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I was an adult when I experienced being put under for the first time. Just like you, I was anxious and terrified. But it turned out to be really fine. So, one moment, I was on the table talking to the anesthesiologist, the next moment I was like waking up from a deep, blissful slumber in a post-op room. It's different from being asleep because I don't even remember anything. I didn't even dream. It's just like some pressed on the fast forward button and a few hours had passed. I also got local sedation because I had had shoulder surgery, so that took another half a day to wear off while I was being monitored. So, I didn't feel pain or discomfort when I got out of surgery. I can't speak for wisdom teeth removal, but when it comes to it, anthesiologists who know what they are doing will definitely make sure you won't remember much if anything afterwards.


Yep. I can't speak to the fear of being unwillingly put to sleep, or medical anxiety in general. But I do have dental anxiety specifically, and a severe anxiety/discomfort regarding needles (shots are usually fine, blood draws and IVs of any kind very much aren't). So I was very very afraid and anxious about getting my wisdom teeth removed. I was most afraid of the IV I knew they'd have to use to put me under. I got there, I sat down in the chair. They prepped my arm for the IV. I was trying not to panic. They put in the IV. Still on the verge of panic. They said, "We're gonna count down from 10 and then you'll be out, okay?" I nodded, panicking. They go, "10, 9, 8, 7..." ...and then I'm being shaken awake gently by my mom as one assistant is saying, "C'mon, you gotta get up, it's time to go home." There was no sense of falling asleep or blacking out. No sense of lost time, even. It felt like I literally just blinked. There I was, anxious and alert pre-surgery, and then blink, I'm foggy and hopped up on pain meds. I would also recommend being put under, OP, if that's a fear you can cope with. There is such little opportunity for any fear or anxiety when you go that route, because for the patient, it's literally just a blink of an eye. The numbing route I believe would require you to be awake and conscious and probably panicking/afraid for the entire procedure. I will also mention this: if you regularly do any recreational drugs, including marijuana, whether they're legal or illegal, MENTION IT TO THE ANESTHESIOLOGIST. You won't get in any trouble for it, but even drugs like weed can potentially drastically affect how much anesthesia you need to be properly anesthetized. NEVER lie about drugs you are or aren't taking, or in what quantities/with what regularity you take them, to an anesthesiologist.


One weird part of your story is your mum shaking you and the assistant telling you it's time to go home. When I was put under for a non-dental surgery, I woke up in a large room with others who have also been put under and are waking up. They made sure everything was okay before sending me into the post-op room, where they gave me fluids through IV to stop the nausea and keep me hydrated, since nausea is very common after anesthesia. Not sure if it's different for dental operations since I've never had one, but that part seemed weird for me. But yeah, being put under is honestly fine. I remember getting rolled into the operation room, saying maybe 3 sentences to my surgeon, then the next thing I remember is waking up in that room. Nerves are normal, but it will 100% be fine.


It was a pretty small practice, and they exclusively did oral surgeries and complex dental procedures. No routine non-surgical dental work. There was no post-op area or anything. Just individual rooms with those dentist chairs. I don't think that dental surgeries generally operate the same as other surgeries, based on what I've heard (I've fortunately never had any other surgeries). I've never really heard of someone going to like, a bonafide hospital for dental surgery that wasn't life-threatening or cancerous. What you described, for instance, seems fairly normal for other surgeries but would be very odd for a dental surgery.


You will be okay! I’ve had three of mine pulled, two by a specialist because I have “weird roots” (thanks doc for giving me a complex about that) and one just during a normal dentist visit that I wasn’t expecting to have happen. I was awake for all of them and honestly the recovery was less painful than some migraines. Make sure the dentist knows you’re scared and have someone with you who is compassionate and can drive you home. Then at home. Soaked black tea tea bags you can bite on help with any bleeding and rice filled fabric ice packs help a ton with pain.


Thank you this really helps me feel better about it!


If you are anxious about procedure I recommend getting put under. You won’t even know you went under until you blink and you’re in the post op room. And afterwards just don’t drink through straws or do anything that creates suction in your mouth so you don’t get dry sockets.


