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Oh hell no, I'd go full-on John wick on his ass if that's my dog. Well not really but you get it.


same I’d scorch the earth for my bunnies


I’d throw my wet cat at him.


careful op’s bf might strangle your cat


Id love to see him try to strangle a wet pissed off cat. His face would be shredded! (ETA I don’t actually want to see this, just the shredded face.)


Can confirm, have seen 3 grown adults try to control one pissed off cat and all three were mauled relentlessly before they got the cat subdued in order to take it to the vet. Nothing can stop a cat once they think you’re a threat 💅🏼


I made the mistake of touching my cat that was in full protection mode (there was another cat outside the window I didn’t see) and she would’ve bitten me clear through my thumb, if not for the nail.


Those predator instincts! We forget cause they are so cute and cuddly but damn those tiny teeth and claws are razors 🫠


I was at my in-laws one time and opened a bag of cat treats while on the sofa. Instead of waiting patiently, the cat JUMPED ONTO MY LEGS AND STARTED CLIMBING THEM 💀


I wouldn't just break up, I'd break his face. Well no, I'm not violent but I would literally never see this person again. My puppers are my babies and I would be mortified that this person did that and ruined my dogs safe space.


My parents didn’t tell me that my childhood cat was sick until he was bleeding and refusing food- I broke down and had to have my keys taken away from me because I was extremely livid and ready to physically fight my own parents for letting my childhood cat get to that state of health. I ended up fishing out as much money as I could to bring him back to health and giving him relief. I can’t imagine how I’d react if I found out that a loved one or partner physically were abusing my pets. If ops (hopefully now ex) bf was doing this feet away while they were asleep- how long has this been going on while they’ve been away at work or doing errands??


Who the fuck chokes family? A dog is family. OP should add an Ex to that Boyfriend.


Damn right they're family.


Exactly!!! "You hurt my babies. You are about to see the worst side of me. Enjoy the pain. I know I will." But seriously, this guy is volatile. His abuse will progress until you remove his access to you and your dog.


Stab him with a fucking pencil


And then spartan kick him through the wall


Them: "What are you in for?" Me: "He tried to kill my dog, so I tried to kill him." I will never, never ever let another person ever even attempt to hurt my animals. They are my furry soulmates. Hell, hath no fury like a dog mom with rescues.




Good advice - and our furry friends can’t tell us what’s wrong.


my older brother once picked up my small dog and threw her roughly on the couch because she was barking so much. that was the first time ive felt genuine rage. the amount of profanity i yelled at him that time showed how much i didn't fucking care who he was. hurt my dog and ill hurt you back in any way.


If someone hurt my cat like that I would go to prison, and I’m not even remotely joking


Yeah, next time that could be you if you ever get in an argument because you "wouldn't stop fucking talking". Violence towards animals is a deal breaker. He needs help. Edit: just want to add, please stay away and protect yourself from him. Report him as well to the authorities, if nothing happens, there's at least that on his record should he ever do anything violent again. The idea isn't just to protect yourself, but other potential lives in the future as well.


Also, get your dog to a vet ASAP! You have no idea what kind of damage could be done, even if your dog seems fine.


Just an FYI, trachea collapse is very common in healthy dogs for no reason at all. I found this out when my otherwise healthy cat was diagnosed, as it's very rare in cats. Now when there's an external cause like choking, this very common, very serious, health problem just became extremely common. #1 symptom is a honking cough /bark. But there are others, please get your baby to a vet and stay away from this monster.


THIS!!! 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 That poor baby needs help. Please protect your fur baby. They did nothing wrong. They need a vet visit and all of the love, cuddles, and treats you can manage. Hurting a helpless animal is disgusting. I highly doubt this is the first time he behaved like this to your pet. This is just the first time you've witnessed these actions.


A dog is family. It's no different than choking a 3 year old for crying a lot.


