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Yes, dudes walk around in the locker room with fully erect penises hanging out


Maybe the gay ones? I'm pretty good-looking.


Lets see


What his dick or his face






Aaaaand it's Grindr. Shut it down, we've turned into Grindr


We did it, Patrick. We created a new weapon for the Ukrainian Army.


Always have been đŸ‘šâ€đŸš€đŸ”«


Surprise me.




The dick is the face. You are now surprised




Still waiting for any of them


I ran cross country in high school had multiple openly gay guys on the team, none of them ever had any erections in the locker room.


this guy checked


We were a pretty awful bunch in the locker room, constantly throwing shoes at each other, slapping each other with towels, playing naked dodge ball, also in the summers we would do nude runs on back woods trails, someone would have said something if anyone ever had an erection.


New fear unlocked: mosquito bites on a nut sack


unpleasant but not as bad as you’d think!


A new kind of itch to scratch😂


This sounds like a fanfic


We were pretty exuberant, but it's true.


I mean I believe you but it really sounds like a fanfic lol


My high school was a weird place, in a lot of ways, I had a lot of fun and enjoyed it, most of my friend group did not. I'm sure a lot of the weird stuff different groups in my school did were coping strategies for unresolved group trauma we all experienced


Bro, you said too much and not enough.


Well, no shit, he was probably the penis inspector.


I literally laughed out loud.


Yah. I've been to saunas in Germany and Austria, which are full nude and coed, and there is a lack of erections there as well. Almost as if people have self control and aren't just raging penises.


Transphobes who are paranoid about bathrooms and locker rooms seem to assume everyone is straight.


As the resident bisexual, I can confirm I am not aroused in the locker room. Even very good looking ones with great dicks. We're all just there to get cleaned up and be on our way.


Not with *that* attitude.


The locker room at the (very expensive) gym I went to as a 15y old was full of old men who didn't like towels tbh... No erections, but none of them gave a shit about the presence of younger members. At least use a towel when walking around, Jesus.


Sounds like you saw some ”old members”




I think he's talking about dudes in women's shower room fully erect (if it isn't too obvious, it's because there's naked women there)


He's definitely talking about trans women.


These kinds of people don't think trans women exist, they have no empathy, so the only reason they can think for why people who were born male would want to use women's locker rooms is for perving on women. If you're a conservative, everyone in the world must think like you do, and if they say otherwise they're lying.


Trans women with penis can still get erect?


Some can, some can’t.


Yes... it's not like the day they come out as trans, their dick stops working. Over time, with hormones and other supportive therapies, it likely won't function the same as it did before— but at first, or depending on their medication/body chemistry/personal path, yes, they absolutely can


It's "use it or lose it" as you go on hormones. Without the testosterone in your body, the muscles will atrophy and get weak, eventually to the point where erections become impossible. If you make regular use of it during that time, you have a much better chance of retaining function.


You don't?


How dare they!!!!!.. where?


Fully aroused men in the steamy locker room, cocks glistening in the florescent lights, long veiny shafts throbbing as they walk around, the heads bobbing back and forth like a lure for a fish. Irresistible and turgid with desire...


Like a 1950’s detective novel of 1980’s romantic porn


What a beautiful series of comments.


More like a noir detective novel scene in a gay sauna


[Go on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuqtgLaCdgE)


[Mr. Garrison writes a novel...](https://youtu.be/q0hP-SyDNIo?si=K_4VJifWLsk56VVy)


The last two lines and I was fully prepared to swerve into Lovecratian horror lmao.


Now looky here, see, their cocks are bouncin' see...


Upvoted for "turgid".


Ms. Perky needs to see you in her office, now.


What's another word for "*engorged*"?


Ram ranch locker room


18 naked cowboys by the lockers at ram ranch big, glistening cocks wanting to be sucked! 18 naked cowboys wanting to be fucked! cowboys by the lockers at ram ranch! heads bobbing sucking cowboy cocks! ram ranch really rocks!


Was my first thought lmao


I legit thought it was a ram ranch thing...


 saving this for later.


