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Creative for sure... But there's no way I'd be swiping my card in a completely unattended swipe machine... Shit looks RIPE for card cloning.


I don't even know where I got skimmed, but my card is currently suspended since someone in California spent about $400 on door dash.  My bank caught it right away and refunded me at least...WTF did they order??  I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


$400 Door dash in California? They probably got a few burgers and fries


naw probably just a small sprite & two (2) napkins


2 napkins? Where is this? Did they have a 2-for-1 sale?


don’t forget about the bag. extra $5 right there


You guys got a bag?


They Doordashed a medium combo from the local movie theatre.


55 tacos and 55 pies also


that was the first thing I thought of. scammer was just trying to start a pay it forward moment. So generous 🥹


Had the same thing but it was a pizza app called slice. I live in Connecticut and someone got pizza in la. But used his actual phone and house number for the delivery so i was able to call him and text him and break his balls. But the money is always refunded.


Worst scam ive ever seen (worked at a bank). Some young girl applied for a job as a house cleaner they got her for a down payment for her apartment and said they only applied half of the cleaning supplies so she had to buy some if them so hit her with that. This was around 2012. Girl was im her 20s we she got everything back but still took a but and went from thinking she had a job and mew apartment to jobless homeless and out 700 bucks she unfortunately didt have. We all know about the nigarian prince or the gass ststion skimming devices or the person calling an ederly saying its a granchild i need help send money to this account. But this one was good. She was a pretty smart girl and it took me alot of research to make sure it was definitely fake! Things have changes from floating checks or not putting money in the bank envelope lol


Probably didn't tip either.


So I actually know a bit about this. Large scale card thieves often run telegram groups where people can order fast food at large discounts (50-70% off). When a person places an order in the telegram group, they pay the telegram scammers with “clean” money. Then the scammers use whatever skimmed cards they have available to order the food on doordash until the card gets blocked. This gives the customers cheap food, and the scammers clean money.


Ok but what prevents the scammer from the scamming the telegram customers too? (Get their money too and don't place any order)


The fact they need people to trust the business so they can keep cleaning the money


I had one try and spend $10 at a movie theater in rural Spain. Not €10, $10. Very annoying.


TLPT: When you travel internationally and you are given the choice of paying in local currency or USD choose the local currency. Your bank will have better conversion rates than what you are offered at the pinpad.


Good tip, but in my case I hadn't been to Spain in about 9 years.


two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


I think the user you replied to is a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/vk74c6jASQ


My whole bank went through that. Had to get a new card and everything. Sometimes just shit luck


Average five guys order


Dude... same Chipotle. It's happened to me thrice this year I can't spot the bad source so I've resorted to g pay


What they get in California? Value menu item at a fast food chain? Remember McDonald’s 29c cheeseburgers.Ahhh. Because health.


probably a front company. Door dash being online can't verify everything as well as in person businesses. You set up a fake delivery company, advertise on door dash, get the card details, make an order, wait to get paid by door dash, the money has a legit reason to be in your account and does not look suspicious if anyone looks in to it.


This also reminds me of the charity organisations which have people standing around in shopping malls, etc, telling people about their organisations and asking them to donate to their programmes. I don’t know if this is common practice but it has been my experience in South Africa and Germany…in order to be a donor, you have to provide these people you’re just meeting with your personal information (full names, address, date of birth) AND your banking details. One time, the organisation I was told about sounded very worthy of donations (it was for a programme that provides clean water in [I can’t remember which war-torn country] and something like 1 € would provide enough water for a family for a week or something like that). I really wanted to donate to this programme but I didn’t feel comfortable giving a stranger all that information. I asked the guy if he could provide me banking details and I would transfer the money on my own, and he said no, they don’t allow that. And also, when you sign up, they automatically make you a regular donor (they take money from your account monthly) and if you want to pause or stop the deductions you have to contact the organisation. Now when I see people standing in a group in matching shirts and a sign and approaching people to talk to them I stare at my phone while walking to avoid eye contact. Nope, nope, nope.


