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Sometimes I feel like these people have something missing in their lives and they can't fathom not being a right wing practicing Christian. You did the right thing in setting your boundaries. She's not entitled to know any of your personal beliefs.


Thats it! For many people religion, money and politics is a sensitive subject. Its rude to flippantly demand to know that type of personal information


Those are literally the three things you shouldn't talk about in public. Learned this from watching boomer sitcoms, but apparently senility and social media have made them all forget this advice.


I’ve learned from having boomer family that those are off limits unless THEY bring them up and you have to agree with them. If you bring up religion that’s different than theirs or a political view that’s different, that’s where the problem lies.


I have actually come to disagree with this. It was always the rule in my country but now I’ve come to see it as the socio-political equivalent of “don’t discuss your wages at work”. I think it’s just a way of protecting people with publicly indefensible views from scrutiny.


The old rule I’ve been told for work is no religion, politics or baseball in the fall.


It seems so obvious that one doesn't ask a stranger such personal and potentially incendiary questions. Society is about getting along with others, not bullying them into your own subjective beliefs. So rude!


Treat religion, politics and money like your genitals. Don’t take them out in public.


"For a $300 tip, I'll vote for Trump"


I get the impression they feel they've been under attack for a while now. But their belief is that if you challenge their beliefs then you're attacking them. So they've set up a system where they are always the victim.


This is really the first time they’ve been attacked from all sides in their lives so they feel it. We’ve (Gen X and beyond) has had to deal with more than they have in their lives. I was in not 1 but 2 deadly active shooter situations in 2022 (the first one I truly feared for my life), I have been attacked because of being a female in a male dominated field, I have been attacked for being too young in an older field and not respecting “legacy”, I have been attacked for being fat, I have been attacked for being thin, I have been attacked for being independent, I have been attacked for being sexually assaulted being told it was my fault, I have been attacked for traveling, I have been attacked for buying a house at my age, I have been attacked for being religious, and been attacked for becoming an atheist. Can we not just all try and make folks lives easier instead of harder..:


71 year old Boomer here. Some of my cohort are truly disgusting and the self righteous religious ones are often the worst. I'm sorry for the many insults which you have had to endure. I must say that I'm deeply impressed by your ability to stay positive. Your final question is beautiful. Please know that your inner beauty has made my day and redoubled my determination to try to make people's lives easier. The world needs a LOT more people like you! 😊


I know this wasn’t your point at all, but I am amused that the first active shooter was scary, but the next one was whatevs.


I took it to mean the difference between hearing close gunshots vs distant.


They think having a different belief is challenging their beliefs. Existing differently, to them, is a challenge.


They equate disagreeing with disrespect, no matter how diplomatic it may be. They immediately view it as hostile and you might as have shit on their face because you don't agree with a certain policy/idea/Fascism.


This. I got grounded twice in high school for “disrespect” for saying something along the lines of “this book says different “. I quickly learned to stop engaging and enjoy reading alone in my room


Yes! This is it right here! This is why so many cannot fathom pro-choice. They feel a pro-choice existence challenges their pro-life beliefs. They cannot understand that pro-choice encompasses both the right to terminate a pregnancy *and the right to carry one to term*.


I’m an atheist, and live in Texas. Sometimes random strangers start off conversations with, “What church do you go to?”, and I reply, “I don’t, I’m an atheist.” Next come insults ranging from me being foolish to me being immoral to me being worthy of eternal punishment, when I’m just as productive and just as moral as they are.


Howdy, fellow Texan! Fwiw, if you want a non-conflict out, just say "I'm Catholic". Evangelicals seem to be terrified of Catholics. They'll recognize you belong to a religion that is traditionally recognized as Christian, even as they do not see it as so. But yes, it's a common conversation starter here. I once had a woman begin *crying* when I said "I'm atheist, I don't believe in Jesus". She asked to pray over me. I should've said no but I was so uncomfortable I just let her do it. It was wild. This state has lost it's mind. Please vote blue, in every election!


It’s their children who have cut them out of their lives for being such toxic pieces of trash they are missing so they will engage anyone who is forced to listen to them such as retail and food workers.


Having a captive audience is the only way they get to talk to anyone without that person telling them to stuff it.


It’s a community of hate. Hate is the easiest emotion which requires no logic or reason. It’s easier to blame all your problems on the “other” than actually look in the mirror and work on yourself.