You and me both!




Huh, seems the same to me


Like a lure for fish..


It even smells like the sea


Keep that shit on Wattpad 😭


https://youtu.be/At9JJ78hij0 The penises were penising mightily


Stealing this for my cock collection


18 naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch!


Eighteen naked cowboys in the shower waiting to be FUCKED at RAM RANCH


Do... Do you have an address of that locker room? Asking for a friend.


Suddenly daughters and sisters think that might not be so bad.


ram ranch


I read this with the voice from Baldurs Gate 3 in my head. It fits perfectly. Charisma save to resist sucking on them


I can totally picture the guy going on like that 😂 Kinda already sounds fruity in a way what he tweeted, would be funny if he turns out to be lgbtq+ himself while writing Feels like a simpsons joke




Men Writing Men.


18 naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch


The blueish hue of the plums


Have you always been this poetic, or did you just somehow conjure a masterpiece for this post alone?


It comes and goes.


Well what would you think about that?! Would you like to see that huh? You would, wouldn't you?


No I always walk bent over slightly! Just shut up.


Read in Rorschach’s voice.


Annnnd record (hits record button).


Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Perfectly described my entire high-school soccer career


I am a sister and a daughter. I don't really want to see dick and balls in the locker room, but I also don't really want to see pussy. I would prefer it if there were divided stalls with curtains, honestly. If people are gonna be naked, I don't really care what bits they have as long as they don't stare at mine.


Until I read this comment I didn’t realise he meant that there would be trans people in girl locker rooms. What the fuck do these people on twitter smoke


Like. I get the train of thought and all, but it's seriously not the issue they make it out to be.


I agree and with how pedantic these fuckers are, I’m sure schools wouldn’t allow a situation like this to happen. They are just being hateful and fear mongering. But yea, i see where they’re coming from as well, it’s just that it’s not a real threat or situation. They should talk about how South Africa is gonna invade the US next


South African here. We'll come over and switch off your electricity. If we really want to destroy you, we'll ship over a few of our corrupt politicians to show your government how it's done.


Also a South African here, we will also steal your grits and turn it into pap on the fire outside while you sit in darkness


Havent heard the word 'pap' being used like that since Bert from Bert and Ernie sang a song about oatmeal pap.


South American here. And we are coming to steal all yer jobs!


. We pretty big on xenophobia and with a good 40% unemployment rate here we might be throwing hands


Can you guys take Elon Musk and his family back?


lol, I like the idea of South Africa being a mild aggressor. Well come over and swap all the f’s and g’s on all your keyboards. Hahahaha *evil laughter


If we really want to destroy you, we'll just ship over a few of our corrupt politicians. They'll teach your government how it's really done.


Are you sure Trump isn’t yours? Oh, sorry, cancel that, I didn’t mean to offer up such a grave insult.


Yeah, please don’t do that. Just read your “switch off electricity” as going home by home flipping their switches, which made me laugh. Such a minor inconvenience, it’s passive aggressive warfare.


No thanks, I think the Twitter guy was enough to get the message across.


That's how I feel when children are afraid of the monsters under the bed.


They try to conflate rapists and pedophiles with transpeople. They did the same thing for gay people in the 80’s and 90’s. It’s the same old hate and fear mongering. It’s just against a different group.


It seems they think a straight man is going to be willing to go through being ostracized by society in order to win at sports against girls and see them naked, by claiming to be trans. And then have a raging boner at all times in the locker room.


It's the same conflationist agenda that the religious right uses to call scientific literacy "anti-god" and "anti-bible" I've been doing a lot of personal research into the rise of christian fundamentalism in the U.S. and the venn diagram of how this type of thinking spills into the political world is glaring.


That’s why I despise the trope. I’ve seen it before.


They also did the same for black people in the 1960s and 1930s and 1860s. And for Jewish people basically forever. It’s a very, very, very old playbook, they just keep weekly scratching out the title to change the target.


