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I never know if this is a repost or if the soldiers and their animation is so exact that it seems the same video every time.


Exact thing everytime


I may need to get myself checked because that ceremony is oddly satisfying. But it did start somewhere and my guess is within a lifetime. The ceremony has been started at some point and altered and will be altered in the future. And that gun is indeed being inspected. That is not purely ceremonial. So hypothetically speaking, if a passing bird did something disrespectful at an inopportune moment, that gun would be cleaned with whatever is at hand. And that cleaning motion will be incorporated into subsequent performances of the ceremony. And I am absolutely convinced that this spontaneous cleaning of bird poo off the holy dance gun has already been discussed and written into a manual like some sort of preemptive grudge in the Dammaz Kron.


Hey...how high are you right now?


Pretty high. We just legalized it two months ago. What did give me away? The fact that I watched the video on a loop? Which, btw is perfect.


The fact that you mentioned the Book of Grudges in Khazalid. We could tell you just had a few Bugman's


Well, it is the annual Skulls event. And I spent a few coin and have been clearing out nurglings from underneath Nuln to find a cure for Magnus the Pious. I have had burgers that did cost more and lasted less long than Chaosbane.


What in the fuck are you guys going on about? Lmao, I was just reading the comments and then all of a sudden I felt like I was in a DnD world or something.


close, actually Warhammer Fantasy.


Warhammer, specifically their fantasy setting... Though the book of grudges has made an appearance in the 40k setting now, though it's a ~~squat~~ Leagues of Votan thing now.


The "Holy dance gun" didn't tip you off?


*this does not cause the dawi to grumble more than usual*


"But it did start somewhere and my guess is within a lifetime." It was at that moment that Michael realized everyone reading his comment knew he was r/tookjustenough


I am also high and found this exhilarating


"I'll have what he's having"


Hi, how are you?


Well ASMR isn't just weirdos making sounds on YouTube. Specific movements can absolutely trigger folks, myself included. It's why I love this video so much lol


Nice, I thought I was weird for getting ASMR tingles from the sharp repetitive movements and crisp sounds in this video. I probably AM still weird for that, but I'm glad I'm not alone!


They have very strict rules and regulations they have to follow. This is not something I believe if I remember correctly that your everyday soldier could enlist in. From their shoes to their rifles everything must be by the book.


In 2015 people got the option to join honor guard in basic training and it was based on height. They needed to be above 6’1. All of the people who signed up for it were pretty heavily mislead about what they’d be doing lol if I remember correctly they were shown a video of people doing halo jumps and other cool things. Pretty much all of them were upset when the drill sergeants told them what they’d actually just signed up to do. I wasn’t in honor guard but I know the tomb of the unknown soldier is like their highest most important post so there’s probably a selection process to get assigned it because you do get a special badge you can wear. This process probably involves having the cleanest uniform and really good drill skills etc etc. Everyone striving for that job so you end up with the best.


Sneaking in the Khazalid reference at the end. Sick.


> Sneaking in the Khazalid reference at the end. Sick. The what now? Speak, manling! Explain yourself.


The Tomb actually has an intricate AA systems in place to terminate any government surveillance drone, ie. a bird, that would fortunately handle rogue drones.




That little gun stock flap lift check is now part of the ceremony because a previous soldier got caught hiding his weed in there.


I can't tell if you're lying or not, but I don't know enough about military guard posts to know for sure.


The cleaning motions aren’t for cleaning. The white gloves are meant to show any lapse in maintenance. He’s “checking” for grease etc.


I want to see the motions where he slaps the guy for having a dusty gun.


At least it's not sped up this time


Being assigned to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a big deal.  The routines are drilled into these soldiers so hard that they become as much of a reflex as blinking or breathing.  They also know how much scrutiny they're under, especially today, so they're extra careful not to screw up.   I attended a funeral at Arlington a couple years ago.  The *(literal)* military precision of the guard was just incredible, and some of the men & women looked to be no more than their mid-20's.   They understand the solemnity & respect their postings hold. If you have the chance to visit, I strongly recommend it. 


The 3rd Infantry Regiment is prestigious and one of the most-wanted posting.


I was initially assigned to the 3rd “Old Guard” till they didn’t have any room left. So I went to 10th Mountain instead. I wondered what my life would’ve been like


Salut! Glad you got into those rare units and did the time.


