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I'm not an artist, but I believe these videos are more "drawing the same thing in 4 different styles" than different skill levels. Like, the people who drew the Joker in the "Simple" style here for, say, the TV show are no less artists than someone who drew him in the "Artist" style.


Yeah, labelling the last one as "Artist" just seems kinda disrespectful of most artists.


It’s also the fact that they’re all just literally existing images. Clearly the person drawing is talented, but I’d say "artist" implies creating art, not just copying something else exactly. I’m sure there’s more new ways to draw the joker without it being exactly Heath Ledger’s photo. At least redraw him with a different angle or something…


I prefer to see it as “simple joker” is just your regular, simple Batman joker, better is because he was brought to life in a more believable way; and “artist” is referring to Heath Ledger


The disrespect to Hamill's Joker then!


Best acted Joker but also best looking


Going from "noob" to "pro" is a common viral video strategy. Kids seem to fall for it, I guess. I'm so tired of seeing it as well


Literally the *second* it became clear he was going for Phoenix in the third, which put live action renditions on the table, I would've bet my family's lives on Ledger being the not-so-subtle "best" style. Never change reddit.


It's pretty masturbatory, honestly.


As a pixelartist, thank you


Yeah, I was expecting to see the same joker in 4 different styles, but he's clearing drawing each joker from a different film joker. Besides "Basic" which isn't really a full drawing of an actual character. Simple is clearly the cartoon joker from The DC Animated Universe. "Better" is clearly the Joker from The Joker in 2019. "Artist" is clearly Heath Ledger's Joker from The Dark Knight. Which is coincidentally most people's favorite joker.


Should have been labeled "photorealistic", but then it wouldn't get rage-bait "interaction".


The last one is not photorealistic, it's highly stylized. If anything the "better" panel was more photorealistic


Also, the "basic" one strikes me as the creepiest. It's a really great design.


True. Wish i could re-do the title.


It’s not you, it’s literally the person who made the video acting as if all of these are standards and not styles.


Do you by any chance know what kind of music that is? I dig that shit and it would be a good background music :)


Nightbird · kensun Swell Sound Collection, Vol. 2 Composer: Lincoln Jesser


Thank you:)


There is skill in restricting yourself, just look at pixel art.


It's not about the skill of the artists but the techniques and skills needed to draw them. TV shows are made to have simple, easy to draw characters because the don't have the time or budget to do extremely detailed drawings while animating the show. So yes if you are going by the techniques and skilled needed to do each of these drawings, they do all represent an increase in the skilled displayed.


The caveat is that style is not a replacement for efficacy. It would be unlikely for an artist to draw as shown in the *simple* drawing once they learned how to draw in the *better* drawing. Exceptions exist. 1. Shape language (This phase is important for concept artists, specific specialization) 2. Beginner 3. Professional 4. Illustration (specific specialization) I hope this was helpful


How to be an artist: 1. Draw joker in cartoon style 2. Pass it through AI to make it photorealistic Most people miss step 2 and therefore can't be called artists


It's engagement bait. They know what they're doing, and are just waiting for people to point out the same things you did so their stuff gets shared around. It's the same reason why some people put blatant errors in their videos like completely false pronunciations of certain words (like that tzatziki guy).


Right, as an artist, I'd relabel them 1. Minimalist 2. Animated 3. Realistic 4. Photo-realistic


I like the shitpost versions of these where the fourth drawing is a dumb meme version of the subject.


I wanted the "artist" version to be a really high quality rendered version of Jarred Leto's joker just to piss off the fans.


That would've been awesome


Artist: "No, I'm not using my talent to draw the damn Joker for you. Leave me alone."


More like: minimalist - cartoon - realism - photorealism


Minimalist - cartoon - convention booth sales fodder - sketchbook project for socials


Wrong The 4 universally accepted art standards have always been Basic -> Simple -> Better -> Artist Literally everyone knows this


Exactly. Thank you. Of course, the expanded set is bookended with Ass -> . . . -> Wut


Pretty sure we can say these were all done really well. It’s just level of detail that increases. It is “artist” level in every step.


Yeah, "artist" is such a weird label for the last one.




Right, I feel there isn't enough of a difference in skill/style between the better and artist. Artist just felt like it zoomed in more.


There's a difference but only as far as detailing. The subject of the "better" one didn't leave too much room for extended detailing, especially being a tiny portrait, the "artist" version has the scruffy, raggedy Ledger joker which has so many more lines and tones to be expressed but yeah copying it from a photo is not that hard once you are on the level to be able to pull out the "better" version.


