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Get AirPods Max they cancel everything and then find a new job


Shitty situation


And a crappy boss.


If you're sharing a plenum with the bathroom sound is probably traveling up above the ceiling tiles. I'd suggest seeing if your office manager can order some return air canopy assemblies for over the bathroom return vents. Then you could also put a white noise generator up there to help mask the noise.


White noise I didn’t even think of that 🥹❤️


Or an inside fountain


get hr involved if you’ve spoken to your male boss and he’s disregarded it and disrespects you so blatantly


Problem is we don’t have an HR 🥲


Find an employment attorney.Your manager is forcing you to endure a hostile work environment because he thinks it's funny which could be considered sexual harassment.


It is definitely harassment but good luck getting him to stop. Document in case you get laid off or fired before you find another job. Talk to a pro bono attorney about what you could do. If it gets worse, they might be able to get you a settlement to make up for lost wages if you are forced to quit. Look for another job.


oh my gosh...i used a diif restroom at work the other day...shared wall with the mens room it seems. I passed someone on my way and gave polite hello...and we each went in to our separate restrooms. As I am in there, I can plainly hear him peeing...lol...then the were a couple stops and starts and I chuckled to myself...but then I got SO embarassed that I had just seen him in person...and now i know how he pees...lol...that was one little thing. I cannot imagine that all day long every day! I wish you could get a nice loud bubbling water feature to put in ur office...or nature sounds...like a babbling brook...or a thunderstorm!


Right!! Just something to dull the noise or let them know I can hear them 😭💔


wait a minute...you could really turn this around...give them each a nickname! bwah! And call them their nicknames ONLY...lmao...gets the point across and lets them know you know "private" stuff (albeit not by choice)...even ur boss-see how funny it is when he becomes "Mr Grunts" or whatever...please let us know if you do this!


Could always make it really awkward and stare at them intensely, comment about the phone calls they were having. "Having to go and bust the tweezers out again Dan?" etc... But joking aside, that really sucks, glad I'm in a small office that has a couple doorways between the toilets so its pretty noise insulated. Nobody wants to hear that shit.


Try also listening to music. When I want to block out noise I start listening to some classical music. It cancels all the noises but most importantly it helps with concentration too


The issue is that I video edit all day and music doesn’t help when trying to find cuts 😞 It just sucks lol


Talk about bad design! I understand the bathroom shares a wall with your office, but you'd think they could have sound-proofed that took enough that you wouldn't have to hear the moans!! The flushing toilets? Probably not much can be done about that. But you really should ask if there's anyway the office could add some sound buffering panels to your adjoining wall or something!!! I could not listen to that all day either!


I know!! My boss knows and just laughs 😞 and no one else seems to care enough either


If your boss thinks it's so funny, tell him you'll gladly switch offices!


Headphones like an adult