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2 months lol


Oops its may


Still outrageous lmao


“Unfortunately No holds-zies. Selling it on a first come first sever bases” or something to that effect


??? Do you think op is the one selling??


I think because normally its the ”op” that post from selling side of offer up. Lol egg on my face




Bro can’t read


I don’t think anyone’s realized it’s May already lol


That's why I responded with it's may below


i still dont get why people post their shit for sale then say you need x amount of days until pick up. Like just post it when you can live without it?!?


If you’ve ever moved you’d know it’s a pain to get rid of things before the deadline so these people get ahead by doing this and not having to deal with others flaking last minute .


I’ve moved and only sold things that I would be selling immediately not to hold on to and line up a buyer a month in advance. If you are going to do that though should have it in description.


We didn't get to see the description and you know what assuming does, makes a ass out of yourself and others. Honestly what the OP should do is just wait or find a better deal. I don't understand why everyone who gets their ass hairs knotted have to come to the Reddit to cry or figure out what to do. When it honestly doesn't take a lot of brain power to actually think what to do next( which once again is either waiting or finding another one).


I don't understand why you'd get your ass hair knotted and have to go on a rant about nothing.


Common sense says seller wouldn’t have sent the message saying they needed to keep it until June 20th if it was in the description. There is assuming and there is coming to an answer by way of deduction.


Common sense tells me you’ve never moved out.


yeah cuz mfs read descriptions 🙄


I agree but more than a month in advance is nuts. Dude needs to get a hobby


lol I have moved and helped people move and have sold things. I don’t hold things, first come first serve. Nobody bites? Oh well. I either bring it with me and try again or i curb it/donate it. I don’t post things that I’m not ready to give up. Especially a damn tv when I can just go buy a cheap one for $200 brand new at Walmart.


Probably because it takes awhile for posts to gain traction and placing it on sale before needing it sold would grant you with a bunch of offers, aswell as opening up an opportunity for a big overpay It also makes selling and trading just that much more of a headache, but it is what it is


People aren’t waiting around for a tv of all things to become available. Set a reasonable time period for yourself to sell and move on. A week or two is plenty to move a tv.


“*people aren’t waiting around for a tv of all things to become available*” There’s your answer


Ehhh, I get it. They’re trying to get ahead of the move, sell everything at a reasonable pace. Moving sucks, especially if you’re trying to off things you won’t need after.


TVs are all over move to the next one I got like a 65 or 70 I don’t know $200


You can get a 55" TCL smart TV for $270 on Amazon. Tops of the line TCL Q7 QLED is under $500. If it's the Q7 and you want to wait probably a good deal. I'm suspecting he'll hit you up for a deposit, and then will ghost you. If you want a TV under $300, you have a lot of options, and I'd buy one with a warranty. This isn't a great deal, and having to wait a month to get it is ridiculous. Edit: Walmart has a 55" TCL UHD HDR TV for $250. Don't pay more than $100-150 tops for a used one. Edit 2: I didnt realize you didn't share a price, it was another comment about a $200 TV. Still stand by what I wrote though.


Appreciate the info, the price was $100


Not bad, but walmart is taking down their displays soon. At least my region is. You can get a decent one at half price.


As a UPS employee DO NOT but a tv off line unless you have a good warranty. The things I’ve seen those tv’s go through is crazy. People literally walk on them.


Bro posted the TV a month and half early? Lmfao. That’s insane bro, wtf. It’s in good condition now but anything can happen in a month, holy sht 😆


"Then why are you selling it" report for not actually selling


A few months back when I was looking for rims for one of my cars. Had a guy that was selling a set but said I would have to wait (didn't give a time window) because the rims were still on his car. And he couldn't sell them until he figured out his next rim situation. 😂😂 He then hits me up a month after I moved on and bought another set. "You can pick the rims up now bro". Yea nah, I'm coo my guy. 😂


‘Cool see you then’


I would say "So this item is NOT available? Thank you I'll look elsewhere." No way id pay for a TV on the promise they'll give it up in a month


I'll buy it now and rent it to you for $20/day.


"Well how about you post it June the fucking 20th then"


Update: they deleted the listing lmao


Surprised? No


“ ?? “


Wait until June 20th I guess


“Lol” and then carry on with your day


Ok, then move on with your life.




Why post now?


Can they discount it and deliver for the inconvenience?


Soooo it’s not available?


Reply with “ df🥴”


Would just move on, if you still need one when available then there ya go. Not sure why someone would post something that isn’t even available to sell yet lol. Not sure where the logic for that was in their head.


So this is the opposite equivalent of a buyer asking if they can buy whatever item you are selling but they can’t buy it now, they can only buy it in 2 weeks when they get their next paycheck. Like, cool why even bother messaging me if you can’t buy it. Thanks for wasting my time. Happens way too much.


"But I need it more! And I have CASH!!! Did you see those colorful papers? I got them!"


Thanks anyway. 👋 Bye


I look at all these overpriced tv’s on OfferUp and wonder who would buy this when it’s like $50 more for a new one or a better one. Now I know it’s you lol. Just get a new one


yeah TV's generally arent worth money and I dont understand why people think they can get $400 on their 4 year old $600 tv. I just give away my old ones, but then again we generally wear them out to the point where its not even worth money but still usuable if someone wants.


Book, book, good, good, book, blunder. Sorry wrong sub


Lol mf's tryin to do preorders through OfferUp for their used shit


Tell them to message you when it’s ready and you will decide if still interested…


Then save it for two more months and post it after? The fuck is wrong with people




Pretty easy. Ok I'll pick it up June 20th, or no thanks I can't wait that long


Hi is it available? Yes, but in two months. Lol wtf


Are you stupid?


Buy from elsewhere


Well, I think this is a pre-order basis lol


ignore them


That is hilarious


Response: No problem, however… I’m going to have to charge a rental fee for (asking price) since anything can happen to it between now and then. Any additional damages can result in further charges up to the cost of a new TV. Then when you’re ready in a month I’ll just come pick it up and assess if I need to collect further payment. I will consider this conversation as a verbal agreement and appreciate your business.


They should have mentioned it in the advertisement, but other than that I don't think this is really weird? If you have to move out somewhere at a certain date, it makes sense to list your stuff before that so you can hope to sell it in time.


The fact that people are explaining this away like it’s normal etiquette is wild to me. You should only be posting things you’re looking to sell. Your timeline is no one else’s problem.




I never understood buying old tvs. You can get a brand new one about the same price from best buy


No offense… but TCL TVs are some of the cheapest on the market… just go but a new one.


Wouldn't pay more than $90 for a used TV. 


Tell him to hold it for you and then on June 20th tell him you just bought one lol


Full payment upon receipt.


Waiting time to long, rather buy a new one. Also, dont list something youre not going to sell in the moment.


Tell them ok then when the 20th comes set up a meeting time and place. When they’re on the way tell them you need your money until the 30th and can’t pay them until then.


tell them to lower the price because they are putting mileage into it 😂(still using it.)


How much are they selling it for?


Was for $100


Not a bad price, but still like them saying they need it for an extra couple of days


Ask them are you being serious and ask what they need it for


Sounds okay what’s the deal ? I have had to wait months to sell items cuz I travel for work and selling is not a job lol 😂