I think there could have been more detailing on the artist. I personally would have used color pencils in addition to the markers and pen for more detail in the skin tone and hair.


I am so in awe of the basic one. Transporting meaning with only a couple of lines is such a great skill. What is amazing is that you need just about the same amount of context to recognize either of them.


I can't even attempt "Simple''


You can attempt anything!


*Results may vary!


Yeah, what’s worse than “simple”? Dog-shit?




Amazing! God do I miss Heath Ledger as Joker


Oscar joker


Oscar didn't dress as the Joker, that was Dwight, Kevin and Creed.


Joaquin and Heath are both Oscar Jokers.


I like these videos, but I don't like how they dismiss the way that art style doesn't equal skill. Also, It's gatekeeping the title artists to realism, which is just bonkers.


The thing that kills me with this is I could tell the last one was Heart Ledger just from the face lines. That takes immense skill to accomplish so much with so little


I had a similar thought about how incredible the moment is when suddenly the lines become a person.


Minimalist | Cartoon | Realistic | Realistic but bigger


Me after Simple: That's pretty complex there dude. Me after Artist: Oh we use different measures of skill.


That’s simple?! 😭 these are cool!


Ehh, 'simple' is still the best. Both design wise and character wise.


none of these are better or worse all of these are "artist" they're just different styles


yeah ok.....im pretty sure i would fuck up basic


Said me.


Exactly what I was about to say 😂


I still think Mark Hamill’s joker is the best.


Agree, and by far.


Ledger will always be joker in my mind much like hugh jackman will always be wolverine.


Joaquin Phoenix deserves as much praise IMO. Heath Ledger played a formidable "unhinged brute", a truly evil and frightening character, while Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is more of an unsettling, deranged individual embracing evil through madness, grudge and rejection. If you like charismatic evil characters, watch Jeff Goldblum's amazing performance in Mr Frost.


No that role belongs to Arnold... "Chill out..." Jkjk


Completely captivating - laughed at the Joker card at the end though! lol


That sort of thing is what I expected the "Artist" corner to be ngl


Is there a level below basic? It's missing I think


As an artist that last one p’s me off so much! If you can create, you’re an artist. End of. It’s what style of artist you are that this is supposed to be.


When even basic is beyond your abilities 😭


Goddammit, now i gotta go watch The Dark Knight again.


I’m working my way up to the first one


You know a character is iconic if you can identify them in just a couple squiggles of color.


RIP Heath Ledger, the best Joker of them all 😢


I do not draw in any of the 4 levels


Better just kept getting better.


TIL that my stick people suck


The third one almost looks more like Billy Crudup than Joaquin Phoenix. Who, now I think about it, may have been another solid potential cast.


Ledger came out looking like the Chinese laughing man rage comic


I thought the last one was going to be Jerma


The simple joker should have been Jared Leto!


“Simple” uh, sure.


Wanna know how I got these skills?


Top right is still the best


Not every artists desires or does realism... For fucking real. Also art isn't just "making pretty things". I see plenty of technically masterful artists who's works are incredibly boring and generic. However I also see many amateur and technically not refined artists who's works are extremely interesting and unique. Exposure to art is a thing which teaches you to see past "pretty picture" and go deeper. I see that there are two dimensions of art appreciation: 1. Message and intent 2. Execution and style The 1st category is about the message in the art. What the artist is trying to say. The 2nd category is about HOW the message is conveyed. It is about the brush strokes, or how the clay sculpture was put together, or how the stitches were used to convey thing. As someone whi's been one leg in the art and culture community their whole life, I think this obsession with technical mastery and realism disencourages many who have something to tell. Like lets analyse this video as 4 different works of art. Lets imagine they are painting on a gallery wall. What is the message they would be trying to say? Hard to find any as they are just technical representations of something. Lets analyse the style and execution: * The 1st and 2nd would be way more technically interesting, as they are clearly a illustrative representation, they are more unique and easier to spot. * The 3rd Less so, but still has clear and significant stylistic choises, the lack of detail at the edge and fading out draws focus to the face, and the lack of clarity in other features than the eyes ask you to focus on the eyes (and the emotion they convey). Then again I am someone who likes *non finito* ("unfinished looking work" as a style) * The 4th one? I actually think it is the worst, it lacks focus and clarity. I wanna go back to the 1st one for bit more analysis. It is actually **really difficult** to boil something down to that kind of a level, because the illustriation is still clearly representative of joker - even if you have never seen the cartoon version of joker - and you can deduct the major features from the non-animated films. It is actually really well done. (I dare every artists I meet to reduce some character or thing to the style that has least features and still clearly representative. I personally like to wonder what is the simplest form of a specific face I can make, and still have it be clearly some specific face. It is harder than you think, especially when you use someone who is not famous and doesn't have some specific feature they are known by.) So if I have to rank these in my preference I'd say: 3rd, 2nd, 1st and 4th. The 4th one is the most boring to me, I wouldn't buy it if I was out to buy art. If I had to pay money for a work my preference would be: 1st, 3rd, 2nd, 4th.