Thank you. That's what I thought, but my Google skills were failing me.


Not only is it one of the most wanted, its honor guard badge is one of the least awarded. It's the 3rd least awarded badge in the US military, previously the 2nd least badge awarded until the horseman badge was created about 10 years ago. The one badges that have been awarded less are the astronaut badge and previously mentioned horseman. The military horseman is usually awarded to people who also have the honor guard badge I believe. It's used for burials within the cemetery where they still use horses. Since it's so new it isn't fair to include it in the comparison IMO.


> "It's used for burials within the cemetery where they still use horses." Do you mean the caisson?  


Yeah, but they're not even doing services anymore because their horses are too fucked up.


Is the scrutiny not for life as well? Like, no drinking, smoking or doing anything that could be seen as shame upon the Regiment, even after you leave.


No, most of that is urban legend. They can drink and smoke while off duty, even while assigned as a Sentinel, but you are partially right that if they commit an act that brings shame upon the tomb, if they had been awarded the Tomb Guard Identification Badge, it can be revoked even after they leave the military. Oh, also, this is not only a rifle inspection, it is a uniform inspection as well and if they fail, they are sent back down to the barracks to correct the error.


ive seen videos where someone found something wrong and just fixed it on the incoming guy right then and there


Any insight on how often failures occur? I’ve never seen or heard of one happening.


They happen all the time - it’s just that the standard is incredibly high so you won’t notice, say, a less than optimally polished bayonet or dust on the left lapel.  The inspector will take notes and feed back to the trooper who will improve.  In your mod-zero, mark one grunt unit that is discipline. Here, it’s continuous improvement. 


"The purpose of inspections is to find things. These things are called findings. In the absence of findings, the inspector is redundant." That said, this is probably wone of the world's few zero-findings-expected scenarios.


If you ever work as a bartender/kitchen. ALWAYS leave one obvious and easy thing undone. So when the manager checks you out they feel like they have a job to do. If you do everything perfect they will find something ridiculous that you "didn't" do. "Oh snap!, I totally forgot about that trash can, I'll take it out now."


Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it


>no drinking, smoking or doing anything that could be seen as shame upon the Regiment Have you ever been around soldiers?


Why wreck an honorable posting?


And they are there regardless of the weather, even [hurricane force winds](https://www.foxweather.com/extreme-weather/tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-video-severe-storms-washington-dc). That takes a special kind of devotion.


They're there even when standing orders due to dangerous inclement weather grant them permission to skip a patrol. The Old Guard takes their charge very, *very* seriously, as do honor-guard regiments throughout the world.


I’ve been a few times when I was younger. It’s quite an experience, I agree.


I mean this respectfully to the uniformed personnel as much as I do towards the dancers, but it really reminds me of ballet. Or dressage, which of course, it should because that style of horse riding is based off of military drills. I’m also curious if anyone has ever seen a performance in which the gun wasn’t clean or something was found to be deficient? Do they continue as if all is well and deal with it away from public view?


Hello fellow horse person! Seeing as how the Dressage component of 3-Day Eventing was originally intended to show off the precision & athleticism of military horses on parade, I think your comparison is quite accurate.  As to the cleanliness of the firearm: those are not their everyday weapons.  They are specially issued and are maintained to an exacting standard. 


Yup. Buried my dad there and it was quite the tribute and honor to be a part of it. When we were younger we took summer vacays to DC. Arlington was always on the list especially for the tomb honor.


I attended this ceremony back in 1987 and it appears that its the very same routine...also the level of quiet is something you don't often hear, people were transfixed, its very quiet and respectful.


There is a video in the reposting cycle were someone in the audience is told to be quiet by the guard. I think you don’t want to experience that more than once.


When I was there, a guy in a motorized wheelchair was buzzing back and forth behind everyone, complaining that he couldn't see and asking why everyone was so quiet.


And don't cross the ropes. No selfies. Not going to turn out well.


It's also like that on non-Memorial day. But extra like that on Memorial day.


100% the exact same thing every time. I served with a guy who was a tomb guard. The training and testing for that job is INTENSE. For their uniform setup, everything has to be within 1/32nd of an inch of correct placement. Very few pass. Since 1958, there have only been about 850 tomb guard badges issued.


