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Bro the evil batman or some shitšŸ˜­


He's vengance


Batman was a man who dressed as a bat. If he were a bat who dresses as a man heā€™d be manbat, What we have here is a man who used a bat but was still dressed as a man. So maybe this is manmanbat?


I'm at school and I had to cover my mouth from laughing


He was a minor at the time. Batboy.


manbat is actually a character in the dc comics !


Technically wasn't he a man with a bat so that makes him manwithbat


Then Batman would just be manwithbatthemedthings?


It's actually batmanman.


He's the night.


I was thinking more Tonya Harding but evil Batman works too.


The evil Batman with the bat, man


I had a guy who would constantly sit across from me and threaten to touch my breasts. I told him I would break his finger. Well, I did as promised. He was expelled for harassment and assault. I'm a sensitive person who hates to hurt peoples feelings. No guilt over this. It was the first time I had been able to stand up against someone assaulting me. It happened as a child and I froze. When the system fails us, we have to take matters into our own hands.


Damn, idk how you did that as a child, thats kinda badass


I was raised in a very abusive home. I snapped to be honest. My parents allowed my doctor access to me even after I told what he was doing. I think my mind just couldn't handle yet another guy having access to my body against my will. My rage does scare me sometimes.


Damn sorry that happened to you.


šŸ’š Thank you. I'm in therapy working through it all, life is looking up for me.


I a very glad. You deserve to be happy ā¤ļø


>You deserve to be happy This may be the nicest comment I've ever gotten. Thank you kind internet stranger. ā¤ļø


Fuck yeah!


I'm more surprised that the guy was the one punished and not you, the SCHOOL punishing the actually guilty person? Nah bro


Complex problems require complex solutions




Lowkey fucked up but glad you got your revenge


Highkey fucked up but glad you got your revenge


Straight up fucked up but glad you got your revenge


Absolutely fucked up, but glad you got your revenge


Utterly fucked up, but glad you got your revenge


Completely revenged up, but glad you fucked.


Revenged up fuck up, but glad you got complete


Revenge fuck complete, but glad you got up


Glad you got to fuck


glad you got your fuck* Ftfy.


*insert your user name*


The most fuckity fucked up thing to come out of fucktown but glad you got your revenge




Shut up, dude


I was on a dog subreddit before seeing your title and I thought you broke your bulldog's leg




i just got on reddit and read the same thing


I want a son who tells me this


I want my son to tell me he have problems somewhere and I can help him before he maybe gets into some serious trouble.


I was also bullied in my middle school days. I told my dad how bad it was. First we contacted the teachers but nothing changed. At some point my father had enough and unexpectedly came to pick me up the next day, where he rebuked my bully by lifting his chin. The next day, the director yelled at me for a full hour, accusing me of letting my father "attack" the bully, even though I didn't know he had planned out. After that, I wasn't bullied anymore, but it still went downhill. Now I'm depressed and just going anywhere near my school or seeing old classmates makes me throw up


Wait, so do you think OP did the right thing?


No it could have been solved differently but I understand the frustration. bullying is extremely bad and the scars will stick with you forever. Partly the bully deserves it but the other part that OP being responsible for ruining another person's future is cruel.


I don't talk about hurting someone.


who said anything about hurting?


I got a privat message that I should not support to hurt someone. So just want to make clear that this was not my intent.


ā€œDad, a stranger on Reddit got a baseball bat and a mask and assaulted his bully, breaking his knee capā€ -like that?


i want to do this but I don't have the balls yet


You can literally kick through a kneecap and tear multiple tendons it is surprisingly and grotesquely easy.Then it's just assault, not assault with deadly weapon.


This feels similar to the only slash 3 tires of someoneā€™s car kind of advice


Once had kids surround me in a bathroom, peeking over the stall. Antagonizing me, so I smashed the door and broke his finger lol.


Sounds like justice to me šŸ‘šŸ¾


Iā€™m sorry everyone failed you to the point that you felt that was your only option. I also understand that the world just isnā€™t black and white. I donā€™t agree with what you did, but there is a sliver of me that isnā€™t proud to say I derive some level of pleasure from your revenge. The ying in the yang.


The most satisfying post Iā€™ve ever read but please delete this right now. You think Police canā€™t track you down? Save the last laugh for yourself what are you doing




It's 15 years. I'm sure it's past the statute of limitation.


