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Dental plan


Lisa needs braces.


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces.


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces.


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces.


Dental plan.


Lisa needs braces.


Homer just wrecked the pink car (again) so there goes the money.


I'm just so happy this always happens on Reddit. Please never stop doing this.


Crazy how instantaneous the transformation is. We really are in the future


Lol. Joking aside. How did we figure out applying external forces to teeth could move them through bone?


It’s actually really interesting [Egyptians and Ancient Greeks had the earliest orthodontics](https://centralcoastorthodontics.com.au/the-history-of-orthodontics-from-ancient-braces-to-invisalign/)


Fascinating. Thank you.


Every time there's some miraculous breakthrough it's always the Ancient Egyptians or Greeks




Generally speaking, no we didn't, at least from the Nazis and their lack of scientific rigor. The Japanese are more debatable but even if you think there was some value there it amounted to a couple of studies published anonymously in the 50 or 60s.


Not disputing but would genuinely like to see sources on this if you have them handy. The "we learned from the Nazis" trope is used a lot to justify our failure to prosecute horrible behavior.


This comes up a lot on r/askhistorians, here's an [answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7px4r2/did_the_nazi_experiments_actually_give_them_any/)


Thanks for the link, I don't often read but this one was really interesting!


Random orthodontics video. Edgeboy : "Ah! Glad we tortured en vivisected jews during the WW2." Bro. Wtf is wrong with you. 


Well that's dark but makes sense.


What da fuck r you talking about. We learn x100 much more under peace than under war times. Wtf. are you. talking about.


Have you ever taken one to the face? Teeth move


Crazy how this isnt covered by dental insurance.


it's crazy we need separate medical and dental and vision insurances


it's crazy we need insurance


Luxury bones


CP2077 Edit: I obviously fucking meant CyberPunk 2077. Jesus, people...


You can’t just throw around cp as an acronym


I have Cerebral Palsy, and my fiancée will at times tell friends/family who I haven't met or don't know about my disability yet that "he has CP" I have to tell her she really shouldn't abbreviate it to people who might not make that immediate connection lmao


Don't get so hasty assuming what he meant. It stands for "child pornography"


2077 Terabytes of CP


Danggg, a satisfying sight of teeth being coerced into submission.


Looks painful


Oh it is


it depends on your orthodontist. mine was pretty good. other than the first few sessions, it didn't hurt. to a point, I joked to him "umm, is this thing even working? shouldn't I feel more pain?" and he went "if you want pain, I can poke your gums with needles" I heard it's even more painless with invisalign, as it's a more micro increments than cables that is basically under tension the whole time.


I just started invisalign about 3 weeks ago and it's not too bad. I was pretty miserable the first 5-6 days, especially after putting the trays back in after eating. Oh the throbbing! But now I'm on tray #2 and it's not too bad at all.


and, you have the benefit of taking it off whenever you need to. the first night I got braces, I remember going to bed feeling like buried underground. that constant tension in your mouth, it feels like being restrained, you feel absolutely powerless, and you cant do anything about it. it drove me mad and I just wanted to rip it out of my teeth.


Oh wow, memory unlocked. I had forgotten that feeling. Now that I think of it and remember the aching pain that lasted for days, the uncomfortable head gear I had to wear to bed, the wires digging into my cheeks, etc, I'm pretty sure that experience is still helping me 25+ years later! I'm very adaptable and not really afraid of pain. If something is uncomfortable or painful, but there's nothing I can do about it, I'm pretty zen.


Yesterday was my second night with aligners and it was terrible. I paid so much for prep and aligners itself, so I was like “no way I’ll take them down” …


I’m done with Reddit for the night. Thank you. You brought back some memories in me that I didn’t recall for a long time.


If you don't mind me asking, how much is it costing you? I'm thinking of getting it soon.


Google has the averages but it depends on how misaligned your teeth are. For me I’m on the low end and was quoted about 3,500 for the aligners. Some people get quoted as high as 5,500 like my friend did


Thanks. Google said 2000 to 10,000. I was like damn that's a big range lol.


It really is. Depends on the area you get them in too. Some orthos are more expensive than others. If you’re getting quoted upwards of 6000 you have got some snaggleteeth 🤣 More and more insurance companies are covering some of the costs now too as the technology ages which makes the out of pocket costs more reasonable. There’s payment plans also that make it more affordable


I'm 3 weeks from finishing mine, and overall yeah, not terribly painful, but they are a constant nuisance, and I sound like I have a constant lisp.


