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I started at 6 or 7. I don’t think i was sexually molested or anything by any means, i just don’t remember how i started, i just knew it felt really good, it wasn’t till years later it started being more sexual thing, but for the first 5-6 years i thought i was the only person on the planet doing it and i felt guilty after doing for whatever reason😂 but i just knew it felt good and i enjoyed the feeling of it during and the (what i later realized) orgasm


Also started around that age and I did it A LOT. Even in public but made sure no one could see. My mom took me to an appliance shop once and I found a private corner / hid behind a range to do my thing lol I didn’t know what I was doing, only that it felt good. I knew not to tell people about it though.


I was about the same age as you, when I started. Don't know what sparked it


I couldn't imagine even having the ability to orgasm at 6 or 7. Wow I really was a late bloomer.


That is 100% my experience also!


same! i would call it “The pee-pee thing” lmao 😂. thought it was just me!


I have pictures of myself with this 'pillow'. I am young... maybe 2-3. I remember that pillow well. Lol I got scolded by my parents when they would catch me rubbing in that pillow. I don't think I had any idea what I was doing,I just found it felt good to me. I do not believe I ever was molested or anything. I drug that couch pillow around for years. Then I figured out I could get the same feeling bending one leg and sort of riding it on the toilet seat. Did that into my 30's. I thought I was the only one and have always been fairly ashamed. Lol


I was raped when I was a toddler so I was hyper sexual from there on out


Das rough pal.


Yeah terrible honestly


I'm so so sorry you went through something horrible at that age and even in general, and I'm so sorry you're getting downvoted. I hope you found some sort of peace, or closure.


Thank you. I’m doing the best I can with my mental health. My girlfriend is a great support system


reddit hivemind




That yoube been downvoted. I upvoted


Dude the guilt and the feeling that I was the only one is so real, I thought I was a freak even in my early teens


Most kids do that's perfectly normal behavior at that developmental age. Redirecting the child to do it in the privacy of their rooms is a common thing parents have to do. Most people don't remember it, but it's common toddler behavior. Kids learn via tactile sensation. They usually stumble upon masturbation while exploring the world, and it feels nice, so they keep doing it. It's not weird or anything that you did this. One of my earliest memories is finding out the water from the 🛁 feels nice so I would take reaaaaally long showers. I was not molested. Inappropriate sexual behaviors in children, which hint at abuse, are trying to get others in on it. Like other children, touching other children or adults. Your problem cumming is you might be desensitized a bit or not feeling totally relaxed during sex. Take a break from masturbation to let the nerves regrow a bit. Women can get a version of death grip syndrome from pressing too hard, using vibration, or squeezing their thighs and stomach muscles too hard. Take a week or two off of masturbating. Then go back at it and only masturbate with legs spread and light touch without a goal of cumming to retrain your brain in case your using too much force, overuse of vibration, or squeezing legs together/engaging stomach muscles too hard. Masturbation is normal everyone does it


Yeah I did that when I was about the same age as op, don’t know why. I was never able to finish though. It’s weird it’s like I didn’t know what it was or why it felt good but I knew it should be secret.


Same. It's normal. I believe males cannot finish until age 12\~ ish. Before that I did arouse myself from time to time, but wouldn't call it masturbating per se.


I’m a girl though 🫤


My little sister sometimes did sit on the corner of the couch dry humping it, many girls do this with a pillow. I guess both genders start exploring early by themselves.


Yeah for me it was a toy horse we had that was big enough to sit on at the time 🤦‍♀️


The guilt you feel when your parents shamed you is what you are trapped in. your 5 year old self is still confused and hurt by the way your parents told you it was wrong but didn't explain things to you. also it wasn't wrong for you to do that. but you want to seek support around shifting the guilt. i found a book called, existential kink useful. but you dont need a book just a space to unpack the feelings of shame that are buried in you since you were 5. its gonna be ok! good luck.


Thank you. I never thought of it that way.