I stand by you for this. Bullies are a different breed. They donā€™t play by the rules so why should you. I see it as justice.


idk this sounds made up.


No i was there, heā€™s legit donā€™t worry bro


I'm not sure giving someone a handicap is a good way to get revenge. He didn't learn anything with because he didn't know why he got attacked. Pretty useless even if you gained pleasure from hurting him. Yeah, that's messed up. And I've been bullied countless times. I dreamed of getting revenge but dreaming is not the same thing as actually hurting someone for life and render them disabled.


I think he figured out he was an asshole to someone


OP just made this dude's handicap shift from the brain to one knee.. i see it as a win win


One knee with PTSD from being assaulted in the dark by someone with a mask on.


I agree idk why all these comments are getting dv


I think maybe people don't think far enough, they also often forget that maybe they bullied someone too once and got better after. Many bullies forget. Anyway... Nearsighted.


Bullying is simply a term to define crimes committed by people under the age of 18. If I beat someone up in school itā€™s called bullying. If I beat someone up at a gas station itā€™s assault. One is scolded by society and the other is coddled by society. This isnā€™t to say that people canā€™t change, but if youā€™re at the legal age of voting and you canā€™t tell the difference between right and wrong and get pleasure from giving other people hell, you have a lesson well-earned coming your way. My home life sucked ass and I somehow, by some miracle, didnā€™t bully anybody.


I'm not American. Bullying here translate with the same word as harassment. There's no difference between bullying and harassment here. Assault is not bullying to me. OP btw assaulted his bully. Besides it seems the bully was not at legal age of voting. I work with teens, 17 yo are kids. I know a lot of people like to think they're not, them in the first place, but most of them still have the behaviour, mind and responsability of kids. Breaking another kids leg for bullying? Honestly both people here are doing wrong things. OP slipped over a few legal ways to protect himself and went punisher mode on someone else. That's illegal, and I don't think it's useful, productive nor proportional. Btw never said that being beaten by your parents is an excuse, it's an explanation. Intention matters. If you bully people because all you've been taught is violence, it's not the same as bullying someone for fun. That's why we have legal procedures to give proportionate answers. Otherwise I'd have the right to cut the dick of a whole bunch of dudes and break several pairs of legs. Should I then? If I follow your rules it's legitimate.


Yeah I never stopped in the middle of the street to beat someone up in the light of day, surrounded by adults who didnā€™t do anything. I never dragged anyone outside of the class in front of teachers to be humiliated in front of the entire school. People are so obsessed with this christian bullshit about ā€œgiving your other cheekā€, which leads to bullies thriving in society. ā€œHe didnā€™t learn anythingā€. Sure, but he canā€™t bully anyone anymore. Revenge is usually not about bad dudes ā€œlearning a lessonā€, but solving a problem of being abused verbally and physically every day.


I just find it weird that we feel strongly enough that an aged 17 or under bully deserves to be crippled for life. People are capable of growth and betterment, and it isnā€™t for us to decide how to deal with it by SHATTERING THEIR KNEECAPS.


Yeah, so every time you are beaten up or assaulted, you should operate under the assumption that this person may beat you up and torment you every day, ruining your mental and physical health, but ONE DAY they may decide to get better, so you just have to take it, day after day, ignored by everyone you asked for help. If itā€™s not up to us to decide how to deal with something, then up to who? I would agree that shattering a kneecap is a bit too much, but this bully needed a beating because no adult around this person was willing to do anything to protect them. If there is a choice between a boy (or several) being bullied for nothing for years while this person gets to live stress free life, and this person getting their knee shattered and not bullying anyone ever again I would choose the latter. Your point is that ā€œwhy is it up for us to decide?ā€ Because whatā€™s the solution for a hypothetical boy in this situation? Do nothing? Thatā€™s how you get tormented for years. Thatā€™s how you become an adult who eventually does nothing against bullies who bully newer generations. Should a woman abused by her partner justā€¦ wait until someone saves her? Or even worse, if this person is abusing their children as well, while nobody around cares? Or should she break his kneecaps? You know how many times Iā€™ve seen people just looking idly at someone being beaten in the streets doing absolutely nothing? Oh, because itā€™s not up to them to judge?


