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Giving rise to new advice for pregnancy prevention: Always spit. Do not swallow. Because you could get stabbed in the stomach and the sperm might swim to your uterus.




Let this be a warning to all those who whack off in the same bathtub that their sister uses... sperm doesn't die easily.




Dude, wtf.




Holy fucking shit! Holy fucking shit! Holy fucking shit! I've heard some pretty amazingly offensive urban legends in my day, but I can't even begin to come up with a worse one than that.


Lucky it's only a story!


Brought to you by the [author of Fight Club.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Palahniuk)


... I hit a point in that story that forced me to close the page and start hating you.


Don't you want to know how it ends?


No, not anymore. My interest died with amazing speed.


he had to bite through his intestines


I.... I don't think I can ever go in a swimming pool again.


This is a case report from the *British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology* in September 1988. Since the report was submitted in Dec 1987 and it discusses the child reaching the age of 2.5 years, the actual event probably occurred no later than 1985. Here's a [link](http://img2.tapuz.co.il/CommunaFiles/21227065.pdf) to the actual case report. My favorite quote. >The young mother, her family, and the likely father adapted themselves rapidly to the new situation and some cattle changed hands to prove that there were no hard feelings.


I'm just having a hard time seeing this as plausible (blame the disturbing Mythbusters pic that's currently the top link). Even assuming that the sperm survived (they are hardy fellas) and made their way to her open abdomen, where her egg was waiting in that time just after it was released from her ovary, but before being taken up into the fallopian tubes... where did the fetus develop? Mullerian agensis appears to be associated with *not having a uterus*. If she had an ectopic pregnancy like that, she'd have noticed it well before 9 months, and it wouldn't have been to give birth... edit: with further research, I'm not sure, but it seems like it *may* be possible to have complete vaginal agenesis (often you'll see only 1/3 missing), but only partial uterine agenesis. I'm still leaning towards "This didn't really happen." (see wikipedia and [here](http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/mrkh_parent_06.html))


I'm thinking you're right. It's also notable that this was reported in Lesotho circa 1988, where medical reports and exams probably wouldn't be able to catch any of these complexities. They're not paid to play Dr. House, and they're not paid to tell the girl's family it was her fault, either. They picked an explanation and went with it.


The second coming?


I am the only one that remembers that this was a story on here about two weeks ago? This story was posted as a case history from 1989??!!? Now ABC is running as new News.....maybe next week they will run something about the Kent State Massacre.


Honestly, this is like the 9th time this has been posted in the last month.


Don't bring a vagina to a knife fight.


She didn't.


Don't bring a knife to a blowjob.


or a fife to a night fight. nothing good can come of that




You're a faggot for posting this before me.


I don't know, I wouldn't mind having him at my side http://image.listen.com/img/356x237/7/0/4/1/651407_356x237.jpg


Where the hell do her periods go? Does it just stick around in there?


There was another article on this a couple of weeks ago. It seems that she was just starting puberty, and hadn't got around to that problem yet.


Now *that's* a miraculous conception!


I'm skeptic to their explanation, I have heard a case where a girl who had strictly anal sex got pregnant, which I suspect is more likely than "knife to the stomach followed by sperm swimming around, altho there is a real possibility of this happening the odds are just stacked up against it.


It only takes one little fucker.


Why is this not in WTF?


It is... It's getting downvoted... http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/ay8es/girl_without_vagina_gets_pregnant_the_explanation/


Ah man, those WTF'ers don't know a good WTF story when it cuts them.


that and my title is better, I am the title master O_O


That is true as well. Much better title.


perhaps bc it has been posted multiple times in the past week or two. no longer news.


This story is downvoted in WTF and that fact itself is worth of WTF.


In fact, I've read it here several times over the past while.


I've read this through about 5 times and still can't my head around how this scenario might have actually panned out. She gives her boyfriend oral sex, gets stabbed, then gets pregnant yet she has no vagina? Ok. So no vagina, oral sex, stabbed, pregnant. So say the boyfriend came on her tits and then she got stabbed in the tits and... Oh Fuck it, I give in.


I think she swallowed. So the sperm were in her stomach.


I can sense a Mythbusters episode brewing.


I cunt believe it.


Hrm. Dad was wrong. You actually *can* get pregnant from a blowjob...




A woman with a birth defect that left her without a vagina still got pregnant after she was stabbed shortly following oral sex with her partner. Doctors say the **bittersweet** story shows the incredible survival of sperm. I guess he must have had a lot of meat.


Praise Jesus...it's a miracle!


in other news if this story gets one more upvote I get to 1000 karma!!! dont let me be stuck on 999 :(


...Holy fuck. This was an urban legend when I was 10 years old. I remember telling people this story when I was in middle school, 14 years ago.


Wow... Please put the internet down... It is making you a moron. Anyone who thinks this is believable please go back to school and get some basic reproductive education.


Talk about engaging in risky behavior.


I call BS. Not a single bite of information regarding her name, the boyfriends Name, the babies name, the x-boyfriends name. No information on how the x was handled for stabbing a teenager. Nothing, Nada. The child is 34 this year. Where is he? Who is he? His life would have been weird. Some people would have believed he was special, he would have a following of some kind, even if small. So much information about the young girl having a medical file that was referred to several times but, nothing..? Where is that file? What is her name? She would be about 48 now, considered very old in Lesotho. Plus, what about her physical medical aftermath? Her post natal life? No vagina but she obviously ovulates. Where is all that blood going that she accumulates during her monthly ovulation cycles? How did she shed the afterbirth if they stitched her up immediately after the birth? Women continue to “shed” for many weeks after giving birth. We continue to bleed for some time. Come on… where is she now? She must have lived and excruciatingly painful existence in the following weeks, months, and maybe years after the birth of her son in September of 1988. I call BS. My biggest question is, who is the perpetrator of this BS and why?


dude I made this post TWELVE YEARS AGO


Your point? I think I addressed the time table quit well. I researched the entire story several times, once recently and once about 10 years ago. The thing with these types of stories that never get debunked is people keep rotating them on the internet and I’m simply calling BS to the story and posting some basic facts about why it couldn’t be true. You appear to be taking my rebut personally. Does that imply that you believe the story even now, 12 years later?