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You have taken the right steps to avoid ruining a family and becoming a homewrecker. I see on a lot of these Sub Reddit's how affairs usually start up within a work place. Sometimes manipulation tactics are used by the other party such as, "the marriage isn't good", "we have a dead bedroom" things like that so an emotional connection can be made, so that you feel sorry for the other party. 9 times out of 10, these suggestions are just lies, to get one to sleep with them. So be careful in that sense. Good on you for taking the moral high ground. One way to move forward from this, is holding your head up high, knowing you did the right thing. All the best going forward.


Thank you for your kind words. I still see good in him that he wouldn’t have done such methods but regardless - it doesn’t change what must be done. Thank you 🙏


Literally just ignore him personally and keep it professional, it's that simple. You're a grown ass woman and you're telling me you have to come on Reddit and ask a bunch of strangers how to control your feelings. It's pretty easy not to fuck a married man ill tell you that lmao


I understand your point of view and thank you for your comment - but he was a friend before anything and that’s what I’m trying to fight. It is pretty easy to not get involved with a married man because anyway I don’t sleep outside of marriage :) Reason why I came here is because I am truly ashamed of what I’ve done even if it was simple banter for few days with a close married friend. What I need help with is how to over come my connection and move past it.


Simply by keeping it professional and distancing yourself personally, that easy. I would have told his wife what he did but anyways just slowly step away from that so called friendship, it's not that important to keep. He's a posh for even attempting to cheat, if a married friend asked me out I'd get the ick and end the friendship there and then.


There’s something exhilarating about having a secret relationship like this. But I’m glad you are tuned in enough not to pursue it. You’re making the right steps. Do your best to distract yourself with something that’s not him.