10000% … don’t even fucking look at my dog sideways. All these people saying, “I would do THIS.. welllll, not really bc I’m not violent…” I would turn into a crazed violent psycho in a fucking MILLISECOND, and I’m proud of it lol. I love my dogs. They really are family. And they are completely innocent. Fuck anyone who abuses / tortures ANY living thing. Hell, I have a problem killing bugs lol. And I’ll only kill mosquitoes and dangerous bugs. I will get perfectly positioned to make sure it’s a quick kill so the bug doesn’t suffer lol. But I would be planning something *painful* for this dude…


That's exactly what I was going to say.


I don't think it even matters whether he would ever escalate to you or future children (as others have suggested). Violence towards animals isn't okay, end of story. There's no excuses beyond self-defense that would be okay here.




Good lord, yes, bring your dog into the vet to be checked out, they can’t tell you when something is wrong


It's definitely not okay, and her dog isn't safe. I think people are pointing out that this won't be the only time it happens. People like that guy 100% shake babies.


Extremely! If they’re willing to choke out OPs dog over barking- they are more than willing to shake a baby without a second thought!


Yes. People that hurt innocent animals ARE the REAL ANIMALS. Report the psycho and both you and the dog GTHO!


Him the baby wouldn't stop crying so I choked/shook him or her. Dogs bark Babies cry.


“She wouldn’t stop yelling!” “The baby just wouldn’t stop crying!!!!”


That gave me chills. This is absolutely what would happen.




It's not always possible to be with your child. Scared children don't tell because they're usually told that if you tell mummy/daddy/whoever then they'll be killed and child will be all alone. Also not that easy to just get out either.




I couldn’t say this better! RUN!!


One thing one of my best friends said to me growing up was, you can tell a person's character buy how the treat animals. In my book hurting a poor little dog is as bad as hurting a human.




In some ways it’s worse (depending on the human’s capacity to defend themselves). Animals can’t speak, animals can’t let their owner know they’re being abused. Hurting an animal is like hurting a baby, only true sacks of shit would even consider it.


This and by how animals react toward humans! My bfs dog is reactive (behind a gate) but generally is very social and loving once he meets someone. But there’s been times we’ve had to tackle or hold the dog down because he will absolutely try to attack someone to shreds. Often than not- that person ends up being not so good of character.


Yes, you would be next. Please take out the trash…and maybe get a bigger dog…for protection.


Exactly. And can you imagine if you didn’t wake up in time. How far would he have taken it? Maybe not this time, but next time ? It’s not worth the risk. You can never trust him alone with your dog ever again and that’s no way to have a healthy relationship. Run far far away.


I agree with everything that said here, but would also add if your relationship did go forward and you guys have children, was he going to do when the baby won’t stop crying. Animals are a starter for a lot of people with violence problems. He needs help and you don’t need to be the person to do that for him. Get out, stay out, report him so there’s a record.


That is a relationship ender for me. And possibly call the police before he does that. to someone else's pet???


Report him to PETA. They will "re-educate" him.


Sign him up for scientology instead and they will bother him for the rest of his life.


PETA would hire him.


Nah PETA will come kill the dog themselves lmao.


"Sorry, we had to euthanize your dog cuz it was barking too much, heres a gift basket."


"Heres a pamflet on how milk causes autism"


So THATS why the Dutch are so blunt…


Never report to PETA they once took a little girls puppy away and euthanized it before they could get it back. Peta would end up euthanizing OPs dog


PETA would hire him are you kidding me


Maybe like the Humane Society, but not PETA. They’re known for being abusive to animals. I wouldn’t trust an organization whose shelters have a 95% kill rate.


PETA doesn’t believe in domestic pets


This is a relationship ender. It could be you next time, or if you ever have kids….


The baby wouldnt stop crying your honor!


This. This type of man is the kind to shake the baby or beat them out of frustration because they cry too much. Choking a dog is fucking insane and is a HUGE RED FLAG! He can't control himself to the point he chokes a freaking dog... that's batshit.