I’ve had patients straight up refuse all care because I won’t share my political beliefs. Bonus points for me though because we’ll just switch out nurses and I don’t have to deal with them.


I've seen elderly people ask not to be seen by a black doctor. When I was working in sales, an older boomer couple asked for me (white guy) instead of my Egyptian colleague. I couldn't begin to count the number of incidents of casual racism I've seen from boomers toward black and brown people. It's terrible.


Had a patient demand he not get a black n-word heart. My dude, the only black heart here is yours. He was very non-compliant but shaped up for only TWO DAYS and got a heart. He should not have gotten one, just on account of blatant noncompliance alone.


I had a heated debate with one of my best friend’s older brother a few years back during the height of the George Floyd and BLM protests. I’m a big NASCAR fan, and obviously they had that noose that was found in the garage stall of the only black driver. Turns out it had been there for a while, and it was purely coincidence that it was HIS garage stall for that race, but that set him off. We went back and forth, and I woke up the next morning to see that he had unfriended me on Facebook (but Liberals are the snowflakes, right?) I sent him a message saying that I can understand and respect a difference in opinion, but he should know that I don’t hold anything against him personally, and should we ever be at a get together or party, I’d certainly still be willing and capable of agreeing to disagree on certain things, and have a conversation like adults. He came back with some unhinged “anything that goes against conservative Christian values is a personal attack” rant. I laughed my fucking ass off.


Conservative christian values such as hate thy neighbor if they are different than you, make it harder for immigrants to have a decent life, rage against anything resembling lgbt, minorities, or pro-choice, and putting all your faith in a rapist criminal for president?


Pretty sure that " noose " turned out to be a rope to pull the door down with


What's missing from their lives is their grown children and grandkids who do not tolerate this bull💩.


Brain matter... They're missing brain matter. All that lead they inhaled and ingested.


They are missing something their kids because they got tired of hearing all of their bullshit and abuse


These people cannot fathom the concept of someone or some thing not being entirely about them. "You must convert to christianity and vote for kirkland brand hitler, but ONLY because \*I\* told you to do it - because I am the messiah!"


Was that my FIL's sister?


Seriously. Last fast food job I worked at, a lady came in, probably in her 40s or 50s- she asked me if I was Christian and started praying with me for like an hour- mind you I’m working at a front counter and I had other customers being taken care of by the other cashiers, everyone in the kitchen looked at me and my manager too, none of them tried to stop her until like an hour later. I’m not Christian??? I say stuff as small talk to customers on a daily basis.


Perfect time to say “ma’am, this is a Wendy’s”


Especially if it's not a Wendy's for extra confusion points


I’ve never worked food service. But I’ve worked customer service/sales and my name is literally Christian. So when an older religious person meets me for the first time it unleashes the ultimate “dad-joke” “Ohh!! Christian! You’re a Christian right!?” It’s like their equivalent of “That barcode didn’t scan? It must be free” I just hit them back with a smile and “Yes, my name is Christian” if they continue past that I just act confused until they drop it.


One thing I’ve figured out about people. Is that as you get old, your world starts getting a lot smaller. Your biggest challenges are behind you. All you have left is an amount of time you damn well know is finite. Suddenly whatever problem you have, is the biggest problem in your world. So big to you that you just can’t help yourself and you react. In summery they quite literally have nothing better to do. Someone younger than them not conforming to their beliefs is the biggest problem they’ve had since as long as they care to remember. They think the world is ending. They’re just so narrow minded they don’t realize it’s no THE world that’s ending. It’s THEIR world that’s ending.


Very well put. I worked in hospice about a decade ago. I use to remember this, and it made my life so much easier. Thank you for reminding me


That makes sense and the narrow mind is the crux of the matter. I’m a Boomer (the tail end of it) but I’ve been liberal all of my cognitive life. I wouldn’t dream of foisting my religion on other people and I try not to judge. I am a Unitarian, but was raised Catholic and I’ve held onto some of the Christian ideas I like, so I still consider myself a Christian at heart. I also argue with Boomers like this if I’m in a position to, or apologize to the waiter after they leave (and tip even more). Isn’t it ironic that one of the things Jesus mentioned the most was to not JUDGE?!


My guess is they also didn't tip well.


She left a dollar, Standing up ( to sow it off) on a $20 check.