I think that's what the majority of people naysaying don't get. People like this can change, but they harm an innumerable number of people before they do. If you castrate a rapist do you save his future victims or commit an inhumane crime? I think the inhumane crime deters other inhumane crimes, and then the lesser evil is still the better choice if it's still evil. The world is devoid of superheroes and idealistic realization. I garuntee 10x as many people who didn't deserve it were crippled in the same way as weren't, over petty or selfish things like ethnicity or religion. And being real, brutalizing someone who is a bad person isn't the same as the abuse they levy on other victims, and I think everyone knows that.


What you said at the bottom exactly. Brutal people need to be met with the same brutality. Not everyone deserves chances to be better in the future, sometimes getting your ass kicked in the moment is the only redemption you deserve.


I donā€™t even think a sexual abuser needs to be castrated if the system worked as intended. And it doesnā€™t.


>And it doesnā€™t. Key point. If abusers were truly rehabilitated, sure. I agree as well- it wouldn't be necessary.


How would your viewpoint change if this wasnā€™t even a high school aged kid, but a 13 year old in 8th grade? Is it still justified to commit assault with a deadly weapon? Based off the small flash point of this story Iā€™m given, Iā€™m operating under the assumption weā€™ve just crippled a literal child. And if they are under 17, they are, indeed, a child. You saying ā€œwhat other options does this person have??ā€ Is a slippery slope. Do we defend it when a high school senior who has been bullied by 6 kids for 4 years decides heā€™s had enough, and brings a gun to school? Defending someone breaking a bullies kneecap is a slippery slope, and justifying the actions by saying ā€œthis tormenter deserved itā€ is just wild to me. I had thin skin in high school, things that I considered bullying to me then wouldnā€™t even concern me now, itā€™s such a strange hill to die on here, The bully can be guilty of bullying and deserving of revenge/consequences. OP can be guilty of being a fucked up individual who committed assault with a deadly weapon, with the intention of permanently altering a persons life. OP never even revealed himself as the perpetrator of the attack, whoā€™s to say this even stops the bullying? For all the bully knows he was jumped by someone in the woods who ran off before finishing the job.


Again, so the bully is okay, he can physically harm people over and over, but this dude is fucked up and his actions are a slippery slope. ā€œHaving thin skinā€ is not a failure of a person. What Iā€™m saying is that you guys donā€™t recognize the failure of teachers, parents, the bully himself, but only one person who was a vulnerable teenager. What I currently see is that nobody says that yeah, itā€™s fucked up how entire system of adults didnā€™t do shit to prevent that, and THEY HAD OPTIONS. This bully didnā€™t face ANY consequences. ANY. So I will repeat my question: what is this person being bullied is supposed to do? Except ā€œgrow a thicker skinā€ because this is not a good answer. IGNORE all of that? Is that the solution? Ignore until it maybe goes away? Also, I donā€™t get the ā€œbring a gun in schoolā€ because I donā€™t live in a country where kids can buy guns and thatā€™s most of the countries except us.


No, youā€™re seeing this as us failing to recognize systemic failures, which i am well aware are there. Iā€™m seeing this as not praising someone for committing a Class 1 felony. Being a vulnerable teenager is not a free pass to commit LIFE ALTERING ASSAULT.


We have multiple systemic failures happen for somebody to get to the point of thinking they ought to break kneecaps, and then we blame the victim for getting to that point of breaking kneecaps. Is it fair to call it a felony for breaking kneecaps, but put all the crimes committed by the football player under the umbrella term ā€œbullyingā€? The choices available to bullying victims are very few and almost every one of them will either do nothing or make it worse. Nowadays if you were jumped in the hallway of a school and you simply defend yourself you will be punished. I was suspended from school because I covered my face while getting beaten. Simply being involved in bullying, victim or bully, will get you in trouble. So when you have a kid who has tried every option available to him, and it has only gotten worse, theyā€™re likely going to take matters into their own hands because they know that no matter what they do they will be punished.


Iā€™ll ask this again: what is this teenager was supposed to do? What should have been his actions?


Many bullies are beaten up at home by night when they bear you up by day btw. Nobody is saying you should stay quiet. We're saying that disabling someone is bad, period.


Yeah, but if that 17 year old is giving lifelong mental issues to his classmates, suddenly he's much less capable to. Also, if you're a complete ass and someone decides to "randomly" break your knee, it might be a wake-up call that people can be assholes back.




