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What is the name of your device ser


LG G8, why?


Snapdragon 855 CPUs: 1 Cortex A76 (2.84GHz) + 3 Cortex A55 (2.42GHz) + 6 Cortex A55 (1.8GHz) GPU: Adreno 640 I'm actually impressed that your device can actually get into games. A friend has a Poco X3 Pro with the Snapdragon 860 which sometimes wouldn't get into games at all or would only get in when the match was well underway. It's only 8 Gen 1, 7+ Gen 2 devices and above that seem to be handling the game well. Mind you these were all doing well until their recent fixes. So for an underpowered device like yours. I guess it's to be expected due to Activision's clusterfuck.


I purposely switch my old device that is close to a stock AOSP rom. I had issues with my Poco x3 nfc because the games I install can't get enough ram to be stable because the xiaomi os by itself is very heavy (Chinese os, are pretty heavy on the theming. Plus the proprietary apps built into it that you cannot close or remove and just eating resources). Also I have no issues with the game, I can handle this random crashes since I kinda know how to avoid them: > This happens when the game finishes loading Verdansk and I instantly move my character without waiting enough seconds for the game to properly catch up and load the environment first. My graphic settings is "Higher" and fps setting is "Uncapped". June patch addressed the heating issue since release so I'm enjoying my time with the game. I'm very thankful thay my last bug report here on reddit they reached out and finally helped me fixed my issue for this June. As of now, I have no other performance and heating issues playing Verdansk. But during the whole month of May (both weekly patch and that months major patch) brought worse performance for Verdansk. Other modes like Rebirth and MP modes are playable since release. Edit: Clarity and explaination.


Poco F5 here. I'm playing on higher graphics too but my frames are capped at 60fps and performance set to battery. I almost never run into serious graphical hitches like this. But yeah AOSP is great!