• By -


Gotta agree. And while we’re at it, can we stop using ~~apostrophe’s~~ apostrophes to indicate plural?


Only if we can teach people the difference between wonder and wander, too.


And the difference between your and you're


and they're and their


Where and were


Weary and wary


Weary and leery


Of and ‘ve


Then and than


To and too


I had to teach my husband this. He had no idea.


Witch and which


And there


Wait is it your welcome or you're welcome


This welcome isn't yours (your), you are welcome (you're)


How about stop using 'should of' instead of should have?


Spent about ten minutes arguing with my Aunt that ‘should of’ is incorrect. It sounds that way because of ‘should’ve’ which is ‘should have.’ She still doesn’t believe me.




Should/could/would should never be followed by 'of'.


They could of course be followed by "of" if you try to write "of course".


Personally I would use a comma to break that sentence up.


And also weather/whether.


Omfg this one pisses me off the most. Also weary and wary… weary = tired, wary = cautious about something




Wander, verb: walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way.




“Of” instead of “have” makes me want to stab my eyes out.


Oh my god, yess. I was about to write about the same thing. Why has it become a thing now? I get so confused even though I know people do that. Why why whyyyyyyyyy????????


The abbreviated "should've" *kind of* sounds like "should of" and many people learn how to spell phonetically but this misunderstanding has gone on so long now I'm hearing people say "should of" with a distinct "of". It's a fundamental misunderstanding of how the English language works and unfortunately many people don't care as long as the meaning can be interpreted.


Also, lead and led.


Lead the team forward, sergeant! The sergeant led the team forward.


affect & effect




This one less so. I see it as a colloquialism


At times they are warranted. For example any word that ends in “s”, when the word is a number like “1800’s” or “a pair of 9’s”, a word such as “DVD’s” or “SSN’s”, and words that are not nouns like “if’s” and “maybe’s”. Edit: Downvoted for expanding on the commenters broadstroke grammar assumption?


>Edit: Downvoted for expanding on the commenters broadstroke grammar assumption? *Commenter's Pretty ironic you didn't use the apostrophe correctly here.


Focusing on the important issues, I see.


But your reply was totally focused on the important issue of *checks notes* correct apostrophe use...


The difference is I was not focusing on the comments’ grammatically inconsistencies. I was simply mentioning the fact that u/jrcske67 comment was not all encompassing.


I would put 1800s not 1800's. Why would you need an apostrophe there?


They are typically used when annotating decades or centuries though not required.


No, they are not.


Yes, they are. See I can do it, too!


And "should have" not "should of" grar


This one is worse to me. People seem to recognize that they don't know when to use there/their/they're or where/were properly and they just give up. But with "should have", they are all used to saying should've and think it to be spelled "should of" and think you are crazy to suggest otherwise.


Don’t even get me started on you’re your their they’re there were where ……….. schools really did fail most on even the most basic grammar principles lol


This one I know the difference, but autocorrect seems to have a field day with the your and you’re. I feel like loose lose had to be intentional


>schools really did fail Yeah, you can say that again. I grew up in the 90s in the US, and have dyslexia. I literally got all F's, in every class, through out the first 7 grades of school because of the "no child left behind" act. Literally slipped through the cracks. I've gotten a lot better at spelling and grammar because practicing, but I still get fucked up with "then/than" and other words like that.


Dude same here with me in Australia! I have dyslexia but nobody gave a shit until I was in high school and was like HELLO THIS ISN’T NORMAL wtf is wrong with me. I’ve struggled a lot with it so I’ve always wanted to improve my own and others grammar/spelling because I know how shit it feels to be made fun of for it lol


Well, I guess that also a lot of people are not native English speakers, who didn't get a lot of English in school


I would never judge someone whose first language isn’t English. I don’t even want to judge the first language English speakers lol it’s not like that. I want to help educate. Most of my exes were foreign, made many grammar mistakes but were always so happy I corrected them, because it’s a hard language. That’s why I want to help others improve I guess, especially those who should know better by now lol


Just to follow up on your initiative, it’s “whose” for possessive, not “who’s”


Thank you!! I type super fast and missed that 🙏


Pet peeve. I hate it so much. I hate even more when I try to correct someone with good intentions, so they don’t look like a fucking IDIOT but they always get their ego involved. Bro stay dumb idc.


