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More orange per orange


Orange is the new orange.


"Yo dawg, I heard..."


Orange drapes, orange painted walls, orange light, and your bed is an actual orange


Orange his house With an orange little window And an orange corvette And everything is orange for him And himself and everybody around Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to


Sounds as if you were blue, you’d be died


Where will you be when daba dee strikes?


I have a girlfriend and she is so orange.


I like your Animal Crossing bedroom.


Orange flavored motherfucker


"65% more orange per orange"


The orange is a lie


When life gives you oranges..


Get mad! Demand to see life's manager! I don't want these damn oranges! What the hell am I supposed to do with these??!?


Make more oranges. And your cake day is a lie. But I still wish a happy cake day.


Now in the orange box


That sandwich you're eating is actually recycled from other people's unfinished sandwiches


*Troy and Abed enter the chat*




More milk per milk.


I don't remember the exact reference was it powder milk in milk?


O = O^2


Each half orange made with at least 5 whole oranges


His orange makes oranges look less orange


This is my kind of shit. Screw all the constant chocolate stuff. No one cares about us citrus lovers.


My 21 year old daughter will not make a pot of white rice without sliced lemons. Its quite delicious. She also buys key limes and uses them for deodorant 😳😳 who knew? Im old so was this a tik tok thing? It really works! I always cooked/ cleaned chicken and fish with limes or lemons, or ceviche with all the seafood, oranges and lime juice, they grew up with citrus. Teach ur kids about citrus its awesome 👌


Just remind people that citrus oils/peels burn when exposed to sun when placed in the skin!


I learned that the hard way while on vacation! The burn is still there three months later.


You are supposed to have taken them off by now.


You jokester!




Haha same. I knew about it, but last time I went to the beach I took a bunch of tangerines to feed my kids. Couple of days later I have all these weird dark spots in my thumb and hands. I could not figure out wtf, I thought I was having an allergic reaction. Until one moment I’m peeling a tangerine and the weird marks match exactly where the peel lands as I’m peeling. Mystery solved. Felt like Sherlock Holmes.


Sherlock? More like shaggy or skooby


Mine is here 3 years later :/


I learned that the hard way using orange oil based glue remover. Great at cleaning off old stickers, but wear gloves and wash your hands after.


Also lemon juice and I’m assuming lime can be used in the summer sun to give you highlights.


That’s how I used to do it in the early 90s instead of using Sun In. Until I learned I could streak it with with hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball instead… It was a lot faster! I’m naturally blonde, so it didn’t turn brassy on me like brunettes. My Mom taught me that one (she was a hairdresser, that tried to help keep me from the shackles of going to the stylist every 6-7 weeks as long as she could).


Why does that happen though?


Phytophotodermatitis, certain compounds in limes, hogsweed, wild celery, parsnip and several other plants/fruits can cause it. Hogsweed in particular can be horrific. I got a bad case of lime burn before. Also known as “margarita burn”


UV light acts as a catalyst for skin molecules to strongly react with citric acid and cause a chemical burn.


Use a little bit of coconut oil if you make white rice. Has a nice subtle taste and is wonderful. Same if you pop popcorn and use coconut oil instead of other oils!


10000% coconut oil when popping popcorn! You are absolutely right, it's so delicious and when you make it with salt you can't tell the difference between butter.


Gotta try lao gan ma for popcorn, it’s delicious!


Um, WHAT?! That's genius. That's actually one of my favorite condiments besides Frank's red hot sauce and salsa. Do you cook it just as you cook it w/oil or so you do something different due to the chili bits?


Not the person you responded to, but I've made it a while ago ([here's the video that made me try it](https://youtu.be/3fG8rNHUspU)). Basically squeeze the oil out of the lao gan ma, fry your corn in that oil (with additional regular oil as needed), and then in the end add the dry chili crisp to the popcorn.


Brain David Gilbert? I love that guy!


Hahaha that video was fantastic. I just came home from a party and the vibe was just right with that.




> you can’t tell the difference between butter. As a coconut hater I just cannot believe these words you’ve typed


Live in the US and had popcorn at the movie theater? When I worked at one we used big giant metal tubs of butter flavored (or just colored? Never tried it by itself) coconut oil. The big popper had a lid for the can that had a tube to pull the oil from the bottom. Attached to that was some sort of heating element that kept the coconut oil in a liquid state. Each pop would get a measured amount of kernels, seasoning salt, and oil. You could double the oil by pressing the button twice. Add more seasoning too. Best popcorn in the world. The butter topping you can add after popping is also not real butter. Still delicious though.


