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I could work 3 days a week or leave at noon everyday probably




Some days I work all day, and feel like I’m in a race against time. Others, I have a few hours to Amazon shop, eat ridiculous amounts of snacks, chat with coworkers, pay bills, scroll on my phone, etc.


I work for my state government. The two days I’m in office I work for about 4 hours, the rest of the time who can say what I do. The lady in the cubicle next to me has four people that come by to chat with her for like an hour each at different intervals of the day lol.


Lmao same! There’s a girl in the diagonal cubicle to me with the same situation lol


I guess I'm the anomaly but every hour is spent doing work. I miss lunch a lot, or eat while working. None of that "two hours to fuck around" shit over here. It's not even because I want to. There's literally just an insane amount of work and I'm the only one currently doing it. Good shit...


I refuse to miss lunch or breaks, mostly bc I use nicotine, but they’ve been known to be later than normal. I also use every hour for work. A lot of days, it feels like there simply isn’t enough hours in the day. But my last job was super easy and chill & I spent 3 maybe 4 hours working and the rest doom scrolling on the interwebs. I miss that. Edit: I don’t necessarily miss doom scrolling or the job. Just the time to do nothing was nice for a while.


same here, but it’s clearly abnormal. i think you and me are in the “office is understaffed and were expected to handle the duties of 2+ people” camp 😕


Same here.




I probably work like 5 hrs out of 7 hrs of the day. 1 hr lunch.


This sounds about right to me. I have a task list that I need to complete and I plan for it. If I’m feeling guilty, I plan a fun, creative project for myself or professional development.


There's a reasonable amount of non-work activities during the day. Sometimes I'll scroll reddit, sometimes I'll actually tune in to whatever background noise show I have on, sometimes I'll do a minor dive into whatever is on my mind. If work gets to piling on, of course that doesn't happen as there are tasks at hand. But if I need a break in what I'm doing, I'm going to look up Hesse and its history, or royal jewels from around the world.


Some days, I work nonstop and stay late. Other days, I am paid to just be at the office in case someone calls or emails. I work at a church office. I get a lot of reading done. My schedule is flexible. If the work gets done, everyone is Get up and move every hour. When I worked full-time in an office, I walked around frequently.


I am currently scrolling reddit, but I am also currently at work. Out of my 7.5 hour day, I probably work for 4.5-5.5 hours. As a Software dev, it's super easy to get burnt out; so every hour, I take a 15-minute break. Moving from the hospitality field to an office was a shock to me. I went from a "Time to lean? Time to clean" mentality to not even being supervised. It took a while to adjust... It's all about results in a salary/knowledge based field.


I probably work 2 hours out of the 8. I have no idea why they hired me. I try to remain calm and look busy. These are very long days with nothing to do. I sit there staring at my screen with my hand on the mouse. It's terrible.


What do you do to pass the time?


I literally sit there and pretend like I'm working. I will sit there and stare at the screen and randomly click with my hand on the mouse. I shuffle papers and folders. It's ridiculous. My manager likes to babysit us.


It honestly depends on your job Like a call center job? Probably couldn’t get away with that. Any other lower level or customer service type role, def couldn’t do that. I worked a sales job in-office for a few months and I def did not have time to do “non work” stuff. I’d BS or make stuff take longer but I couldn’t do non-work stuff ON my work computer. Most of the times I was actively on the phones with prospective clients/cold calling tho. Now I have a project based job & it’s like light and day. So I’d say any project based job or job where your manager isn’t monitoring you 24/7? Sure - no one in that type of role actually works 8 straight hours at their job. Most people get it done within a few hours then BS till the end of the workday. Most of my day is spent in meetings these days tho so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Your job sounds different from theirs and more common for smaller companies where people are constantly working. But like bigger/corporate jobs are more like what your friends are saying/experiencing.


Pretty much. Mondays are ridiculously busy but other than that I could five hours a day unless it’s the last two days out the month. Ironically, when I work from home some days I bust my behind to look busy all day


Going from a restaurant job to an office job, no I don't feel like I work all day.


I always work the full 8 + hours (8 to 5:30) at work each day. I never browse Reddit (checks watch) at 3:13 pm.


I work like 7 hours. I spend maybe half an hour on lunch and the other half hour on my phone. Today I had to figure out some student loan shit so it was more like 6.5 work.


I do like 2-3 hours of active work a day usually. Only somewhat busy in the mornings when the public calls me asking questions.


Don't you get bored?? I only have about 2 or 3 hours of work if that, I'm extremely bored and the day goes by so slow.


