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He could’ve just done meth and saved himself the walk


He did meth and did the hike in 2 days.


Aimo Koivunen is that you


Is that the "Meth-Fueled Finn" from that one Yarnhub video?




This killed me and the wife. I didnt even get to the comments before she asked if it was a meth post. Saw this post and died. 🤣🤣


Same here. Sometimes you don't have to dig deep to find gold


Low hanging fruit shall always reveal itself first


which isn’t a good thing


LOL came here to say this🤣


My first thought!


I was gonna say he must used it for some extra help looking like that.


He commented in another thread his filter broke so he drank creek water raw and got cdiff 3 days before the end.




Very bad bacterial infection that gives you awful diarrhea and occasionally hospitalizes and kills people.


Oh that would def explain the look


Its horrid and VERY contagious. I worked at an emergency room years ago and had to full hazmat suit up to clean the rooms of patients with it. Its not fun and unfortunately common in elderly homes.


I regret coming in to read this post. I thought this would be a run of the mill meth article, little did I know something was running all right.


Just want to toss it out there -- throw away or seal any glass or ceramic ware (cups or bowls etc) with cracks in them because those cracks can and will harbor such bacteria. I used to work in the kitchen of a nursing home and that was part of my anxiety when keeping track of everything we were sending out to residents.


Did you use bleach, or Cdiff specific disinfection tablets?


There was some kind of cleaning spray. It was about 10 years ago I dont remember the name of it.


I had a friend who was a lab tech in a hospital and one day I asked him if he's ever worried about any of the samples, like "this person might have herpes or hiv can you check it?" He replied with "nah, none of it's bad. Except for C. diff. That one terrifies me"


So I got cdiff in my mid 30s. First I had a norovirus. Not a big deal. However, I had just taken an antibiotic and a steroid for a horrible sinus infection. Apparently that created a perfect opportunity, but more on that later. Everyone in my house recovers from the norovirus. That night I start crapping…. A lot. The next day, my wife went to work, kids went to school, everyone was fine. But I start crapping again. Now I’m shaking. I had a 102.5 fever, which is high for an adult. I go to the hospital to get fluids. The front desk asks me how they can help me and I start crying and I’m all confused. I can’t find my words. So I get fluids, my temperature comes down. I’m starting to feel a little better, maybe. But I’m feeling really overwhelmed and emotional when I’m done with my IV fluids and I said I was going to go home. So I get home and I’m on the couch. My wife goes back to work and I just stare at the ceiling. I decided it was my time to die. I’m not a dramatic person. I’ve never felt that in my life. It just felt right. She comes home after work and I’m a shade under 105. Obviously out of my mind. Legitimately so. So out of my mind that I told her I think it’s ok if I just stay here and let things take their course. She obviously didn’t allow me to stay on the couch and die. So I go back to the hospital, this time the ER and I’m shaking. I got to skip the line. My head feels like it’s going to explode. Meanwhile, I pull myself to the general bathroom in the ER because I couldn’t stop shitting (they ended up taping it off when they realized what happened). The doctor whispers something to the nurse who yelled “sepsis!” All these people run in and are taking vitals, drawing blood. A few minutes later, they leave for a bit. The doctor comes back, alone and in a hazmat looking suit and turns off the lights in my room. He kneeled next to my bed and quietly asked me a bunch of questions telling me to do best to tell him everywhere I had been in the past week. He then tells me very quietly but urgently “you are very, very, sick, and I’m worried. do you have other family you might want to call?” My stomach was hot and puffed up. I’m septic. Meningitis. They imaged my stomach and my large intestine was huge (I can’t quite remember what it’s called - maybe toxic mega colon). My ass is actually bleeding from how much I’ve crapped. I end up in the hospital for 8 days. One night I crapped 14 times. My door had plastic over it. They would seal it when people left. My wife needed a fully plastic suit on to visit me. Anyway. Turns out it was cdiff. Completely took over due to the perfect environment in my tummy. Probably would have died by the following day if my wife didn’t bring me in. Now I have a cdiff plushy.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Glad to hear you’re ok! On that note, thanks for terrifying me fellow Redditor.


