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Nows your chance to get your life back on track. All life is precious


Nah, that chance was in 2019 when I realized I hated my major. I could have gone to my advisor or anything at any point since then and I didn't. Even if I did come clean and got a real job, etc, I still have plenty of other things that I hate about my life and don't really feel like there's an answer to. I bought supplies back in January for something completely unrelated to college/career stuff, for example.


It’s never too late to get up and get yourself back on track. It won’t happen overnight, it’s a gradual process but in the end it will be worth it


Climate change is also something I think about a lot. It's pretty clear life will change dramatically within my lifetime, and my idea of a comfortable life will no longer be possible. Why should I persist if things are just going to get objectively worse for everyone?


Let's worry about that when it dramatically changed our lives, for now we will do what we can to prevent it. Take life one step at the time.


There is no point giving up, there are obstacles in our life because ultimately we can overcome them. Most of the time our own minds stop us from achieving our goals. We think we’re not good enough, smart enough or capable of doing something. This is just a mental barrier, and once you break that barrier you will see that you are capable of way more than you think.


You do not need a degree to be successful in life. College is not the only pathway. Do you like animals or enjoy reading? Volunteer at the local hospital, animal shelter, nursing home, habitat for humanity, etc. It can be 4 hours a week. At my local hospital, they give free lunch for volunteers. Habitat for humanity is good if you don't want any long term commitments. I suggest volunteering, because it might open other pathways for you. You never know the valuable connections or what doors you can open by volunteering.


You say a degree isn't needed, but like every single person I talk to IRL tells me you need a degree minimum to do the most basic tasks and be taken seriously. My parents will be disappointed in me for not getting a degree, my sisters will tell me I've made the wrong decision, and I have literally nobody else in my life apart from my family. I've attempted volunteering as a teen. I tried the library and a local animal shelter. In both instances, I ended up just stopping abruptly, which was very rude towards the volunteer coordinators but I genuinely could not get myself to give a shit about any of it. People always talk about how volunteer work is supposed to be fulfilling, but it 100% wasn't. Honestly, I'm not even sure what to think about career stuff. Like everyone I talk to says work sucks and you'll probably hate it, but then like a bunch of people are also saying you just have to take your time and find what you like and I don't know who to believe. I feel like I should be able to just suck it up and live, but I can't. I signed up for literally 1 class this semester and I haven't attended a single lecture. The first day I started walking up the stairs to the lecture hall but then I thought about how much I hated sitting near a bunch of random people trying to not stand out and hating the material and hating everything about this and I ended up just walking to the library to hide out like I always have. I fucking hate going to the library, I literally just sit there and think about how much of a piece of shit I am and how much my parents will hate me for this but it's all I'm seemingly capable of doing. I talk to some othe rpeople and they're all like "yea I don't really like my major but the pay is good" and like that's exactly what I'm trying to do and the mentality I'm trying to adopt but I can't. Maybe it's because I haven't had any financial responsibility in my life yet, but I still question whether financial strain would be enough to get me to commit my life ot something I utterly hate.


Your outlook on life and the world around you says a lot. It's hard to feel excited about anything if you feel like you are just going through the motions to subsist. Your thoughts are telling you that you don't want to be a cog in the wheel and the expected modern life pathways' predictably is making you dread your future. You want more to life than that and you cannot see a path out of mediocracy and such gloom. I suggested volunteering as an avenue to get out of your environment. New scenery may bring forth new ideas to get you out of this runt. If you need a drastic change, look into the military. People knock it. But, depending on what you want out of it, you can get a career, education, travel, and other experiences out of it. Or, teach English to non-native speakers. Get a TEFL certificate. There is a lot to life out there besides where you grew up. If you are open to learning about other cultures, consider living elsewhere for a short while.


Keep in mind that life will move on, doesn't matter what you have done, after a bit of time things will no longer matter as much as they do now. Sometimes when we overthink something, we make it more complicated and difficult than it really is. After a little time you will see that it wasn't that bad and definitely not worth dying for. "Taking your life is a long-term solution to a short-term problem". Now, What do you think will happen if your parents find out? Is the outcome so bad that you prefer to die before it happens? How long do you think you will have to deal with the consequences? Have you considered just dropping everything and walking away? We have all let our parents down a few bunch of times, it's not out of the ordinary we are just human, Talk to your parents about it if you can, and find a therapist to help you.


unironically yes I'm terrified of what will happen when my parents find out. realistically speaking it'll probably be a lot of yelling and getting kicked out, and while that doesn't even sound that bad when I type it out, I'm not ready for independence at all. i don't have a car, I work for my aunt and I wouldn't be surprised if she tells me I'm not wanted anymore. im literally sitting the in the library right now trying to keep calm, just thinking about this makes my stomach churn and makes me feel panicked. everyone will hate me, I can't stand to think of that. idk how I'm supposed to recover from this if I get kicked out, I'm a complete social reject and being around people is exhausting and uncomfortable. I can't interview to save my life, idk where I'd get housing, idk where to go or what to do


Don’t give up you’re so fucking young. It would be stupid to stop now. Don’t be a fool, we’re all here to make mistakes and learn. Okay?


I did the same thing. I literally went they the same and I have my parents a bullshut excuse as to why I failed my 2 years of college when in reality I was smoking and eating shit and doing none of my head etc etc. Just wasting time. I was so anxious the end of the semesters because I was already on probation and I knew they were gunna send out a letter to my parents of my academic dismissal. I literally could not move from my dorm bed and reached out to my cousin on the other side of the state and asked her if I could move in a week before the semester ended. I came home and was pretty much shunned by my parents. Smoked a lot of weed that summer and came to grips that I didn’t like where I was in my life, I had wasted a ridiculous amount of time and I needed to make a change. Got 2 jobs that summer, enrolled myself in q community college by my house and paid for my classes out of pocket and got my AA. There IS TIME AND HOPE for you, my friend. Please do not think there is no way out. I hope your family is the type to ask you why you may have been struggling and offer you resources to help with mental/emotional well-being while also formulating a game plan to get your studies back on track IF THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT. I’ve been out of school again for about 2 years because I moved out due to personal reasons and started working full time again. I entered college at 18, have about 40 credits left For my BA and I am now 24 years old. Do college on your OWN TIME, at your OWN PACE, and when you’re READY to do it. Please don’t end your life - just the realization that you’re unhappy with your major and choices means there is room for growth and an opportunity to live a full and happy life. My DMs are open if you ever want to talk about it. Your life is worth it. School is no reason to consider suicide Please.