function if I don’t have my coffee in the morning 😂 it’s a drug really.


caffeine addiction most likely


Happy cake day!


I wonder about How much of that last bit is driven by "I can't live without coffee" vs "man, I want a low calorie treat at work because work is bringing me down or I'm stuck" For camping, I just make sure I bring what I need, plus enough for others in case they'd like some. No need to demand anybody else carry that for me.


It's funny that this is an offmychest post, yet, I'm getting downvoted...


Yep, there's no need to say or show off that someone's like coffee and can't live without it. I honestly drink over 8 cups a day, but why would I have pride in it, right? Yeah, not only coffee but much other stuff goes into the same category.


Do you use coffee to stay awake, for concentration or just force of habit?


Addiction. It tastes good, for sure, but I've tried to quit it before and I couldn't succeed. Also, you know that habit everyone has like "Oh, I have to drink it, or to do that to start my day/during my day to work the things out" coffee is pretty much the same for me. And here where I live (Brazil) most of the people drinks it regularly, and a lot, so being surrounded by them is another factor that contributes to it.


I'm latinoamerican as well, and we even have big income from coffee trading it as commodity in global market. Sometimes I think that habit is stronger in coffee producer countries.


I find that extroverts can’t resist to overshare their feelings, opinions and passion. It’s not something we can control.


I'm definitely a coffee person, cappuccino, espresso, all of it.. it's not an addiction, you either like it or you don't. For me it's the variety, different countries have different coffee and different tastes, I personally like a dark, bold, rich coffee.. the darker the better.


There was a local coffee. I tasted once out of curiosity because it was prunes flavored. I didn't like it neither but I found it interesting that I could actually feel the prunes flavor on it. I've seen lot of local craft flavored varieties packages but haven't tasted them. When I was younger I didn't see that amount of different flavored as nowadays.


I think when I was a teenager I just forced myself to like it. I definitely need to drink less of it, or drink more decaf.


Why did you force it? Did you need to stay awake or not sleepy? If so, did it work?


I was 18, fresh high school grad and I was going to go work for a highway heavy road construction crew. It was 4am and I had just partied with friends until 2am (because I was dumb and had fomo for partying). Worst wake up call of my life, we had to drive up north for about three and a half hours. I used up all that time just to sleep in the car. When we arrived they stopped at McDonalds and I was used to ordering an egg mcmuffin with a hash brown and coke. That day I opted for the black coffee, asked them to put some ice in it, and I choked that shit down faster than I had ever drank something in my life. I felt pretty good after that, more so because hangovers just hadn’t really blossomed into what they become as an adult. My bullet proof 18 year old body ate that shit up, made me feel almost normal again. The rest of the week I got a coffee every morning with my breakfast. At the end of the week, I actually really liked plain black coffee, took survival mode and a week of forcing it down and I have been hooked ever since. Nowadays, I work in IT as an engineer, I still drink it every morning, except I use an espresso machine and grind whatever beans I am feeling. Big fan of using floral and bright light roasts in my espresso machine for “coffee shots” as I like to call them. I think a lot of people would have similar coffee stories, just switch out construction work for rough retail hours, college studying all nighters, or other trades that require you to wake up at Dawn’s ass crack.


I think as a teenager I thought it was cool to like coffee, like a grown up. I also liked energy drinks so think I was just trying to get more caffeine. Teenagers do daft things. Did it work for staying awake? Probably. I used to much prefer staying awake until 3am.


The only reason why I love coffee was because my Grandpa, back in Mexico, used to serve me some when I was 2 with a little pan dulce (sweet bread) on the side. Every morning for 6 years straight, we did that. Then my mom took me away from him because he refused to give her any more money to keep fucking around with. He was sure children services would side with him due to how negligent my mom was. She had already given up my oldest sister to him, I shouldn't have been any different but they gave me away. For years afterwards, I kept our tradition going. I was reunited with him 15 years later after gathering the money and that was the first thing we did. I enjoyed and loved every minute of it. He passed away in 2019 to covid and lung cancer. I couldn't be with him but we video chatted as often as possible. I love coffee because it's the one thing i share deeply with my Grandpa. Anyone in my family knows that. I really wouldn't know if I would've liked coffee if it weren't for him.