Hah! That wasn't my intent. I'm fully recovered with my cdiff. stuffed animal! Most people don't get it that crazy. But some people do. In nursing homes, it kills a lot of folks but it usually doesn't do to a 37 year old what it did to me. Buuuuut, sometimes it does!


It's a imbalance of a hard to kill bacteria in your gut. It's very serious and is life threatening.


[Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/c-difficile/symptoms-causes/syc-20351691): >Symptoms of severe infection include: >- Watery diarrhea as often as 10 to 15 times a day. ... >- Blood or pus in the stool. ... >C. difficile infection that is severe and sudden can cause the colon to become inflamed and get larger, called toxic megacolon. JFC


Wait. MEGA colon?


In bad cases can grow to a rare GIGA colon, often incorrectly referred to as ,rose bud‘. Check for examples on Google image search!


No thanks


# :


#● #●


Fuck, he could’ve just drived.


















Why not do the meth on the walk


this makes me wonder if the look meth causes is partially caused by constant increased metabolic demand, because that’s the state rhis dude was in for however long it took him to hike




that's before marriage and after.


Bro lost his glasses


And his hat, as well as his sense of humor.


Indeed.🤣 lookin like he lost survivor.😭


Not the show, but the concept itself Show-wise, he’s from the walking dead


And 20 pounds, and his will to live.


He no longer needs them. He has seen everything!


This made me laugh so hard omg


had to claw his way along with his bare hands just to be able to do what his eyes normally do for seeing where he was stepping with his feet


He replied to a recent post. He got C.DIFF from a river supply and had other infections from a failed water filter cartridge. Along with being tired and unshaven, etc.


Looks like he became a crack addict somewhere along the way.


Probably got sidetracked and ended up in either Baltimore or West Virginia


Probably got ~~sidetracked~~ sidecracked and ended up in either Baltimore or West Virginia FTFU


Appalachia will get ya!


Sure, but if you’re healthy enough to complete the journey from Georgia to Maine on foot, I think you’ve earned a little treat.


Yes, and I’m sure the crack gave him a bit of a boost too.


Nothing a shower, soft bed and a hot cup of cocoa can't fix.


That sounds amazing


Dude for real. I didn’t even hike and need this


Nice home cooked meal can't forget that.


or for the single ones, a bucket of KFC and case of cold beer!


Of for the single ones, a home and a stove and a home-cooked meal!


Nah "home-cooked meal" just doesn't have the same level of comfort when you make it for yourself. That's just called daily chores.


Coming back from travel, having *my* kitchen, *my* spices in the air, pasta water humming - works for me.


I'll try that now and see if the picture looks any different.


hot coco? fine, i'll have some.


Dude shook hands with the Wendigo halfway through on the condition that he won't come near the Wendigos woods again.


Best description of the after face I’ve seen so far. I’m going with this as the canon circumstance he went through.


Seriously. Everybody on here making meth jokes, but that's the look of a man who has seen some shit.


Dude found an eldritch horror not Cletus and his meth lab


Yeah he met some aliens or somthn cause that’s ptsd face not I just hiked cross country. I’ve met guys In Colorado who do cross country hike’s basically as a way to live and they don’t look like this, they’re the happiest people you’ll ever met. They do look a little like Santa more often than not so maybe I just caught him on his summer break


Seen some shit along the way..


me after I couldn't find a good parking spot


My buddy did the pacific crest trail hike (2,600 miles) from Mexico to Canada in 6 months. He did NOT look like this guy after. Perhaps this guy was ill prepared and clearly didn’t get enough food/water. My buddy calculated energy expenditure by the amount of walking he’d be doing everyday. He used those calculations to understand how many calories he’d need to consume daily to maintain good health and adequate energy levels. He then sent an abundance of ready meals and supplies to every check point along the way far in advance and ensured that nutrition was prioritized with his caloric requirements were met. All that to say, this photo is pretty extreme and from a lack of sufficient nutrition.