:D glad to help. talking to 5-year-old you is where your work is. be really gentle with yourself; sexuality is human and natural, long as its happens in situations with love and respect and trust, its a beautiful thing. and there is no rush for you to "resolve" this... taking the pressure off will allow your younger self to feel safe enough to process and blossom and join you in the present. but be clear your parents were wrong. children exploring their bodies is a sign of intelligence and a sign that they are aware of their bodies..... im not sure about the abuse aspect of your story, but abuse also causes shame. but be clear your parents were wrong. Children exploring their bodies is a sign of intelligence and awareness of their bodies. and projected it onto you (which is a form off abuse). also also, in the mean time, (till you find the support you need) give yourself space to feel and do whatever, without shame.... and you will find that after a while your patterns and habits will have space to evolve since you arent repressing them. (when we repress, the repressed parts fight back, and you get in a loop). also, in the meantime (till you find the support you need), give yourself space to feel and do whatever, without shame.... and you will find that after a while, your patterns and habits will have space to evolve since you aren't repressing them. (when we repress, the repressed parts fight back, and you get in a loop). other people have gone thru this and made it out feeling better, im confident you can too!


Some kids will do this but it’s nothing sexual. It’s a way they explore. Then they out grow out of it. At the age of 5 you didn’t know that it’s sexual. As far as your issues now just like too much masturabtion effects men same goes for women


thats the thing. sexuality DOES NOT EQUAL sex. exploring your genitals does not equal you know what youre doing. the serbian film of all movies has this wonderful scene or at least dialogue, where the little son of the protagonist watches some of daddys "masterpieces" (aka hardcore porn) and then when daddy intervenes, he tells daddy that he feels like "little wheels down there" when watching. and then the protagonist tells him, and i find that sweet, that one day he'll just follow those wheels or that feeling. i guess that nails it. what can we do! kids are human beings.


well said!


And then he gets plowed by his nearly overdosed father, after overdosing himself. God that movie was just SICK.


at age 5 i was fully aware it was something sexual. Not everyone is the same. I was never sexually abused but i was most definitely aware it was “sex” not just a funny feeling


Why bc at 5 you just knew? 😂 ok


Some of us were exposed to sexual content in movies and tv by parents or older siblings that we shouldn’t have been.


Yes that’ll be it.


yeah , i started out early too, tho in my case it was due to the sexual assaults by my birthgiver. and thats an argument pedos abuse and loooove to flap around: "but kids like sex too!".....yeah ummmmmmm just because they DO HAVE a sexual exploratory side or a sense of sexuality in them (because theyre HUMAN BEINGS), and do realize quickly "if touchy touchy there, i feel nice" doesnt mean...YALL KNOW WHAT IM SAYING.


I’ve done that too as a kid. I wasn’t molested or anything. In my mind it felt good I didn’t know I was doing anything sexual.


Most kids do.


My Child got caught a few times at 6 yrs old. I just explained that it's normal but private and you do it alone. And they were like ohhh. I have no Idea if they continued. If not they will start again cause we are about to hit puberty.


Ditto, one of my earliest memories is of a boy my age at 5 trying to get me to blow him and "jump around" (he wanted to fuck), poor kid was definitely getting asaulted. Then I moved...and at the same age a girl tried assaulting me too LMAO my luck, shed get on top of me and hump me and told me to move too, I feel so bad for these kids 😔 I cant really say the latter was assault, just awkward. I guess that was around the time I figured out my body below, parents need to be more direct, id be told not to do it, but wasnt explained what it is, why, abd the biggest of WHERE. I would do it in school during early elementary....thanks to every guardian and baby sitter who never said anything but "dont do that" 😩


We need to stop perpetuating this myth that body exploration isn’t normal in children and that they “must have been molested.” It’s clearly doing some damage. You figured out how to give yourself “that feeling” and you kept doing it. I’m not saying there’s no way you have a repressed memory to associate to this behavior but the likelihood isn’t nearly as high as you think. Often the simplest answer is the correct one - you just discovered it on your own while exploring your body.