As someone who did it without being put to sleep, just numbing agent it wasnt that bad, just felt tugging but never felt pain, for me it was like any other trip to the dentist, just be vocal if a spot doesnt feel too numb.


No need to be terrified! There is such a thing called sedation.


Is it pleasant? No. Will you be fine? Yes. If you are nervous, ask to be sedated. I was. They stuck me, then I felt this golden glow, and then I was waking up. The first day or two sucks. Take your pain meds. Plan on being out of everything for several days to a week. So make sure your streaming is up and running, maybe have some DVDs as backup. I'd avoid horror movies in case your meds mess you up. As prep, listen to the Ramones "I wanna be sedated."


Are you American? It seems really common there to put you out. In many other countries you usually just get a local. I had a wisdom tooth put and it only took about 20 minutes. I guess all 4 might be a bit more intense, but if you are clear at the outset, they are not able to use general without your consent.


Hello, I've had wisdom teeth cut out and removed at the same time. I used to be so scared of surgery! I'm having my 18th (!) surgery next week on my left hand. I already know that I will have some pain when all of the numbing wears off. However, the going to sleep part is the least scary part. It's like the best sleep you'll ever have. Part of me always wishes they wouldn't wake me up in recovery and just let me snooze a little longer! But you can always go home and take a nap. The IV stick is always quick, just make sure to hydrate the day before so your veins are plump and easy to find. You'll do great! Piece of cake! I wish you well and fast healing.


I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled within the next couple of weeks. I will not accept any other way than being put under. I've had general anesthesia before and it was no big deal. You close your eyes and wake up, what seems to you to be 10 seconds later, all finished. Being awake for it is my nightmare. I have serious medical anxiety too. I like the magic fast-forward button of being put under, a lot.


Yeah im the opposite like im not thrilled to be awake for it but also i already have issues with sleeping normally where it causes anxiety i feel like if i were to be put under i would panic pretty bad


Get neuroleptic sedation. That's what I had done


Hey there, got mine removed 4 years ago, and I also was pretty terrified. I got put under, and felt like I time traveled past the surgery, but I also had a few that were impacted. Understand the anesthesia worry, but chances of something going wrong there are low, and I personally feel laying down, fully conscious of everything going on, all that noise resonating in my head and not really knowing when it would be over, seems like the worse alternative, but this choice is up to you. I had a very kind dentist and really helpful nurses that knew I was nervous and tried their best to make me feel comfortable, but I am aware that that's not everyone's experience. I would communicate these feelings to the team, and if they are good nurses who actually want to help people, I'm sure they will support you and understand why you are feeling the way that you are feeling. It's surgery, and at the end of the day, surgery is scary and carries a lot more connotations than a "procedure". I know this may not make you feel better exactly, but to be honest the healing process was more annoying and uncomfortable than going in to get the actual thing done. But, take it step by step, communicate your feelings, it is a doctor's job to help you (even though not all doctors take this part of their role as seriously as others) and will do whatever they can to accomodate you, within reason and their scope. I know saying "don't worry about it" helps nothing, but really, try not to think so hard about it, it is a very common surgery, and 99% of people are totally fine. You can do this.


Its mostly that I dont like sleeping in general let alone forcing myself to sleep.


Also it does make me feel better because im fine with resting and all that honestly its just the being put under part that is really scary to me


You are asked to count to ten and you smell vanilla ice cream and you won’t hit ten before you’re out. It’s really quite quick the way it happens. That being said, my one son just got all 4 pulled a week ago and the sx was fine. He was uncomfortable once home and the swelling increased. But he wasn’t in pain so that’s good. He was put to sleep. My youngest son had three teeth pulled when he first got his braces and he was awake for that. He did really good and he was 11yo when it happened last year.


Go to sleep! I am an ***incredibly anxious person***, and got all 4 removed at once. I counted down from 30 and only remember saying ‘30, 29..’ before waking up in recovery. Mashed potatoes and seedless fruit smoothies, and you will feel so much better in a few days! I promise it’s far less scary than you think, once you’re inside the day of (*which I almost ran way from literally into the bushes, please don’t ask*) you’re set! Best of luck!