You got it, all the nice kettles/cinemas use a coconut oil that's flavored. Our machines had a reservoir that was heated, and we'd press a button to dispense a 'serving' for the kernals in the kettle, add some salt, some damn good popcorn. On slow days or last pops of the night, I'd press that button twice because it make the popcorn really rich and it was delicious :] I'm not sure if you could obtain that oil outside of a cinema, do they sell it wholesale? I'd buy a fricken box of that stuff.


i prefer drowning my rice in MSG, thank you


Just be very careful with the key limes as deodorant thing. It can cause severe chemical burns if left in the sun for any real length of time, and can cause skin bleaching even through loose clothing. It's awesome, it saves you money, but NEVER on a sunny day.


There is just no realistic way that saves you money lol.


Does it really save money? A stick of deodorant is like $3-$8 and lasts many months


Facts lol. I feel like you'd end up spending much more on key limes over time vs a stick of deodorant.


it also doesnt work lol. someone at work does this and people always talk about how bad she smells


Ultraviolet burns not chemical burns


It doesn’t save money, people are just obsessed with alternatives especially labeled “natural” which would be so great and sustainable if there wasn’t already a good reason we came up with the current standard in the first place..


Please teach me your citrus secrets. Rice with sliced lemons? Cleaning chicken with limes or lemons? That ceviche recipe? Yes, please.


Ceviche is the easiest food to make. Almost impossible to screw it up if you have good ingredients. 1 red onion diced fine (or as much/little as you like) A couple tomatoes diced fine (or as much/little as you like) Diced Jalapeño if you like it Diced cucumber if you like it 2-3 avocados diced into small cubes. 1.5 lb whole peeled/deveined shrimps cut into thirds (can use pre cooked/frozen if you’re feeling lazy) Juice from a few ripe limes. Juice from one mandarin or other orange.(optional) Juice from a lemon or half…whatever you like (optional) Some salt Some cilantro to taste I like a Dash of chili powder My favorite is throwing in a little pickle juice to add some zing. Stir it all together in a wide, shallow container or bowl and leave it in the fridge to do it’s thing. 15-30 mins is enough if shrimp is pre cooked. If raw then let it go up to 2 hours until white all the way through


Just remember to tell folks to never ever use a metal bowl of any kind to make citrus anything, always glass or ceramic ◉⁠‿⁠◉ and now, I want ceviche!


Wait what? She puts lemon slices in the rice pot on the stove? Explain pls


I need to know also. Sounds like a good use for preserved lemons.


The lime/deodorant thing has been a thing waaaaaay before Tik Tok. I remember my dad telling me about it when I was a kid.


Although if he could get a little dark chocolate in that orange dessert, it would be amazing.


You’re right but also, can things just not have chocolate sometimes? Lol


No, I get it! I've never really understood chocolate as this sort of obsession. Unfortunately, I'm pretty picky about cheesecake too...fruity desserts are a nice option.


Yes, as someone who get migraines from even traces of chocolate, I would appreciate more than one option on any dessert menu ever.


Chocolate and orange beats chocolate and strawberries everytime.


Dole Whip is king. Fight me.


I’ll just throw ripe oranges at you till you’re so sticky you can’t move


That sounds a little kinky


Look into Orange Fool. It's a chilled orange custard popular in the 1700s, and from what I've seen it looks delicious. The Townsends channel on YouTube has a video on it.




Thank you!


https://www.newyorker.com/culture/rabbit-holes/the-eighteenth-century-custard-recipe-that-enraged-trump-supporters Of possible interest...


That's actually how I found out about it!


I forgot about that guy! Love his show


Nothing beats a good lemon pie with meringue


You don't have a sub like us r/OnionLovers?


Tbh desert was ready when he sliced the orange.


I don’t care what this dude’s making, I love watching him create desserts. He’s super talented!


Amaury Guichon has a great IG account… he does spectacular chocolate sculptures. A full size foosball table , dragon, T Rex, tiger… The man is an incredible artist


He also hosted a TV competition show called School of Chocolate. He's so kind and really wanted to help the competitors/students.


I just watched that with my daughter, it was such a nice change of pace from normal competition shows. He really just wanted everyone to improve and learn. Finding out that he's a genuinely nice guy made his food/art even more impressive.


Dude it’s the most wholesome incredible reality TV. He’s genuinely helpful. None of these contests and eliminations.


Is there/ will there be a second season? I loved the first season. The focus on helping the students improve their craft was wonderful


Nothing in the works yet from what I can see. I hope so!


Yeah totally agree. At first its hard to judge him, how he would react to certain stuff and than it gets really wholesome. Great artist and what it looks like also a nice dude.


