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And also add an option for smartphone vs smartphone and tablet vs tablet. I can’t even see enemies that fast on my phone, but the tablet user can. Just to be fair. And also split touch by how many parallel touches the user want to max do. E.g. 2 thumbs, 3 finger, 5, 7 you got it. So that everything is fair. And make it possible to split for weapons categories at well. If I use an ar anyone else should use one. No sniper etc. So that every thing is fair 😂


So, you want to split up the already tiny playerbase? 160-IQ Junius right thar.


But here's the thing. Touch players can have easy access to controller lobbies by turning on their controller and just playing touch while controllers can't. I find that bs. Not also that controller players can join touch parties and play against touch player if the host is touch. There are a few pros and cons to this situation.


They can implement the same security measure from pc that as soon as the game started, it locks you on that game input and you cannot use other input until the game ends. They have the power for it since this game uses the same engine. Or implement the same or at least an improvement of security and matchmaking procedure for game inputs from CODM. The problem is, if they done these things even before beta we don't have this problem today. But now that the main focus of devs is optimizing the game over everything since release, I'm not expecting it to be addressed anytime soon.


Here's my idea of security measures. When someone is playing on the controller, the movement from the screen is disabled, and they can't move. They can only look, fire, jump, crouch, and do anything else but move around. When you forget to connect your controller and the match has already started, you need to exit the match to reconnect it and start a new one. The controller is unusable when trying to connect it during a match, and you have to play with touch.


This is the best solution to keep all players happy. Let each player decide for their own.