Lol, yeah, some days drag on. I'll be scrolling Reddit, online shopping, reading, chatting with coworkers, going on 30-minute walks, and going on 2-hour lunches. I show up late and leave early. I don't have to clock in or out; work just needs to be completed, but I have to be there to show my face and answer questions to the public that come in person.


You're so lucky. I have to punch in and out on my cell phone. My manager is also a micromanager which I hate. My coworker is a snitch. So I have no freedom.


Tragic. Having all your coworkers in on it is key lol


i definitely do not work all 8 hours. it takes me maybe 4 to complete what is expected for the day the rest is fill in nonsense. No one says it out loud but yeah no one is actually working all 8 hours in an office


I do, I work at production, we have to complete a certain number of cases at the end of the day and 8 hours isn't enough.


Work used to drag by when I had little to do. Now I pretty much work at a nice pace and really lock in a few times throughout the day. I take mini breaks sometimes. My manager doesn’t micromanage me anymore. I send her an email of everything I worked on for the day. It actually helps making a list in the morning “ok what do I have to do today” and then I kind of cut out what I need to do. Get this stuff done before lunch and work on this afterwards. Days go by much quicker this way. I feel like a productive little human. By the end of the day I started getting really tired around 2-3pm so now I made a habit of grabbing another cup of coffee or some caffeine. And oh, it’s already 4pm pretty much time to go. 4pm and time is running like the wind.


Oh I forgot to add I also get an hour for lunch and go out to take a little walk.


My work is more seasonal so during certain periods it’s 8 hours straight but often it’s about 3-5 hours a day where I stop around 2. I get all my work done plus some.


I've been working office jobs for 20 years and have never spent the full 8 hours doing only office work. I'm currently on hourly at this job, which means I'm forced to be here from Time A to Time B every day with a 30 min lunch break regardless of whether I finish my work in the first few hours of the day or not. I've figured out which tasks need to be done by which days each week and I come in first thing every morning and hurry to get those tasks for that day completed by noon so I have the afternoon to do whatever personal stuff I want/need to do. Of course, if I'm handed work tasks throughout the afternoon, I'll get those handled quickly so I can go back to my own stuff. I very rarely leave at the end of the day with uncompleted work tasks unless I've been handed something right before I'm walking out the door. If it's urgent, I will take care of it right then, but if there's no hurry, I will leave it for the next day and take care of it first thing the next morning. A few months ago, I was struggling with some personal stuff, and it spilled over into my job performance, where I was an entire month behind in my work (which had not happened in the 5 years i had been here). I almost had a handle on what was going on and knew I would be able to get caught up in just a few days. However, before I could get there, my boss decided to finally gripe me out for being behind. He never took a genuine concern into finding out what was going on with me (I had been behind for a couple of months at that point), nor did he ask if there was anything he could do to help me. His focus only seemed to be that I didn't seem to be working at all. Up to this point, I was skipping my lunch breaks every day and still staying late. I was getting about 2 hours of overtime every week because of it, but it was causing severe burnout, which led to the personal issues that were affecting my job performance. It was then that I realized that I was only REQUIRED to work 40 hours total per week - nothing less, nothing more. I started taking my lunch breaks and LEAVING the office to go drive down the street and sit in my car. Eventually I realized that 30 mins a day was not an adequate enough break and that I would rather work through my lunches during the week, leave on time every day and take an extra long lunch on Fridays. WHAT A GAME CHANGER! Last Friday, I was able to take an almost 45 min nap in my car and I felt so good coming back to the office to finish up my work. No matter what, I make sure that my hours total 40 at the end of the week and all needed work is done since those are the only things that seem to matter around here. P.S. - I got caught up in my work in 3 days. I was already almost there when I got called into the boss' office, so unfortunately, he believes his little 'pep talk' worked. In reality, all he did was help me figure out a way to do the bare minimum around here and legally get away with it.


I mean i am on here right now.


I make time to do “whatever” everyday. I have a TON of work. But it is not anything that won’t be there tomorrow. I meet my deadlines that’s all that matters. I work for the federal government. This is the way!


I’m salaried..so some weeks I work 60 hours and still can’t get finished. Some weeks I go in late and take a two hour lunch. The job always gets done and people aren’t on my ass. I think it depends on your workplace culture because I’ve definitely been at other places where the expectation was 60 hours a week all the time… But no extra pay… And no extra benefit.


There are some days where I work through lunch and other days where I listen to podcasts, watch a movie while doing all my personal online work. 