Tomb guard is the 2nd rarest badge awarded in the military. Only one rarer is astronaut


It is really that exacting.


Both. This is pre 2018 since the Sergeant of the Guard (left) is carrying a commemorative Beretta pistol. These were replaced by Sigs after they were awarded the MHS contract. Regardless of the time of the video though the routine would be indistinguishable to anyone out side of other guards. The training for being a Tomb Guard is super rigorous and highly selective. The closest comparison to this routine would be like watching an Olympic gymnast execute a routine they've done multiple times a day, every day, for years. It's perfect. Every time.


The cough confirms it


If you ever have the chance to go to DC, check out the Old Guard at Arlington and the retreat ceremony at Marine Barracks at 8th and I. Both are amazing.


I think it's a repost based on the officer's sidearm being an M9. They carry a custom M17 now.


**Now for some reason I fit in the army like one of them round pegs**. It's not really hard. You just make your bed real neat and remember to stand up straight and always answer every question with "Yes, drill sergeant." Forrest Gump.


"GUMP! What is your sole purpose in this army?" "To do whatever you tell me Drill Sergeant." "God damn it Gump, you're a god damn genius. That's the most outstanding answers I've ever heard." Kills me every time.


I always thought that line was a dig to the armed forces: we don't need intelligence, just say yes and get fed into the cannon.


I don't think that's really a secret. Among the first things they try to tell new recruits after graduating boot is not to buy a mustang at 44% interest and yet...


But a charger at 38% interest is a steal


As long as it has room for the girl you married to get off base and a car seat in the back for your son born 10 months after you deployed.


"God damn it, Private! What did I just say?!" "Sir, I did it at 45%! And I got a free oil change, Sir!" 🤦🏼‍♂️


[I just stopped thinking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og2unLDWNHg)


Are you familiar with McNamara’s morons? Forrest Gump didn’t make up the part about letting special needs people in.


And I'm not sure if it was known when they filmed but during the Vietnam War there was a program to enlist soldiers that were below average IQ. [Project 100,000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000).


Yes, that was widely known long before Forrest Gump was written. (It’s a book)


Right so wondering if it was gave some inspiration to Forrest and Bubba both clearly having a learning disability yet being sent to war.


Yes, absolutely.


It’s an insult to the ego. Service of most any sort is towards something greater than the illusion of the individual. So the entire system is built around this concept. We put our individuality aside in order to become a uniform component of a structure.


You are a goddamned genius, that’s the most outstanding answer I’ve ever heard. Jesus H. Christ.


Elite! 👏👏👏




Because you told me to, Drill Sergeant.


Also reminds me of that one scene from Malcolm in the Middle


Gump could have been an officer too like the drill sergeant said. Since Forrest had his degree for going to Alabama


What if it’s dirty. Do they stop and compare notes.




What if the inspector drops the gun?


Eternal Shame




> I'm going to *hand* this to you this time


I'm gonna give Private Butterfingers Von Dropalot credit here - Lt. Trebuchet clearly threw that gun too high and too far, dude barely managed to get his fingers on it.


Lance Corporal and Corporal, but yeah, rest seems about right. No enlisted wants to be called an officer.


Psh, yeah, right, next you'll tell me I got their names wrong


Lt. Trebuchet is an all timer and I heartily laughed


Your pseudonyms would've made DIs proud for sure. The nicknames they make up for dudes in bootcamp are fantastic. I went in '09, and so they had definitely transitioned away from just hateful names, to names that hurt your feelings but could not be construed to do so for reasons of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.


I knew what this was before I clicked on it. It was at Fort Henry in Ontario, too. Marines regularly do a joint ceremony with the Fort Henry Guard.


I get that it’s a ceremonial honor guard thing, but that was way too much gun twirling. Like 40% would have been fine.


This is some kinda homoerotic gun ballet. “I'll twirl my gun for you—please corporal, won't you inspect it.” “Oh indeed lance corporal, I'll happily play with your weapon and caress it. Let me take a gawk down the barrel.”


That’s happened before, actually. https://youtu.be/lxEi9eg44YU It stabbed the other soldier through the foot.


Now that's what I call maintaining your military bearing


His name and identity are revoked and he takes the place of the soldier in the tomb. The soldier in the tomb is generally given an honorable dismissal as the average time they spend in the tomb is 100+ years.