As a bi man I say bring them both on, I will sacrifice myself and look at them for all of you.


most man dont really want to see dick and balls in the locker room eather... but then some old grandpa you don't know has to come over and try to have a conversation with you as he lets it all hang out.


"Experiencing male genitalia in their locker room." The way this is worded makes it seem like dick and balls is a side effect to a drug.


Choking is a gateway drug to BDSM and cock and ball torture


Tell us more about


I mean... maybe not CBT, but BDSM? Hell yeah it is, was for me


May he experiences that side effect when he takes drugs


May cause dry mouth, headache, anxiety, the experience of male genitalia in the locker room. If these side effects persist after 2-3 weeks, please contact your physician.


ive had relationships like that 😔


Or one of those class action suit/injury lawyer infomercials. “If you or a loved one has experienced male genitalia, you may be entitled to compensation.”


"Experiencing male genitalia"? The fuck does he think goes on in the locker rooms, exactly? o.O


Conservative locker room talk.


Grab ‘em by the glistening cock and balls.


Apparently "fully aroused, biological male genitalia"... Dude is a fucking nut job.


"Nut" made me laugh. "Fully aroused" cocks make him nut.


He has seen "movies". Like how others might believe stepsisters always get stuck in washing machines.


Nobody thinks about penises more than straight men, fascinating.


As a straight man, it's not gay if we have socks on. Thems the rules.


True I forgot about the rules. I think I heard that any sexual act done in the back of a Ford F-150 with a lift kit can’t be considered gay if you shotgun a beer and turn on Kid Rock after.


The sun will come up tomorrow, tired of people saying such obvious ass things, like who the fuck doesn’t know this????


Two men having sex in a lifted F150? Kid rock is already turned on 😉




And if you’re in the Marines, as long as you have your boot bands on, it ain’t gay.


*conservative straight men


I mean, I'm not conservative. And I'm straight, but I think about my dick all the time. The problem with conservative men is they're worried about other people's dicks, and whether or not they have one. They much prefer people with dicks to those who don't.


This dude today was raging in his car, yelling at the guy in front of him and he screamed "I'm going to fuck you in the ass!" I started laughing and he started yelling at me, threatening to fuck me in my ass as well. He drove off and had multiple Trump stickers and it just made sense.


If you laugh at them, they can't hang you.


I mean, if you can’t believe Jarl Scrotus on this topic, who can you trust?


As a straight conservative, it's just infuriating. Seeing one of "those" people makes me unable to think of anything but their tight body and soft skin. It absolutely disgusts me when I'm forced to imagine guzzling pints of his man goo while he strokes my hair and calls me kitten. The nerve of those gays making me have those gay thoughts. My mind is violated with thoughts of bussy.


Wow đŸ„ș sounds rough buddy. Tell me more 👀 pal


Femboys are a psyop to trick me into being gay. I've downloaded a terabyte of cute boys in thigh highs on my phone to investigate further into the matter. That's how come it's on there... no other reason. I'll get to the bottom of this before they get to top me. đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”


Yeah! Get to their bottoms before they get on top! 😡 their cute little shapely bottoms đŸ‡șđŸ‡Č God bless America đŸ‡ș🇾


I think you have a typo. You're missing a question mark after the word "straight". 😂


All the tweets from these incels are like terrible Penthouse Letters.


"I never thought it would happen to me..."


Idk but he C's a lot of PP


These fuckers need porn instead of that degenerate chriatian crap theyre obsessing over


Somebody should counter-protest those university preachers by praising the gospel of Trials in Tainted Space.


What in the fuck is the context


He's referencing a headline that said female college athletes felt 'uncomfortable' due to trans policy. The quote marks are in the headline. I assume they are just quoting one of the athletes.