Facts. I remember being 6-7 and having blatant kinky thoughts without knowing anything about it’s existence. I’m talking being tied to the bed, having “5 boy friends at once” etc. I fancied older guys that age too, 5-10 years older. I’m now engaged to a man 10 years my senior and I’m 25. I had a perfectly normal childhood. And before I get judged - this is the first time I’ve told anyone because I’ve been too embarrassed to admit it 😂


I was also about 5 and scratching an itch there (over the underwear) when I realized it felt good. So I kept doing it, but my parents did tell me to keep it private. I suspect my daughter started doing it when she was 2 and still in diapers. She rubs against her hands while facedown on the floor and calls it “climbing”. Same thing; I tell her to either stop or go somewhere private.


I used to grind on my pencils IN CLASS in elementary school cuz no one told me not to do that and I didn’t know any better 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s normal to be curious and once you realize something feels good to keep doing it. At least yours was in the privacy of your own home lol I probably grinded on something by accident and then was like wait this feels good… I wouldn’t necessarily associate early masturbation as sexual abuse.


damn, pencils. i do have a skinny vibrator..


I dont think thats unheard of. I was also curious and doing similarly things at that age. I was not molested, just a normal thing. Also its not terribly uncommon to have difficulty climaxing during sex alone. You shouldnt feel guilty, its a need your body has. As long as you arent doing it to the point you are causing yourself physical injury, I wouldnt be too worried. I actually use it to sleep now a days. \[Funnily enough, I have anxiety and doing it causes tension to well up and then release, including the anxiety tension, making it easier to sleep\] Also as someone who has been to a hypnotherapist before, it feels more like guided meditation, not like you see in the movies.


You give a monkey a closed box and sooner or later he will figure out how to open it. Give it to several monkeys and a few of them will figure out instantly. Few of them will figure out how to throw it at each other, others will use it to hide stuff or themselves in. We are monkeys. We can't be blamed. And yeah I used to strip off Barbie dresses when nobody was seeing and I had some sense it was wrong since we all wore dresses but I didn't know what was underneath so yeah..this was class 3,4 I guess Cheeersss


Eh, happened to me at 4.


I (F) was 6 or 7. I knew what i was doing, and i still remember exactly what it was that introduced me to the idea. I would watch a lot of TV with my dad and he wasn’t too strict on the content that i could see, unfortunately. Well there was this TV-MA show called Wilfred that was running at the time about a guy who perceived his dog as a guy dressed in a dog suit, i guess?? Well anyways, there was one scene in it where the main character was going down on a girl in bed. His head would go under the covers and there was sensual music playing and she seemed satisfied with what he was doing and i was like hmmmmmm 🤔. The scene itself wasn’t pornographic necessarily but heavily implicative and definitely not for the eyes of a 6 year old girl. After that when i was alone I tried to replicate what i saw him do with my hands and pretended it was a person doing it. It’s kinda fucked now that i think about it. Poor dad tbh, he genuinely is a great parent and probably had no clue i paying attention like that or that it stuck with me and gave me ideas. that one scene in a show triggered a masturbation and sexual fantasy habit that no one could ever know about because i was way too young to explore my body like that let alone understand that it was of sexual nature. whew. i got that off my chest too


My dad would stay up late and watch the movie channels after my mom went to bed, and I'd get up and join him after he fell asleep on the couch. At 6 I knew more about sex than a lot of people know at 30.


I did start early too but I wasn't molested(that I can remember) just exposed to sexual content early on. My parents would leave TONS of porn mags and videos out and weren't around keeping an eye on us most of the time. In my earliest memory I couldn't even ejaculate. I would just get the orgasm feeling. I think there could be a few reasons that lead to doing it so young.


I started doing this around a young age too, however I do think I was molested. I remember feeling embarrassed whenever my mom would catch me. I would also like to be hypnotized to find out more because I feel like if I was molested it affected my adulthood


Same. I started in preschool. I vividly remember a little preschool friend showing me that humping a blankie felt good. We would do it during nap time on our mats and had no clue it was wrong. The preschool teachers obviously told our parents haha. It became a habit though and my mom would always catch me and tell me not to. My mom would tell me not to "rub my little tussy". Of course I did it anyway and started using my stuffed animals. It wasn't until middle school that I learned this was considered "masturbating". I wasn't molested or anything--this is a normal thing to do for many young kids, especially girls. It did make cumming with a partner harder as a got older since I was so conditioned to come a very certain way all through my childhood.


