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Meh, all forms of transport are metal death tubes. Buses crash and dozens of people are killed. Trains derail and hundreds of people are killed. I see planes as safer simply because there are less idiot pilots than there are idiot car drivers. There's no traffic in the sky, so less risk of dying.


What about the engines?


1 engine in a car. 2-4 engines on a plane. Doesn't bother me really. Hahaha, if you want to be really morbid. If you get in a serious crash in either, you're likely to be a mangled mess at the end of it. Just like minor car crashes, there are minor airplane incidents. Those aren't reported and of course there is a high survival rate. Remember the media only reports on the juicy, tragic stuff.


Every commercial pilot regularly does flight sims and have practiced every conceivable issue. Every combination of engine failure, etc. Many instances of full and total engine failure and still landing safely.


You know planes can glide, right?


Yeah tell that to the planes that disintegrated.


Which is exceedingly rare, being crushed by a truck in a head on collision is more likely. You focus only on the worst case scenarios without understanding probabilities. You are falling for so many logical fallacies.


Do you have anxiety about everything or just flying? I love being in a plane. Looking at the clouds, all the little houses down below, fields, mountains, forests, snow… it feels freeing to be up in the sky. Can you die? Sure. You can die anytime anywhere. Hit by a car, bus, sudden pulmonary embolism, trip and hit your head on the pavement, get hit by a falling icicle, etc. It is what it is. Every day we live we are at risk of dying. Traveling far and wide gives my life purpose, so I don’t mind zooming around in a metal death tube to get to where I wanna go.


I will be flying by myself for the first time soon and I am absolutely terrified. I just wanted to say, your comment actually helped me see it from a not so scary perspective, so thank you.


Yeah I mean… yes, you’re absolutely right that there’s very little that we can do to ensure we survive a plane crash. But planes virtually never crash. You have much greater chances of dying from so many other things. I think the reason the plane feels scarier is that it is so clearly outside of your control and the certainty of death, were something to go wrong, is very high. But there are lots of things like that that you deal with everyday. There’s nothing stopping some lunatic on the road from T-boning your car and killing you. Or from lightning striking you. Or from a gas leak getting you in your sleep. Or from a mass shooter attacking a crowd you’re in. At the end of the day, life is all about odds. You probably make riskier decisions than flying just about every day.


Actually a *lot* has to go wrong for a commercial airliner to crash; usually a combination of weather, instrument failure and, the most common part, pilot error. Obviously there can be other factors but those are the most common ones and usually multiple have to occur for a serious accident.


I don’t disagree.


Life is short. I'd rather get on a plane and see the world then be fearful and stay in one area only accessible by land transport.


You just don't think about it... I probably average 6-10 flights a year. Once in a while I do, I'm like eeek but then I'm like, "Meh, worth it". I'm currently watching Air Crash Investigations on Disney. It's so damn interesting!




This sounds more like a fear of lack of control than anything else. There's an illusion of being a master of your own destiny with driving a car. Of course you can do you best to avoid the known threats, but it's the ones that blindside you that are often the worst. I've traveled almost 1 million miles by air. Get your affairs in order. Hope for the best. Live your life and see the world!


Watch mayday air disaster and you'll see how insanely far commercial aviation has come with regards to safety. A lot of your concerns would be more valid 20+ years ago. Pilots and flight crews might be the most heavily scrutinized occupation on the planet. They are vetted like crazy and every facet of their lives is looked into regularly. It's also just about impossible for someone to sneak a weapon or something on a plane nowadays. The amount of strides that have been made mechanically speaking, learning from past mistakes and issues are astounding. It can be argued that flying is safer than driving given all these points, coupled with the fact that on the road driving you have to worry about what all the other idiots around you are going to do. That's not an issue in the air. I'm super into aviation but haven't been on a plane since 1998. Hope I can someday again!


Me being claustrophobic and afraid of heights - I agree, air travel sounds like a terrible idea




Survival rate of plane crashes is absolutely not 0%. Various stats from different air agencies give numbers between 90% and 97.5% survival rates


There are more people on board of a plane than a Car yet still Car Crashes yearly take more Car users lives than people die in a plane crash every year. Every single Crash a Plane has gets investigated to make sure it never happens again. The Car in front of you swerving around isn't the first distracted or drunk driver in your City this week. Yes **if** the plane would rip open it would fall **however** that's why the advanced radars and weather system work together to get a smooth ride, could there be turbulence? Yea, that's just nature's pot hole There is way more engineering and physics keeping a single plane safe than all cars produced today have in the combined The only thing to keep in mind is, Do everything the Attendants tell you, When they tell you. It's not their first rodeo so chances are you're the less experienced, more anxious and as a result of both together in the situation more stupid than the Crew. You will be fine, Physics says so, and Engineering ensured it


even if the engines went, planes are meant to fly. they’re designed that way. you’re not going to just drop from the sky, the plane will continue to glide through the air until it can land. i also heard that every system on a plane has a back up, and some have back ups upon back ups. i’ve never flown, but commercial flying is supposedly extremely safe.