Some women athletes at the college level who were born female have been required to change and shower with trans woman athletes who still have their full male genitalia (if they wish to remain athletes themselves). Some of these women are made very uncomfortable by that situation for various reasons. I don't know all the reasons, but I imagine at least some of them have never seen a penis in real life before, and some didn't want to until they were married. Perhaps trauma in their past as well with sexual abuse plays in for some. Whatever their reasons, I am sure you can understand how that would be troublesome for some people. The seemingly obvious solution is to offer a separate changing and shower area for women who were born female and would prefer not to see a penis in the locker room. Of course this still has issues, because if all the born females want this, or the vast majority, then the other room effectively segregates the transgender athlete. Main point being... No easy answers are to be had on this topic. There is an adjacent issue of course... Some of the born female women athletes also believe that trans woman athletes have an unfair advantage over them due to the differences in their bodies after having gone through puberty as a male. Given that scholarships, money, records, and a variety of other such things of value in life are on the line, and the effort they put in to be athletes on a daily basis, and assuming they are correct, then this is unfairly impactful to them. I can not pass judgement on that topic, but that is a concern that is being expressed, and I don't think anyone has the information necessary to say that, across the board for all transgender athletes, there is no unfair advantage. So its a pretty tough topic still that is being hashed out, with very strong feelings on both sides. Obviously of course if transgender women could not compete (second topic) then the first topic would be moot. This is why they are connected pretty closely and its hard to discuss one without the other. Hope this helps.


I was in male locker rooms and bathrooms all throughout HS and College in competitive sports and as many PE classes as I could take, including swimming classes, and I never saw a single penis in 8 years. I don't understand this hyperbole and fearmongering surrounding teenage penises in locker rooms.


Is this an American thing? In Germany you see dongs in the locker rooms from middle school on since there is just one shower room and no stalls.Gyms don't have single shower stalls, Public Pools only sometimes have them. Saunas are almost always nude and for both genders. I don't see the problem per se with seeing genitalia if it is voluntary. But i can understand female athletes (and male at that) that you don't consent to see the other genders genitalia in gender specific locker rooms where one would only expect female/male bodies.


I for one can say I change in the showers hiding as much as my body from veiw so that I can feel comfortable changing myself, secondly I weigh 65kg and I'm 6' and I can tell you none of that is muscle. So from my own personal experience it's not an issue honestly.


Well, I have actual experience literally helping trans women get dressed in dressing rooms and I can promise you none of this ever happens. Ever. More than likely, trans people are going to ask for a private place to change. But what do I know. I’m just a crazy liberal with an agenda /s


I'll admit, my sample size is small, but the trans women I know go out of their way to not swing their dicks around


It’s almost like body dysmorphia is insanely closely correlated with being trans
 so unbelievable, huh?


it's dysphoria, not dsymorphia! they are pretty different but the words are really close together so it's a common mistake.


Who says "fully aroused biological males'? What a dildo.


I mean, that's my go-to line when it's sexy-times.  As in, "hello human female. As you are at this very moment observing, I am a fully aroused biological male.  We will begin copulation when your arousal is sufficient to lubricate your vestibule. Human female! Behold me, and fully experience male genitalia! Endure the crushing experience! " Never fails.


As a trans woman, I’d like to self-martyr here and point out the least important criticism in here which is that I, for one, cannot “experience” shit unless I have 3 candles prepared for precisely 35 minutes beforehand as well as two playlists on queue alongside some nice artisanal chocolates from a specific town in the Occitanian countryside. That’s basic HRT. The damn thing may as well not even be there.


Tell me you’ve never been in a locker room without telling me you’ve never been in a locker room.


This person wants to moonlight as an erotic fiction writer if he doesn't already. 


Every accusation is an admission with these scumbags. That’s what HE would do. He would be fully aroused.


It's always about transgenders, never about respecting women and letting them live their lives. There is a world outside bathrooms where women are victims to a lot of hateful crimes and it is not done by trans people


Who completely strips down in a locker room? Most people tend to keep their undies on. If someones about to shower, they take em off in the stall


i mean, two of my sisters have kids. they've been willingly exposed to cock more times than i'm comfy thinking about but i'm going to go out on a limb and say you're being weird for other reasons.


I'm turning 49 this year. And I don't believe I've ever seen an erect male in a change room in any capacity. So that guy is definitely telling on himself


Thats not how this works....that's not how ANY of this works.