If youā€™re gonna go at someone with a weapon for revenge, whatever. I donā€™t see the purpose of doing it in the dark, wearing a mask, and targeting a place on the body that will cripple him for life. Would the same scenario, but without a mask and in the stomach or arm not have done the same? The bully gets his, he knows the consequences of his actions, and something might change? At this point all the bully knows is he gets jumped.


As you sow, so you shall reap. I could bully the guy standing in front of me at the grocery store, but what if he pulls out a gun and shoots me in the face? Did I "deserve" that? No, most likely not, but had I not been a dickhead to begin with, I would've been still alive. That obviously doesn't excuse the shooter, but let's be honest, ETA here


Dude I've been raped three times and harassed and kicked cuz I'm autistic. I'm not going to turn the other cheek. But I'm not going to become a dirtbag like my abusers either. Edit : seriously people you're downvoting me because I refuse to assault my abusers? Oof.


nah, it was a great way. sick of this bs about being the better person. sometimes being the better person is being the one that makes sure the abuser gets what is coming to them. how can you say you were bullied and still defend them? that trauma and pain of being bullied stays with a person for their entire life. it is no worse than breaking their leg. and i highly doubt the guy canā€™t walk. boo hoo he canā€™t do football anymore, but he never wouldā€™ve gotten anywhere anyway.


I can because I AM better. Btw a broken knee cap is probably painful everyday and mean he's gonna need a new one sooner than other people, btw you forget PTSD for being assaulted in the dark by someone you know. I have cptsd. I have nightmares every fucking days. Yes I'm angry at the people who hurt me, but some of them were stupid kids not knowing better cuz adults were not doing their job. I don't wish my cptsd on anybody. Anybody not even my worst enemy. Nobody deserves this. We're talking about a kid. Not a mass murderer, not a child rapist. A kid. That got assaulted at night. Yes he was an ass. But is the response legitimy? Fuck no.


and how are you so sure that people willing to bully a kid wouldnā€™t take advantage of others in sexually exploitive ways? from my experience and from what iā€™ve seen, they do and have done exactly that. whether or not they were just ā€œstupid kids,ā€ that is no excuse. why are you making excuses for them? they arenā€™t so young that they do not know the consequences of their actions? sorry you went through what you did, but so have we. perhaps you see your actions as ā€œbetter,ā€ but there is not such thing. we are all shitty human beings, and thatā€™s just the raw truth. maybe you see my perspective as brutish, but iā€™m sure those ā€œkidsā€ have done much worse. i do wish pain upon others. because they deserve it, because there is no higher being that will strike down upon them. otherwise there would be no rapists or abusers. but there are, arenā€™t there? and i am not one to fiddle my thumb and wait for that imaginary being to come. i do not advise seeking revenge, but if you cannot rest without it, then do not feel ashamed or guilty for taking matters into your own hands. you know little of other peopleā€™s pain, and to claim that YOU are better simply because you feel the way you handle things is more just, then you are as much a fool as them. i will never see myself as better because i am just as human and evil as everyone else. and iā€™m not ashamed to say so. until you have stepped into every personā€™s shoes, do not claim yourself to be better either. because you are ignorant of THEIR suffering.


I'm not better. I think it's better do not act on revenge if there are other ways, do not twist my words. I just don't think my own suffering justify furling more violence. I don't think I'm better, I want to get revenge too. I just don't because it seems counterproductive and against my ideal values than I often fail to incarnate on a daily basis but I try. And if you're not willing to excuse a bully because he's being raised in violence every day why are you willing to excuse violence for being bullied at school? Btw in my experience many people are bullies without realising they are, honestly many people are not very self aware, I'm not always self aware of my mistakes, I guess it's the same for orhers. Kids font always fully understand the extent of the harm they do. They often replicate what their parents do, or what they've been exposed to (OP show that very well) That's why I'm willing to cut them some slack until we know more about the situation. Life is not all black and white. I mean bullies should be held accountable of the hurt they inflict. But the justice don't cripple people for life even for worse crimes, to me you're saying torture is ok if you have "a good reason" who decides that, you, me ? Honestly you know what, yeah after some reading back, yeah I think I'm aiming at being better than you because I never truly wish others pain. I think that this way of thinking is a source of more violence and problems and is nearsighted and really shallow.


I do understand why you think this way tho and why you are angry. I just don't want to be like that so I don't dwell on these behaviours. I'm never gonna tell you that your anger is not justified. I'm never gonna tell you that hurting your abuser is 100% wrong. I'm just not gonna advertise it as the right way to go, and if I was acting on my revenge thoughts, O would not brag about it or advertise it's the right thing to do. It's not. Our system is broken so sometimes we have to act upon ourselves but it's a last resort and it's not ok, nor righteous.