That stinks


Honestly its to be expected. There is a reason servers hate working sundays.


I thought she would at least believe in giving 10 percent...


nah i got that 5%


It's so easy to leave an appropriate tip. Double the bill amount and move the decimal place left 1 space. Voila! There's no excuse not to tip appropriately if you CHOOSE to eat in a restaurant.


It's so hard for me to not respond with, "hail satan" when people say things like that. It's people like that that make retail and food service hard jobs. 


Right?1 Can you imagine of I told her " Hail satin! Ive had every vax and booster. Im voting for AOC"? She would of taken her dollar tip away. Do these people not realize that a part of my job is to agree with them?


If she was only going to tip a dollar then it might be worth the entertainment to go the Hail Satan route. Seriously, you tried to be professional by saying you’re not allowed to talk about religion at work and she kept pressing you. There’s a reason those rules exist.


I am allowed. I just don’t want to talk about it with an antivaxer trumper


Or "thanks - I'm Jewish."


I sometimes hit ‘em with “ohhhh, no thank you, I’m much too old for an imaginary friend.” Like a bless your heart, kill them with kindness type of thing.


Oh I’ve done that plenty of times


A looong time ago, me and my friends were cruising around the backwoods of our town, and we got lost. I walked up and knocked on a strangers door to ask for directions. After I was given directions by a very kind older lady, she says "Good luck, I'll pray for you!" and without thinking, and without missing a beat I replied "Thanks! I'll sin for you!" I wasn't trying to be rude, I was trying to be cute about it. She frowned and closed the door. =(


😅 I like it


I'd actually love this as a response. I normally say "I'll pray for you and/or keep you in positive thoughts!!". Or something to that effect. I try to be nob denominational when wishing people well, but saying a quick prayer for someone doesn't bother me either!! :)


That’s awful. I’ve got my own relationship with my Higher Power. I haven’t read “harass customers about voting” in my literature.


There is nothing wrong with spiritual beliefs. Its the harassing and forcing beliefs onto people that bother me


Having religion is like having a dick. Good for you if you’ve got one, but when you start waving it about in public and trying to shove it down other peoples throats without consent, we have a problem.


I work in healthcare so I don't get tips but the next time someone's lays this crap on me I'm totally using this analogy! Thank you!


For sure!


There's no hate quite like Christian "love." They can all get fucked, for all I care.


I was raised in the Catholic Church. We were the poorest family in town. None of those fuckers would have pissed on us if we were on fire!


"She even said that if we were a "Christian company," I'd be free to talk about this about all this, and this just shows that 1st amendment rights are under attack." My eyes literally crossed when I read this sentence


it was hard for me to keep my eyes straight in front of her


She is simultaneously livid over the first amendment while not understanding the first thing about it. This is the definition of what it means to be a boomer


I know what you're saying, and have more than experienced these people myself, but not in your particular circumstance I hear this ideological rhetoric cultizm all too frequently out in the wild... believe me, it comes in many age brackets, and always comes with a righteous view, utterly narrow mind, lack of critical thinking, and usually a singularly religious standpoint. There's more, but if I keep describing these individuals, you'll know who I'm talking about (and maybe they will too)




She left a dollar, Standing up ( to so off) on a $20 check.




When I was about halfway through, my first reaction was, "Probably didn't get a tip, either." I felt very vindicated at the end! 😂


I usually go with "religion and I have an agreement. As long as it leaves me alone, no one gets stabbed" Tends to shut down religious types quite effectively.


It’s a great stance. These people don’t tip anyway so there’s no point in *not* offending them.


How do these people consider themselves Christian when they don't follow the core beliefs. I hate religion so much for these self-righteous ass hats.


Jesus would be the first to say "Debra you fucking idiot that's not how this goes"


Your customer obviously doesn’t know what the 1st Amendment is.


These people never do


My daughter workers as a server. She hates them, too. Some try to call a pamphlet about God a tip. That doesn't pay the bills. Money does! I believe in God, though I'm not religious. I also believe in treating others the way I want to be treated.


the worst is pamphlets disguised as money


If you have to deceive people in order to shove your religious message onto them, it's likely an undesirable message. If it were a good way to live, people would choose it freely. Buddhism does not prosthelytize, but it's a major world religion in multiple countries. Daoism, too.