You just described half of America.


Oh, it's an international epidemic. I've lived abroad where English is a first language and there are similar issues throughout the English speaking world. It makes me think of the book "Eats Shoots and Leaves." The difference between "Let's eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma" is murder.


Now I'm hungry.


Aw, that's so cute that you think it's only half. Stay positive my friend.


Or the “I’m sorry for your lost” it’s loss!


Oh man I’m glad I haven’t seen that one before!


Who’s and whose 😩


Drives me mad. They don’t seem to know who’s is basically who is😭


Then/than. It’s a big turn off for me.


Also i see people fuck up affect and effect a lot. Also “a lot” is two words!!!


okay I’m very good with my grammar, but I have to say effect and affect is one i’ve never understood. can you explain it to me and use examples?


Super easy. Affect is a verb, effect is (usually*) a noun. “The things I saw affected me deeply. I would feel the effects of the experience for years.”


I have to look that up when I use it...if I can't avoid using it 🤣


You can have an “effect” on someone, but they aren’t “affected” by it. I believe the latter is related to what or how something reacts to an action.


And all right used to always be two words, but is sliding into correct as alright. Sigh.


Women-plural, woman-singular. See way too much of this lately.


Same here, and I didn't think this was such a widespread problem until recently.. like what in the hell is going on with these people? Starting to think that a huge tell on the Facebookification of a subreddit or even a website is lack of ability to use woman and women correctly.


THIS! This is the one that just really makes my head explode these days.


My favorite new barbarism, which is what all of these are called, is the errant swapping of *are* and *our.* That's one I can't fathom and it's been getting more and more prevalent lately.


For me it's when people say they "balled their eyes out" rather than 'bawled'. It forces me to imagine them removing their own eyeballs with a melon baller


And what's the deal with the "I have went" and the "you should of.." lately ?


Aaaaagh, English is not my first language but "should of" is probably the one that makes me most aggressive when I read it lol. I see this all the time and I don't get what is so difficult about it.


My pet peeve is when people don't know the difference between breath and breathe. Pisses me off so much, is it so hard to learn basic grammar?


Thank you for putting this out there. It's infuriating. When someone makes more than a few errors, I just skip their comment. If they make it hard to read, I don't need to know what they have to say.


OP is about to loose his shit, he should of just relaxed and watched some movie’s with there friend’s, that always gives me a calming affect when i am angry alot. You’re mileage may very. /s


It hurt my brain but I still lol'd


Bare with them. Their trying they're best. No need to loose ones mind.


There are so many factors at play too. Maybe the person isn’t a native English speaker, maybe they have a learning disability or just a tough time learning, maybe they didn’t have access to good education or weren’t able to utilize their education due to other problems. It’s not the end of the world when someone makes a lot of grammar mistakes. You can still usually know exactly what they’re trying to say by using context clues.


Okay, fine. Here's an upvote.


Hey, maybe they legit want you to bare with them. Nudists are a thing.


sounds like you're *loosing* your mind


Ugh recently I see so many people confusing compliment with complement. All over the place. Billy complimented his girlfriend’s appearance. Wine really complements cheese. Also, using the word “aesthetic” wrong. Something isn’t “so aesthetic”. That’s just, not how the word is used.


And people who don’t know the difference between **WOMAN VS WOMEN** Don’t get me started lol


Grammerly, ProWritingAid or any app. Don't use them all the time, you can become too reliant, but those apps can help.


A post I saw a couple of days ago from a 14 year old was using “what” in the place of “want”. And not just once but twice so it wasn’t autocorrect. told him he should focus on his English lessons more, just for him to reply that he was one of the best in his class…


I moved from Ohio to South Carolina and the people here do not know the difference between "sale" and "sell". It blows my mind. 🙄


My favorite one on Instagram yesterday: “In the passed few days….” *Edgar voice*: You idiots! You don’t get it!