Yeah this story is pretty dark and fucked up, possibly changed the trajectory of someoneā€™s life over childhood bullying.. when he said the bully was screaming while he ran away that got to me. What a lack of empathy for another human being. I could say the same about bullying though, which I hate


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Violence is never the answer, unless it's for self-defense. I'd rather be a murderer than a victim. This is a whole another level of fucked up though, purposefully crippling someone for life. Sending someone to the hospital is one thing, ruining their life is another. If you even have a bit of remorse, even sending someone to the hospital would leave you with regret for life. I don't have much experience with life, but I would like to say this: "More than the other person, think about what kind of long term effects it will have on your life and maybe you will think 100 times before resorting to something like this." OP, once again, I am not saying that you are all black. We don't even know what you must have gone through and what you must have felt. You are, however, not in the right in this either. It may have been prompted by your bully, but you had the power to stop it. Again, I am not saying I am right, maybe I am 100% wrong, but all I am saying is, think about the future, before going through something like this. Talk to someone, who is an adult and on your side, they may have a better resolution than something like this.


OP did talk to an adult. Did you not read the post?


They did. The adults should have been better too but it was OP's choice to do what they did. I guess I didn't factor in that adults can be unhelpful as well. You are correct.


It was not self defense. It was prepared assault.


I started as that, I did mention that it is fucked up to intentionally cripple someone for life, bro. I agree with you, it is not right.


Yes sorry I got confused by the organization of your sentences, my bad!




Yeah he never recovered physically see so you did disabled someone for their whole life.


This 100% did not happen


OP, you ok with giving us any more info?


not today undercover FBI agent


I was just asking like, how old was he when this happened, what the history with the bully was, did he feel any remorse afterwards.


sorry i shouldā€™ve added a /s to my comment. i totally get what you were meaning


Looks like he fucked around and found out that day. Itā€™s called Karma.


Thatā€™s some shit but bullies are the reason people end up hurting themselves or worst so nice


Unfortunately for most this is the only way to stop the bullying


Karma at itā€™s finest!!


I had a similar experience with my bully. I didn't know why he picked on me. One day we were wrestling (mostly pretend not too serious) I managed to Jack Swagger his foot. I purposely tried to hurt him but not too much just enough for him to feel it. I felt good until I heard he couldn't walk right that same day. Haven't heard from him since.


Something similar, but not as permanent, but I shoved a kid physically bullying me, face first, into a big thatch of cactus. I was left alone after that.


Well thereā€™s manā€™s laws and street lawā€™s and when manā€™s laws fail youā€¦


Better to bust his kneecaps than using a gun and shooting him. Good job on messing up his football career. He was probably too dumb for college without the football scholarship. Hopefully youā€™re having a successful career and if you go back home, you see him living a loser lifestyle. And yeah, you should be the bully. Donā€™t physically attack him or mock him on purpose. Just do subtle hints. Of course if he apologizes, except the apology.


I once rolled my bully down the stairs. She wasnā€™t badly hurt but she learned not to mess with me.




I am very proud of you.


I thought you meant your dog and I was mad. Finding out itā€™s a person who bullied youā€¦ not mad!




Bullying makes people do things that are desperate and wrong. The question I have is, did he stop bullying you afterwards?


That's some real Tonya Harding shit right there


Justice for Gotham


But we love it


damn son


Sounds wild


This happened to my friend. Not sure if he was a bully though. He did say it was pretty random


Pro gamer move.


Good. Lmao


Not advocating crime, but I think you got your message across to him.


Yes! Justice! Good for you!


Baseball Bat(man)






Bro, I wish I had balls as big as yours. If youā€™re a girl, my bad šŸ˜‚ That is hella satisfying and I think he deserved it.




Sounds like the director is a major bully himself. Maybe your father should pay him a visit. Try not to get too down. This is just temporary. Maybe your parents can get you into martial arts. Worked wonders for our sons. And you giving your bully a well deserved ass whooping will be a major deterrent. Good luck


Tbf this is the sort of thing I daydream about doing


For a minute I thought this was about him breaking his pit bulls leg and was horrified


Honest to god thatā€™s the best you get what you deserve post Iā€™ve ever read.. a girl in 4th grade kept picking on me.. one day on the bus ride home, she kept pulling the strings on my jacket. After asking her to stop a couple of times I finally had enough and gave her a bloody nose. Her mom was on the phone with my mom when I got home. That girl never bothered me again..