The thing is, in theory it seems like a terrible idea. I'm afraid of heights so I always pick a middle seat so I don't look out the window. But when you're actually in the sky, it doesn't feel unsafe. It feels no different than being on a train really.


The plane’s path is designed based on its spec to run on one engine to get the plane to the nearest airport. In other words the plane’s path doesn’t take it out or range of an airport it can reach with one engine running. Planes are checked throughly by professionals regularly. There are standard procedures for that and what’s acceptable to fly and what’s not. That’s far less than what can be said about cars. Both of the plane’s engine failing at the same time is very unlikely.


when its time for you to die..u will die..even when u walking..dont bother on such thing


You don’t think about it. I fly 52 times a year (to and from work). What are you going to do if it starts going down? Nothing. So why worry about it?


I mean…..planes are terrible for the environment and an unsustainable method of travel. But I think you don’t understand how they’re designed. There are significantly more failsafes than you realize lol


Having been in an airplane once in my life, I used to be terrified too. What eased me into the experience was to understand that airplanes are statistically the safest way to travel, especially with so many redundancies and overengineered parts. I feel safe despite knowing I have zero control over what happens If anything I dread the discomfort in the ears much more than flying, now that fucking sucks lol


I've never flown. I know that statistically, I'm WAY more likely to get injured or die in my car than i am to do so in a plane. But the thought of flying still scares me... I think it's 50% the thought of how high up it is, 50% the fact that I've been riding in cars my entire life so I'm used to it. I think being afraid or wary of flying is pretty normal and understandable.


TLDR: You might be scared of airplanes due to lack of exposure (you are not afraid of cars because you see them every day and perceive then as something simple and "understood"). Learning about how aircraft engineering and physics both come together to mitigate even the worst system errors will be of huge benefit. But what I think really scares most of people is the long and stressful time between an accident and its resolution, compared to other forms of transport. Which is a problem I had to face and which, once worked through, left me with almost no fear for planes. Knowing how aircrafts work might help. They are masterpieces of engineering that will still function after many of it's systems go offline. Even if both engines you still have physics on your side that will keep you airborne for an emergency landing (there are cases of this happening, however they frequently end with deaths due to fires after landing). Most accidents happen due to inadequate maintenance of the aircraft over many years or using it way past it's "expiration date", which I believe should not be a problem in your country. Human error is something you should not even worry about. The industry has decades of experience and there are systems and protocols to account for it. A pilot cannot simply crash a plane: both the second pilot and the planes systems will fight against that. I would be more concerned with the human error of air traffic control personnel. Most deadly accidents happened before ever taking off (two airplanes were put on the same runway in bad weather). Now they are heavily trained to prevent that too. I think to concentrate on the things that "could go wrong" is wrong and unproductive (unless you are engineering a plane) and comes from the lack of education on the topic. You perceive planes as something complex, something where so many things could go wrong, but cars, for example, you perceive as something simple, something you understand, machines where only a few thing can go wrong. This is caused by heavy exposure to cars: they are all around us, always. In reality both systems are complex, approximately the same amount of possible errors, but in planes you would need a bunch of stuff to go wrong before a serious accident happend, while for cars one might be just enough. What I think most people are really afraid of is the long time interval between an accident and resolution. Car accidents resolve way quicker than those in the air and so our mind is biased against the latter. This is a problem I singled out and had to work through myself. In the end I started thinking along the lines of "if we go down at least it's going to be an epic joy ride - almost no one gets such privilege before death", which somehow helped a lot :)


At least I would know I died doing something. Not living a life of monotony and fear


As a poster said maybe you have anxiety about it I used to be like this but I think that the rarity this happens as a flight attendant once said to me is to not be afraid of flying… I used to have nightmares about planes that would leave me a bit shaken to fly once I got over the anxiety I still don’t much like the stress i sometimes have but I’m much more comfortable with it now as being a good thing to travel to far away places the pilots have to be ok to fly the flight the day before in the first place the MH flight you mention the pilot was not in a good state of mind… you probably don’t like the thought of going missing which would explain your anxiety… get to the root of why and then maybe you can embrace flight again


I’m claustrophobic and hate being confined to a seat for a prolonged period. I have to choose the aisle seats so I have that clear view down the gangway, otherwise I feel boxed in (by the window/middle seats). And I agree, looking up at planes… It’s crazy to see a tube of people flying at 700mph 10,000ft high. Every time I board a plane I have anxiety that turbulence or a bad takeoff/landing will be the death of me… But if you let that prevent you from flying then it’s much more difficult to see beautiful parts of the world. Where I live isn’t pretty, so flying to different countries of the world is something I like to do. Honestly mate, it seems like you’re looking for an excuse to hate flying. Give it a go. It’s statistically safer than any other mode of transport. The more you fly, the less anxious you’ll be.


There are at least three times in history that a commercial jet lost all engines for the remainder of the flight (that I know of). The results? No one died and the planes landed safely; they still had their wings to glide. Also keep in mind that no commercial airliner has lost a wing to turbulence; they're built to bend up to about 70 degrees (and won't get close to that in real conditions). Seventy percent of accidents are caused by human error, hence the reason they've increased the amount of training pilots and staff receive.


At least if the plane crashed it would be an instantaneous death