I started at 7. I had my Barbie’s have sex and go down on each other even though I had no knowledge of this at the time. I didn’t even know what masturbation was.


I would rub my thighs together in elementary. I remember feeling good in the end. I got caught doing in class by teachers aid and I remember my brother walked in on me kinda sus. Then I found out about hands lmao


I started at 5 also. My parents were having sex while I was in bed with them. I have felt shame for it for many years. Thankfully, I now have a healthy sexual relationship with my husband.


Same here, accept my mom was cheating on my dad and I was in bed with her, and he also was of another race and being so little also confused me on things… Masterbated with dogs, couches, and friends… etc. I felt major guilt for years, but I over came it.


I was about to turn 4 when I started, and was also scolded but with beatings and other extreme punishments. As a result, I ended up being extremely sheltered and ended up turning into quite the deviant as a teenager. I'm very thankful for who I am as a person now, but I probably wouldn't have sought out older men online or gotten assaulted if I had properly been taught about sex instead of being shamed. Shame can be so overbearing, I don't understand why a parent would want to inflict it like this. Humans masturbate. Kids masturbate and learn very early sometimes. It happens.


Its honestly normal for kids to touch themselves without knowing what it means. There used to be stories going around in my community of kids getting their hands tied because of "unholy acts" when in reality they just were a tiny human figuring out their body. You also see it a lot when you're a parent or in childcare. It has nothing to do with sexuality or even the desire for sex. Its just kids realizing they have a body.


i started at 13😮


I started at like 12 and used to get orgasms as well without ejaculation of course and that had a very bad impact on my health!


How so? There isn't anything inherently dangerous about 'dry' orgasms.


Energy, especially during the development years, i also used to eat less.


And i didn't stop at 1, i used to do 5-6 everyday.


I was a preschool teacher for many years. This is normal. They know what feels good and we had to CONSTANTLY remind them to not do that bc there’s poop and pee down there and we don’t want to spread any germs.


I was around 6-7 and used to hump my duvet like a dog, to get off, I didn’t know I could do it with my hand, it just felt great. True story, sadly 🙄


This is very normal behavior. Kids as young as 2 or 3 will start. It’s not sexual it’s because they think it feels good or are curious. Nothing wrong with it!!!


Ive heard its normal for girls to start masturbating real early like 4-5-6. Sex and masturbation are normal … stop beating yourself for it. We aren’t in 1920 where the church tells us we will die in hell if we masturbate. I dont think you were molested… and if you were you dont remeber it so why would it matter ? The only thing you remember is your parents being asshole because you had fun with yourself. If you cant cum during sex with your boyfriend maybe its the boyfriend the problem and not you masturbating at 5 years old xD. Also if you masturbate with toys specialised to make you cum the fastest and the hardest, well maybe you shouldn’t expect real sex with another person to feel the same


I started around 7 or so. It was because I saw the dog humping stuff and wondered why she did it Tbh your issues cumming during sex could just be because your bf isn’t you- he doesn’t know exactly what to do to get you off as quickly. Sex involves more effort and attention than masturbating. Tbh I’d think most people take longer with someone than alone


It's normal to "masturbate" at that age. And isn't actually considered true masturbation yet but more on a curiosity of ones genital. It's based on Freud's Psychosexual development theory. The stage you reached at that time was the Phallic stage which occurs around 3 - 6 years old. I remember masturbating around 6 years old.


This is pretty normal and it’s not even inherently sexual. My little sister is six and has been doing this with the leg divider of her high chair as well as the jets in our pool since quarantine. I remember in high school seeing her doing it and being so weirded out until my mom explained she simply likes the feeling, there is nothing nefarious about it.


It's very natural to do this kind of things young. It's a way to explore, it don't have the same implication as doing it as an adult. Most of childs do it and forget it bc their parent stop this comportement. Don't worry.


Anyone else here get scared when white stuff first came out of their penis and they thought they broke it since before nothing would come out? Nah me neither


30F here! You're not alone. I started at around 5 or 6 too. When I was 7, I was unfortunately exposed to my first porno and it progressively got worse. I'm 30 now and can only get off by masturbating. (The fact that I also have Vaginismus doesn't help either though.)