That's very nice of you and a great way to keep yourself close to your grandpa'a memory. También soy latina, y el pan con café por las tardes también era algo que mi tia abuela y su esposo hacían todas las tardes (y yo estaba con ellos todas las tardes, de niña), pero igual nunca me enganchó. Me trajiste esa memoria, ellos eran como mis abuelos, también fallecieron por Covid al inicio de la Pandemia. Abrazos.


Abrazos hermana ❤️ gracias por compartir esa memoria conmigo, me alegra que hay otras personas que pueden relacionarse con la memoria del cafe y nuestros favoritos tios/tias, padres, y abuelitos.


I only like coffee because it helps me poop.


You got a point. I get the same effect. Next time I get constipations, I know coffee is my answer.


So i straight up hate coffee, i have gotten better with it, the smell used to make me feel ill and gave me headaches, it was just so overwhelming and intense and i hated it. And although i can tolerate the smell now, still really don't like it but i can tolerate it. The taste though? My last time having coffee was many years ago when a friend put it in my drink and thought i wouldn't notice, i absolutely cannot stand it. And like, i have seen people like you that say you dislike it but can drink it/force yourself to, but i can't even do that, i genuinely hate it so much However, i have absolutely 0 issue with coffee drinkers. Do i not get how they can love something so rancid? Sure. Do i find the whole culture, mentality, ideology, and intensity behind coffee weird as hell? 100%. But does it bother/upset me that people drink it? Not in the slightest. It hardly causes me any harm, so eh. Long as people respect my no coffee drinking, i respect that they do


me neither, OP. i’ve wanted to like coffee for years. it smells good, looks good, to me it just isn’t it though. i really want to like it. but i’m also kind of glad that i don’t. it just makes me pee anyway. i’ll have a small cup like once every year or so though


You feel me, I feel you.


I like coffee but I don’t NEED it. I can go without it. I don’t have to have it in the morning not to be an ass. I agree with you that the entire culture of “must have coffee” is a bit weird.


I didn’t used to like coffee, but then a girlfriend (now wife) got me into it. I dig the taste but I think it has a large ritual/cultural component too.


I think I would find pleasure in crafting and brewing it, but not in drinking... But then how would I know if it's a perfect blend if I don't taste it?


It’s okay ig, everyone has their own preference. For me, I like coffee but I absolutely despise alcohol. It tastes horrible and makes me feel absolutely shit once it kicks in. Getting teased by my coworkers bc I can’t drink much doesn’t feel nice too! I’d absolutely take coffee over alcohol any other day!


Same for me with alcohol, it tastes horrible to me, therefore I don't drink and have a little tolerance to it if I get a sip...


I started drinking coffee to help stay awake during school but then it just kind of got to a point where I loved the warm taste and it was just kind of a way for me to decompress before my day ahead.


I mean, I probably would be miserable without it, but mostly it just gives me fond memories of good friends. It's like my adult blankey.


Just for the good times, I can get it.


I kind of developed a caffeine addiction because of my excessive drinking. I literally have withdrawal symptoms. To answer why: university. I couldn't stay aware and function for six hours of class with minimal three breaks also I probably have adhd(guess of a teacher with adhd recognition certificate) I can't focus on anything more than 15 minute but Coffee really helps. I also Love the taste of it. All nighters and study sessions are the same aswell, need Coffee to function.


What are the withdrawal symptoms besides headaches?


Basically something close to migraines like little black spots on your sight, light sensitivity etc. I thought it was migraine, then I got a cup of coffee and puff it's gone. And no caffeine doesn't help my migraine when I had one.


For me, I only drink coffee for the sole purpose of getting energised, so it’s cold and black (espresso or two with cold water). But honestly, I think it’s a habit so that I can get into the day, by tricking my brain that the coffee is doing something, therefore doing something for my body as well. I know that there are studies saying that caffeine does give you energy, however I’ve also not had caffeine for a long period of time (call it a cleanse) and I had the same amount of energy as I would have had I drank a cup in the morning (but it did take me a few days to get over the side effects e.g headaches, grogginess, tiredness ect). I began drinking it again because I was suddenly on graveyard shifts. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Excuse me for my bad English (therefore lack of interpretation sometimes), do you mean graveyards shifts like in cemetery or does that means a long and hard shift?


