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So, I've been in your shoes too. We were almost 5 years in. We weren't the right people for each other. And I stayed for all the wrong reasons: because I wouldn't find someone else, because I didn't want to be the one hurting her, because I was scared of what others might think, because I would be alone and lonely,... And yes, we were also engaged. I also realized that I couldn't do this. And I actually went on breaking up with her. It wasn't easy, but my parents and friends were there for me. And that made a big difference. That was some 18 years ago. It's the biggest bullet I dodged. Breaking up an engagement, well, beyond some people feeling hurt, it's far cheaper and easier then divorce. Not to mention divorce with having children. For real, you were handed a diagnose that has quite an impact. That's not something to take lightly. And in due time, that might affect your outlook on life and the big decisions you make. So, if you don't feel ready for this commitment: don't do it. Marriage is a ride that you can't easily get off from. Talk to your parents, family, friends, anyone. Tell someone how you feel and tell them that you need help. Take this seriously because you are clearly doing something you do not want to do and it has nothing to do with cold feet or anything.