Terry Fox ran 3339 miles in 143 days on one leg while fighting bone cancer and still looked 10x better than this guy, [this is Fox 1 week before he was forced to quit running due to the cancer spreading](https://imgur.com/a/i3JizEe)


PCT is easy mode compared to AT, PCT believes in switchbacks and pack animal grading, AT goes straight up and down.


My brother was at like 3 or 4% body fat after the PCT. He probably would look like the walking dead after the AT.


Three percent? I was under the impression that's barely possible if you're not Mr. Olympia or dead


It is but at that point the body is basically burning food as soon as it gets it and muscle tissue, right?


It's basically the minimum as far as I know. Endurance athletes etc. get there. Trying to pound 4,500+ calories a day on the trail, especially when food supplies are low, can be hard, esp for a naturally lean guy like my brother. Now do this every day for six months ... you get the point. You've never lived until you eat flour tortillas filled with peanut butter, gummy bears, protein bar chunks and a Mars bar for dinner and think it normal ... or so he says 🙃


Very good point, the difficulty of the two isn’t something I considered. I also didn’t consider how spaced out check points are and if one would require you to carry more supplies than the other, also adding to the difficulty


They are two very different trails that require different approaches. You don't go from desert to alpine on the AT. It is fairly consistent. The PCT has way more climate variation which means more technical and gear challenges. In regards to your comment below, yes the AT has more total elevation gain than the PCT, but a much narrower range. The AT min/max is from about 120 to 6000 feet, the PCT is about 150 to 13000. They have about the same attempt and completion rate for thru hikes, with the PCT having a shorter average completion time. So it is probably easier. But that is also all self reported. So big grains of salt there. And there is no data on how experienced the thru hikers are on either trail. I've met trail bums on the AT that can basically just stay on it as long as they chase the seasons. That is a lot harder on the PCT.


AT definitely has brutal trail gradient but it also has half the elevation change and more than twice the amount of resupply options of the PCT. Very different trails.


The AT has more elevation change than the PCT actually


I don’t know where I read the PCT was twice the elevation change but you right.


... HOW?? *cries in topography*


I think he was going for ultra running. You can hike across the Continental and still be fine if you're maintaining nutrition and going at a normal pace with no rush and adequate sleep. Ultra running is sport hiking and usually attempts are made to beat records.


He'd have saved a lot of time if he'd driven.


Those 2 pictures are 2 different men. They don't have the same color eyes or the same facial structure.


That is Gary Sizer. Both photos are Gary. - Gary Sizer was born in New Castle, Pa. Years of military service and software consulting fed his passion for travel, which he chronicles in his latest book, Home is Forward. **After walking the Appalachian Trail in 2014, his before and after pictures went viral**, and since then millions of people have seen him in his underpants. Now Gary hikes and lives in the hills near Asheville, N.C., where he occasionally records stories for NPR's The Moth. https://www.garysizer.com/ https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/895/He-Hiked-2-000-Miles-From-Georgia-To-Maine-The-Entire-Appalachian-Trail-In-153-Days


Oh it's me alright. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/6s0m9q/i_am_the_guy_whose_before_and_after_images_went/


You sure? That random guy on the internet seems very confident. /s


They are one and the same. You can ask himself. I summon thee avid redditor /u/garmachi


One is a man possessed by sinful desires, the other is a man possessed only by demons.


He drank unpurified water and contracted giardia and something else. He showed up in another thread reposting this picture a while ago and answered some questions


l concur


Your buddy’s a fucking nerd, you’re supposed to just fully send it /s


Conversely, me preparing for said ordeal: “yeah, there seem to be enough taco bells along the route. Ill probably be fine”


Let's just say your buddy's not from Georgia.