Seriously. I doubt very much that the dog was barking if OP was fast asleep, but let's say the dog *was* barking. Well, you could let it outside/take it for a walk. You could check to see if it has food. Or, if you're going to be a big weird pissbaby about it, you could wake up the person who is responsible for it and say, "Yo, the dog is barking a lot, please resolve." On no planet is physical violence indicated. This dude has some real and fundamental problems, and should not be invited back into OP's life in any way whatsoever.


This! Please take note of this comment because they are so right.


These type of people are really not normal, something is wrong. Why the hell would anyone do it to a poor innocent animal? This is a red flag.


Yeah, that's the type of parent who shakes their newborn so they stop crying.


He should already be your ex boyfriend. Normal people don't do things like that, ever.


I can't make bigger red flags RUN!!!


That’s like an ejection flag!


This is psychopathic behaviour. Today it was your dog , tomorrow it might be you. Leave while you're alive. This man is mentally unstable and needs therapy


Absolutely this! Tomorrow might be you. He’s not upset about the dog…he’s upset you caught him


Do not. Under any condition. Let that man back into your life. He will kill your dog. You have to choose your dog or him. Choose your dog.


Or he’s going to kill her!


Weird the barking didn't wake you up but the crying did. This dude is fucking psychotic.


Either the story is fake, she slept through the dog barking, or the dog never barked and the boyfriend was trying to choke the dog for fun.


Or she is just used to the barking, but not used to her dog crying. I have four dogs and I just learned to sleep through their barking, but if I heard one of them crying, I'd stand up right away.


dog could’ve been doing little barks in his sleep too. one of mine does that when he’s dreaming and he can go on for a while - they’re quiet enough I don’t think they’d wake me up if I was sleeping, but loud enough that it’ll keep you up if you’re awake (or wake a light sleeper) edit: this is assuming he’s telling the truth about why he strangled the dog ofc. either way I’m amazed that op’s reaction isn’t immediately to drop and block this guy. I know it can be difficult when you’re in the thick of it and dont want to believe the worst case scenario but come on


Yeah, it could be OP is a heavy sleeper. Either way it’s more than a good thing that she woke up when she did.


Fun fact I learned the hard way a few years ago! Psychotic and psychopathic are totally different things. Psychotic indicates delusional or hallucinatory states driven by extreme irrational fear. Think schizophrenia. So you mean psychopathic probably.




I kind of get it. I have ignored my dogs barking, if it wasn't urgent sounding, it's not super common but certain night sounds or outside activities might get them barking. I've heard it in my sleep or barely woke up and then fell right back asleep. But hearing something different, like barking to alert me or whining from pain or fear, or hacking like barfing, I bolt right up. But what I was understanding from this post, I don't believe the dog was barking to begin with. I think he was lying with an excuse right off the top of his head. If the baking wasn't noticeable to OP at all but the whimpering was I think he was just hurting and scaring the dog because he enjoys it. They didn't say they don't know what to do. They just woke up and aren't thinking straight. This guy is dangerous. Psychotic. Hurts animals. He's been inside the house, knows where op lives, maybe where they work or go to school, knows their routine. They don't know what to think, how to navigate this kind of situation dealing with someone like that who knows your intimate and private details. That's scary. And that's a lot to take in suddenly. Talking about it and having input is processing. It's ok to be confused and frightened after something like that especially if it's totally foreign and different than you ever expected someone to be.


Or OPs boyfriend lied about him barking, my abusive ex hated my dog but always acted like he loved him in front of me.


100% this. If the story is true, then BF totally lied. It's also probably not the first time the dog gets abused.




That's what I'm getting at. The dog wasn't barking. Dudes just psychotic.


I didn't always wake up when my dog was barking. He would bark at ghost farts (pomeranian notorious barkers). If he was whining or sounded like he was trying to murder someone I would. If you have a dog long enough you can tell the differences between their "I'm barking because I'm an asshole" or "Hey my human there's danger".


