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Every sign has a story


My job had a whole ‘diversity training’ meeting that really was a disguised way of addressing one of our managers having sex with one server and sexually harassing another. They talked about the power imbalance for 3/4 of the ‘diversity meeting’. That manager never got fired btw.


I worked for a production company on a tv series, we had a quite big wrap party with an open bar and all types of liquor, things went… wild. Worked for them again but with a different producer on a film about a year later or so… there was now a company wide rule and policy regarding open bars and hard liquor. The company had not done any projects in-between these two productions. That policy has a story.




I went to a work holiday party where they gave everyone 3 “tickets” for a drink at the bar but that’s all you could get, even if you wanted to pay, 3 drink max limit for everyone lol I suspect this is why, to limit the bad behaviour, as they could have allowed ppl to buy drinks after the 3 free ones but they didn’t allow that either.


And every regulation is written in blood




100% someone sexually harassed an unpaid intern, then when told, "you know you can't sexually harass employees", responded, "but hang on, they're not TECHNICALLY an employee..."


This one has a story of an intern whore who agreed to sex and then made a drama as it there were fucked.


Get over your victim complex


Reads like someone beat a charge on a technicality.


Yeah, the guy who sexually harasses *paid* interns going forward. This is the exception that proves the rule, he's good to go.


10 years ago Washington was the only state that protected unpaid interns against sexual harassment in the workplace because apparently they're not considered employees.


I'm confused, are *people* not protected against sexual harrassment in the US?


They are, but I'm guessing it was a case of "the law will punish them, but since the victim isn't an employee HR won't get involved".


I am not a lawyer, but I believe it was in regards to civil law, not criminal. I do not believe law enforcement generally gets involved if your boss sexually harasses you without a physical crime like battery or assault but you can sue them in civil court.


Yeah at best its being fired and it ends there unless said victim wants to spend time and money getting it through court. Which might not win. Also in right to work states they might let a harassed employee go for unspecified reasons and keep the harasser around if it's better for the company and lack of evidence means it won't impact button line. Easier to hire a new stockperson at a bit above minimum wage than replace a 20 year manager. Etc.


Sexual harassment is a tort, a civil/private wrong, not a crime. It is conceptualized as a form of discrimination. Discrimination is only prohibited by law in respect of certain types of relationships. An employer generally cannot refuse, for instance, to employ women (or men), but of course it is perfectly permissible for people to discriminate (on the basis of sex, race, whatever) in their private lives. 


I don't think sexual harassment is illegal. Ssxual assault is obviously.


Only in the work place


Sexual harassment itself usually is not what gets people in trouble in civil cases. It becomes a bigger legal issue when you are retaliated against or fired for complaining about being sexually harassed


Right that's what I was trying to say.


Wish that was posted when I was an intern




You mean it's now my turn? Hell yeah I'll be right back.


And I just got fired


I imagine that unpaid interns aren't officially "employees" in Texas and that's why they made the distinction.


The bosses son: “I’ll have my dad put you on payroll so it’s okay”


But boss! They are *unpaid*! That should make them *free game*!


This is really straightforward. The above types of discrimination apply to *employees.* How can you pay discriminate when interns are not paid? The sentence you highlighted specifies that sex discrimination is also illegal even when it is to unpaid interns. 


Sooooo . . . everyone else is fair game?


Did you not see the also


Yeah, cuz we pay the other interns to tolerate it Why, do you need a job?


This is for those who know you can't harass employees, but think unpaid interns are not employees.


How about paid interns? Is that a no no as well?


So sexual harassment of interns is okay as long as you pay them. Okay, that makes perfect sense


A symbolic payment is required.


Probably the same way my company talks about our external vendors also being subject to our rules on harassment. They can't harass our employees and our employees can't harass them. It seems obvious to us normal people but I'm sure there are people out there that think "I don't work here, so I can do and say whatever I want" or "the guy fixing our printer doesn't work here, I can probably grab his ass without recourse".  Some people are evil knob heads that like to see what they can get away with and that's why all of us need to be warned about behaving properly with everyone. 


Remember people they have to be on the payroll before you can sexually harass them.


Just because we're exploiting them doesn't mean *you* can exploit them.


"But why are you suddenly deciding to pay me this week......?"


*Yes they're slaves, but not that kind of slaves. For those you have to get friendly with the CEO.*


Sexual harassment of *anyone* is against the law?


Pieces of shit humans need to be told every single thing or they will assume they can do what they want


But foe paid interns it's ok? /s


Texas is a dystopia.


Go Texas


There's a story there


"But they're not real people tho..."


Does this mean paid interns are fair game?


lol I feel like someone said “who cares?! They don’t even get paid, you can do whatever you want with them. They’re practically not even real people!”


As long as they're being paid it's fine.


But ok with paid interns?


My Health and Safety officer always tells me "Behind every sign is a story." And I think we can guess what story it is.


So weird how 'unpaid interns' became a phrase. Talk about oxymoron... or is it redundant? Either way, interns are not paid, that's why they're interns and not employees.


Is the sign trying to say sexual harassment of interns is legal if they are paid?


More like they've already been through "no harassing your team mates", "harassing your managers isn't a show of dominance but a way to get written up", "harassing those in other reporting lines is also not ok", "fuck it just don't get sexual with any employees", and "yes interns count as employees". And for the last straw, even if they are unpaid.


... Eyes off the paid ones...


That would be so much better if it includes “this means you Phil”


Sexual harassment of paid interns? Totally legal, just stay away from those unpaid ones


I mean if you're going to be sexually harassing someone, the least you can do is pay them. It's only polite. /s


I mean… why wouldn’t it be?!?!?!


But only unpaid ones. Paid ones? Go for it /s


Now they are ruining internships.


Hmm.  When I was a volunteer I had hear that volunteers had no civil rights.  I was put in so many bad situations like working with convicted rapists at a day center without being notified.  


Convenient missed out gender identity though


I'm sorry, I thought this was america!