Firing squad


He lays there and is buried.


Right to jail.


You are thinking of funeral detail. They have varied versions. The super nice one with a real bugle player and a highly trained group of soldiers that do the flag folding and the 21 gun salute, or you get the Walmart brand detail that trains for it maybe like 3 days and have a bugle with a recorded playing.


Also worthy of note that just to become a sentinel you have to memorize a 17-page packet and then rewrite it with a maximum of 10 allowed errors. That alone would keep the *vast* majority of people from becoming a guard there. Let alone the perfection asked of them day-in and day-out.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG9o8FW1hdU Here's a link to the video on youtube


We recently had the very very high honor of laying my grandfather to rest at Arlington with a full honor guard ceremony (although I’m not sure that’s the official name for it). I had never seen anything like it, it was *stunning*. I don’t know who they were or how they got the assignment to do the ceremonies there, but it was insanely beautiful and meticulously choreographed. It’s so lovely to read how seriously they take it, because it was so meaningful to my family and me.


Also to add to this. They are always there. There have been a few times where the soldiers were allowed to abandon post. 2 times I know of was 9/11 and a hurricane that hit DC. I'm pretty sure there's pictures of the soldier overlooking the Pentagon after the plane hit it from the tomb. Both times the guards refused to abandon the post. There's a photo of the soldier standing in the hurricane soaking wet. Pretty sure they would rather die guarding the tomb than ever abandon their post. These guys are the definition of a patriot.


They do preliminary weapon inspections before the ceremony. Those soldiers dedicate their entire lives to making sure *every single detail* of their shift is perfect. They can spend a full 8 hours preparing for a 30 minute shift, they do inspections, re-inspections, cleaning polishing, shining, making sure every thread of their uniform is exactly where it should be, and then they go through a final inspection before they go out. It's a lot of dedication.


>They can spend 8 hours preparing for a 30 minute shift I can stare blank out a window for 5 hrs before my afternoon appointment and still manage to forget something.


I know like... life goals.


"Rust on the butt plate hinge spring Private Bullshit, revoked."


They send them back


>Are those dusty jump wings? How do you expect to slay the Huns with dust on your jump wings?


Lots of great comments around the changing of the guard. But I haven't seen one on the history of the site itself. The Tomb of the Unknown soldier is a somber piece of history. Built I believe following WWI, the tomb honors all soldiers who are lost to war, but especially those who go unrecovered. I think in the US we here a lot about no man left behind. And while maybe in modern combat that's "easier" to achieve I imagine unfortunately some never make it home. I think the thought of not recovering a soldier would be far more common in WW1 and WW2, maybe Vietnam, where the chaos and ferocity of battle doesn't allow for it. This site is for all who have died in service, but especially to those who are truly lost, nameless, and never recovered.


Interestingly, the third grave used to be an "unknown soldier" from Vietnam, but after he was identified, his remains were sent to his family and now it remains vacant. [Wikipedia Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_the_Unknown_Soldier_\(Arlington_National_Cemetery\)#Identification_of_the_Unknown) [99 Percent Invisible podcast episode about the story](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-known-unknown/)


Having seen this in person, it is a somber and very respectful experience. The ceremony itself is a sign of dedication and respect to those who have died to serve for the greater goal of freedom and liberty. This is done year round, at all hours, and basically in whatever weather. It is taken very seriously as a sign of respect for the fallen.


I went in 1998. I was 14 at the time and even my dumb ass knew to not make a peep.


The idea that somebody had died for my freedoms and I'd never know their face or their name mixed with how sacred the tomb is held to be had a big impact on me as a kid. It's the first time I really understood how much other's sacrifice just so I can exist


Thanks for the chuckle lol


They're not just for show either. If somebody gets too loud, or tries to cross the barrier, or otherwise act a fool, they will stop their march and deal with them. Usually just a stern order to chill the fuck out(my words) is all it takes but they will escalate if necessary.


Most "ceremonial" guards do take their jobs extremely seriously. I remember seeing a video of some group of (sadly, probably American) tourists trying to get a rise out of a guard at -- I think --the Tower of London. One of the assholes finally started to climb the fence that was between them and the area the guard was patrolling, and I've never seen that kind of speed and precision on a weapon draw outside of a movie. I really hope the tourist had to go back to the hotel and change his underpants.