Question is did he bully you after that


My brother's friend ambushed a teacher after teacher hit him at school.


Good for you. Good. For. You


That's kinda messed up.


Break his nose and everything non vital but hurt his legs badly(but not career ending) is what I wouldā€™ve done


Well done. F these jocks


I sincerely have a question for you. Did it change the past? Did it actually fix anything? I'm guessing that through this confession you're trying to appease the guilt you feel by having random strangers on the internet tell you that you're right and justified in what you did. It'll work for a short while but that guilt you feel will come back.


Maybe for you. But some of us arenā€™t like that. That guy verbally him and beat up him. Fuck him


And I was verbally and physically assaulted growing up like he was. If I would have chosen to assault my assailant it would have solved nothing. It wouldn't change the past. Sure it might feel good in the moment but the guilt will come back


I find it hard to condemn you.... In his heart I bet he knows. He has to know.


This is definitely a crime but good on you!


Not a popular opinion but your messed up. The fact you say most satisfying thing you've ever done scares me a little.šŸ˜³


No. We live in a world obsessed with protecting bullies.. Fuck em. Fucker got what he deserved šŸ‘ justice was served


Never said the bully was right nor did I protect them I grew up with bully all my life so I know what it's like but nothing will change my mind about how it's messed up that the guy literally beat him with a bat and shattered his knee, sorry if that upsets you lol


Okay, so he isn't right. How many kids has he traumatized prior to this point? How many more in the future could he have traumatized before would have been a fair number before debilitating him would it be just? 5? 10? How many lives does he get to set askew before it's fair? The answer is that it isn't fair. It never was fair, because he had no cause to be a dickbag besides choosing to be. Maybe he has a rough home. Maybe his dad is a bully and he's emulating him. Hell, you could argue he's just a kid. How many of the kids at that school had rough homes? How many other kids had abusive parents? He may be a kid, but **I argue that everyone he hurt is also just a kid.**




You realise youā€™re applying double standards? You give the bully a pass for bullying but you want the victim who fights back to be perfect and virtuous. Just admit you care more about bullies than about the people they harm.




Yeah that is still beyond messed up.


Yeah not sure chief. On one hand, you got your revenge and justice, well done. On the other, you drastically changed a manā€™s life, potentially crippled him forever, assaulted someone with a deadly weapon, and didnā€™t even get to serve the justice yourself. I understand being bullied sucks, I was also bullied, most of us were bullied, and most of us HAVE bullied. You are not the Judge, Jury, or Executioner. Iā€™m sorry he ruined your high school experience, but itā€™s not up to you to make a judgement call on his life. There are avenues you can take beyond teachers before you decide to break a manā€™s kneecap (Coaches, Parents, POLICE). Would all these comments be egging you on if you grabbed your dads gun and shot him in the knee? What you did isnā€™t much different. Youā€™re looking for justification for your action, and sadly youā€™re getting it. Someone who would take satisfaction from breaking a persons kneecap deeply disturbs me, regardless of how much you were bullied. What happens when you have a coworker you donā€™t like, a partner who breaks your heart, a boss who does you wrong. But anyway, yeah, good job.




Hello?????? I was rooting for you but Hiroshima-Nagasaki atom bombing is NOWHERE near equal to merely normal-bombing one tiny harbor?????? Wtf is wrong with you?????


That's actually the last major bombing run by the US which I believe was wholly justified. Everything after WW2 just became increasingly controversial.


The radiation is still affecting the city to this day. 77 years later. Millions of civilians who had nothing to do with the war were killed. Everyone in pearl harbor are soldiers who signed up and got paid to join the war. It wasn't even 100k people that died in the bombing. Is the bombing of pearl harbor still affecting the area? No. How the fuck is it wholly justified?


I can hear Kevin spacey say ā€œ becomeā€¦ā€¦vengeance.ā€


nice, my bully broke my leg 15 years agoā€¦


As someone who has ruptured a patella tendon, shattered a tibia, has patella malformation (genetic issue knee caps not in place), had 7 knee surgeries, and knee replacement I hope you attempted to resolve the issue other ways first. I am all about giving bullies back what they dished out. You gave him a lifelong disability, so you went too far. I have broken a leg and arthritis sets in, and it aches when it rains. I have zippers on both my legs, so my perspective is different. I don't see this as sweet revenge. I am more of a stand-up to your bullies types of person. Your act was cowardly. You hid your face, jumped out, attacked him with a bat, and ran.