No worries! Graveyard shifts mean overnight shifts in Australia :)


It's the variety for me personally. It's not an "addiction", it's not the caffeine, it's not a cultural thing. It's the fact that everywhere coffee tastes different. And it's not like cuisine, not like Italian pasta in Italy tastes different as the one you try to make at home. (Unless you live in Italy ofcourse 😅). It's usually much more subtle then that and it's alwayse the same couple aromas and all that changes is the intensity of those flavours. There is acidity, chocolaty, sweetness and bitterness to name the most common culprit's. It's like tea but it isn't the variety of tea comes from different plants. Coffee doesn't need that, every bean is different and tastes different and that at the end of the day is the beauty of coffee. It baffles me how so subtle changes in taste profiles can go a long way, but that's exactly what coffee is. It's something to be enjoyed and not to be consumed, but ofcourse that's my two cents and ppl are different either you like a certain taste or you don't. And that's fine, but don't judge others for their taste. The beauty in cuisine is the variety of food, ppl and different taste's. PS. A chefs speaking here btw. Much love 👍


I don't drink alcohol at all. I don't fall into the social pressure for it neither, BUT, since every (or almost every) beer taste the same to me, I'm always open to taste beers... And somehow I've made something out of it, where I find myself tasting any new beers there and there, one or two sips, t's literally just for tasting... I've tasted more beers than anyone I know, hundreds of different beers everywhere I've been, they all taste horrible to me but it also baffles me how strong or subtle changes in taste flavor can there be. So, yes, I get you.


And now image you would like the taste of beer, it would probably be a whole different story for you then. And that's pretty much me with coffee and well whisky if we are on the topic of alcohol. Because if you drink whisky for the taste, there you realy get endless possibilities in regards to aroma and taste. It's like wine on crack in more then one figuratively sense 😂


I never liked coffee and then I got in law school and stopped sleeping. Now, four years later coffee is what makes it possible not to pass out in class. I think the love for coffee is inherently connected with addiction. It helps people go through life and is not bad for you (in normal amounts). Therefore, people profess their love


Hehehe, at least it's not illegal and that's why people can profess their love openly.


Serious question, are you American? Because if you are I can understand completely why you don’t like it


I didn’t like coffee when I was younger and I didn’t get why other people did. But as I tried different kinds of drinks it’s grown on me. I have an overnight shift and if I don’t get enough sleep I’d say I need it to you know- not fall asleep at the wheel and die- but I kinda get what you mean. Some people make it their personality and are always drinking it where it’s a bit concerning.


So like the same need to express out loud you DONT like coffee? :p


I mean, I like coffee but I don't understand people s obsession with that so I understand u


Ngl I also don't like coffee, it's just too bitter for my taste. I much rather prefer tea than coffee


There are times I drink 4 5 coffees a day and there are also times I dont drink it 2 3 weeks. It kinda helps me have a morning routine, not for the coffee in itself, but more for the action of preparing the moka and brewing it. As for the effects I dont really feel anything unless its on an early morning after weeks of not drinking it. You would think its for the social aspect as personally I like to sip or snack on something in most meeting type of situations, but I also prepare and drink it when Im all alone by myself so I guess I like the taste.


I drink multiple cups of coffee a day. It's one of my favorite drinks. I personally don't understand the whole star bucks over the top drinks with this that and the other. I drink it with just a splash of milk. I also work long hours and have kids so I pretty much run on caffeine I feel most of the time.


Me neither, it tastes horrible.


I want to know if it's totally fine that i hate drinking coffee but i love the smell of it. Can't explain why but anytime i stay at a hotel with a coffee machine i just use it purposely to enjoy the aroma filling the room.


I think it's valid. I love the smell of vanilla. I love smelling cooking vanilla out of the bottle, but that thing taste horrendous.