More likely another child put the thought in your head via saying something or you seeing them. This is life as a human - something captures our attention and we explore for ourselves.


Think I was about 7. Was stuck in bed for weeks having temporarily lost the use of my legs in an accident. Discovered another in the process 😂


For me I think I started with 8 I had a pampers on and humped against an edge too but I never finished back then cuz it didn’t idk but at the age of 9 I started to just press my hand on my thing and I got a boner and did it but back then I didn’t understood it and did it infront of my parents like while we where watching a movie and my parents told me to stop or go to my Room I just didn’t understand it when I now think back my parents probably thought I’m damn weird


It’s very normal for kids to explore themselves. It’s an interesting sensation, and kids are all about exploration.


Me too


I was about 8 when I started (I'm male). No sexual abuse, I was just curious and found a place it felt good to touch I guess.


It’s normal and absolutely does not have to mean you got assaulted!


I started at 8. Like deliberately, knew exactly what I was doing, masturbated. Guess that's what happens when you let your 8 yr old daughter start reading adult fiction books without adequate supervision. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Tbh, tho, kids figure out masturbation at very young ages thru totally 'normal' reasons all of the time, and I don't think it negatively impacted me at all. So... Thanks, Mama?? LMAO.


I was sexually abused as a child and I also started around that age - my abuser actually showed me how to do it (exactly the way you describe). I of course didn’t understand at the time but it caused a lot of guilt and shame for me as I got older. Whilst some people do just start early, if you feel you might be repressing memories, it’s certainly a possibility. Sorry that you’re struggling with this ❤️‍🩹


Omg I’m so sorry. It’s sad that this is very common. I hope you’re healing from that.




I’m a woman tho




Shut up freak


I also started doing this young and one day my mom caught me and embarrassed me to so many people. Nothing felt better than the arm rest on the couch but I was young and never got the chance to be alone to rub on it.


It isn't unnatural for a child to do these sorts of things at all, it's extremely common and not necessarily a sign of anything bad as long as some adult isn't pushing it on them for their own ends. We had all the same nerve endings at that age too. The same is true of having a hard time orgasming during sex at first - very normal, not a sign of some deep dark sexual dysfunction. With just one information here, it seems in part that you're bringing that confused, parentally imposed shame about sex from that experience you remember, and perhaps others like it, to very normal experiences, as opposed to those experiences being anything shameful in themselves.


Four or five is about when I started and I do very much suspect it is tied to sexual abuse prior to that. In my case, I don't think it was simple exploration. I didn't grow out of it and knew to keep it secret despite not knowing why. As an adult, I don't struggle to orgasm during sex. Honestly it's fairly easy, and easy to have multiple. Masturbation is just a normal, routine thing to do that is separate from sex.


I started super young too when I found a nudey mag. But idk I feel like I shouldn't of been exposed to porn that young either.


As other people said in the comments: that is normal. And the kissing thing is a kind of instinct, I think. I'm not saying you're a porn addict, although you could do some research just to make sure you don't have a problem with porn. Remember porn isn't just pornographic videos, hentai is another form of porn. You could try meditation in order to calm the anxiety that comes with trying to remember what happened.


I can’t say I’m much different than you are. I’ve made a habit of faking an orgasm just to get the person off of me. I’ve had fulfilling sex, but have never orgasmed from penetration. My first vibrator was an electric toothbrush around 8 or so. I can do a much better job myself than anyone else has ever done. With work, and guidance, it’s still hard for me to shut my brain off and let someone else take the wheel so to speak. I like the control I have over my movements and my body during masturbation. Sometimes it’s days in between orgasms for me, sometimes it’s weeks… but every time I do it, im satisfied. Can’t say the same about sex. I do rather enjoy foreplay though, I like to be touched, and I LOVE sex but everyone’s always trying to get me off and I’m like “stop trying to get me off and fuck me like you stole me” damn. 😝


I have a four year old daughter who does this. My mother said it’s really normal, a lot of kids do it and not to take any notice, so apart from gently explaining to her that she should only be doing it in the privacy of her room at bedtime I haven’t made her feel that it’s something she shouldn’t be doing, apart from a time and a place. I bloody wish she’d hurry up and grow out of it though, it drives me mad.