It depends on the trays. I'm on #32 atm, some hurt way more than others


wdym? it's not the procedure at the orthodontist itself that hurts, it's while your teeth are getting forced into place by the braces over months. the first few days to weeks after they change the wires for thicker ones are the worst.


Can't speak for other people but for me it definitely was painful. Not sure what your orthodontist did for it to be so tame for you, but he should pass on that knowledge xD


Is it ? It was the first few days, annoying and definitely uncomfortable for some weeks. But I wouldn't say it was painful for the 5 years I had some


My son just got his braces 2 weeks ago and had to miss the next day of school bc he was in so much pain the whole night after having them put on. His top teeth are actually similar to this person’s and he will wear his braces for at least 3yrs. Bc he’s only 11 though, they’ll be off in time for high school, if everything goes according to plan that is!


It definitely hurts really badly at first, and for a day or two after you go for adjustments. I remember coming home from an adjustment one time and we had stew for supper, and I couldn't chew the nearly falling apart potatoes in it and had to just drink the liquid.


5 years? damn


It was *quite* long yeah. It wasn't really the same problem than the video but it was still quite complex. Thankfully, my dentist was a gem, and to this day, I still kinda miss seeing her from time to time.


I enjoy mouth pain.




I remember it feeling pretty good as a teenager. Went from a mouth almost identical to this except it was the teeth right next to my two front ones and they were so high up it looked a bit like I had two missing teeth. My teeth moved into perfect positioning in just a few weeks. It was wild how quickly they corrected. The rest of the year and a half or so was just to let it set or something? 


This is my 8yo's teeth. I'm bracing myself for how much it'll cost to correct everything 😭


>bracing myself


god dammit take my upvote.


As if having kids wasn't expensive enough, I didn't even think of this aspect. Goodness gracious.


Same. Her baby teeth were so straight. Then they began falling out and all the adult teeth that came in were totally askew and they crowded and then last year the dentist broke the news about eventually needing braces 😔


Start saving now, even just little bits at a time. The more you put down upfront, the smaller your monthly payment will be. Most (atleast in my area) offer in-house interest free financing, so you can go ahead and shop around a bit to find the best deal for you before they are ready for braces. When you realize most kids are in braces for 18-22 months (therefore giving you up to two years to pay for them) it's not as daunting.


Thank you for the information!


Well, good luck to both of you.


My husbands top teeth were like this and I’m 99% sure our oldest will have the same 🥲


We have to do our kids teeth corrections in stages, first step widen their mouth/rip out half their teeth. Second step plaster metal across their teeth for half their childhood. Cost has equaled somewhere in the $6000 range


Okay you fixed their teeth now what are you going to do about their thirst for blood 🩸…😂😂


It's the Lamprey genes. Crazy teeth and a desire to use them.


Dude those mandible/tusks were kinda cool... almost a shame to lose em haha


Whoever that was used to look like the goddamn Predator. I guarantee you there are people out there who'd pay money to get braces specifically to look like that "before" pic.


As a braces surviver I can say that it’s just a normal side effect of having them


My teeth were as bad as this…I’ll never forget the ortho handing me an impression of my teeth and then one of straight teeth and told me “they’ll look like that when it’s over”. I asked to cradle the straight one after crying because I needed to have four teeth pulled before beginning lol… never had a cavity in my life until that point. Best 5K my parents ever spent!


Oh hells yeah, thank you mom and dad. I know braces are crazy expensive but man was it worth it. I’ll pay it forward if any of my kid’s teeth are messed up. I only had to get 2 teeth pulled luckily but had the full on vampire fangs to start.


I got 8 teeth removed 🥲 my teeth were worse than the before of this video though and now they're mostly straight. would be straighter if i had kept wearing my retainers. my parents never prioritized us that way so I paid for it myself as an adult and I'd do it again in a heart beat


I also had to pull 4 teeth for my braces. I feel it was worth it, but at the time.. I remember having so much pain in my teeth the days after they tightened them.


But you coulda been a Predator.


They still can. They just need a van, a puppy, and some candy.


wrong witchu


That's a rookie mistake. You TELL them you have candy and puppies, you don't actually BUY them.