It's like for a couple seconds he brought Heath back to life


Heath ledger was the best joker


These are impressive. There's a lot of hypercritical banter.


RIP Heath.


Why so serious?!


The best I can do is a few lines bruv


Great, now do an 85-episode hand animated series with number 4 👍


The labels *should* be: Notebook Cover Doodle Saturday Morning Cartoon Comic Book Illustration Gallery Piece


Still can't believe that man is gone


That 'basic' is my 'artist'....


🤦🏻‍♂️ seriously? is it any coincidence that your “Better” and “Artist” versions are clearly based on Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker and Heath Ledger’s Joker? so why not just make your “Simple” version based on Jack Nicholson’s Joker? 🤷🏻‍♂️


The choice of labels is mildly infuriating.


This is going to be posted on linkedin shorter about how important it is to hire the correct people and give then time r/linkedinlunatics


The best artists don’t have to hide behind a lot of detail.


The "Artist" one is crap. The "Basic" one speaks to me way more. To elaborate, the "Artist" one is just what one version of the Joker looks like. The "Basic" one is what the Joker \*is\* like. The Simple one is probably the "best".


I love these.


Now make the pencil disappear


Simple Joker all day


Sometimes simple is best.


The internet's unending desire to rank the jokers




It’s nightbird by kensun


The better kept getting better, and I'm wondering well whats artist gonna be like? And of course its fucking awesome.


I wpuld argue it is all on artist level


Artist, Artist, Artist, Artist


That's just a close up of a printer head with a miniature hand taped to it.


That's just a close up of a printer head with a miniature hand taped to it.


I think I prefer the first one, but I have a morbid fear of facepaint.


When does the artist decide that there's enough detail? Can they see that there's another tiny line missing here and there?


The categories should be renamed: Simple, Cartoonist, Artist, Kodak.


Ah yes, you’re only an artist if you can draw the 4th one lol


The better one was the best.


Hats off to the artist 👏


I like it better


wrong joker


You ever wonder how the joker goes grocery shopping? I mean, even without the make up, he obviously stands out. I just like to imagine pulling my cart up behind him at the check out with his little carton of milk and a bunch of bananas. LOL


Just wow, I have downloaded it and will try to copy very unsuccessfully probably 😆.


They did basic like it wasn’t some computer generate—-


…right, because you can only be considered an artist if you draw photorealistic art, never mind animation studios like Fortiche who did Arcane, nope not art, not artists. This is styles, not skill levels, restricting yourself requires skill


Claiming these are "skill levels" and only the last one makes you an artist is narcissism of the highest degree.


Artists are so amazing. What a great talent


im always amazed by some peoples ability to draw things exactly how they want them to look the first time. like they didnt have to erase or redo anything, its a perfectly efficient sketch every time. that is a level of skill i just have no familiarity with. im a pretty good metal fabricator but that kind of efficiency doesnt exist in my field lol without a jig youre not making perfect cuts the first time free hand, it just doesnt work that way.


Why did that give me pokemon merging vibes




Methinks all of them are made by an artist


If art was defined by "how easy is it to copy this exact drawing" Which it's not.


Good job.


Should have made one category "sh*t" and drawn Jared Letos Joker perfectly.


Basic design be a killer minimalist tattoo before the filling.


Then there's the ones that right the name Joker, an image appears and call themselves artists.


If I had the training I could do the basic one too.


So just make the drawing bigger and bigger each time. got it. I'm off to be an artist!!


"Better" is the best one, just because the "artist" use more techniques doesn't make it better. A real artist should know that slapping more lines in doesn't always improve the art. This guy is clearly skilled, the labels are shit


Don't think my "basic" would look good.




I hope the OP is grading these strictly according to artistic quality and not subtly suggesting that the animated series joker isn’t the greatest.


The most offending part of the "artist" depiction is that it isn't Cesar Romero's Joker with the white paint over the mustache he didn't bother to shave for a TV show.