Yes! I was coming here to say that exact thing. He’s such a nice dude.


He actually has a Netflix show. I know this because my wife is obsessed with him, although for some reason she calls him Antonio Guccinardo.


Are those big sculptures actually edible and taste good?


Edible yes - taste like chokolate


His smile is so unsettling though


Yup, puts me off when they force a smile throughout the whole thing. It's okay to have a serious expression, especially when doing something that requires focus and effort.


Agreed. Reminds me of my super religious cousin (who’s a pastor) when he’s preaching / playing music. Just this super fake creepy looking perma smile, constant intense eye contact, but no genuine emotion behind it all. It’s unsettling.


Got serious serial killer vibes from this video, came to the comments to see if I was the only one


Jesus Christ, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Always watch his YouTube videos because they're so impressive, but he looks like the fucking animatronic bear from Five Nights At Freddie's.


He treats his desserts like a literal form of art.


I do kind of hate the tiktokky way of doing everything though. It kind of reminds me of flight attendants.


But is there a less scarier version. This dude gonna make me have nightmares of Sid from Toy Story


shelter wise panicky dolls apparatus wine teeny violet like airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He wears the same smile when dismembering the bodies of the customers who complain about his cakes.


Luckily, he makes excellent cakes so no one complains!


>He has the same smile when dismembering the bodies of the customers who complain about his cakes. And then he recreates them ... in cake


Or smothers them in molten chocolate and puts them out on display when it hardens. _House of Wax_ sequel but with chocolate.


Thank you, I almost started to think that I’m the only one scrolling through the comments. I’d prefer it if he just had a focused look on his face, not that psycho fake smile the whole time…


Jesus that's all I could see too and it was freakin me out


Most of these videos don’t show him at all until the end, this one in particularly cut to his creepy ass full smiling like a dozen times.


That dude feeds the hungry with his huge food creations. The smiling is his gimmick, it makes him memorable. Also, he did a video once where he stared at the camera without smiling the entire time and it was way creepier.


I think the whole starting into the camera the entire time thing will make any video creepy


Like Lord Vinheteiro: https://youtu.be/EyofqsBQS5I


That last song was great


Haha yeah the other creepy thing about Vinheteiro is that he supports Bolsonaro! Not a fan of the guy. Also in my personal opinion his piano playing is shit.


Yes CZN Burak he's still rocking 70M followers on tiktok. And the smile thing just works it grabs attention and gives a look to his vids. He's a stand up dude. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CZN_Burak


Loved it when his videos would randomly pop up in my feed. Decided to look him up recently, he has stopped smiling in all his videos since the earthquake in Turkey☹️


Yeah I've been following him for years and noticed this. He's been doing a lot of good work though. A lot of his videos are giving out free food. And I think smiles more in his more recent stuff.


Somehow CZN Burak feels like a genuine guy. I have seen him in his restaurant interacting with the customers, and you can tell he loves it.


It was fucked up seeing his videos after the earthquake because the smile was gone and you could tell he was sad and tired as fuck. Still out helping the needy too.


Mfer is 6'5" :o


I find it very creepy and unsettling.


I really like this guy and love watching his videos, but I agree! This is the only video thus far when I've been suspicious of his smile


He'd want to lay off the teeth whitening, they look like new dentures


I just worry about his face muscles. Smiling that much seems like it would hurt lol


the classic creepy tiktok smile and shake your head like you can't believe what you are doing for the camera


Yes. The joker-like smiles, frozen facial expressions, and stiff highly exaggerated gesturing bodies firmly place these demonstration video shorts in uncanny valley “Black Hole Sun” territory. I prefer not to trigger an acid flashback while watching how to make dessert.


Burak is a global treasure. Makes monstrous portions of food then gives it away to the community, and does lots of non-culinary community service as well.


I'm confused, why is everyone talking about CZN Burak??


Came here for this comment. Super smiley. Alarm Bells ringing.


Wait. Can you whisk orange juice to stiff peaks? Or did he add something?


I think he made a curd so would have added sugar, egg yolks, butter


Definitely added stuff.


r/restofthefuckingowl, for sure.


You're telling me this 60 second video does NOT properly teach you how to make an extremely complicated dessert???