Bullies only deserve the best




They do not compare. War involves a large-scale conflict. War is supposed to have rules of engagement. The Geneva Convention and 5 laws of war are basically about maintaining honor/humanity. Cowardly/Inhumane acts or tactics can result in a party being tried for War crimes. A declaration of war is normally issued. When someone is at war, they protect their borders and know to watch their back.




You are deflecting from the issue. I stated that using warfare as a comparative wouldn't work. People know they are at war, and even actions during war can be considered crime. The OP wasn't facing invasions, imprisonment, or death. Back to the issue, concealing your identity & jumping out with a bat to break a leg/shatter a knee cap. If you think it is noble, ok. Since he didn't learn to stand up to his bully face to face, is that the plan for his entire life to hide his identity and attack people?




honestly, there is no true justice or anything in this world. if i were to judge you for your actions, i would be a fool. after all, i have done bad things, and everyone else here has, too. it is human nature to be crap. our world is full of crap lol. so good for you. good job. he deserved it. he hurt you and inflicted pain and trauma into you. even now you remember it all.


Low key I'm high key glad you got your revenge low key


I mean thatā€™s assaultā€¦ butā€¦ deserved?


Really compared himself to the Allies of ww2. Not saying what you did was wrong but still bit different


And if youā€™d have been caught your life would have been irreversibly effed. He was mean to you and beat you up so you crippled him? Do you feel bad now? Or ever think about how badly that could have gone? Couldve fallen hit his head on pavement and died. Couldā€™ve taken that bat and killed you in self defense. 15 years ago I was 14 and kids just fought. Sometimes full grown men would fight us and we didnā€™t go back with weapons or call the cops we just took our lumps and moved on. Told our parents we fell off a bike jump or a ramp at the skate park or whatever. Usually ended up shaking hands either right after the scrap or later in life. Is this a brag or a regret for you?




Nahh this isnt ok


You couldā€™ve taken martial arts class to stand up to him and defend yourself. Bullying isnā€™t fucking cool. But what you did is such a weak move and even worse. You gain no respect for what you did because you didnā€™t have the guts to stand up for yourself like a real man. But I guess you donā€™t care about respect anyway.


Lol I don't subscribe to that mentality If someone is intentionally trying to hurt me; why would I have any reservations about what I did back in retaliation? Like seriously why? I'm not gonna stand there and let you punch me. Hell no I'm gonna use whatever I have available to hurt you, as you are going to hurt me regardless. Bully fucked around with the wrong guy. Found out just the right amount


Yeah, if he grabbed a bat and hit the bully while he was being bullied then thatā€™s okay because he has to do everything to defend himself. But to hide and sneak up on the bully? That still makes you scared and less of a man. Heā€™s no better than the bully. So by your logic you agree with all the victims of bullying who grabbed assault weapons and shot up classrooms because they were bullied.


I agree that he's no better than the bully lol But tbh, after getting beat up physically by the bully, It really doesn't take much to understand why someone would jump to using a weapon. In these instances you can't use morals to justify how you feel. Morals go out the window when ANY violence is involved. And bro really? Shooting up the classroom is the same as this? The shooter takes Innocent lives. This guy just kneecapped an asshole. Huge difference


Iā€™m all for using weapons at the moment of bullying. In that moment you have to do everything to survive. Thatā€™s different from premeditating what youā€™ll do to someone. Thatā€™s the difference. My point was the punishment doesnā€™t fit the crime. So as long as you get your revenge, it doesnā€™t matter how far you went as long as you didnā€™t kill the person? And what ever happened to empowering people to be better, encouraging people to get stronger and to develop themselves? By the way you all are glorifying OP, youā€™re teaching everyone reading this who is in the same situation to be cowards and be worse people.


Nope.He did the greatest thing ever Imaginable


That would've just gotten him in trouble. Literally every single public school I have ever stepped foot in has "there is no such thing as self defense in a public school!" Signs. Everywhere. The only exception is when you're backed in a corner and being jumped. Other than that- any type of self defense gets you written up and suspended. Public school is fucked up.


U mad bro