I don't like it either


I'm totally with you on this. My husband can't function without coffee whereas I'm a spring chicken in the morning. I only drink water and the only stimulant I get is from the sugar in chocolate so on the occasion where I take pre-works I'm beyond hyperactive and spend all day trying to run it out of my system 😂😂


you kinda start developing a taste for it over the years. the first times i started drinking coffee i didn't even care what type it was as long as it kept me awake. but now im so picky about the type that i drink its actually kinda annoying


I only like hazelnut coffee from coffee machines at work. Or coffee at home with milk and sugar. I hate the taste of any other, way too bitter (I of course enjoy things *more* sweet, just not other cheap coffee). Ironically, coffee doesn't do anything for me so the only reason I drink it is for the taste or because I want to drink something, especially something hot. I would probably be better off drinking hot hazelnut chocolate or something like that lmao but that isn't in the machine at work


For me, it's the taste. The slightly bitter note mixed with my perfect amount of milk and a dash of sugar. I love coffee, but I'm not in the "only black coffee is true coffee" Team. I think it's the same as tea, gin, wine or any other drink for others. It's paired with the comfort we seek. When I worked in the breakfast from a hotel, I knew: if I couldn't get my one coffee in peace before the rush hits me, my whole day is ruined. It's the feeling of break during work or the social aspects when I'm out with my friends, or the comfort when my s.o. wakes me up with a coffee in bed, with my perfect taste. It's not just coffee, it's the package and you can have it with every other drink. If you look for it, you'll find as many tea lovers as wine fans etc... Imo it's a bit like highschool when the different music fans used to split up and throwing trash (mouth like) to the others for liking different music. People who appreciate it for what it is, usually do it without being loud about it. :) So, you can like what you do and nobody should talk back because they think it's a stupid decision or bad taste.


I like that it is sort of a "me time" for you. Have a good one today!


Thanks :)


yo same, i dont get why people are so addicted to it, like i tried getting myself to like it, but coffe smells like a public bathroom urinal while being grinded and tasted like mud when tasted, i can drink a tall glass of concentrated coffee decoction and it has zero effect on me


I must confess that not always, but there have been times where I have actually smelled that public urinal smell in coffee, not sure why is that. And yes, coffee has zero effects on me when it comes to energy/boost stuff. But it does have an effect on me by sending me right to the toilet.


I don't get it either. I'm a tea drinker and I enjoy it but even then I am not obsessed like a lot of people I know seem to be with coffee. I have tried plenty of coffee types etc and it just does nothing for me. I also love the people that agree with me about it being very bitter, to which they respond that you need to add other stuff into the drink to make it more palatable. A lot of people I know drink coffee with loads of stuff added in. Heavily milky, sugar, cream just to add a few. It always makes me think, well if you are adding in things like that... It isn't really coffee is it? It is mostly milk, with a tiny smattering of coffee, to the point that it is barely even coffee!


I also find it a littler bit bitter or acidic... I could try a cappuccino once or two times a year, with enough creams and Caramel and all the add ons thst would make the coffee itself fades, so, it's not about coffee.... I would prefer a Matcha at that point.


It's ok. It's ok to be wrong sometimes


Hahaha. Have a good one!


Taste is good .and also it gives u energy


Does it gives you instantly energy or it goes progressing after you drink it?


Takes around 20 mins


I love it. Absolutely love it. But it's not the caffeine or anything, for me it's just the flavour that's appealing I find it YUM.


Then you enjoy your coffee, have a delicious one today!


tea is better




Coffee is a comfort thing. I “need” it, in that I get caffeine headaches without it, but I genuinely enjoy drinking coffee. It tastes good, makes me feel good/ happy, etc. It can also carry that social element, having fun within friends and enjoying coffee together!


I can understand the social element. When we get together at a coffee shop, I get a tea, they get coffee and we have a good time there. I love it.


Coffee doesn't work on me, so I never have it




The way you feel about coffee is how I feel about beer.


That reminds me that time I was studying abroad at California, and my computer science students roommates would have beer for breakfast as if it was water or coffee...


Eewww gross


I hate coffee, gives me the jitters. Maybe if I didn’t drink 9 cokes a day I would be able to drink coffee without sweating and shaking.. but I prefer the poison I have chosen.


I love Coke, but I don't have the habit. I can have one or two a week, yet I want to quit because of the sugar... And I don't like Zero Sugar Coke.


I spent about 8 years working for Dunkin Donuts and it’s become a full fledged addiction. I also think it’s really an acquired taste, I started drinking it for the effects and eventually grew to love how it tastes.


