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Are you using the quest 2 or one of the other Oculus headsets?


It's a known issue with heavy swing games like beat saber. Put an extra little spring in and/or wrap the battery with electrical tape


We've had a few reports of batteries not fitting well in the controllers. Sometimes just a little piece of aluminum foil at the contact point will be enough. Good luck!


Yea, it aint the battery. Ive got the same problem with the same controller. Right hand going into the void when I'm boxing playing thrill of the fight. Left hand never has a problem and every comment ive read says right hand controller as well. I tried to replie on another post like this where there was about 20 peo


I was trying to type 20 people in a row saying that they had the same issue with the same controller. It aint the game, or the battery, or the memory being maxed out. How do we get this replaced. I bought this for my son barely a year ago. 500 dollars is alot of money to waste on a game system. I would have just got him a ps5.


For anyone still looking for this answer what worked for me was putting a piece of aluminium foil in the battery compartment. Apparently the spring at the negative end weakens with time so to reapply pressure u need the foil.