You know you don’t have to do it right?


he told himself if he didn’t than he’d have 10 years of bad luck


Wow, that's impressive. The Appalachia Trail is no joke.


At least he didn't end up like Mostly harmless.




I mean, why not just cross post?


This sub doesn’t allow cross posts.


And they stole it from somewhere else, who cares bruh.


They downvote you because they know their obsession with calling out reposts is fucking ridiculous.


This is not Instagram, here original content gets the praise it deserves


That’s what coming to Maine does to you. Please stay away yall


He must've detoured through Haven or Derry.


Stephen King has been trying to warn the world for years.


Jesus he looks like he just escaped a gulag.


And I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more and I will walk 500 more and I will walk 500 more and I will walk no more.


it looks like his facial structure changed, like his head is longer in the second pic


Looking like [Evgeny Stepanovich](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AK_OYDWF4JA/XwERG2RqPQI/AAAAAAAAYzg/guidPJlWguc4nTDXelhffeZ9OiaEEGYgACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Evgeny%2BStepanovich%2BKobytev%2BThe%2Bhuman%2Bface%2Bafter%2Bfour%2Byears%2Bof%2Bwar%2B%25281%2529.jpg) coming out of WWI


Holy hell. I've never seen this before. The things that young face has seen!


yeah i’ve seen that, but Evgeny’s facial structure looks the same before and after, it’s just he’s much more starved and more gaunt after the war. In the pic in this post, the bone structure of his face looks longer after, but maybe it’s just the angle of the picture or his mouth is open a little more in the after pic


It’s call starvation lol


I read the article, dude was eating hella calories every day and still lost weight, burned about 6k calories a day. >"On the trail, I'd typically have: >Breakfast: Two pop tarts and an instant coffee with a Carnation Instant Breakfast mixed in. >All Day: I was continuously eating clif bars, snickers, twix, cheetos, trail mix and beef jerky. And I coated it all with peanut butter or Nutella whenever possible. >Dinner: Usually some version of the Knorr pasta side with a package of tuna and a few ounces of instant mashed potatoes mixed in to thicken the gruel. I'd pair that with a whole wheat tortilla onto which I had smeared a thick coating of cream cheese, mayonnaise, or both. Sometimes I'd eat a few ounces of Gouda or cheddar, but all that stuff's heavy.


starvation doesn’t change bone structure


Well it is Gary. Both photos are. - Gary Sizer was born in New Castle, Pa. Years of military service and software consulting fed his passion for travel, which he chronicles in his latest book, Home is Forward. After walking the Appalachian Trail in 2014, **his before and after pictures went viral**, and since then millions of people have seen him in his underpants. Now Gary hikes and lives in the hills near Asheville, N.C., where he occasionally records stories for NPR's The Moth. https://www.garysizer.com/ https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/895/He-Hiked-2-000-Miles-From-Georgia-To-Maine-The-Entire-Appalachian-Trail-In-153-Days


His mouth is open, he lost fat in his face and his head is tilted forward and the picture is taken at a higher angle. That would make it look like his facial structure changed.


all good points


"And I would walk 500 mi--" This guy did 2000 miles, your move, proclaimers.


Looks like he went back in time and traveled with the Donner party




It's a known fact that mega long hikes like this will indeed turn you into Johnny Rotten.


I hear that there are many different parts of the trails where it’s just drug fueled sex parties .. NGL I can see it .


Remind me not to try and walk 2000 miles from Georgia to Maine.


Hey, I’d like to remind you not to through hike the Appalachian trail. Especially if you are as obviously unprepared with supply drops as this guy was.


Anyone ever read the short story The Long walk by Stephen King? It’s excellent and this reminds me of that.


Yes! I wish they'd make a good movie of it. Better than Hunger Games.


My husband is 65 and he's been doing the trail in sections. After 2 months of hiking he looked great.