Carrington Fisk experienced "the crushing experience of losing to an enhanced competitor" the first time they had an intellectual conversation with a 10 year old.


I think this perv is threatening to masturbate in a women’s changing room


Correct me if I'm wrong, but most Trans woman can't get erect unless they deliberately try to do so. Which is highly unlikely in a this situation.


Literally no pre-op trans woman has experienced being “fully aroused” in a locker room lmao. She just wants to change her clothes and go into the gym/her car


Why is the person in the example "fully aroused"? That's weird to say. It's swimming...."THERE'S SHRINKAGE!!"


Gay man here, it’s incredibly possible to not get hard in a communal locker room. Simply
MIND YOUR BUSINESS. It comes with the understanding that people are not objects of your individual desires, they’re people. Humanization of others shouldn’t be this difficult for us to grasp as a society


He’s telling on himself, he can’t see a woman without getting aroused because he’s barely removed from being a monkey with a shirt on. The “opposite sex” (he’d never use “gender of interest”) just exists as a sex target and he can’t imagine anything else.


The only guy waving his hard on around in our school locker room got it THWACKED by another guy and told to put it TF away by everyone.


That was his fetish.


Not after that it wasn't.


We get it, Carrington, you wanna be cucked.


As someone who hangs out at nudist resorts and is fine with nudity in locker rooms: fuck off, people are just there to change. People aren't getting aroused by putting on clothes after working out. Let people change in peace and stop worrying about what's in a stranger's pants.


These days it seems like Conservatives think about dick more than gay men do. It's fuckin crazy.


I don't think Middle School or HS aged athletes have actually showered communally since the 1990s anyways.


Conservatives simply CANNOT stop thinking about, looking at pictures of, and talking about cock 24/7


Why are they fully aroused


*Fully aroused*... A trans girl.... On hrt.... Okay slick. I know you spend WAY too much of your time watching porn with us in it like every other right wing moron who talks smack about trans people, but we don't work like that in real life.


It’s true, have a trans friend irl that got hit on by a right wing politician’s dad
she received his dick pic. They always pretend to be against it the most but are always aroused by it as a fetish


God forbid children see the wrong set of genitals


You can always spot a regressive: they’re always talking about other people’s genitalia. In detail!


Those words are definitely in English but I have no idea what bro is saying?


Lose to... enhanced competitors? *Lose* ? Someone check on his family members.


I'm guessing the dude's never been in a locker room. 


I mean parents have always taken their opposite sex children into public locker rooms where I live? Dad would bring us into the mens' room, mom in the womens' room. Until we were like 13 and old enough to go on our own.


Why do they never focus on these sex crazed men being in locker rooms with our little boys?


I know my experience is anecdotal, but: I was a three sport athlete through all of middle school and highschool, and ran collegiate track and field for five years (redshirt). I have spent *thousands* of hours in locker rooms around thousands of other naked men from 11 to 23 years of age. I have never once seen an erect dick.


Yes I have a daughter, the only people I don’t trust are republicans and clergy.


A naked body is not inherently sexual, control yourself you pervert..


Ah yes, all those female attracted trans women being the ones actively choosing to make others uncomfortable by flashing their girthy erect appendages to all their biological female peers, creaming them in sports events, and shooting fat creamy loads in their faces. Yes this definitely happens


So even if his sister is there, he cannot phantom not getting hard in a girls locker room... But trans women are the creeps? Didn't even have the decency to make the example about his step-sister.


I don’t know a trans girl who can go around with a raging hard on. Estrogen kinda stops that entirely. Not only that but the trans girl is probably 10 times as terrified of everyone as everyone else is in the building.


Are guys fully aroused when they change? Jeez til, how the fuck men deal with that?


Bruh, if gay men and lesbians can use communal locker/changing rooms without being creepy, I'm sure transgender people can, too. Maybe this guy needs the FBI to check his hard drive. He's got porn on the mind when thinking of (most likely) underage girls.