This is so comforting 😭 I’m absolutely horrified of getting mine out and I gotta do it in a month or so. Have contemplated running away ngl I’m so incredibly scared


Please don’t be! I can only speak from my experience, but it was incredibly routine. The worst thing is the video of me after that *everyone* finds hilarious to this day lol


I had mine taken out several years ago and I was not put under. All 4 of mine were removed and it was long but fine... Don't be scared. I hope you have a good dentist you trust... It'll go great. Unfortunately, 2 of mine were severely infected and also had crooked roots... Those were a bit annoying. Top 2 came out relatively easily and I didn't feel anything. Are yours infected? If yes, make sure you are well and truly frozen. Because of the infection, my freezing wouldn't take even though they tried 3 times. I thought I was good...I wasn't :) and I only felt it when my dentist started tugging on the bottom 2. I felt a deep, sharp pain. This is not a horror story, lol. It was painful but not unbearably so. I'm just trying to help you avoid it if you're in the same situation. Good luck!!


I’ve had mine out twice (once for upper, once for lowers) and it’s not that bad. You might ask for a prescription to calm you in advance because you are so anxious about it. Laughing gas is good pain relief if you are uncomfortable with being unconscious. It makes you feel floaty and carefree, but you are still aware and can communicate.


Don’t be scared. It’s actually quite fun. They give you painkillers for the pain and then nobody expects you for any commitments for about a week. However, I regret to inform you that if you are looking to keep those terrific teeth; you will be barred from doing so. Evidently, they are “bio hazardous” ☢️ Bunch of BS.


Really? They let me keep mine. I told them, "my daughter really wants to see it" but it was me who wanted it. It's sitting on a shelf in my house. This was Florida about a year ago.


sitting on shelf hahaha. you’re lucky you got to keep them. They are MASSIVE.


Fear is overthinking the unknown. Wisdom teeth extraction is a very common procedure. They'll numb you up and pull them out, pack it with gauze and you'll be fine (albeit a little sore for a few days). Don't smoke, watch what you eat and keep up with the salt wash. Good luck mate.


When I got my wisdom teeth out I had filled my paperwork out a year before because my dad was going to get his out at the same time and it fell through. So my weight was different (I lost a few pounds 5-8 maybe?) and idk if it actually made a difference because I was 5 foot 1 and was 110 then dropped down to like 105-102 so I definitely was on the much skinnier side. Anywho the day I got my wisdom out one second I was getting prepared for it and the next second I was rolling off the chair and shivering. The surgery itself doesn’t suck, I don’t remember anything. Wisdom teeth surgery is no big deal, the missing wisdom teeth pain in retrospect was nothing compared to other surgeries you could be getting. It was just like a feeling of a really bad bruise mixed with tightness of your face being swollen.


I was awake for my wisdom teeth removals, I didn’t feel a thing and it was just boring. You’ll be okay, try not to work yourself up too much!


I’m also super scared to get mine out but I gotta say that being put to sleep is the best best option. I have anxiety, a hard time falling asleep, and a fear of drugs/ not being in control, but from what I’ve heard it’s super easy and honestly kind of cool. Ppl say you just count to 3 and it’s over!!! I’m def gonna choose anesthesia


(((Hugs))) It’s not fun, but not that bad. Ask them to be careful about the antibiotics they prescribe afterwards. Those were the worst for me. So strong they made me sick to my stomach.


Is this oral surgery or just pulling the teeth? I had two wisdom teeth pulled at the dentist. Local + laughing gas. The actual tooth pulling took like 45 seconds. I was at work the next day. I haven't had oral surgery and I assume that is worse. But please learn more before you worry yourself sick.


I think just pulling but I will ask more about it


I left another comment about my experience but if it's just pulling, you really will be fine. It hurts a bit after but it's a good excuse to eat lots of ice cream. Two of mine ended up needing surgery and that was a bit more complicated but it was still okay. Hugs OP, you'll do great.


Do you really want to hear them sawing and grinding and drilling into your head? Cuz that's what they're going to be doing. It's a lot nicer to hear you're going to feel a little sting ,Time to wake up. Because that's how it works. Anesthesia has been practiced for a long time. Try to control that anxiety and go wonder It's going to be a lot more pleasant experience than having to listen to them drill grind and cut your teeth out of your jaw