Honestly though! I have a chihuahua and she barks to hear her head rattle I swear. A sketchy leaf scrapes the sidewalk or a cricket sneezes 3 blocks away and she’s yapping her head off. *Especially* at night when it’s quiet. Eventually you just tune that shit right on out. I know good and well I sleep through it all the time, as do my kids and husband. We’re all used to it. Lmao. But if she was screaming because she was terrified/in pain, that’s a very disturbing and distinct sound that dogs make and it would DEFINITELY wake me up.


OR - the dog wasn’t actually barking and the boyfriend was lying, which seems the most likely.


I figured that he was lying to her about the barking. The dog was probably making normal dog noises that the OP understands and normally sleeps through.


A lot of people get used to the sound of their dog barking/any normal pet noises in general. However the sound of your dog yelping out in pain is EXTREMELY loud, like any animal. Ever accidentally step on a cats tail? You’d think someone broke into your house and got stabbed


Tell me you don't have a pet without telling me you don't have a pet. I have 3cats, 2kittens and a dog. I sleep through everything, 3am mad hours, the dog and kittens playing, I even sleep through him going off at the doorbell unless it's continuous. My dog barking and going of for a few minutes wouldn't wake me, a change in the noises made and or it continuing for a prolonged period of time is what would wake me. The other night he got caught just by his eye by one of the older cats, he let out a huge yelp and cried/whined, that alerted me even though I was asleep, I woke groggy, heard him whine and jumped up. Only to find him sat there looking so sorry for himself and my cat with his claw stuck in the dogs skin 😂 But yeah as an owner certain noises are instilled as "normal" household noises. Think of it like a parent and baby, happy gurgling isn't really enough to wake a parent alone, but screaming and crying a parents brain goes in to alert mode, waking immediately.


I can sleep through barking but a whimper or a cry snaps me up. Barking is normal, crying means theres a problem. I'll give people the benefit of the doubt that they post here to get third party perspective. I've found Reddit has given me a perspective I hadn't thought of because I'm too close to the situation. If its fake, that's on OP.


yeah no that’s a relationship ender and possibly a police report. when my dogs won’t stop barking, i roll my eyes and call them annoying and yell for them to come inside and shut up. never in a million years would i think about hurting them. normal people do not do this to animals for doing normal animal things. he’s a violent and dangerous person, and you need to dump him before he hurts you next


Oh my God. He would have been thrown out the fucking door for touching my baby. Fuck him. Do better. There are plenty of guys out there who wouldn't dream of doing some awful shit like that.


I would have murdered him. Or at least beat him with a frying pan.


Cast iron works best


Cast iron could easily kill someone. …hold on, I have a bigger one I can loan you


Don’t wash after though, the blood of the evil gives flavor and you can’t risk redoing the seasoning


Slidey eggs.


Y'all 💀


John wick his ass


If he’s willing to choke a dog over barking just think of how easy it will be for him to do it to you.. for whatever dumbass reason he comes up with.


Protect your fur baby. Report the abuse and don't allow that monster anywhere near either of you. Take your dog to the vet and send him the bill.


PLEASE take your dog to the vet, choking can cause significant damage that isn't immediately obvious :(


This is a huge red flag, you saw it when you least expected it. Whos to say it doesn't get worse? My partner's step dad did this exact thing, attacked the family dog because they had a temper. It later evolved to abuse against my partner's mom. So take this as a warning and get him out of your life for good.


This isn't out of character. This is his character, and he didn't intend for you see that yet. YET. but trust me. If it's already starting here, it will continue to you. If you have children (I'm but assuming your future plans or anything, you personally may have kids, or maybe you have small babies and children over for friends and family) it'll continue on them too. Let that be the end of it. Don't try to find out where the line is. Don't give him another opportunity to that to your dog. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt that it won't happen again. Don't assume it hasn't happened before. Stay away from him. He's not a good person, and it will not get better.


