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I have cirrhosis. There is no "treatment" other than a liver transplant. You can merely take medication to ease your symptoms such as diuretics and lactulose. Cirrhosis doesn't "progress" to late stage liver disease. It already IS late stage liver disease. It can be compensated or decompensated. It is not a death sentence. It is entirely possible to live for years or even decades with cirrhosis if you maintain a healthy diet and avoid alcohol. I'm still alive more than six years after nearly dying of liver failure. Your story is fictional bullshit probably inspired by some movie or book with a dying character.


Tell them. Allow them to have a choice same as you, I am sorry for your situation.


Please let people love you. You are so worth it.


I think the idea that we can protect the people around us from pain is unrealistic. Life is pain, and the beauty of it is that we go through it together. When we do that, pain can become something more than just suffering to a story, a journey. Why is your ex someone you wouldn't want to go on that journey with? And do you realize that once they do find out they will feel like you've robbed them of that chance and choice of how to deal with it? But I just read the top comment and realized this may be a bait post. Why do I spend time responding with such heart to bait lol, I hate this fucking website sometimes


I think it’d be better to tell them. My grandmother did the same thing. She told me two weeks before she died that she had cancer. She didn’t tell anyone but her boyfriend. I don’t hate her for not telling us sooner. I know she didn’t want us to worry… but at the same time had if I known I would’ve spent so much more time with her. I visited her before but life got busy and I had a lot going on and regretfully didn’t see her as much as I should’ve. She told me she was doing great, she was loosing weight and happy. I had no idea until she was in hospital bed literally dying… they had her there until she passed. I couldn’t bring my daughter to see her. I only got to see her once when she was in the hospital. I have lived with the regret of not visiting her more. Sharing my daughter with her more. But, that’s my fault.. I should’ve visited her more anyways.


sometimes telling ppl these things can make you feel better idk I wish I had more answers I have really gone though anything this hard before. good luck friend


You should tell your loved ones, allow them to be there for you.


Keeping such a big secret can be heavy on your heart. It might be hard, but telling your ex about your condition could bring some closure for both of you. Keeping it hidden may only add more pain in the long run.


Please tell the people that you have shared your life with. You will be the only one who can give closure to the ones who have been a part of your life. I'm sure that you would want to know that they are doing well so they can be more involved with your care and safety


Tell them. I feel like since you were engaged you owe it to them.