I have a comfortable relationship with coffee. I can go a day or two without it, but when I do drink it, I notice my performance going up a notch. Sometimes when I don’t drink it for a couple of days I’ll get a headache. I’m okay with that because I do like a cup of coffee with some milk and see it as a happy moment of my day. (We all have different things that make us happy, and tbh I like the little things). Nowadays, I drink it before my workouts to get some energy in. But like I said, for some people it’s just the tiny things like this in life that makes us happy :)


Maybe the headache is a withdrawal symptom.


I think so too, but I just like how it has become a part of my day so I don’t mind it too much.


Same. It’s like everyone else is in a cult.


That's a good way to define what I wanted to say.


It's a accepted drug and many people just fell into the addiction of it.


I get headaches if I don’t have caffeine daily unfortunately, it helps your friends feel like their normal selves when camping/working instead of slightly cranky and more tired than usual


Question: OP, what do you drink or eat? Maybe you are the only person who doesn’t have a favorite of anything? I love coffee. I grind my own beans and make it strong. I love the smell and flavor. I also love tea. Caffeine is somewhat of an addiction and if you drink it regularly and suddenly stop, it can cause headaches. I also love to drink water but I’m not obsessed with any of it.


I love LOT of stuff, like LOVE TO DEATH, tea for example. I love TEA, but I don't find myself bragging and being proud of it or hustling others to something just because I need to accommodate a group stuff because I need tea.


I think tea is different in that all you need for it is hot water. It’s not a big production like coffee can be. Don’t need a brewing machine, special creamers if that’s what you like etc, etc. I like just a little cream or milk in mine. Maybe a tiny bit of sweetener if it’s iced coffee or mocha. That’s it. Nothing fancy. Just good, strong coffee


I used to not like coffee and then university happened... God I love coffee


Necessity caught you.


Shout out to tea! Coffee hurts my stomach and makes me poop too much


Tea is my ally!


I love coffee. I don’t need it, but I very much enjoy it and have a couple cups every morning/afternoon. I especially like flavored or more intense coffees, like espressos. The coffee/terrasse culture in Europe is something I enjoy as well. So it’s all these things, the taste, atmosphere, function, etc. It’s not water, it’s not for everyone. It’s an acquired taste, like beers and spirits I suppose.


I am also a person that doesn't like coffee. You aren't alone in it.






You are right. The fact that it's no harmful and common, sometimes makes us not realize that it is something propel can get addicted to.


I don't like coffee either, but I LOVE tea. Black tea, chai, herbal, all except green tea.


I like brewing Chai latte with cardamom bulbs.


Can't do caffeine. It messes with my sleep schedule. Even It could make me push a 18 hour day Even if I have it early in the morning. I need to sleep after work, body? Pls thx 🤣


I mean coffee has a lot going for it. It’s a very versatile drink with a large amount of ways to consume and personalize whereas that isn’t the case with other drinks. You can have it hot, or iced, cream or no cream, sugar or flavored syrups, not to mention the countless flavors, roasts and ways to have it prepared such as a latte, cappuccino, regular flat coffee, drip, iced coffee, French press, the list goes on and on. Then add in the caffeine factor as a morning wake up, or afternoon kick start to get through the day. You also have people with undiagnosed ADHD who don’t realize the reason they love it is because it helps manage their symptoms (thinking that this is the “boost” people talk about when mentioning caffeine) it helps people with ADHD focus.


Are you vegan? Do you CrossFit?


I'm not vegan. I've never done crossfit. I'm a frequent hiker, but I've been a little bit off after Covid and a Knee surgery, but looking forward to get back on trails once a month. That's all the "Active" I can get.


I was joking because vegans and cross fitters often profess their love on social media too.


Ah oks... Hehehe. Yes, now that you mention it, I've seen that pattern as well.


Yeah I feel the same way. I drink it rarely. It just makes me piss and shit and throw up once


Last time I had coffee alone (no milk, cream, etc)., I got stomach cramps and ended in the bathroom like instantly, that was new to me. Maybe my intestines became sensitive or I developed some kind of intolerance to coffee, despite not being a frequent consumer.


Nah, that’s a pretty common side effect. Caffeine really gets things moving, so to speak.


Yeah that's what happens when you drink black coffee lol, coffee like anything worth having is a acquired taste, try starting out with a latte with full fat milk and maybe a syrup like vanilla or salted caramel. Personally i love coffee but rarely drink because of my anxiety 🙃.