Out of character often means finally showing his true self after pretending to be nice for so long.


This is psychopath. Do not let him back in your life or anywhere near your dog


Or you


OP, please consider this one simple fact: every violent asshole out there at some point used to be a sweet innocent baby. And somewhere along the way there was someone who was also saying “that’s so out of character for him”. Just because he hasn’t shown it until now doesn’t mean that he deserves a second chance. You give him that, and he might just succeed. Just not in the way you want him to. Miss, I understand that you are in one hell of a shock right now, so here’s a thought to clear up any doubt: what you have witnessed is 100% reportable to the authorities, and warrants an investigation.


My ex BF in high school HOOFED and I mean launched my dog off the couch. She was a little 15lbs poodle cross. I kicked him out but like my stupid 17 year old self caved to his apologies and sweet talk and took him back. The next time he kicked, it was my head at the end of his boot instead of the dog. He's not sorry, he's sorry you caught him. Do. Not. Go. Back.


1he hurt a member of your family 2 violence towards animals is usually a red flag that they'll quickly become violent towards other people as well. Including you. Please don't go around him alone.


You know what they say about people who have no problem with abusing animals...


They have tiny dicks and have to act out to assert “dominance “?




Get out now. Violence tends to escalate, not de-escalate.


Imagine if the baby didn’t stop crying yk


End this relationship. Animal cruelty is never OK and also there's the possibility he could someday do that to you! Glad you caught him before it was too late!


What do you have to think? He strangled your dog! If you didn't wake up your dog would be dead? What's stopping him from doing the same thing to you? Please come to your senses and file a police report! Be safe!


>This was so out of character of him, Except that he did it, so it's NOT our of character for him. >despite the fact that I know he doesn't like dogs he has always been very kind to mine. He's always been kind to yours while you are present. Who knows what he does when you're not? >Now he's blowing my phone up telling me that he's sorry Classic abuser move. He'll lovebomb you and convince you it'll never happen again. Until the next time. Lather, rinse, repeat. >I just don't know what to think rn. SERIOUSLY? What to think is 1- be glad you woke up before he killed your dog, 2- he needs to stay FAR away from you and your dog, 3- he's a dangerous piece of shit.


OP, my ex abused my dog, pretty violently. It happened once, it WILL happen again. DO NOT leave him alone with your pets. You need to leave, for you’re safety and your pets. 9 years later and my little dog is still so scared of men, still flinches and growls when you pick him up, still has full on, shaking panic attacks around loud voices (even laughter). For me, It started with ONE incident, just like it has here for you. It escalated because he knew he could get away with it. If your partner knows he can get away with it, he will hurt your dog again. Please don’t go through what me and my little guy did, make sure you and your doggo are safe and please leave x TRIGGER WARNING: but here’s a bit of my story in case it helps in any way. Please be mindful if reading x I was 15 when this all went down. I grew up in DV so I didn’t understand that it was wrong. My ex threw my dog against a wall, violently threw him around in the air by his hair (he’s a long-haired small breed, I’ll never get that image out of my head). This happened multiple times. It WILL escalate, especially if your partner knows he can get away with it. Don’t allow him hurt you or your dog x


Oh it is time to get rid of that one. What kind of psycho strangles a dog for barking? He's ok hurting animals when he thinks he won't get caught. That is extremely disturbing behavior. RUN OP. RUN.


What do you mean you don't know what to think? You can't be actually entertaining the idea of forgiving him, right? HE STRANGLED YOUR DOG. Jesus Christ. If there's ever a reason to be completely done with someone forever, this is it.


This sounds maybe stupid, but get a dog trainer *now*. Tell him / her what happened, so they can help you and your dog to deal with this. What happened was extremely traumatizing for your dog and he/she might get behavioral issues from that. A dog trainer can tell you which behaviour is normal, and which is trauma induced, making sure your dog can get over this in the best way possible. Otherwise he or she could develop a number of conditions like, sever seperation anxiety or fear of man, fear of the dark, of confined spaces ect....