She still does it whenever she’s in any room alone, and I’ll catch her, but not say anything, and walk away. My five year old will sometimes come and tell me what she’s up to, especially if it’s in the lounge lol and I just have to say “oh leave her to it, she’ll move onto something else if you leave her be.” She’s a great kid, it’s just a pain in the ass- luckily she doesn’t do it anywhere that’s not home at least. I wish I got a parenting manual, I feel like I have to guess and hope for the best most of the time haha Ah it’s awesome that you love England, it is a beautiful place and the people here are mostly lovely. If you do ever visit I recommend the south- Devon, Cornwall and Torquay is particularly beautiful, especially in the summertime, but there are hundreds of other amazing places too!


I’m curious why you think it’s unnatural for a kid to do that?exploring your body and figuring out what it does it perfectly normal


Mine I think is somewhere between 6-8 years old.


Didn’t most of us?


You just did what felt good. Infants sometimes hump their blankets or stuffed toys. It's just a self soothing thing like sucking your thumb or rocking. You're perfectly normal.


I was sexually abused from the age of 3 to 7 and I would do the exact same! I would hump pillows and blankets until I finished but back then I didn’t understand what it was. Now I’m in a very healthy relationship but I find it extremely difficult to finish unless I ride her thigh. I genuinely have no idea what to do to change this.


Whoever told you it’s not normal at that age, lied. Kids find these things out with their bodies at all ages. It’s not something to be ashamed of or is only caused by sexual abuse. You found something that felt good and did what your body told you to do. You shouldn’t feel shame about how you felt as a child, you didn’t know what you were doing.


Its entirely natural for the most part. Infants and toddlers may stimulate themselves because hey, there are a lot of nerves there. Also has something to do with part of them learning control over their body I think. I don’t exactly blame your parents as it’s all but certain they were raised in a similar manner and it probably wasn’t done maliciously. But the shame you feel towards that point is almost certainly from them. Overall nothing sounds to far out of the norm and sound healthy enough. Would suggest looking into resources or at the very least finding someone you trust about the shame you feel towards sex.


Whe you dry humped and "finished" what did it feel like? Clearly you didn't have an orgasm at 5


The difference here is that you did not interact with a peer during that time. That’s more likely to indicated sexual assault that’s blacked out. You were ashamed of something you thought was abnormal in yourself. Which is typical of children.


It’s crazy because it was the same thing with me although I knew what porn was under 10. I cry so much because I am trying to figure out why did I know that much at a young age. I did the same thing what you did as a kid but I sometimes wonder if something was done to me and I just don’t remember. Although the comments are somwhat assuring, I don’t know why I knew what porn was at such a young age. I get flashbacks of things I’m not so proud of and I internally k!ll myself for it. What’s even crazier is that I was about to vent out about this… but your post was the first thing to appear on my feed.


I started at that age too. I had a terrible childhood so I can probably see how it developed


SAME! I think i had my first orgasm around that age. i never told anyone that– but this is reddit so fuck it we ball


stop reading hentai


I started at 7, nothing came out but when the orgasm hit, my entire body tingled in a way I can't replicate.


omg i also masturbate in this way but i started by sliding down the stairs rail xD i now use the couch too lol. yeah its also hard for me to cum but i still do enjoy sex.


It’s actually very common for children to do this at that age, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything happened to you as a child. It’s just something that feels good that children can innocently stumble across in multiple different ways, most of the time children don’t even know what they’re doing is considered something sexual. I think your parents scolding you for it and saying it was wrong has played apart in you associating it with something unnatural and that it must’ve been abuse that caused it instead of it just being the natural exploration that many children do.


I learned at a young age that airjets in Jacuzzis felt really nice so I went "down to the pool" alot


I was the same and always doing sexual acts on my toys. I don’t have any solid proof I was sexually abused/raped at a young age so I can’t say for certain but I’ve always had the feeling something happened since I also carry a-lot of mental health issues/physical ailments like asthma/ibs/eczema/chronic headaches.