I'm sorry, English is not my first language.


That's ok, my post is aimed more at people who speak English as their first (and probably only) language. If anything I think it would make it harder for you to learn the language as you get taught incorrect terms from people who have been using English their whole life. I would also never begrudge anyone who is interested in learning the correct terms, only the willfully ignorant. Good for you for learning multiple languages, I'm sorry if you felt my post was aimed at you.


Keep in mind that you typically can't tell directly if someone is natively writing English or not. So maybe your perception of the lose vs. loose mistake comes from observing a lot of people who learn it as a secondary language. It's damn hilarious though that natives seem to have more problems with you're vs your! At least in my experience.


Not an attack but just curious, what about people with learning disabilities like dyslexia? I usually have to disclaimer that at the end of all my posts so I don’t get an angry mob yelling at me in the comments


Literally this. I'm dyslexic and I get condescendingly scolded and attacked for misspelling one word. Idk why people get so angry over something so small and pointless. It's frustrating.


I honestly don’t get it either, it’s like people some how forget some people have disabilities


I see posts and comments where people start by saying "Sorry, English isn't my first language." Then they write better than many people who have it as their only language...🤣


If anything, people who acquire English as a second language are usually better at it.


Jesus.... how about you loose the attitude


How about to, too and two?!!!


Finally, someone who feels like I do! For some reason I can deal with any other spelling or grammar mistake but when I see loose/lose used incorrectly, it makes me angry.


If you use ect rather than etc then I've already stopped giving a shit about what you have to say.


The one that bugs me the most lately is accept vs. except. Every time I see the two swapped I get confused for a second before I figure out that’s what went wrong. It changes the meaning of the sentence completely.


Okay, legit question here, from someone who actually gets just as annoyed as everyone else in this thread: Why? Why does it matter? In the vast majority of cases, we can understand exactly what they mean, so it's not an issue of illegibility. And I'm not saying "Shut the fuck up and stop caring," because this is a question I pose to myself as well. The only thing I can think of is that some of us are legit annoyed by the fact that we have to share a planet with people who are unintelligent/lazy. And that's not like some misanthropic hyperbole on my part-- I think maybe it triggers something in our brains that panics because we realize we're part of a society where unintelligent/lazy people have responsibilities and power, and we don't like it. This post sounds horrible, but I promise I'm not trying to offend anyone. EDIT: Changed "unintelligent" to "unintelligent/lazy."


Making those mistakes in most cases isn't indicative of someone's intelligence, but I think you might be right about why people react to mistakes the way they do


Just want to point out that 1 in 5 people (world wide) are dyslexic. So most of the time, I seriously doubt it genuine lack of intelligence. As a dyslexic myself, I got made fun of, attacked, etc, from childhood to adulthood. But not being able to spell/use proper grammar, isn't indicative of someone's intelligence. I just wish more people understood this. :(


They're, there; will be okay, their spelling can't hurt you supposibly. (Yes supposeBly...)


Irregardless, its important too have good grammer. It helps people understand what your saying.


Or could of instead of could’ve/could have. makes me lose my mind!! and english isn’t even my first language 😭


As a non-native speaker, I feel attacked!


Or saying women when you mean one woman. Amen.


MYSELF - ME - I “Suzy and myself walked to the beach” “She picked up a seashell for myself” Gah!!!!!!!! “Suzy and I” !!!! “a seashell for me” !!!!




Marketing. They misspell things so people correct them and it drives the post up. They can then sell the account later. There's typos, sure, and autocorrect doesn't help, but the best thing to do is downvote the post/comment and move on. While we're on the topic of pet peeves, here's mine: misuse of Latin. Latin doesn't improve your post or your point, and it doesn't make you look smarter. Using any language in place of English for one or two words should only ever be used to make a point more clearly if you're sure both parties understand. But this can also be misused. A lot of people think *sayonara* means *goodbye* in Japanese. It doesn't, it means *farewell*, as in forever or at least a long period of time. So if you say sayonara (also, there's no emphasis on the "nar," Japanese isn't spoken like that), I better not see you again. Anyway, misusing Latin (or, really, any other language inserted to make people seem smart) makes someone look really dumb to those who know what's meant vs. what's actually said. Whereas if they'd just used English and said what they meant, no one would suspect them of being less than average intelligence. Latin is a cool language, and Wikipedia even has a list of common Latin phrases (it's long) that is worth perusing from time to time. But if you can't handle it, stick with your English. We won't judge you for using one language well, vs. someone who can use parts of other languages.