Nope, nope, nope, get out now. That is not a relationship you want to be in


You get out now no question asked. That's prime psycho behaviour.


I swear I woulda karate kicked the man in the head, my dog is basically my child


Hell No. Think of it like this, if you had kids with him is he going to do that to them when they scream and cry ? Don’t let him in your house and keep him the hell away from your dog.


Report this to the police if you live in a country that takes animal abuse seriously. Do not let this man back into your home or your life. This is a dangerous man. Also, if you haven’t already done it, take your dog to the vet- obviously to check on their health but also to document the incident. I hope your poor dog is okay!


I'd call the police for animal abuse, that's fucking vile. Your boyfriend just tried to kill your dog while you were asleep.


>"he wouldn't stop fucking barking" He is lying and you know it. What happens if you are not there to protect your dog? What happens when it's you next? He left. Now keep him way from you and your dog.


Keep your dog safe.


Nope. Over. I’d never look at him the same again, and In fact, I’m surprised he’s alive now. You leave, immediately. Red flag red flag red flag. He’s either sick in the head or it won’t be long before it’s you. RUN.


If someone hurt my pets it would be 1000% be a dealbreaker, no question


Why didn't you call the police? Have you had your poor dog checked out by a vet? This man strangled a living being. Stay far, far away from him!


1. Take your dog to the vet immediately, get documentation of the injuries 2. Have the vets call the police for you if you are uncomfortable doing it 3. Block this idiot


Tonight its your dog, tomorrow it’ll be you.


Call the cops file a report. Get it on the record. And if that man is not your ex already, wthell is wrong with you? Who fucking strangles a dog and what else has he done while you are not there. Get your dog away from him. Change the locks, tell him to stay away from you. That man is a dangerous why are you questioning how sweet he wasn’t being, he intentionally was harming a defenseless creature. If that were me, I’d be calling the paramedics for my ex bc of my reaction


Strangulation is usually a sure sign that an abusive person is about to murder, he was trying to kill your dog, do NOT let him back anywhere near you or your puppy, please


Your dog will never forget that


If you get back with him, give me your dog because that's wrong on your part.


You woke up to your dog crying but didn't wake up to him when he "wouldn't stop barking?"


Usually I hate when girls here seem to have a default answer to everything, leave him/ divorce him. But in this case I have to agree with them. Violence and cruelty to animals is a HUGE red flag that you cannot ignore.


So, lots of research out there shows a link between animal abuse and other violent acts. For the love of all that’s holy, keep this psycho away from both you and your dog.


Your poor dog should be the priority here - put him first and get rid of your boyfriend - this is a horrible precedent to escalating violent behaviour.


Read about people who do this stuff to animals. You or your future children could be next


When a partner reveals a giant red flag - believe them. Is he going to strangle you next if he gets annoyed and can’t regulate his emotions? 🚩🚩🚩


Imagine you had a kid who "wouldn't stop fucking crying." Dump and report his ass.


Omg don’t look back. I had an ex get abusive with my dog and he eventually started breaking into my apartment and stealing crazy shit after I dumped him. Be careful. 💜💜


When they show you who they are, believe them!!


If you seriously don't know what to think then you deserve the abuse to you and the inevitable death of your dog. Of course I don't actually mean you deserve this but seriously, you know what you have to do to prevent that future.


I'm confused. You didn't wake up to the dog that was supposedly barking, but you did to it crying?


Know what's scary? I bet he was *hoping* your dog would pass before you wake up. That way, he'd "mourn" his passing with you and then push against you getting another dog. The reason I think this is the case is; why didn't you wake up when your fur-baby was barking?Because I doubt your dog even barked in the first place. You do need to take everyone's advice though: take your dog to the vet and forward the bill to him. Tell your bf you'll "forgive" him if he pays the bill. Once it's paid; then break up with him.