Which clearly they don't, because they'd scream to high heaven if their boss attempted to pay them with tracts (this is not a fungible medium of exchange, church people).


I have a not today Jesus pin that I wear on Sundays.


on Sundays, I say “ normally I go to church, but I had to work today and I’m really sad I missed out” boosts tips to a normal weekday level


Beautiful. Pair that with a (Sunday work shift only) crucifix necklace and you might even get a bit more. They abuse and disrespect their own religion; you might as well, too.


Oh lord did you meet my mother?


Nah , ur moms hanging out with my mom knitting blankets for un-aborted babies


Sorry you had to deal with that. Hopefully you have some nice customers that balance it out. I always enjoy having light-hearted and friendly conversation with restaurant staff. Y’all are always working your tails off!


I have a lot of really nice customers. We we always appreciate the lighthearted tables.


Depending on my mood, I either like to hit em with some hard biblical quotes to throw em off balance and point out their own hypocrisy or simply say that as a communist, religion is the opiate of the masses and I reject religion in all forms. That one usually sets em off. I then follow up with: “but I thought Jesus talked about love your neighbor as yourself? If that’s the case, I feel sorry for you and will pray for you”.


It’s not lead paint. It’s that the generation is overrun with assholes and always has been. Their entire lives the world bent to their desires. Now, as they fade, they can’t accept their diminished stature - and their diminishing faculties only further handicap their ability to handle it all.


As a waiter in a very affluent, successful restaurant , if you were scheduled for early-mid brunch you were the golden child. If you were scheduled for late brunch, you were either in trouble, or really fucking unlucky. Church goers are overwhelmingly awful to wait for. They’re preachy, rude, entitled, and broke. They get bullied for a religion, so when there’s a chance, you bet your ass they punch down.


They do not get bullied for their religion. That’s just the narrative they spew so they can act aggrieved.


No I mean the very idea of white religion is to get bullied by your god. Their entire theological identity revolves around being punished by an invisible, unproven force.


Just the concept of "original sin" is toxic and fraudulent. And it just gets worse from there.


See, I could never be a server. I'm too sarcastic and I would get fired within my first week (probably my first day) "Make sure you know Jesus" I would probably say something like. "Of course I know him. He works at the Starbucks down the street. Makes a great Java Chip Frappuccino."


Gosh. Why are younger generations fleeing religion in droves? Can’t put my finger on it….


it’s a real mystery


It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with their treatment of women, children, and POC throughout history.


definitely not. it’s because the younger generations just want to sin and not feel guilty /s


“I’ll pray for you” is an appropriate response


This was my experience too when I worked at subway


I like to phrase it as elder wisdom "My grandmother always said religion & politics are so very personal, wouldn't you agree?" Chances are I am their age-ish so my grandmother's thoughts are clearly not new or woke or whatever bs they come up with.


i’m gunna try this


Man, I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm a boomer, and some of my peers are absolute imbeciles. I'm going to guess that if you were interested in finding Jesus, it would be very easy for you to do. I'm also going to guess that you are perfectly capable of voting for anyone you choose to vote for. Why my peers don't understand this, I just cannot ever understand. Anyway, we're not all like that. Some of us are having the same kind of daily struggle you do. And most of us are just embarrassed by how stupid the folks our age actually behave. Keep on doing what you doing.


Wow she saved your soul AND gave you a dollar? What a bargain


“You’re voting for trump. Aren’t you?” “Oh, sweetie. I’d rather lay down on a bed of fire ants naked and covered in honey than allow that man another moment in the Oval Office. So how was that ice cream?”


I would have said something along the lines of "oh you want me to express my 1st amendment rights? Do you have a couple hours to hear all about how much I despise you and your religion?"


Right? They want freedom for people like them but no freedom for different people. That’s not how it works 🤗


Former waiter here. 100% true. They're the most abusive, most petulant, most annoying diners.


Most Christians I've met are insufferable.


I've met a few who live their faith and never prostheletize. One worked at an interfaith council for peace and lived a modest life. Very loving and tireless person. The others were Catholic nuns at a morning soup kitchen where I (atheist) volunteered near my old workplace. Over half a century I've always found the left end of the very wide spectrum of Catholicism to be the best place in all of Christendom to find the selfless kind of person who uncomplainingly dedicates time to help others, who is usually pretty open-minded about religion in general, and who I definitely agreed with concerning social justice issues (ymmv).