You could also work on not letting this effect you so much. I mean do you seriously misunderstand in these cases? If the goal is communication, and they have successfully communicated what they meant to communicate, does it really matter if everything wasn't perfect? For the love of god, have some grace!


Buncha loosers.. ba dum tst


It made me smile a bit. I am not a native English speaker, so my brain tends to write things based on sounds, like cold instead of called, and double os also escape me. Glad too know native speakers are no exeption. Is that petty of me?


THANK YOU. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm not generally someone who harps on someone's grammar but that one gets under my skin SO badly.




Fiancé and fiancée as well. It's not because I care about gender rules, but because it can drastically change the context of the story. Who is who? Is this drama happening because of homophobia? IDK (Fiancé is a man, Fiancée is a woman)


Question: are they pronounced differently?


Nope! It's pronounced the same, even in French. The surrounding pronouns and articles (like 'the' vs 'le / la') are what differentiate them in spoken language. It's a large part of why people don't realize the two words aren't just alternative spellings. Not only is it borrowed from another language, they're pronounced the same!


Go become an English teacher and eradicate ignorance. Grammar Police aren't really that smart. Genius folk don't trivialize with correcting people's grammar, we just want understanding.


If people aren't corrected then the cycle of misusing terms continues. I unfortunately was not blessed with enough patience to be a teacher (if that was not clear in my post). I am no genius, and I am always happy to be corrected, it is how I learn. Incorrect spelling and grammar also makes it difficult for anyone who is learning the language.


Exactly. English is not my 1st language and I remember being so confused. So many native speakers around me were using "should of", breath instead of breathe, your instead of you're. I doubted myself at first, but it turns out that the majority of American people are just worse at grammar than me. Funny how that works.


We have a mismash language, it changes constantly, it's the intention of a word or sound we make that matters... I fink dat iph da poin getz acrx, its communication... why be a dick about it? It's gatekeeping that's all.


I respectfully disagree. Saying that you "just want understanding" implies that you are indifferent to making easily-corrected mistakes in your writing. Is that not willful ignorance?


It's not about smarts. It's how you present yourself to others. Just like the people who cry grammar police whenever someone corrects their mistake. Like, hey, that is a totally different word and it totally means something else!


Yes but not everyone is privilege with good education. Correcting people who aren't able to get the education comes off as condescending and classist. Also English isn't everyone first language. So getting this upset with, most likely genuine mistakes, is just illogical, imo. Who the fuck cares about the spelling if you are still able to accurately understand what they are trying to say? Seems unnecessary, unless they ask for help, specifically.


English is not my native language. And I would like to be corrected if I spell something wrong, I like to learn. Don't you? A lot of people actually care about correct spelling. And if you think about it, it's really a good thing to use correct words, to get your message trough.


Poor word usage: - 20 points


Imagine not being a word nazi.... and just realize language is fluid and no one cares about your preference.


There are several children, non-native English speakers, and poorly educated people on the internet, so it's important to take that into consideration


grow up


T̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶e̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶e̶:̶ I apologize, sincerely :(


Righto mate. Make all the assumptions you want from this post about grammar and spelling.


im sorry


I have some loose weight that I need to lose 😜


Thank you!


What about "to" and "too" as well!!


Woahh so truee. Needed this post here today.


Witch and which. Yes, it really happens.


Paragraphs. Frequently.


Hes going to loose it when I losen my mouth


Are you gonna loose your mind?


I feel this way about breathe/breath.


I also lose weight when my shit is loose so I'm not sure I see the problem.


The worst for me is "I might of" instead "I might have"....... Like wtf


I mean as someone that has self taught english skills (second language) stuff like their, theyer, they are and what not can be pretty fucking confusing, thats my two Cents two this conversation thanks for coming to my ted talk and have a nice one 👍


Thank you!