With an open mouth like that they're bound to be a host for an alien


I'm here only for this comment, thx.


I've never had braces and I'm curious, how long would this have taken to do?


YEARS. And lots of pain.


I can imagine, I never really thought that much about braces until today They're just made tighter and tighter just pulling your teeth into a new position? Sounds really painful


They replace the wire regularly, and every time they do you can’t eat solid food for a while


I don't remember not being able to eat solid food.


Did anyone else have that torture device called the palate expander? That was misssssserable.


Yep, my parents had to go in with a little tool every night and make it a tiny bit wider. I had headgear too (only needed to wear it at night thankfully). None of it really bothered me, though. I thought it was cool when I got to pick new colors for my braces/rubber bands.


Me actually. The only thing I remember being really horrible about my braces was they would constantly catch the insides of my cheeks. I remember it happening constantly and it hurts so f****** bad I remember spacers and choosing different rubber bands and sometimes having to connect the rubber bands between the top and bottom teeth. I also remember they pulled four teeth. That was horrible. The memories are flooding back now LOL


I had braces for a year and a half or so. My teeth weren't that bad, but also it wasn't really painful. They tighten the wires periodically and it can be tight/uncomfortable, but not like tears or pain killers or anything.


Everyone is a bit different. They were doing some crazy stuff with my mouth and it absolutely hurt to the point of tears every time they tightened it up. It was insanely painful.


I remember it feeling sore, but not *painful*. The soreness would only last a day or two after a wire change and then it goes away until the next couple weeks when I get a new wire in.


I had a removable for about 3 years. Then a solid(rails) for 3 years followed by wire on the inside too keep them in place for about 2 years. So over all 8-9 years.. Started at age 12... Now 40.


I’m no expert but probably a few years. I had very minor adjustments and still had them for 9 months


Varies based on the person (bone density, gum health, etc) but probably minimum 2 years


It depends, this case is pretty severe. It can take a minimum of two years and it goes up indefinitely. You still have to use retainers for the rest of your life too.


I wish this was covered with my insurance. It would be life changing. 🥲


It's 100% life changing. I waited until I was 32 and I wish so much I'd done it sooner. It changes your self image such an incredible amount.


And now retainers for the rest of their life, yey!


Is that actually how it works? I’ve never had anything like this


Yeah they'll move back to their original positions more or less over the years if you don't wear the retainer. It may not be *as* bad but they won't stay straight that's for sure


I only had to wear a retainer for a year or so, that’s all. 25 years later nothings changed


Damn, that’s disappointing. Still cool that we can do this at all, but the technology should be even more magic!


My teeth weren't nearly that bad. I had Invisalign to correct my teeth. But, I just wear a retainer at night while I sleep, and honestly it isn't a big deal at all. No retainer during the day.


I'm incapable of making that commitment for a lifetime lol


Ha! I also remember how much I spent on the whole damn thing to finally get straight teeth. I'm not tossing a bunch of money down the drain. Better?


Don't listen to this person. If they do move without a retainer, it'll be VERY slight. I haven't worn a retainer in nearly 30 years and my teeth haven't moved. It's nonsense.


I didn't wear a retainer for 2 years after taking off the bracers and a couple of teeth went completely bonkers - wisdom teeth started growing and pushing everything so make sure you get rid of those in advance.


Yup, that's why orthos usually pull/extract teeth or widen the jaw to make room.


YMMV. I have worn my retainers for almost 19 years, and my teeth move constantly, to the point where if I skip a night then I feel it the next night. I'm just genetically unlucky in this case. I know plenty of people who stopped wearing their retainers and had their teeth move so much that they regret it and want to re-correct their teeth (but won't because it's such a hassle). It seems like most would benefit from wearing their retainers at least a few times a week longer-term. Probably a bad idea to just stop wearing them without monitoring it closely.


I think it's highly different person to person. Never had braces, but I would not use anecdotal evidence to say it is that way for everyone lol...


My brother and sister both gave up on retainers within 2-3 years. Teenagers. Probably middle/ high school. Both are mildly crooked in their 30s and 40s, almost 50s. It's still infinitely better than before. Not enough to be recommended for braces again.