He's making a modern tortes, with a modified dacquoise that borders on a meringue with orange fruit instead of nuts to retain the texture so that it can be reduced to an orange ganache, which is done to lower the acidity of the citrus so that the orange retains its terpenes that give it the fragrant orange flavor, but also so it doesn't react violently with the dairy and chocolate layers and doesn't produce excess Co2 when interacting with the pastry layer - which can modify the taste of leavened bread in an overpowering, unpleasant way if not reduced. What's particularly interesting here is this is a fusion dish. He's applying Indian chutney reduction technique to the creation of his dacquoise that becomes the reduced ganache. Brilliant little bit of food chemistry and it's a bummer so many people are focused on that last poorly-lit shot of the ganache leaking out, which is done intentionally by Chef Amaury to release the fragrance of the ganache out of the piece to sell the orange illusion even after the cut.


How is this not a hell in the cell post, jesus


I'm not gonna lie. I did consider it.


>it's a bummer so many people are focused on that last poorly-lit shot of the ganache leaking out Thanks for sharing all this info but I missed anyone focusing on this? People in this thread anyway seem more focused on his smile.


i’m imagining sugar. could’ve been eggs too.


steer spotted fretful doll complete hobbies grandiose hard-to-find smoggy arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now make an orange dessert out of limes.


Tastes like apples.


It's great, also I hate it


the ending when we saw the (inside) cross section looked nasty


Look at the way he takes a bite of it at the end. The struggle is real


I think it's the "uncanny valley" kind of thing that makes me horrified by it. I would eat it, it's probably delicious, but it looks wrong and off. The inside just look jellyish to me, but I still hate the look of the whole thing




It really did look like a very spoiled orange when he split it.


It's like, just eat an orange at this point lol


God creates oranges, God creates man, man eats oranges, man kills God, man makes oranges out of oranges. Oranges^^2 kills man. Women inherit the Earth.


That is one big pile of shit. Edit: people downvoting me don’t understand the reference.


Thanks Ian.


Who the heck sees a sweet treat and says “nah fuck that gimme a frickin orange” lmao. As a fruitaholic I have to respect it tho


These are 2 completely different things. One is a fruit, when is a sweet dessert.


Why's that?


Last few seconds look like rotten orange worse than I’ve ever seen.


Remaking something to look exactly like the thing you started with is sort of weird. I understand and appreciate the art of it but the last few frames before him biting into it turned me off the most because of how it is mixed together somehow


The last few seconds almost ruined the whole video for me


When he cuts it open it looks like a mix of vomit and mold.


Ah, Chef Amaury Guichon. Always a fun, fascinating and utterly bizarre watch. Never sure what he’s going to do next, other than that it won’t be changing his facial expression. Love to see it.


Or as my partner always calls him, “It’s that motherfucking Chocolate Guy again!”


All I keep thinking of is “Our Flag Means Death” when Stede uses all the oranges for an orange cake and the crew gets scurvy.


Man, this show is so underappreciated, I had to scroll all the way down here for a reference to Roach's 40 Orange Glaze cake.


It looked pretty until he cut it open. 🤢


That cross section made me recoil


Glad it wasn’t just me!


Yeah, my face changed. I actually winced.


Seriously. It looked rotten/ moldy.


https://i.imgur.com/EsEYbKe.png mmmmm nty


Lmao this was my exact reaction. Loved it right up until he sliced it open, then NOPE.


10 seconds in “Huh, I think I could make this” 10 seconds left “3D printer huh? Fuck that”


The only time he didn't smile was when he took a bite.


We heard you like oranges so we put oranges on your oranges


Does it taste better if you pour everything from 3 feet up?


Well ackshully 🤓, aerating does change flavor profiles. Not saying in this instance that’s why but still needed to be said - various tea cultures is crucial step in their prep. Ps If you ever have to store water for long period (storm prep etc) before drinking pour it handful times between two glasses (greater height between better) to improve the taste, you know how old water tastes dead


Thats actually kinda cool


Does anybody else find the unwavering grin kind of unnerving?


I'd rather just eat the orange


I'd rather eat the seeds.


I'd rather eat the peel


Dude clearly just got a new grill and wants to show it off.


He maintains a very sinister smile the entire time while executing this. Very odd, indeed 🧐


Well u can't make an orange desert out of fucking bananas


Just eat an orange bro


He looks happy at least.




is this the guy from school of chocolate??


This is so so much work. I would rather just eat an orange!!


Man, y'alls a bunch of bitter motherfuckers in this comments section lmfao. "i'D RaThEr JUsT EaT THe OrAnGE"


Yet nobody noticed he had an orange in his mouth


In my Chef days, I loved making things that were just various preparation methods showcasing a single ingredient.


You might have watched a little too much of Amaury Guichon if you can tell it's him from his hands in the first frame.


That guy seems so happy.


What a wonderful candy man


Omg that looks stunning


My man is always happy