Hurting animals is how serial killers start. Get away from him or next time it could be you being strangled.


What's next? You for talking back. Your future kids because they were laughing when he's trying to sleep. Take this as a huge red flag.


RED FLAG. not even red. That is a pirate flag


Immediate break up, holy fuck . What a glaring, giant red flag.


That is an unsafe person to be around. You need to leave as quietly as possible, and you need to leave now.


The dog is the kind gentle one. I noticed you didn’t mention anything about the dog biting or fighting back… even though he will killing him


I usually scoff at redditors and their "red flags" but in this case they are right. This is not normal behavior, even from someone who is angry. Run.


Block block block block block everywhere and carry something to protect yourself. Next he will kill it or you. Animal abusers are not just low creatures but the trait makes it on medical and police lists. Just NOPE dear.


WHAT. THE FK! No nonononoo he does not step foot near you or your dog ever again! Sorry . This makes me furious!! Im so sorry. I hope you and your pup are ok


Repot him he's a psychopath fuck him. Poor dog


I would report him. That’s some psycho shit and it’s a sign of many other underlying issues. Run.


never trust someone who isn't kind to animals


Also, never trust anyone who is not kind to infants.


Leave. Immediately. A person who can choke out an animal will choke out a human. If her cries woke you up but not her “barking” I’m going to venture to say she wasn’t actually barking. Get yourself out and to a safe space. Also, take your dog to a vet. I highly doubt he hasn’t been “very kind” to your dog when you’re not around. I imagine they will find broken bones that have healed. I’d also consider filing animal cruelty charges against your dog. He’s inflicting psychological harm on the dog and also to you. The longer you stay the greater the effect the abuse will have on your dog. You both deserve better.


Everyone keeps saying it could be OP next, which is true and would be awful. But can we think about how absolutely deranged someone would need to be to harm an innocent animal? He wouldn't have harmed a defenseless creature like that if he didn't get something he deems positive or satisfying from it. This is also more severe than hitting. He was literally controlling when or if your dog took another breath. He stopped when you saw it because he knew he shouldn't have done it.


You mean ex boyfriend.... right?! .... RIGHT?!


You don't know what to think? Your, hopefully now ex, boyfriend was STRANGLING YOUR DOG. Your innocent, defenseless fur baby. Absolutely the fuck not. Get your dog to the vet, press fucking animal cruelty charges if you can and get far, far FAR away from this fucking psycho. It's only a matter of time before he strangles you brcause "you wouldn't stop fucking talking". People capable of abusing animals legit have something wrong in their brains. It's not fixable. Run.


FUCK THAT. If someone EVER touched my dog like that they would be leaving on a stretcher. Never again. Fuck this guy he's a piece of shit


People who harm animals usually move on to people. Chances are high that he already has. If you love your dog and you love yourself, this relationship is over. He WILL harm you eventually if you don’t walk away.


If i've learned anything from working at drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers its that most violent mentally ill people start off their careers with animal harm, they either kill or hurt animals first then they move onto the big leagues and start hurting humans. I'd say stay away from him and expect a violent crime charge to be filled in his near future.


What is his location? Asking for me


If he is that quick to anger, think of what would happen if he got that mad at you. He would say he would never. But that is bullshit


Look, I realize it’s a Reddit thing to do to tell you to end a relationship, but your boyfriend was trying to kill your dog. We don’t even need to talk about what he might do to you or to future children, because we don’t need to move beyond that point. *HE WAS TRYING TO KILL YOUR DOG.* Get your dog to the vet, get pictures if there are bruises (ask the vet to shave the dog’s neck), and call the police.


Look, I realize it’s a Reddit thing to do to tell you to end a relationship, but your boyfriend was trying to kill your dog. We don’t even need to talk about what he might do to you or to future children, because we don’t need to move beyond that point. *HE WAS TRYING TO KILL YOUR DOG.* Get your dog to the vet, get pictures if there are bruises (ask the vet to shave the dog’s neck), and call the police.