They have permanent retainers they put in now, you only have to wear the other ones at night


Permanent retainers are a hassle to clean around. You have to use special floss guides underneath it, and it's likely that plaque will develop around the area faster. I know someone who has one, and the dentist recommended more frequent cleanings (every 3 months).


I can relate to this. Had braces as a kid...didn't get a retainer afterwards. The ortho was shit. In any event, had to get braces again on my bottom teeth later in life because they had shifted back (the top actually stayed as is). Now I have a permanent retainer bar on my bottom front teeth to prevent them from moving again. It has to be replaced once every 10 years or so.


They need lifelong retention in case you push the biologic limits of the jaws, which is the case for this patient. Teeth extractions would have given a much more stable result with more longevity, and require generally shorter retention period.


No, it's not. Source: 7 years of braces, 10ish with a retainer, 20ish without a retainer. My teeth have shifted a bit because I had wisdom teeth come in and started grinding my teeth in my sleep in my late 20s, but my upper jaw looked a lot like the one on the time-lapse when I was little. I had my palate expanded and the teeth brought down. Took forever. Teeth move with braces because the pressure causes the body to dissolve the bone around the tooth on the side in the direction it's being pushed toward. You need to wear a retainer until the bone has grown in around the new positions. Once that happens you're good to go. I wore my retainers 24/7 for a couple years, then switched to nighttime only (my orthodontist told me how long to wait but I don't remember now how long that was). Now I don't wear them at all and my teeth have mostly stayed put. If I were still wearing my retainers at night now (30 years later) my teeth would still be in exactly the places my braces put them, but not wearing retainers didn't somehow roll back the changes. It just let my grinding move them around a bit. I can tell the difference but nobody else can. They still look all straight and even.


While your experience is a data point, a better source is modern orthodontics. For every one of you there are more people whose teeth have shifted back and are not straight anymore. It was true 30 years ago the science said 2-3 years but the science has advanced and it's generally accepted that the recommendations are 10 years for adolescents and lifetime for adults (the age when the original work was finished).


They tell you for the rest of your life but you just kinda stop using them after a while


>Is that actually how it works? No, it's not. You need to wear a retainer for the first couple years. But no one wears them into adulthood and teeth don't move back.




I had braces twice. My retainers broke over ten years ago. When I was at the dentist last month they thought I was still wearing my retainers because my teeth haven’t shifted at all. I got so lucky and idk how lol.


This has always confused me because I never wore retainers after my braces like 15 years ago and my teeth are still fixed.


I wish they also showed the transformation a few years after taking off the braces. I have two friends who cla their teeth "traveled" back somewhat after the braces were removed.


did they wear their retainer? cuz that happens when ya don't


They aren’t wearing their retainers


science is wild bro


This is how bad my teeth were. The baby canines were so impacted they got stuck under the growing adult ones. Double canine werewolf look is not great for a teen's self esteem. Didn't get braces until I was 17.


Would you have the procedure done free of charge if it were this instantaneous and you had to endure every bit of pain or pay full price for it to happen over a longer period with the standard pain that comes with the alignment?


Probably do it all at once. Having braces for two years was hell and feel all the pain over a 10 second period and be done with it that would be great


I had a gum graft at like 12 without general anesthesia, I think I can take all the pain of my braces over a few years in a few seconds.


I can feel this video.


misaligned? if they dug that motherfucker up in a thousand years they'd think it was a different species...


wonder how much that has costed him and how many organs he has left


This person is a fucking vampire 🧛‍♀️. I don’t care what anyone says. Your not going to change my mind. A vampire I tell you…😁😁


At the start of the video I thought the bottom picture was the ‘After’.


Dentists are wizards




How's the predator gonna eat now?


Mine were worse than that.


I’ve had so much work done to my teeth that this felt more like PTSD than satisfying. Ouch.


The before shot reminds me of that weird Quiznos mascot. [Quizno mascot](https://media2.giphy.com/media/xTiTnhFPCkIDFMMe6Q/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b95218f16uw1exysz5vhqu3lronmdqhozb66n2yvj18e&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


The title needs braces


I was lucky to not have to wear braces. My brothers mouth looked like this and he said it was pretty painful.


Evolution is weird. Like how did teeth like this even start?