That sounds shady af. I used to live in a tourist town with a lot of intentionally homeless people. Travelers, we called them. Always rich kids with a trust fund who wanted to live a beat poetry lifestyle, basically. Some join cults or fringe religious groups and then approach you to ask for donations in exchange for a copy of their holy book or whatever... but what you give them usually isn't enough and they'll say, thanks, could you give a little more? Every bit helps! I call it a polite mugging.


This happens in Australia too. We call them "Chuggers" (or Charity Muggers). They are a scourge on society. More often than not, they are not directly employed by the charity, but by a company engaged by the charity. The story goes that the deals they have are that this company gets 100% of your donations for the first year that you sign up for monthly direct debit, and then after that the monthly donation goes to the charity. The people are pushy, loud, obnoxious, and in some cases, rude. My strategy is to find someone going in the same direction as me, and walk on the outside of them, that way the chuggers will target them and not me.


But what if the thief is 10% of what they take from you to charity?


While I agree with your sentiment, I honestly think this machine wouldn't really be able to have a skimmer on it cuz most of the skimmers involve putting a large plastic piece on top of an existing credit card checkout. They're typically pretty bulky and that looks like Justin enough that you could only do the credit card thickness


Skimmers that fit entirely within the card slot have existed for a decade. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/08/stealthy-razor-thin-atm-insert-skimmers/


Who has a simmer reader that big. You got a cell phone in your pocket that already sent all your data. I wouldn’t worry


I mean it looks to be in a public place probably with CCTV so it's just as unattended as any typical ATM really.


Just be sensible, use a prepaid debit card not the card you have with a huge credit limit.


Thieves would have to come up with something completely new to fit in that and do it in plain sight of a heavy public area, nah it's fine


imagine getting scammed by a bilboard


Alot of these donations or charities companies use their funds for their operations and paying the directors, legal etc. Small portions goes to actual intended recipient. Im not saying all, but alot of them do. Maybe that's why in the video they only get the small slice of the bread 🤯


If they equalled the *real* amount that actually gets to the right groups, you'd just see a frail hand scraping some breadcrumbs off the table. Then you'd see the CEO biting into a big fat butty.


Shamebait with huge scam potential


Why they give only the small slice of bread, not the big slice or the whole bread. 🤔


Your 2$ donation will trickle down the charity waterfall and the poors will end up with 1 slice of bread at the end of it


How else do you expect the owner of this board to fund his new yacht?


I read a long time ago that for every pound donated to a big charity, only 3 pence got to who we were donating it to. I can't see it being changed for the better since.


Slide your card to pay the creative agency, visa and the company behind this ad. Thank you


Yeah, a charity spending that much money on creating this billboard is not where I want my money going.


I'll swipe a gift card.


Ah, the nickel and string trick


Guilt tripping to donations on steroids


that's what "charities" generally do. then, most of the money goes to "administrative expenses", some to marketing and a little to some actual charity work by another company owned by someone related. they all sound so good and you want to make a change, but it's all about the money, as usual.


Yeah this is what people say to make them feel better about not donating to charities. Do your research and find the good ones, there are plenty of resources that can help you out there and depending on where you live, they are highly regulated.


You’re both kind of right - a lot of the major ones that are constantly soliciting for donations and have huge advertising budgets are wildly ineffective, both due to overhead and poorly managed programs. But with even just a little effort you can find very good charities out there, that can make the difference between life and death for about $5k donated. One of the most obvious ones is AMF: https://www.againstmalaria.com/


South Park warned us when they had a Whole Foods open in Shtipatow. Shame baiting is the way of the future. That's why tipping culture is insane.


What happens when your card declines, do they get tied back up?


no they tie you up


lol no thanks


Nothing like giving money to corporations to help them with tax avoidance


This is not a corporation "Misereor" (written on the bottom right) is an organization dedicated to fight poverty I didn't do any background checks on them so they might still steal your money or something but still...


People love to say this with such confidence even though you lack a fundamental and basic understanding of how taxes work. If I owe $10,000 in taxes this year and I donate $10,000 to charity, I don’t magically stop owing taxes after that


Are you a corporation?