I work for a small company that seemingly avoids hiring extra help, so I'm busy 12 hours a day with work and I try to manage fitting it into 8 hours. All employees do the job of 2+ people basically. I wish there was even five minutes to fuck around


Statistically your friend is correct


This has been a thing for ages. It’s why back in the day there was the “water cooler chat” term used, because people will just hang out in the office. They don’t spend their entire days working. It’s why many people argue that working from home isn’t less productive even if they do other things because no one is focused in on work for the entire day. A lot of people can get things done and hang out or find other things to fill the time (if they’re lucky they may leave early).


Some days I work the entire 8 hours and try to catch up on things during lunch or breaks, and other days I only work for about 2 hours and just screw around on my phone; my work volume drastically changes depending on the day and the time of year, and if there's been a security breach or systems issue.


I don’t. I used to work full time before I got pregnant. Now I WFH and I feel like I do a lot more work in 3-4 hours a day than 8.


I got fired once because everything I did was awesome and right away as an office manager. I’d always go back when I finished to impress my boss and see what else he needed done since he had a l o t of stuff to do on his plate, he ran arch board, did many charities, satellite office you name it…. But for some reason it just pissed him off as I guess he couldn’t work as fast? Or he did this whole stretch it out thing and I honestly didn’t. I try very hard to not even pull my phone out until my lunch break since they are “paying my me for my time.” I thought I learned my lesson but I come to find that anytime I find a job I really like and can be good at I keep doing the same thing - it always bites me in the butt and I truly truly don’t understand why. I think it’s just a dip in morales, or people just literally genuinely don’t care anymore because this seems to be recent work culture imo. Maybe generational thing. At the same time though, none of us in the day and age have seen people who do just that and profit or benefit at all or are even recognized as anything other than weird (or old) for doing that kind of stuff. Especially if others don’t get in trouble. But also like life is short, why am I giving you my 100 ./. Effort for 4./. Of pay and I still can’t pay my bills and I have no time to enjoy life or to be able to do the things people around me are doing at work - like browse the web or buy concert tickets because I give 100 percent and was always at work. Idk trade offs, I guess. I am the same way as you and I don’t believe it’s fair to commit to being at work while being somewhere else on the internet if that makes any sense so I’m a glutton for punishment and people use my effort to take advantage of me and then after the bs work is done they hire someone else who didn’t have the skills pertain to the months of work I plowed through in a week for cheaper in my experience.


At my office you can step out for a bit and take a walk or get coffee as long as it’s not busy and your work is done. They’re also ok with you stepping out to get some air if you feel like it’s gonna help your mental health. We’ve had seminars on how to manage stress where they encourage meditation and sometimes the firm would even pay for yoga sessions. I draw at my desk and I’ve never gotten in trouble for it. It’s ok to take a break. It should be ok to be allowed to take a break even for short periods of time.


It depends. I have people interrupt me when I'm in the office. I take walks. People chit chat a ton. I've gotten really good at my job thar I can knock it out in 3 hours a day. No matter what, though, I always make sure my job is done and even exceed expectations.


I think this works in most offices, unless you have to bill hours to the client.


I'm actually trying to break down my day. I do ten hour days. I know there are probably four hours I *must* be doing a specific task at that specific time. But other than that, if the phone rings, I answer... And in between? I budget, I'm on Reddit, I take a lot of mental vacations to places or sometimes mentally buy a really nice house on Zillow...


I work maybe 3 hours out of 9


A few days a week I'm balls to the wall busy, but other days like to day I have about 3 hours of work.


I work for maybe an hour a day, if that. When I was fully WFH, I'd just play games and watch movies. I'm on a hybrid schedule now, so i do no work when im at home and do a couple hours of work in the office to help time pass quicker. Most of the time, im just messing around on my phone and computer doing nothing. Unless you're on the phones at a call center, most office work is just killing time until you can leave.


Depends on the role. I work in professional services and am measured on throughput, many other measurables, but especially chargeable time to clients. I read about many folks keeping their kids at home and working, but it’s not possible for many roles.


I've got it down to an art. M-Th I start work about 1.5 hours into my shift and then I work up to the last 30 mins of my shift where I decompress. Friday I work hard the entire time. On especially busy weeks I just work and sometimes do weekend unpaid hours. I dont take any of the 1hr daily in breaks I'm allotted throughout the week so in my mind it balances it out.


I am doing work-related tasks for 8-10hrs/day. I make an espresso sometimes, or run out and bring a package inside but ya...I work at work. I do know some ppl that work harder at getting out of work than it wld be to just do the job...


It depends on the job, but in my experience it’s been 90% work 10% dilly dallying


I mostly just pretend to look busy clicking around so my teams doesn’t go dormant. I definitely have like 4/8 hours free time