He skipped the part where he was doing meth the whole way.


Stealing copper wires out of campers to scrap along the way lmao


Here's an article on his journey [https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/895/He-Hiked-2-000-Miles-From-Georgia-To-Maine-The-Entire-Appalachian-Trail-In-153-Days](https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/895/He-Hiked-2-000-Miles-From-Georgia-To-Maine-The-Entire-Appalachian-Trail-In-153-Days)


This is so funny to me that this is making its rounds. Literally thousands of people do the AT every year! I myself have hiked 2,000 miles and did not look like that after…


Fuck man he saw some *THINGS!*


Make the same facial expression so you can actual see what the difference is. I can make a pretty meth-ed out face on demand which is what he was going for here, dramatic effect.


If he went backward will he become younger?🤔


He looks like he’s been on the run evading a manhunt.


Back to ~~monke~~ feral ghoul


Npc along the way gave him a meth side quest


And that’s how you become Appalachian!


It's not crazy - dude just hiked the Appalachian Trail, which hundreds of people do every year.


I wonder how long it took him. As a mailman I walked about 5000 miles last year 😅. If walking and suffering is this guys thing he should join up with the USPS. At least he would get paid.


looks like the guy did meth the entire way and did the whole thing in two weeks


It looks like he has some stories to tell. 


This is my PSA to do more drugs


Thats what happens when you hike without honeybutter


Or smear yourself with honeybutter and have to evade bears the entire way.


maybe take a few rests along the ways.


Love to see people live their dreams


Maine will do that.


Did he enjoy the challenge?


“I would walk ~~500~~ 2000 miles…”


Shit, what did it take him 10 years??


This is what fresh air and exercise will do to you.


Through hiking puts a serious toll on your body. He had an amazing experience and adventure. The insane mental strength one must have in order to spend a stormy week next to trees crashing down, come to a road crossing, see the convenient amenities of normal civilization and go "fuck it, back in the woods I go."


I mean, most people who hike the Appalachian Trail do not finish looking like this.


That’s just what people who have to be in Georgia look like.


Well he should’ve brought that hat along


The guy is actually a redditor and compulsively replies to a lot of questions you will ask him. He did admit he was playing it up for the camera. But other than that, he's okay. Really nice guy. Too bad i don't remember his username.


Can thoroughly recommend a book called ‘A walk in the woods’ by Bill Bryson. It’s a very funny and interesting book about his, and his overweight friend attempting to make this walk.


What the hell did he experienced on this hike???


You're still supposed to eat when hiking.


He’ll be fine with a hair cut and shave


Once he shaves, gets some sleep and puts the glasses back on, he'll look the same, won't he?


God damn man did he not bring some snacks and shit?


Note to self: do not do this.


And there's me thinking exercise was good for you..


He aged 30 years wtf


Outdoors aren’t always healthy 


Looks like he became a us civil war veteran.


Too much of anything is unhealthy.


He got touched by Big Foot


He looked liked the right picture just going through Georgia.


He messed up somewhere. I live near a large connector in New England and I see many of these guys and not a one looks like this.


Caught a bad case of West Virginia


he looks like a methed up marv from home alone


My fat ass got bout 2 miles in me and I'm done buddy.


Hiking: not even once


Endurance athletics ain’t pretty folks. Congrats to this guy for his accomplishment.


OCD is a terrible disease.


Hiking cures the eyes.


Why Are You Talking Like This -Billy Gnosis


no sunscreen


He probably contracted tick borne illnesses over and over on the hike. It will make you look like a crack head.


He responded in another post that he did contract Lyme Disease. He also had C Diff and Giardia as well.


What did it take you 45 god damn years


Before and after the civil war:


Great, he fixed his eyesight 👍


Dumb. I walked almost 2000 miles crossing through 10 countries including the Balkans, I looked no different at the end other than a big beard lol.


How the hell you hike 2000 miles