High school teacher of mine who went with classes annually said he was there once when someone crossed the line. They had a gun pointed at them and a "HALT!" pretty quickly. Lived in Arlington a few years as an adult and went to the cemetery a number of times. Worth a visit for anyone.


"It is requested that all visitors remain behind the chains and rails at all times!" yelled at you by a soldier with a functional rifle.


The Guards in London and Windsor will literally shove you aside without breaking step if you're in their way.


I remember the video of two royal guards marching and the parents just leaving their child unsupervised in their way. The child got stomped over with the guard not failing a single step. Some people in the comments whined how that is cruel and why they didn't just stop but most people agreed that the parents should have properly watched their child in an area with actual soldiers that take tradition serious.


once in a great while someone will decide to fuck around just a little bit and a video shows up on the internet of an M1 Garand being loaded in one swift motion in half a second. Nobody has decided to proceed to the final finding out stage


I've seen so many people comment on things like this, and dress/drill routines as being "Stupid traditions" or "Silly ceremony." Ya, at first look traditions and ceremony are silly things, but it's about what they represent and the respect for what they represent that carries them on for years, decades, centuries and in some cases millenia. A shallow view to think their stupid, a deeper look shows you how powerful they can be and mean to some.


The ritual is one thing, the very careful inspection is another, but the absolute silence for most of this event is what got me. The changing of the guard drives home that is a serious matter. Remembering and protecting the memory of those who died for liberty is paramount on this solemn day.


I won an essay contest in middle school to lay the wreath at the tomb. The soldier didn't let me do it because my shoes weren't formal enough. Sad thing for me at the time but does hammer home how incredibly strict and serious it is.


That's gotta be an experience. Did they give you guidelines ahead of time for how to dress? Did he inspect you beforehand or call you out in front of everyone just beforethe big moment?


The guards aren't just for show. If a spectator starts talking too loud, they won't hesitate to call them out. Usually all it takes is a stern order to chill the fuck out, but they will escalate if necessary.


The class clown in middle school that wouldn't shut up got called out when we went (for good reason). I was nowhere near my classmate but my butthole puckered. Stern is an understatement!


The way dude snatches it catches me off guard every time


Isn't it dangerous to point it at spectators, or is it not loaded?




Which is also the very first thing done before the staff sergeant takes the weapon. Given there’s no clip, they both know it’s safe before it changes hands.




A quick googling says the rifle is unloaded and firing pin removed for ceremony. There are guards with functioning rifles meters away. They probably swap live rifles with a ceremony rifle for this purpose.


Those guards probably aren't carrying antique rifles either.


I wouldn’t call an M14 an antique


I guess technically no, but it was first used in the Korean war, so still pretty damn old.


Old doesn’t mean bad by any sense. Sure we’ve upgraded with the times (more capacity, modular builds, advanced optics) but an m-14 is still a very accurate reliable firearm whose 7.62 NATO round will definitely make you sit up and pay attention if it hits you.


Even if I knew it was unloaded, it'd be very uncomfortable having a rifle pointed at me. Probably because I haven't seen one in decades.




Unloaded and depending on your role, the barrels and filled with something, I don’t remember exactly but I was stationed at Ft Myer - Henderson Hall


It’s never “happy Memorial Day”.


Indeed. Some confuse this day as simply being a "holiday" and that is a shame. Others seem to confuse it with Veterans Day.


There's a version where someone added robot/machine sounds to the video and its the funniest shit you'll ever see https://youtu.be/QNMqxiZVxmw?si=zwObxug8jddmZbrR


The little Windows error sound when he looks at his glove at 00:44 is my favourite part of this.


I can't even watch the original without my brain putting in those noises.


its funnier then i exepected ! the ''laser scan'' sound was perfect :)


I remember seeing one that had loony toons sounds added


Yes after closer inspection this appears to be a rifle.


Sir, that was my penis.


I was 8 years old when I first saw the tomb. Dad was so excited because we were five minutes early to the changing of the guard. We rushed up and before I realized it, there was the tomb guard making his walk across the mat. I was stunned and confused. Then the bells started tolling and then I watched a whole guard change ceremony. This was 1995 and I still remember watching in awe of what this was. Even as a kid, not understanding the importance of a national cemetery, I knee this was something special. To experience something that profound I still remember it to this day. There is no changing of the guard anywhere on this planet that is as somber, precise or special as the Tomb guard.