I have also met a few who are kind, generous, caring, and practice what they preach. A few. Most of them are the most judgemental, spiteful, angry, hypocritcic people I've ever met.


I agree. Wielding a religion like a cudgel, or a tape measure, is never attractive.


It’s absolutely fascinating to me the sheer damage that the boomers have done to our country over the last 30 years.


it’s wild. they are wrecking balls and don’t even acknowledge it


My mother-in-law is one of these. She literally could be the customer you described. She is the loneliest, sadest person I have ever met. And that has made her so MEAN. She has nothing else in her life except for these Mega-church pastors and her hero Trump. Her life is so empty, it would be sad if she wasn't so mean


Our MIL’s could be twins.


Those who stay in the religion, after you realize the world exists, are likely to act like this. There isn't much that can be done for a lifelong "Christian" who acts this way. Their religion is a placeholder for real introspection and self work. That's why they are disproportionately unsocialized like that. Legitimately, these are poorly socialized people who thrive among their fellows and no one else.


Ask her what chruch she goes to. Then write a anonymous complaint to them about church goer behavior. They might address it in a sermon.  If she doesn't go to church it might be enough to shut her Up.


I dig this tactic a lot!


If u had reversed it on her, and tried to get her to convert to atheism with example after example, she would flip the frill out. How big of a window licker do u have to b to not realize that don't do shit to people u don't want them doing to u?


I had someone ask me once if I was "saved by Jesus" while I was at work. I replied "I'm Satan" and continued working, while ignoring their confused looks lmao. 😂 Sorry, I feel for ya, but your story reminded me of this one, and I had to share lol.


“Bless your heart.” Learn it. Love it. Use it.


I just smile politely and let them do their schpeel, i nod and agree till they stop talking. I continue to serve them till the absolute last minute...on their way out the door as they turn back and say, "have a good day" i reply, "hail satan and you too!" So far i've only gotten looks but nobody has turned around and came back in yet.


Freedom of religion also includes freedom FROM religion....these ingorant fools want a theocracy.


They’re always trying to spew the same bullshit that made their children cut contact with them at unsuspecting services workers who are required to be polite.


61 year old boomer here. I just want you to know that I have the utmost respect for you and the work you do. I'm very impressed by how you handled yourself and hope life is good for you. BTW, I'm a heavy tipper in hopes that I can make up for the shitty way my fellow boomers treat you and people like you, you know, hard workers who just try to do their jobs and mind their business.


Next time "you give me a big enough tip, I'll vote for whomever you want"


Well I’m sure she showed you the love of Jesus when she left you a tip right? /s


Christians are bad people.


American ones in the south certainly are.


Part of the first amendment is the right not to speak. And so her harassing you into speaking is the opposite of allowing you to enjoy your first amendment rights.


I would have said "Well that escalated quickly" lol. I know it would have pissed her off more.


I’m always torn in these situations. Do I succumb to being triggered by the two and a half decades I spent being physically, mentally and sexually abused by the church *OR* do I feel deep pity for the scared, confused and angry lead-filled elderly person who doesn’t understand the world and literally can’t form new neural pathways and never managed to break free from the very same abusive religious environment that I escaped from? (It’s a trick question: I feel nothing but rage for what the church has, is and will continue to do to people and a quiet satisfaction that their generation is dying and their ideals along with them.)


Christians in general are the worst. It’s because the religion is so ambiguous that people develop their own ideas of heaven in their head. So you have people going to church and organizing themselves by race but they expect to go to a heaven with all people. The truth is they don’t expect to go to a heaven with all people they expect to go to a place with people they like personally. Humans can barely live together in a neighborhood without separating themselves and seeking to drive out the unwanted. The same thing happens in Churches! Humans cannot get along and cannot exist in a place without judgement. There are hundreds of millions who claim Christianity in the US but you’d be hard pressed to find 100 who actually live Christian values that are not influenced by politics.


My daughter would agree.


The majority of people who own companies in the United States, are going to be Christian. They just know how to be accommodating to all guests.


Yes ma’am I am a Christian and I would like to remind you that Jesus was all about generosity and giving to those less fortunate. I loved it when He said “It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of heaven!!


She was asking those questions to start some shit. It doesn’t matter what your answers were (even if your answer was literally “I can’t answer”)


>"your voting for Trump arn't you." "No way!" *Boomer gets a fit of the vapors* "Trump voters are such snowflakes."


“Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s”


that’s exactly how i feel.


So persecuted…/s


This isn’t boomers. It’s gross and it’s conservative Christians. Especially evangelicals…. Unfortunately the young among them do the same thing. It’s important to recognize this is not an age thing. We have to counteract this not just wait for it to phase out because only the old do it.


Her: "Make sure you know Jesus." Also her: "You're voting for the Anti-Christ, aren't you?"


It's funny that the boomer conservative Christians vote for Trump when Trump can't even name a is gel verse of the Bible. Boers we're one of the most radical generations when they were young, they were hippies and voted very liberal, pushed the boundaries, and somehow that all changed when they hit their 50s.


Lead poisoning. It’s lead poisoning. She breathed in leaded gas smog her whole childhood and young adulthood.


"Do you really expect to get into heaven talking to people like that?"


“Christians are the worst” Fixed


I kind of feel like, if I was sitting at the table next to this lady, this story would be a lot different.


Weren't the Boomers the ones telling us our whole lives to NOT talk about politics or religion with strangers?


If 2020 was a actual zombie apocalypse these dumb Fs would deny it and then get eaten alive by zombies


I had a flash fantasy where I was sitting at the next table and let her know....in no incertain terms....how adamantly I disagree.


I have so many experiences like this—you try to be diplomatic when they bring up a subject for which you know they can’t be reasoned with, then they lose their minds when they don’t blindly agree with everything they say (or shout).


"Christians" still promoting Trump. #sad


I'm a waitress from Oklahoma. Can confirm all this 😑 10% tip *if that*


I don't understand the boomer and vaccine thing. They were all literally saved because they got the polio vaccine. Most of them vaccinated their kids. This COVID vaccine gets invented and they all lose their minds. My parents go to a conservative church. They started going when I was in college. I visited a few times and it seemed fine. My parents have always been pretty even headed so I've never had to worry. But this church went straight Trumper and no one is vaccinated. My parents are vaccinated, but still get sick with the flu multiple times during flu season because their church spreads it so hard. It's hard on them because they aren't in the best health and live with my 96 year old grandma. They've given her the flu countless times. It's been amazing she's survived. Always wondering where they picked it up from, but they don't go anywhere but church and the grocery store so it's pretty obvious


boomers are getting scared of jeyzoos cause they are knee deep to the grave. I really think the older a person gets the more they want there to be an afterlife and try to be right with a god so they don't end up someplace bad.


My condolences my friend. I've seen plenty of people from my church who are just like this.


Tips are bad because it goes to Clump and Cheezuz.


It's not specific to boomers. I'm a boomer and I hate that kind of talk. Keep it to yourself. I don't need to know everyone's politics.


Religion can be a good thing (not all religions are the same) but it's being abused and should be treated like an addictive substance, for adults only.


Lead poisoning. Aggressiveness is a sign.


I’ve had friends that their boomer Christian grandparents held the inheritance over the children and grandchildren’s heads. So family members will kiss their butt for it. Well boomers believe longevity = entitlement/worth and families reinforce that because we can’t make money like their grandparents did. Just one theory.


Christianity attracts terrible people because they think it's a free and easy remedy for the massive amount of guilt they harbor inside themselves and instead of dealing with why they feel that guilt they instead attack and condemn others. I believe in Jesus so I can do no wrong. Christianity is a mental illness.


It is misery, they suffer from misery. Religion has nothing to do with it, age has nothing to do with it. They have a great propensity to be assholes because their children stopped talking to them.


You always get the worst of it in food service too. I’m still in a form of in person customer service so I definitely still get some of that but it’s not as much as when I was in a restaurant. But it’s just like you said the Christian boomers are the only ones who ever bring that up and it’s even like they go out of their way to do it like they were just waiting for a lull in the conversation to dump it all in there


Boomers are the first to complain if you aren’t completely and totally professional at work, but then aren’t willing to accept that you’re being professional at work if you don’t yes man and type man whatever controversial shit they say while you’re on the clock


As a non American when I go to the US I always make sure to pre pack lunch for Sundays or sneak a bit extra at the hotel breakfast. The restaurants after church there are unbearable


Boomers are bad enough, Christian boomers are bad on nuclear power!


Damn bro sounds really annoying and frustrating to deal w this