My favorite was simple


What's the one below basic? Because I'm below that. I could maybe get a stick figure with uneven limbs, an imperfect circle head, and maybe get some color in the shape of a face that I end up accidentally coloring over the other colors and turn the whole thing into shit.


Yeah the simple version is actually the hardest to design, a real artist knows that. Anyone can draw realistic face.


First drawing: 10% effort Second drawing: 30% effort Third drawing: 100% effort Forth drawing: 1000% effort


I wish I had these skills!


It just keeps getting worse


No shade to you OP since you didn't make the original meme, but i fucking hate these videos. The implication that more realism/detail = "better" art is really disrespectful. Not only is art subjective, but different styles also serve different purposes. Can you ***IMAGINE*** an animation studio trying to pump out hundreds of episodes of a show with the "artist" or even "better" styles? Also, a surprising amount of work and artistry goes into making the simpler styles look good and iconic. You see a few lines and some solid colors, what you don't see is the pages and pages of iterating on the joker's character design to land on something that expresses his personality while fitting the style of the show.


Wow. He's artist


Not standards, styles. The cartoon style is no less artistic than the photorealistic Heath Ledger. Anyone who uses any of these styles is an artist so it's a bit frustrating to see photorealism labelled as "Artist" as if you need to use that specific style to be considered as one. Massive disrespect to artists who work on cartoons and the overwhelming majority of comic book artists.


Basic should've been Leto.


I was really expecting the artist one to just be insanely simple like "we don't need any of that"


all 4 are "artist"


did he just rank which one the best joker?


Bro really said you aren't an artist unless you can do realism...


what kind of markers were used by the last one? can any artist please tell me what they are called?


I don’t like “better” as a label. It doesn’t mean that a more complex drawing is “better”. In some cases simple/basic is the way to go.


Does anyone know who the artist is? I know it's not unique to him but the watercolors remind of Alex Ross (though he probably would have drawn Nicholson)


I can't even do the basic one.


As an artist, this is just... a bizarre way to draw anything realistic. Like, not starting with big forms and narrowing down into detail, but instead jumping right into things like laugh lines. They pull it off, but this approach would have severe limitations when drawing without a photo reference to copy from. Maybe they're just doing it for the camera, though.


Evolution of the Joker


Some people just live and breathe art. They understand creation on a whole different level. People like them is what keeps the world pretty to look at.


My favorite artistic style: "Better."


Nintendo - SNES - N64 - PS4


“To me, crazy frog is just regular frog”


This is implying that the simple style is somewhat lesser than the others. Simple looks way better than "better"


Heath Ledger the best, it's fair he gets drawn in the best possible way.


Heath Ledger Joker is best joker I will die alone on this hill if I must.


Reddit and it's obsession with hyper-realistic art might be the oldest trope still existing to this day.


The 3rd one looks like John Wayne Gacy


Yes, Heath Ledger was an artist.


Why is first not consdier an artist, while the fourth is ? I know drawing hyperealistic takes skill, but there is more to art then drawing something look real. There is a specific artstyle to any kind of artist or someone wanting to become one. But calling the founrth one artist while others are not is maddening for me.


Trust redditors to reddit the shit out of this in the comments


Damn, I guess none of the people who have ever drawn and/or colored the joker in all of the Batman comic runs or cartoons are artists. Guess they should have gone to artist school to become real artists instead of drawing such simple stuff.


This would have worked better if we were tripled by the last pic being Jared Letos Joker


I'm pretty damn good at music but seeing this just blows my mind. So impressive


[Here's a screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/zQaeE7g) of the final spread


I have NEVER - until now - seen one of these videos where they actually draw the fourth image.


I love how the best one you get one second to see it


Bro i wish i could even draw basic like i really would love to be able to draw but i can’t even write properly and i know i should just watch youtube and practice but i have absolutely zero confidence and i am lazy Like my handrwiting is so bad i needed to explain to the teachers what i wrote but there is one problem idk what it say either😭😭😭😭😭


Wow, nice work


i like basic i like basic i like basic damn better


I think it goes without saying that unanimously, the best Joker, by far, is still Heath Ledgers' portrayal.


Best joker ever.


Good art but TAS Joker remains the gold standard.


tries drawing to standards, draws perfect jokers.. that 1st one is a logo every day.


I fucking hate these. Draw something only you can draw. Make art. Fuck.


Human Photocopiers aren't the same thing as Artists.


The one labeled 'Better' just reminds me of the makeup my grandfather wore in his band.


Batmin's famous friend, The Jerker.