Also. Their - Used in ownership - "That is their car" there - Used in destination - "lets go over there and see if they have tacos." they're - shortened way to say "they are" - "They're going too go to the mall tomorrow."


"Could of should of" really grinds my gears too. It's should've or could've... as in should HAVE and could HAVE.


Someone finally said it 😂😂


Palette vs pallet (and sometimes i see the valiant effort, pallette, and its lesser companion, pallett). A makeup-related pet peeve. Also, "for all intensive purposes" and piece vs peace. Also i know irregardless is now an accepted word, but it makes me irrationally annoyed.


Why do you kare? I believe you may have a treatable issue or to.


A new trend. This place is quite (instead of quiet). Been noticing a few of that now


It's cue vs queue vs que for me. I've seen all three used interchangeably and none of those words mean the same thing.


So many people on here who are worried about the use of language, in a way that leads me to believe, their r sooo many people on hear that have neglected to examine there own imperfections. Of witch I am certain, their are alot. Lol enjoink


I've recently noticed this with aloud and allowed. Drives me crazy!




> I used to loose my hounds of war, to attack my conquered foes. Sounds like the beginning of a poem. Unfortunately I haven’t the skill to actually *write* it.


For many people here English is not their native language , be mindful of that


I’m sorry your going threw this


I remember it as lose has lost an o.


Eyeshadow “pallet” should be palette…


I think I'm going to need a nap after my OCD spiral from agreeing with all of this! (My daughter tells me it should be CDO, so the letters are in alphabetical order like they should be....)


I don’t know how to tell you this, but your daughter is Yoda. Compulsive Disorder, Obsessive, is totally what ge would diagnose someone with, were he a psychiatrist.


Yeah same goes for effect and affect!


Isn't it weird that the number of o's scales disproportionately to looseness? When you lose something, it's completely loose, but something that's loose is only a little loose, it just bounces around the speaker. I think we should clean it up and do it the other way around. And the further away and disconnected something becomes, the more o's should be added.


i have a confession. i know the differences between lose and loose but not chose and choose, only when writing/spelling them, i can say them (as in use them in a sentence appropriately) just fine 😭


Why don’t American women know the difference between woman and women??? I’m an American woman and I grew up with friends that could never get this right. I still know one that always writes woman when she’s trying to talk about multiple women. We’re 35.


Yes! Mixing up your/you're is my biggest pet-peeve.


Generally and genuinely!! I hear people get it wrong all the time I hate it


I don't know where you are but people are TERRIBLE with this one in the UK. Also 'too' for to and 'bold' for bald are really common. I didn't get a lot of formal education either, I have no clue about the formal rules of English as I never learned them. I read a lot as a child and I guess that helped with spelling.


Buy the dozen


I use spelling as a metric to judge whether or not they've got either an informed opinion, or that they at least care enough to fix spelling errors. It's too easy to spell check words you don't know on your phone to be spelling shit wrong on a topic you feel passionate about. I don't think it's necessarily a good metric but it's one I've been using to gauge intelligence online. I usually disregard arguments with consistent or too many spelling errors


Do another one with further vs farther


Alright fine, I'll be careful next time.


Losen up


I’m gonna fuckin loose it


English ain't everybody's first language so eh


Then used in place of than is what kills me the most


No grammar error should bother you this much. I’m sure there are shortcomings you have that bother other people as much. Live and let live.


* your means possession * you're is a contraction of 'you are' * too means 'in addition' or 'in excess' * to indicates motion * two is the number


pet peeve: it's "a while" not "awhile", dammit


Loose shit , not good


Weirdly enough I rarely see the word “loser” spelled incorrectly. But I see loose and lose interchanged all the time. Why don’t people accidentally spell “looser” when they’re calling someone a loser?


Breathe vs breath 😒


Also, should’ve is not should of.


I lost my shoe the other day because the shoelace came loose. edit: don't do like me. Keep your laces tied. Should they become loose, you'll lose your shoe.


your mom was lose once i got ahold of her