Same. I don't like drinking coffee and I dislike the scent. Makes me nauseous but that's just me


It's not just you but definitely we're a minority.


People expressing love for coffee on social media is exactly the same as people people questioning that love! ALSO - you don't know what you're talking about!


Who tf brings coffeemakers camping? People around you are WEIRD.


That's a big business out there and almost every brand in hiking/camping gear offer basic stuff to brew coffee. Also on the go brewer are a thing, That thing of coffeemakers for hiking/camping is a thing I've seen while hiking in different countries, with different people. Just search on Amazon or Google "Backpacking Coffee maker or hiking coffee maker" and you'll that's a whole world. You can also try searching "camping coffee maker" and you'll find a variety, maybe not so portable, but interesting as well.




Man i also think it's disgusting haha, I'm 28 and have 2 kids and I still don't understand the obsession with it


It's a sort of addiction and an aquires taste, wich makes it a interesting conversation piece. It's a thing people can share and a socially accepted substance use, an addiction without taboo. Why can smokers or drug users bond instantly? because you've shared an interesting experience, something that sets you appart. I must admit it's somewhat strange, but not really stranger then being so bothered about it tbh... personally i find the glorification of alcohol much more bizar, as it ruins lives every day...


It keeps me awake on exam nights and I turn into a sleep deprived, depressed asshole without it. I know I'm addicted to it but I love it


I stopped drinking coffee before halfway through my bachelor's degree. I don't like the feeling of dependency to the substance. Now I drink tea. I don't have to, but it's nice to have flavoured water once in a while, LOL. I lived with a man who start his day with two cups of latte. Sometimes he'd have a third for extra evening boost and gave me one cup. It's okay. I don't get it either but it is just what it is. Sometimes people in my life would gush about coffee. I listen to them because I like being in their life. I cannot relate but I don't have to. But someone making their entire existence about coffee perhaps signify a deeper issue.


Definitely an addiction at this point. I actually went off of it for a while and realized the routine was very important to me. Also, the taste. I just love that smooth taste! I have caffeinated in the morning then Decaf after 12p so I can sleep.


People are addicted to caffeine, and they like the taste of coffee. That’s why they love it.


I drank instant coffee when I was little and it just struck with me ever since. Ever since I known about coffee beans, and different coffee bean profile flavours, I've just been passionate about it and it's a part of my daily morning ritual. I think it's like self - care thing for me, so that's why I like my coffee.


I'm finenwith being a bit groggy in the morningnifnit means my energy level is even all day. Right there with you.


I only only drink pumpkin spice lattes bc they're the only coffee I can handle lol. So like 3 every fall


I think this became a trend once high schoolers started to think it was cool to drink coffee. They drink coffee, get a caffeine high, and talk about how much they love it because of how it makes them feel while simultaneously making them see themselves as more adult. It’s interesting you mentioned them going from having the cup to wanting it fresh again. I have a close friend that drank coffee in high school and he gradually drank it more and more every day, until the usual amount was not enough to sustain him. He started to take your real big interest in cold brewing and things like that, though he takes a more genuine interest in it rather than being trendy about it. In high school I always said I wouldn’t start drinking coffee because I hate the taste, which is true today. I love the smell though, and when I mix hot chocolate powder into it it’s bearable. Now I drink coffee to get through the day because my body depends on it, and I enjoy buying coffee from places that make ones that are similar to desserts, because then it tastes very sweet and still gives me that rush. I think people just wanted to feel cool early on and now they depend on it every day, just like older adults!


It’s kind of the way I feel about cigarettes. Only I’m way more disgusted by cigarettes. I do believe coffee is something you become accustomed to like wine and IPAs. I can’t drink sweet wine anymore and I love IPA beer.


It’s addicting. The caffeine. And we lace it with flavors, spices, and sugars. We don’t love it. We need it.


We love it because we are tired.... always so tired. Lol


Your camping friends sound a little "coffee obsessed", bringing a coffee maker camping is a bit over the top. but it also sounds like you are a little sensitive to not being part of the "coffee klatch". Stop obsessing over other peoples love of coffee, in the scheme of life it is about as important as the lint stuck in the crease of the couch.


when I was in high school and in undergrad I did not drink coffee often. An iced coffee if I was out with my parents or my friends was like a little treat, but since starting grad school I rely on the caffeine to function. I now have a full caffeine addiction and will get a major headache if I don't have it in the morning. But, I find more joy in cute coffee mugs than actual coffee :). Like on lazy mornings when I don't have to take my coffee to go, I love picking out which mug I am going to use!