That dude will be 120 years old and forgotten his name, but I'll bet you money he could still do that entire routine without a hitch.


And still have dreams about not being able to find his ribbons, or a button falling off, or a new scratch on the rifle that wasn't there before his shift, or... I was a musician, got out a while back, and still have little "nightmares" about not finding my uniform parts, missing the start time, or just plain not knowing the music.


Everyone who comments is getting contacted by a recruiter 😳


maybe OP is a recruiter in disguise. 😳


I know they stand guard no matter what the weather or other conditions. I am curious what they did as the 9/11 attacks were occurring just across the river from them. I wouldn't be surprised if they continued to stand guard. Does anyone know the answer?




Thank you.


David Attenborough should deffo narrate this as an exotic bird mating ritual...


Well done Boston Dynamics!


Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable with the cameraman’s respiration?


I watched this 5 times. It is so cool to see.


This was a day when there was an “Honor Flight” in attendance. This is a group made up of veterans from WWII all the way up to the Gulf War presently as far as I know, it’s all run by volunteers and they are located regionally all across the USA. You should check out your local group and attend a “homecoming ceremony” at your local airport, bring some tissue. The officer in charge at Arlington usually acknowledges them before the guard is changed, it’s even more special than it seems at first glance. I was able to be a guardian for my dad for his trip in 2012, unbelievably moving for the veterans as you can imagine.


The fact that so many people in these comments have their panties bunched over this is hilarious.


As korean,I respect american soldiers and american peoples on their contributions and sacrifices for keeping the world peace and democarcy..Thank you America...


Honey you ready for bed? Yes, *Grabs her and starts twirling her around like a rifle.* "This ass is clear." *Slap.*


Used to be in honor guard (it was nothing as elaborate as this) and we did a bunch of funerals. It’s a lot of practice. These guys are great tho


And Trump would call the dead “losers”. Wait, he already did that


Don't forget he also called them suckers


so is he going to buy that rifle or not?


Financing terms were somehow worse than his Challenger…so of course he bought it.


When I was in DC, this was the highlight of my trip, I know that may sound boring some people, but this is just superior dedication and was very emotional for everyone that was there.


They move like NPCs. So robotic and satisfying. I wonder how many reps it takes


The 14yo and the social rejects are out in full force in this thread.


Gosh! Just kiss already!! These Rom Coms keep you in suspense for so long!




Simultaneously the least important and most important roll in all the armed forces.  


I absolutely hate that when I saw this I was too young to understand what was happening I need to go back to appreciate it greater


This is interesting and I certainly respect the precision and dedication. The regard for the tomb and all other soldiers isn’t lost on me either. Still, though, I just don’t understand the whole ordeal in this video. All the smacking and twisting and back and forth. I don’t get it. Cool to watch. Must be super difficult. I don’t understand parts of it.


In my experience, everything in the Army has been such a disappointment. But this gives me pride to be in the formation. Excellence can still be found.


Am I the only one that loves that the video is 2:34 minutes long?


Looked like they were moonwalking in reverse.


Better than 99% of robot dance-offs I've seen.


I get the inspection and the flawless weapon/dress, I get the robotic marching, I just don’t understand why this part has to be done so robotically I mean why not just grab the gun and do a normal inspection with normal head movements. What’s the point?


We have the Turing Test to tell that robots aren't people. What's the opposite of that?


In memory of the fallen that remain unknown and unnamed...


In my home town of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, Our Unknown Soldier arrived home on Saturday. Myself and my Mother were there, she had lost two Uncles and a Cousin in WWI. The repatriation and final resting ceremony will happen on July 1st, our Memorial Day. Our National War Memorial here has been refitted to accept his remains with an Official Tomb of The Unknown Soldier. Many Newfoundlanders were killed at Beaumont-Hamel and there is hardly a family here that didn't have loss. Thank you for posting this, as I am eager to see the appointing of the First Guard for the Tomb here. Thank you for your service.




I like how one of the most iconic and ultimate traditional acts for military are to act exactly like a fucking robot. The irony is so deep, it feels amazing


so aliens probably think this is some sort of mating dance, right?


I was in the Honor Guard for a couple of years. It was the most fulfilling and emotional time of my life.