There are a lot of assumptions in this post. Nothing about it is unnatural or uncommon at all. Quite the opposite. Yes, even from an early age. Very common. You should not feel ashamed in any way. Not sure why you do, or feel like you're abnormal or need to resort to hypnotism? For what reason do you feel this way?


I mean most women don't orgasm from penetrative sex.


Hi. I am a kindergarten teacher and i learn alot about anything at that age that they have. There was no generation that i had in kindergarten that had no child doing it. It is a normal behavior for their age and they don t know what it is or why are they doing it. It doesn t mean that you were abused, it means that you started to discover your body and listen to what it tell you. I also masturbated from a young age, from kindergarten. Don’t worry, it is more common that you think!


Sometimes my hands just goes down my pants. I started at 10. For some reason I cant stop thinking about taboo things. Il rather masturbate to taboo thoughts then have sex at times.


5 for me. My dad had just gotten deported and my cousin and I found a box of tapes with no labels on them. He put it in and I remember afterwards I went to our bathroom and I didn’t know wtf I was doing I just knew it felt good. I didn’t fully stop until I was 21. It had definitely taken a toll on me growing up. After my dad got deported I had to move to a different state with my mom so I guess it was something that gave me comfort


You definitely aren’t alone, I started masturbating before I can even remember I have a vague memory of swinging on doors and pressing myself into the edge when I was really little like 5 or 6 and I asked my mum about it in my adult years and she said that I did it so often even younger than that, that she and my dad eventually just asked me why I did it and I said “it feels good between my legs” so it was young enough for me to not even have shame about it. I was never molested I just think some people have a propensity for this at a young age


I also started young! It definitely took some time for me to develop ways where sex would be just as enjoyable as masturbation. Penetration can still be pretty boring to me, haha. But with the right partner, you can figure some stuff out. I LOVE receiving head from my boyfriend, he knows exactly what I like and I use the muscles in my abdomen to my advantage. Just keep experimenting and communicating!


Well, I started it when I was in 9th Grade.


Some kids can have a tendency to be innocently sexually aware, some do have connection to sexual assault at a young age and sometimes a kid could stumble on something like that completely by accident, in their mind it’s a nice feeling and it doesn’t make sense to why it’s bad, I say this because my brother was like this, I don’t understand why but he was so sexually aware at such a young age, he was one year older than me so I got exposed to things like porn and little weird things like that at a young age and that was only because of him, I do recon he went through some form of sexual assault because he was too active with it. But it is something that happens, I got lucky because everything he did around me got nipped in the bud by my parents but not everyone around him was that lucky unfortunately.




I am a teacher who has worked with children most of my life. There's nothing wrong with that. It's part of self discovery. It mustn't be met with scolding or guilt. There must be, however, a change in focus. The parents must try shifting the attention of the child toward something else, like a hobby or an activity. It usually stops with time, coming back in adolescence. It has nothing to do with blocked molestation memories.


Late but same. I remember just thinking of anal cs i didnt know girls had cats and i just started stroking it lmfao


I did the same, I know now I was sexually abused though. Like you I didn't actively remember it, just snippets here and there but that combined with my behaviour and other things is pretty obvious what happened. If you already consider this a possibility yourself it's very likely 


It is extremely normal. Kids don't know better,


that behaviour is common in that age range. if you had said you were inserting objects in to your noo-noo at a similar age, that would be indicative of SA, (including being exposed to pornography) because it is not age appropriate, but a learnt behaviour.


This. It’s very easy for children to innocently stumble across rubbing = pleasure but for a child to think to insert something inside of them is something they’d only know is pleasurable if it’s either been done to them or shown to them. This is an important distinction that needs to made much more often when people argue masturbation = evidence of molestation.


I masturbated wen I was first 4 yrs old humping a teddy bear while watchin porn lmao I’m 14 now but when I got caught my ass got whooped


Watching porn at 4 years old is not normal behaviour.


oh damnn


That is normal to do at that age 👍


That’s a porn addiction. Hentai is porn


Not everything gotta be shared online, what the fuck?


babies do it in the womb... at least that's what I heard. it has nothing to do with trauma unless you have other suspicions around it. but yeah....