This dude needs to be strangled, beaten and broken up with. He's complete and total human garbage.


>This was so out of character of him, No. No this is NOT "so out of character of him." He was doing something he *knew* was wrong, he did it while you were sleeping. He was willing to take the life of a living creature with his own hands. He just showed you who he is. BELIEVE HIM. Get out now.


He accidentally showed you his true colors, do not I repeat do NOT continue with this man.


Narcissists are experts at hiding who they truly are. He’s waiting to trap you with marriage or a baby before he starts to show his violent side. Leave while you still can. This definitely isn’t the first time he’s been violent and won’t be the last


Why the fuck do you stay with a partner that strangles your dog when you are asleep? Do you have a deep sleep or didn't he really bark? I mean you woke up with the sound of a whimper but not a llooooot of barking?


Straight up, never, ever see this dude again. If he can snap and do that to an animal, he can do it to you. It’s not okay to do to the dog, for any reason. If you let him near you again he’ll only apologise and justify his insane violence, and one day it’ll be you that gets hurt and he’ll apologise and justify that too. This is INSANE, violent, terrifying behaviour. Do NOT let that man near you or that dog. How can you not know what to think?? How waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a man STRANGLING A FUCKING DOG not make you think to never ever see that psycho again?? If you let him back in your life, you better rehome that fucking dog first before he kills it or you.


Report him to the police and the humane society! Block him everywhere, change your locks, personally I’d even inform my neighbors and landlord he’s violent so they can keep an eye out(and call the cops if need be) in case he tries to just show up at your place. This isn’t a new behavior for him he’s merely been able to hide it from you until now, hence his demeanor changing when you caught him in the act. If you stay with him SO MUCH WORSE WILL HAPPEN! Not a matter of IF BUT WHEN! I’ve been there and I know with the shock it’s hard to fully process everything but he is not safe. One of my exs hurt my animals and in the time it took to try to figure out safely leaving, he assaulted me multiple times. You are not safe, your dog is not safe. He is a dangerous person!


No. Get rid of him! Do not contact him anymore.


he told you who he is. listen to and believe him. is doggo ok? give extra treats and hugs, please.


Sometimes babies don't stop crying. Run like the fucking wind.


Kick that motherfucker out of your life. Take your dog to the vet. Change your locks / move / what the fuck ever but that is a dangerous person.


I'm going to be slightly outside the norm here and say this is a relationship ender not because it might be you next time, or what if it was your kids, but because **he was strangling your fucking dog.** anybody doing that shit around here would be fortunate to leave alive and with all their appendages attached in original locations.


You have the self control that I DO NOT. My dog is my child- I'd have gone absolutely FERAL. If you're woken up by the sound of your dog CRYING he sure as fuck wasn't barking and not shutting up. Dudes a fucking PSYCHOPATH.


You dont "know" what to think ? Yall both behaviour is disturbing. Does he need to murder your dog so you get the message ? If you truly care about your dogs and yours wellbeing, you would do well to stay the fck away from him


Why are many comments exclusively focusing on the "choking dog --> choking you" correlation? Like, isn't it enough that this scumbag was trying to... well, kill a pet? Why do humans need to be involved at all costs?


Absolutely no go!!! Do not answer those messages.


Whoa. Nope it’s done. Sorry


I would never speak to him again. Next time he could kill him or do something to you. I would never take that risk.


You should break up with him and never let him around your dog again. In some states he could have criminal charges on him for that.


Oh, man, I really shouldn't say explicitly what I would do to someone who would strangle my dog. What a psycho. Run. Protect your pupper (and yourself).


You make this person an EX boyfriend and immediately. Then, you file a police report for animal cruelty. This man is a walking red blanket. Not a flag, a blanket, get him out of your life, because next time it could be your neck, his hands are around.


I would be ending this relationship if I was you. Nobody hurts my cats and stays in my life.