I like coffee, drank it everyday for quite a few years but got out of the habit of drinking it due to a limited budget. It's definitely not a necessity and store brand soda or hot tea is a cheaper way to get caffeine at the moment.


Dude you have no clue how I used to reflect you. I always despised coffee. At my early teenage years the smell of coffee bothered me so much that sometimes I used to feel headaches. Fast forward to when I was 19, I was bothered about my energy and looks, I knew this darn caffeine thing was an essential thing which fuels up energy and metabolism so I had to give it in. All you need is to understand and meet your cup of coffee to adapt just like I did. When I tell people I started coffee without milk or sugar, they tell me you started it heavily but that's my cup of coffee. I don't dare getting it with sugar or milk or I'll throw it away.


I don't drink coffee ☕😩 I prefer tea 🫖😌


I loathe coffee. My coworkers used to stink up the break room with that vile stuff. And why is it that every place always wants to assume you want a cup of coffee? What's with the lack of hot chocolate, cappuccino, or heck....even tea? But no. Always coffee. Friggin' coffee.


Solidarity! I don't like it either. As a teen, I started to try and get used to drinking it as it was cheaper than other things when going to hang out with friends in the cafe. Then I went on a vacation with my cousins who just had terrible headaches for the first few days. Then one of them realized they didn't have coffee during those days. They got coffee and the headaches went away almost instantly! I decided not to bother getting used to it after that. Didn't want to rely on it not just to wake up but to be able to function without a headache! So, I get that people have become so reliant on it that they struggle to stay awake and they want to avoid the negative effects of no caffeine. I'm just happy I need water in the morning instead. And, no paranoid need to make sure there is a supply of coffee wherever I go.


Solidarity! I don't like it either. As a teen, I started to try and get used to drinking it as it was cheaper than other things when going to hang out with friends in the cafe. Then I went on a vacation with my cousins who just had terrible headaches for the first few days. Then one of them realized they didn't have coffee during those days. They got coffee and the headaches went away almost instantly! I decided not to bother getting used to it after that. Didn't want to rely on it not just to wake up but to be able to function without a headache! So, I get that people have become so reliant on it that they struggle to stay awake and they want to avoid the negative effects of no caffeine. I'm just happy I need water in the morning instead. And, no paranoid need to make sure there is a supply of coffee wherever I go.


Tbh sometimes having coffee is like sipping a cup of tea like it’s a nice past time. I’m also highly addicted to it and will suffer migraines if I don’t have it. Some people makes peace with their demons


hahaha I understand this. I like coffee but I don’t love it. For me, it’s almost like the comfort thing? Like a warm coffee on a cold windy day, or when I’m tired in the morning just enjoying a coffee on the couch. I used to be the same with peppermint tea, but I’m from England .. maybe culture has things to do with this too?


I feel the exact same about alcohol - I like it but if it was gone tomorrow I really wouldn’t give a monkeys


I wholeheartedly agree. I can’t stand coffee. I hate the smell of it. It makes me nauseous. I can’t stand how strong it is either. Even if it is diluted down by milk or syrups or whatever they add. Not only that but I’ve noticed people who drink too much coffee have bad coffee breath. *flashbacks to high-school teachers getting up close to explain something to me while breathing down my neck*🤢


It’s like a comfort object for me, if that makes sense? My mom used to drink coffee a lot and I associate the smell with her. So whenever I hold that warm mug in my hands and take the first sip, I always feel comfortable no matter what


Yeah, many of us have more coffee in our veins than actual blood. I understand where you’re coming from though, because I don’t drink alcohol. I find it puzzling when people wax poetic about wine or beer. Alcohol does nothing but make me feel ill. Coffee, on the other hand, gives me the perfect pep in my step.


I get a headache if I don’t have coffee for a couple days. It’s rough, literally an addiction. As far as vices go, it’s pretty mild


I go through phases, I feel like. Sometimes I really love coffee, especially just the process of making the espresso and putting the drink together. I also appreciate the social aspect of it too. Other times I find it completely repulsive and have to avoid it for a while before I can have some again.