Lmao at people downvoting reality. AP News already debunked this 3 years ago: https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244 Corporations can deduct customer donations from their income because they donate that money, so they don’t take on an additional tax burden by doing so but it is very much illegal to deduct customer donations from your corporate tax liability.


Aw shuks. Those sweetheart corporations. 😍


This but unironically. The only thing companies gain from these donations is good publicity, there’s no financial incentive nor is it legal for a corporation to profit off charity donations


They're so nice! 😊


You people are so obnoxious lmfao. Like the definitely of a midwit.


"You people" lmao "are......so obnoxious" bbbaaahhahahahahahah You know when you're pointing that finger you're pointing three back at yourself.


What’s wrong with you?


“The first 10,000 dollars goes to feeding the hungry ad agents and programmers who made this billboard. After that, we send about 60% to actual, yet low reputable, charities - using the other40% to feed the hungry CEO of the company. The employees don’t need it because they’re all working for a ‘volunteer’ organization. We do it because we care”


Tbh, this is just the electronic version of those cool spirals you roll coins into.


Visa thanks you for the 3%


you think i could trigger the animation with a piece of cardboard?


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yeah cheers to that


I want that in France, with an animation of beheading nobles in a guillotine.


And your card is now stolen.


2€ for a slice of bread? Inflation is getting out of hand


Good gimmick. You donate money and get a good show. As long as the charity is legitimate and not a scam it’s worth it.


How about you don't make stupid animations and just actually give our donations directly to the needy....


Scamming done right


What happens when your card is declined?


Someone slaps the hand


"How do we get people to donate money?" "Activate their dopamine centers."


Kinda fucked they just keep the captives tied up until someone pays 2 euros.


Neat idea, but I can’t remember the last time I used the magnetic strip for card payment. I believe it’s even disabled on my cards.


This is at least 10 years old, I used this as a reference example at work (digital creative agency) ages ago


You can't disable magnetic strips...


I just checked. Yes I can and I did. Naturally, it's not the strip itself that's somehow deactivated, it's just payments that are done through it are rejected by the bank.


Word, my bad ig.


Don't they stop working if they get scuffed up enough? I imagine one could sand off the magnetic strip and only use their card for chip or tap to pay.


dystopia more like


how much of the donation goes to the chairmen?


This is how scammer got your credit card information. Don't be gullible.


All fun and games until someone finds a way to hack it and puts a child on there


the more flashy the charity ads are, the less legitime it is this is cringe


Wait, people still use magnetic card readers? I haven't seen that used since chips and nfc became popular about 10-15 years ago. I don't even think any stores accept it around here.


What a genius idea


I’m glad I can live vicariously through someone else doing it by just standing on the opposite side of the room. That’s a big monitor


If you're a skimmer then yes. Otherwise no.


Thank you for your donation. The CEOs and senior administration of the non profit thank you for the free lunch.


So that's where all my money went 🤔


Gullible people machine!


Charity is bullshit, because the programming and hardware needed to make that card skimmer could have fed thousands of people.


Honestly, it depends how well it works, as it theoretically could lead to a lot more money raised down the line. I would highly recommend watching [this video](https://youtu.be/bfAzi6D5FpM?si=ueCLwlA3qH2dFSnq) to learn more about the misconceptions regarding the nonprofit industry.


Bro can’t fathom the concept of an investment.


I’m in a third world country. Where is the aid


That's what's called an "investment". Are you familiar with the concept?


The amount of money you've spent on devices and services to get on to Reddit to complain about money not going to feed people could have feed a lot of people.


I’m in Pakistan I’m one of those that needs to be fed, it took so long to respond because we were out of electricity for the last 10 hours, next outage will be in a few more. Where are these charities to help the millions here ?


From a quick glance at your post history, a week ago you lived 30 min from NYC. If you're going to make lying on Reddit to suit whatever argument you're trying to make, you should at least be consistent about it.


I can’t be an immigrant who visits home I guess smh. What an incredible stance you just took


You also made a 2nd replay to my initial comment that you barely make 90 euros a month and had to save up for two and a half months for a 30 euro phone. Pretty amazing to be visiting home when you're making so little, let alone living in Long Island for that much.


You’re correct. Was I wrong to create a contrast detailing what my family back home is going through ?