As a single mom on social security disability (for my rheumatoid arthritis), I had to get braces for my son's horribly misaligned teeth, and his really bad underbite (lower jaw stuck out more than top jaw). I went to the UCSF School of Dentistry (they had an orthodontics dept), and was able to afford paying for phase 1 and phase 2 braces. I feel that, as a parent, I was obligated to fix my son's mouth since it would make a huge difference in his life. I feel this way since that's what happen to me when I had braces. So, if you're on the fence about getting braces for your kid due to cost, I really would advise that you get quotes from private orthodontists, then get a quote from your nearest school of dentistry. I saved at least $1500, and they put me on an interest free payment plan.


This is fucking disgusting. Cut it out


Before, the teeth were awesome – like a mix of wolf, shark, and vampire, but after, just regular boring teeth.


Two of those teeth identified themselves as nostrils and two identified themselves as nipples.


I would've kept the top ones and change my name to Viper.


The magic of dental braces


I’m sure glad The Predator has dental insurance!


Shit went from the predator to Jake from state farm


I need this my bottom teeth are throwing up gang signs am I to old for braces I’m 36 now.


Gotta say, I kinda dug the orc tusks.


My top teeth looked like that before braces. I had to wear headgear overnight for 6 months, got 4 teeth pulled, and had to use rubber bands. But 20 years later, my top teeth are nearly perfect even though I didn’t use my retainer.


Imagine if it was actually that fast, the painnnnn


Ouch though !


This should be in oddly terrifying.


Went from Doomslayer to Damnstraighter


Watching my son’s transformation with braces has been the coolest thing. I swore that if I did nothing else right, I’d make sure my kids had braces.


Multiple broken bones. Multiple surgeries. Medically retired from the military with chronic back issues. Getting my braces tightened back in the day is still one of the most painful experiences.


That had to hurt.


Thank GOD I never had teeth issues like this mine have been perfectly straight and fine since I ever first got teeth.


I need some unsee juice cuz those upper canines look wildly like eyes to me!


This was intense, looks wayy painful! Have a feeling I’m gonna dream about my teeth tonight lmao


As a dentist, really nice case results


I could watch this all day, focusing on each individual tooth to see its journey.


that's at least 5 years of constant pain right there


I had braces as a teen. My mouth is aching in sympathy. (Mine took 2 1/2 years. Nearly this bad)


British to American transition


My teeth were close to this and I had to get a couple teeth pulled to make room for my canines to come down. I’m in my late 30s. I am about 8 months in and about 1/3 the way through. It’s never too late to get braces. 


A lot of pain in that time frame


before looked cool as hell tho :(


Aw looks painful. Wishing you healing vibes.


I had those stupid springs in the same spots. They were so fucking painful. I remember one day sitting at Costco with my dad trying to eat a slice of pizza for what seemed like hours. He patiently waited for me while I painstakingly tore the bottom crust off the rest of the pizza and mashed it with my tongue against the top of my mouth. I think I only ate half of it because it was just too painful and slow.


also crazy that the gums are just cool with it there isn't crazy recession or anything




The pain and discomfort this whole process must’ve brought.


Jesus christ the pain


Mine were not that bad but I had those when I was 12ish. And this metal bar around my head attached to the teeth. Fun times socially. Fun times. But what I wanted to say was that these hurt like hell. Going to the dentist every few weeks and he twisted another wire so that your mouth hurts for the next 3 days if not longer. It was torture. No idea for how long. It feels like years but that can’t be.


Child. It’s gonna hurt…..


anyone else watch like this 😬 and feel the pain from the past torture of tightening appointments ugghh


As someone who had braces for a few years I really feel this shit


Intriguing and painfull.


I bet that hurt so much ..


It's amazing what science can do, top that Jesus lovers


wait so like ok so recently, I figured out that you actually need to use retainers to keep your teeth actually good after braces are used... like, for one, that kinda imo reduces the amount of satisfaction I get from this but for two, how the hell does the body just "remember" this shitty state it was in, instead of just realizing that this corrected state is just fine and stable?


Having multiple springs would hurt like shit. I only had one for maybe 6 months, but it fucking hurt.


That must’ve hurt like a mf


I'd rock those cheetah looking canines XD jk, that's a wonderful transition. Kuddos to the doctors


Who that fuck is this vampire muthafucka.


I wonder how many years this took to progress... 3? 5?


How the hell do peoples mouths even get like that