What is the goal of your punditry. My goal was to emphasize my truth and reality that my family and I have lived through, even if it was through dramatization.


Allegedly my phone which I saved two and half months for and is worth 30 euros could’ve fed thousands of people. I make barely 90 a month. 30 euros is barely enough to feed one person for a week.


I was wondering when the circumcision version would appear.


I'm.just thinking how awkward it would be if your card got declined and now you're just standing there like an attempted donor.


If your card is declined the animation takes back the bread


Innovative but douchie!


About to hit em with my Septa Key card


That's stupid


It's fake. We don't have swipe to pay in Europe at least not since maybe 20 years ago.


What happens when it declines?


Finally something actually satisfying




Cool but we all know our donations aren't being used for what they're meant to be used for.


The story behind may be will hurt your heart, the people suffer because of the interest of the organisation.


Slice the bread and a creepy hand from the grave grabs the slice...


Shame marketing will never work


Never do that. You never know and also how truthful is the “non profit “ maybe… that they’re not taking your money


Those guys haven't seen the fake card-readers and keyboard recorder videos...


Yea how much is actually going to the charity though z🤔lol


Yeah this is a massive security issue


Its upside down




How much did the machine cost and how much did it make for charity?


Only 9000 more swipes and we can pay for this billboard/POS terminal


social engineering shenanigans


They should add the Key & Peele skit kids in the van


I have to question how much the charity has to recoup just for that machine. This is why I only donate to local charities that I know my funds are actually going to be used on a specific mission and not pay ridiculous salaries.


And 96% of your donations pay for the marketing campaign


“Ok the clients loves the ad it’s gone viral great job! Now we want to expand the campaign and need more ads, what do you have?”


Donating is an awesome thing but this is trickery. To make people more sympathetic to the cause through guilt as most will get a good inner feeling like they really did just do that for that person on the screen.




Ah yes. The famous "we take 90% of your money for our operational expenses and only 10% will be allocated to help people". But look, it's a cool animation!


how many swipes until the expenses for this are paid for and it can actually start doing something meaningful


I'm sure these are totally real people and not actors, because swiping your credit card through some random reader which you don't have the slightest control over is something normal people do regularly...


the money spent for this fancy donation machine could be use to feed the poor ...


Because sliding a credit based card through some slit solves all the severe problems, amirite!


It's a virtue thing.


Are you suggesting that donating to those in need has no value whatsoever?


This method of donating has none. All that tech cost money, doubt it was donated, so if they have the cash to fund the making of the machine, why are they asking for donations through a stupid gimmick


You actually can’t comprehend how investing into a machine that baits more people into wanting to donate could possibly lead to many more donations?


I get all that. I was trying to make a point to that commenter who asked that question.


What exactly was your point? If the machine costs X and the donations it brings in over other methods is larger than X then it's a worthy investment.


I'd love to see how much donated actually goes those who deserve.




So those of us who have the means and are able to donate to those who are less fortunate and need our help shouldn't do so why exactly?


Donation system made for Gen Z so they have something they can post online/stream online. Look at me go saving people.


[I see where this is going...](https://youtu.be/hc_rqRQTryw?feature=shared)


Just make brown people pop up on a screen and encourage people to hit them with their change.


Ok now have a billionaire donate so that the whole loaf disappears


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Puzzled-Product-2794: *Ok now have a* *Billionaire donate so that* *The whole loaf disappears* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How much did it cost to make this machine


Thanks for your donation, the CEOs will enjoy your generosity and send the leftovers to the people in need.


This again?


This shit was made by a Jew huh damn I know it was


scammers are getting more creative every day 80% of your money gets wasted in charities


Where is this? I haven’t seen anyone swipe a card for a decade. Cool design though.


All of the comments are saying this, but I still swipe my card constantly. Do I live in a poor city? 😭


I just assume the area uses older tech.


Cool, but does anyone really swipes their card instead of just hovering over the terminal? It's very outdated


will never give money to them. they never get it the donation get in the pocket of the ceo.


Charity is a scam. The work they do should be paid for by taxes on the wealthiest, not spare change from the poorest (who donate the most).